
Mmorpg: Unity

The world has final reached a point where technology is so advanced, that it will become indistinguishable from magic. Jion Shaka as travels the world of Unity and becomes the Solar systems most powerful being. Then one day the war broke and everything change our Mmorpg became real!

Sgt_Caeser · Kỳ huyễn
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76 Chs

Beware My Power

[Shortly After The Minotaur Attack]

Julee is once more appreciating the view as Shaka is lost in a sea of thought. She is captivated by his form in all its glory, His hammer strike would shake his firm muscles the sweat made his whole body glisten, his glow was like a lure to her, she had noticed on the second night in Me that Shaka always has a faint glow, at first she thought it was just her imagination however the more she looked the more she saw. Everyday she would find something new to gawk at to satisfy her appetite. Right now in particular his glow was brighter, to the point everyone could see it.

"Sir, uhm, are you okay? Your really shiny like on fire almost" Julee could not even touch him as he was actually psychically hot.

Shaka was frozen his divinity ignited, it was growing brighter and hotter, Julee had called out to him to no response. She was panicked but so were all the others no one knew what to do. Shaka collapses as his whole body radiates the mythical energy, Roger suggests "We should get in formation if another creature detects this they might attack, I don't want us to be caught off guard again. Lets prove our usefulness as leader needs us to protect him."

[In an unknown realm]

'Sir as you guessed one of the new Gods is showing up when do you wish us to collect him"

a deamon was stained with blood all over him was asking the ether in a hoarse voice the ether flicked "As you wish my Lord." The Daemon left.

The group all fell into a defensive formation around the frozen Shaka, Shaka thou was battling the miasma in his god space, a sort of mini world created by his Divinity. Inside Shaka is back to his normal self, his self image is still of the earth version of him. His mini space is also quite lacking save for a tree with roots the size of logs. Shaka is stand in front of his tree defending it from a red fog that when it touches the tree it hurts him, and corrodes the tree.

Shaka has tried everything he can think of as the fog is melting his tree, his pain is growing and growing, he cant stop it at all it is immune to punches and kicks. Shaka is truly in a bind he fell himself fading as the fog attacks the tree. In his current state, of distress Shaka hopes with every bit of his soul to have a fire.

Shaka opens his eyes as a women is standing next to his tree that has fruit of burning in the colors of his shine, She moves without walking, he knows her he has seen her since his time on earth, she is prime A.I., on Lumeria she is more, she is all, her touch conveys to him "This is a one time intervention, one her part, as a baby god he has unlimited power, even now his divinity is enough to destroy the world and then some. He must learn to control it, if he does not they will have to step in themselves and kill him. The exercise is a technique that will give him access to one percent of his Divinity as long as he performs the exercise regularly he should be able to access more and his control will also be better. Shaka expand your mind, hone yourself every aspect of it, master the way of creation your power lies within, without it your enemies will be the death of you beware the Death god.

Shaka is once again in his god space the miasma slowly fading away from the space, as he is slowly being pulled out of the space, his Divinity slowly fading back to its normal form. "Why am i so unlucky the visit from Oshun did not even get a small blessing, i was but this is also caused by the Gods and i did not even ask for that. Rain i just want to see Rain."

Travis was the first to awaken he felt more powerful the purge of the miasma, he check on each of the troop including Shaka they all looked perfectly healthy. Julee did her best to make it look like she was not worried. Roger and Vusi had moved to a vantage point to make sure that no new enemies are approaching, while Ahiman and Linga made sure the goods were properly accounted for, in the past three days the collection of raw materials that they had procured was quite large.

When Shaka awoke he gathered all the men, he was feeling weird mostly guilt and tinge of anger, he sat everyone down and thought of where to begin " I am sorry about everything that happened today [waves his hand silencing them, he could feel what they are feeling], i was careless with all our lives." Shaka knew that what would follow would be a hard time since using his Divinity is essentially a beacon to his enemies his main source of power had been effectively cut off from him. He would have to take Oshun's advice and put all his effort into becoming a creator.

Travis was the first to " I think can speak for all of when i say that was the most thrilling thing to ever happen to us, we have heard stories of the kinds of monsters and glory that can be expected, however how i feel today is more than that. These people here under your leadership we have become more for the first time in a long I feel like we are part of something and I wish it to see it through under your leadership. We will accept your apology if you continue to lead us." The eyes of all the troops watered slighty Travis had hit on a deeper trauma that Shaka was saving them from.

