
Little by Little

"…We're sorry we didn't buy anything in the end, Valyr."

After going through about half of the items within the shop with Valyr's help, the two players eventually revealed to him that they didn't have any money to buy any of the items he created.

Feeling a bit guilty for dragging the young man around to get more information on the items they sought to obtain for themselves, the two looked at him with slightly apologetic expressions.

"It's fine. Don't worry." Of course, Valyr did not mind. After all, he knew that it would take a while for the players to start having enough money to buy items. "The fact that you decided to stop by my place is more than enough, really."

Though Valyr did not mean anything by his words, the two only felt even more guilty, thinking of the young man as someone who toiled day or night to set up his shop, only for his first set of customers to be a couple of people just looking around for things to buy.