
19. 10 ☆ Hunter

The world announcement of both killing the boss monster and also of the first player to reach the level 10 both resounded throughout the world making all the powers in the world to focus on finding out who was the person who triggered this announcement.

While the world was busy finding out who was the one that triggered the announcement the person who triggered it was selling his gains at the market.

A poison lion is a special kind of boss monster which is very sought out by the players because of how important its parts are.

The claws and fang-like teeth could be used to make strong weapons at the early stage of the game, the skin and fur is used as one of the best materials to make high quality clothes and the most important of all is the heart of the poison lion which could make a fortune because of its high medicinal value.

After bargaining with the merchants Lucifer was able to sell the heart of the poison lion at the cost of fifty thousand Arcans which is a lot at the early stage of the game.


"There are still 7 hours left in the game what should I do for now?"

"Let's get the hunter ID first and create a banking account"

Lucifer first went to a clothing shop and bought a new set of clothes and threw his old clothes which were all covered with stains of blood and mud.

Travelling to the centre of the city he went inside a tall building with 'Hunter's Association' written on the top of it.

Hunter's Association is the largest magus organisation in the world for all combatants who like to go on adventures and fight monsters.

Hunter's ID is a kind of identification document in this world.

The process was simple and fast and the new hunter's ID was made for Lucifer with the identity of 10 ☆ Hunter.

The ranks of hunters are divided into ten grades where the 10 ☆ being the lowest and 1 ☆ being the highest and is based on your contribution to the hunters association like taking quests and completing them.

After the identity was created Lucifer went to the bank where he opened a new account and stored all of his gains from the (first) Alchemy Class token to the book of 'The First Demon'.

The process was simple but as slow as every other bank in the world.

'Some things never change no matter what world you are in'

After the account was made Lucifer went to buy some of the necessary accessories for himself, an AR piece which cost him 1000 Arcans, a pair of black grade mana guns and a mana-sniper rifle which cost him a total of 35,000 Arcans along with their bullets.

Instead of wasting his money on the hotels where the security and privacy is not so great, Lucifer decided to rent an apartment for 5000 Arcans of monthly rent through a real estate agency.

The apartment wasn't big just a normal 1BHK apartment in a nice neighborhood near the police station where security is high.

Getting to the bed Lucifer called out his status.

[NAME: Lucifer Mors] [LEVEL: 10(1%)]

[Elemental Affinity: Shadow]

[Mana: 5120]

[CLASS: none]*

[Str: 14]

[Agi: 14]

[Sta: 17]

[Ctr: 0/30]*

[ATP: 30]

[UNIQUE SKILL: Anótatos]

[SKILL: Beginner Alchemy, Scholar Prodigy, Appraisal, Beginner Hunter, Beginner Dagger Arts]

Being on the level 10 the class which he was patiently waiting for can be equipped now and another slot for 'control' attributes could be seen now.

After getting to level 10 Lucifer didn't directly decide to equip his class as during the process the players are forcibly logged out from the game for a few hours, hence he waited till the end of the day.

But before equipping the class one more important thing is needed to be done that is very important for the future of any player.

[Ctr: 0/30]

Hey Guys!

As many of you know, I dropped my another novel 'After the Villain Survived the Novel' I tried writing another one for trial

'The Rebirthed Villain' So please check that out

Lucifer_Morscreators' thoughts