"If you can accept a poor man like me as your leader I will be more than glad to bring you on this journey." Shaka and his troops had taken a first step in them becoming his followers and want that really meant they would all soon find out. The mission from Shay was proving truly uneventful no special monsters had been detected at all as of yet, this week proved that the only fruit of their labor that they can expect is probably from forging of materials. Shaka had been practicing most of the day on runes, as he had hit a small road block on his black smithing. The rune crafting section in his tome was truly extensive. These runes according to the tome are some of the oldest and most difficult to learn, plus the added bonus of being the most adaptable runes, if he mastered them he could mix and match runes well. These pages were written by a man who spent his dying days translating the only known work of Runatyr.

The runes looked like Geʽez, Shaka would have to spend a lot of time learning each and every single rune, more importantly the carving method. To draw the runes also needed to time to master however at least the Healing Rune, Shield Rune, Augmentation Rune and Movement Rune are all in the first level of Rune Sculpting. They can be used pretty much from the beginning he just needed to figure out further empower them.

A key component of his effort will be in focusing his willpower the teaching of the master from the tome, willpower had a direct correlation to how effective a rune would be. Willpower serves as the "glue" between the power of the rune and mana. Mana determines how powerful a rune is willpower then converts that mana into rune power which then creates the named force. A good example is a shield a rune that has poor willpower will only make a wobbly shield, however a rune crafted with a person with strong willpower can make a tower shield with only an ounce of mana. Thus the power will serves an important role. Shaka being the clever guy that he is realized that willpower is also a means of control for his Divinity.

Shaka spent the following week after the first memorizing and practicing on a plates that he made with the materials they had gathered. Travis also showed an interested in the runes it was nice to have someone to talk to about the techniques discussed in the tome, Shaka also had a felt a connection with all the troop, even being able to tell when one of them was feeling sad. Shaka used his perception to further bond with his troop. The rune crafting was moving smoothly, his exercise technique also helped with his willpower development. Shaka had found out that by doing the exercise while using the willpower technique, made it incredibly difficult to execute the sets of each movement in the exercise.

The first time he did it he no longer managed to complete the full exercise it would take about two months of constant practice before Shaka would be able once more finish the whole exercise. The methods taught in the tome are truly profound when Shaka got a headache from looking at the runes he would read more about smithing. His hammer was itching to get work however Shaka is determined to make sure he does it right. Especially with his divinity being restricted he needed to use as many methods to increase the strength of weapons he is going to create.

The subtle changes in his thought pattern also affected his team, at first it was Julee and Travis who lead the charge they adopted his exercise, which then became a group activity. Linga also suggested that if they did a breathing exercise on top of everything else, they would get better results, it was surprising to see how immediately apparent the results on their body and mana was. What they thought happened was that the exercise had increased their mana, however it actually improved their bodies the first result was an increase in their mana paths which allowed hem use less mana for most things. Also the physical condition of the body also meant that their mana was a lot faster in the body and replenished quicker, needless to say their stamina also shot through the roof.

Unlike normal exercise thou the body did not turn into some muscled freakazoid instead a careful balance in the middle was the exercises natural median. Vusi was particularly glad when they started training he was worried Julee would turn into an ogre. Shay had been reading the mission reports, Shakas' team had been truly beyond, they gave a cut from all the kills of wild beast, they provided maps and beast cards on all creatures they came across, most impressive of all the found a path through Trump Forest, a bog tentacled monster that is very ugly tanned tangerine, using an array of illusions to mislead those in stumble in. Apparently the team has strong minds and could see through the petty illusion impeaching its attempts at fooling the squad.

Shay had best result of all the team leaders due to the work Shaka's team had put in, it made moving the support staff she was responsible for quick and safe. They were the only squad that registered zero fatalities outside of those that are leading by higher rankers. The land of Me had forged a bond that would never be broken between Shaka and his troops. Shay started to pay closer attention to the squad the growth they were achieving now would most definitely attract negative attention especially from Dinga, who is already being mocked as a poor leader because his old squad is doing great without him.

Dinga began to plot various paths of revenge he could not let this continue he had to make sure to put them all in their place. "Those useless bastards should have left the legion when i told them too, now i'm going to show what true power."