
Infusing the Void

'How long has it been since I've started?'

After Valyr was certain that he had familiarized himself with every possible sensation that lingered within his Shadow Energy, the young man let out a faint sigh of relief as he decided to focus his senses outward.

To him, it felt like he'd been familiarizing himself with his Shadow Energy for days upon end, taking hours to just become intimate with a single one.

Though it was easy at first, which he felt was due to either his exposure to the Shadowsource or the darkness of the Void World, familiarizing himself with the remaining sensations gradually become harder and harder for the young man.

Slowly but surely, the sensations he had to familiarize himself with were becoming more complex in nature, taking more and more time to get the heart of the sensation itself.

Nevertheless, he still succeeded in doing so.