Dead. Read the other Isekai World Online in my author page (Original Works)
Kuma and Lucienne finally made their way upstairs after confronting Zeus about the Admins for the main lobby. Luckily for them both, Scarlett didn't come chasing after them with her Phantom Mutiny obsession.
Once they made their way upstairs, they could see Emperor and Angelica talking to one another, but their conversation seemed… private.
"Hold on a second." Lucienne suddenly stopped on the last step, pulling Kuma backward, "What are they talking about?"
"Why do you care? It's rude to lurk on someone else's conversation you know?"
"Shut up Kuma, we get to hear the conversation between two Great Kings. It has to be important..." Lucienne would crouch down, hiding herself on the last step. She also pulled Kuma down to do the same.
"...Why am I doing this?" Muttered Kuma.
"Lucifer is expecting you to return to the West Continent soon, and I'm certain that is when he'll attack you. But it is only a theory. I cannot predict the future, only a few seconds ahead."
"Hmm, are you certain? Why does Lucifer have a bone to pick with me? I didn't do anything to piss him off." Angelica crossed her arms, gazing at the ground in question, "This doesn't make any sense..."
"..." I kept quiet, collecting my thoughts.
"There has to be more depth behind his actions; if he's willing to attack another continent, there must be a reason for doing such a thing, right?"
"...Naturally. Pointlessly attacking someone's nation isn't done from something trivial. One of my men that's been spying in the South Continent told me that he's been planning this ever since he obtained power over the continent."
Long ago, Me, Angelica, Lucifer, and the other Great King, Lilith, played together.
We were a team that cleared events in the beta. We were feared as a party, and other players wouldn't dare interact with us, scared that we were a ruthless party. It made sense, considering that we completed the strongest event in Isekai World Online which allowed us to receive Arcane Magic.
"That was pretty easy, do they not have any other events that can provide a challenge for us?" Said Emperor.
"I guess not. After we obtained Arcane Magic the game has been in easy mode for us, nothing can really defeat us at this point." Announced Lucifer.
"You fools are too careless..." Mumbled Lilith who was holding an umbrella above her body, blocking out the sunlight.
"Oh c'mon, Lilith, you worry too much. It's not like anything can beat us the way we're now!" Angelica would walk behind Lilith, holding up one of her arms, "You're always so mean, yet caring about our safety. Don't think that hot attitude of yours can hide it!"
"You bloody muppet, release me at once!" Lilith was smaller compared to everyone else in the party, standing at the height of 4'9, "I'll drain your blood!"
"Our sweet Lilith, adorable as always!" Shouted Angelica.
"I-I am not adorable… You cheeky prat!"
"Hahaha, Lilith and her British slang, I will never know what they mean, but they are offensive aren't they?" Asked Lucifer.
"Pretty sure she's cussing Angelica out…" Said Emperor.
"Clock Abidance!" Lilith suddenly stopped time for everyone around her, halting Angelica in place, "You…!" Lilith set herself free and frowned at the angel behind her, proceeding to dust off her sleeve.
In less than a second, Angelica would break free from the stopped time, due to her nature as a user of Arcane Magic.
"There you go again, Lilith, abusing your power over something unworthy. Aren't you an Aristocratic Heiress?" Angelica said teasingly.
"Show respect when you speak to me, Angelica! I may be equal to you all, but I am still a princess!"
"Hahaha!!" Angelica held her stomach laughing as both Emperor and Lucifer chuckled behind Lilith as well.
"Stop teasing me, you impudent blokes!"
After a few minutes of teasing Lilith, everyone would continue walking down the dirt road, making their way towards the Main Lobby which was a thousand kilometers away.
"The music here is always nice, I love the forest biome soundtracks." Said Angelica.
"Yeah, I'm glad they decided to add soundtracks to the game, it makes it more relaxing. I could just lay on the grass and listen to it all day if I wanted to." Responded Emperor.
"Indeed, it's most wonderful." Said Lucifer.
"Perhaps we should make a campfire for now, and get something to eat. I need to replenish my food and water gauge." Announced Lilith.
"Yeah, Lilith is right, our characters haven't eaten anything in two days, they must be starving by now." Proclaimed the starving Angelica.
"Alright then, I guess we can set up camp. The forest biome is full of weak mobs, so we shouldn't have to worry about anything tonight." Emperor would turn right, making his way into the fields of grass.
"What about the night mobs?" Asked Lucifer.
"Hm?" Emperor turned around, facing the demon, "They shouldn't be a problem either, We'll just set up light sources around the camp to keep them away. Not to mention our campfire is going to be helping with that already."
"Oh… right. I've just never camped before in the game, so I was confused about how it worked." Said Lucifer.
"Well, you'll be learning today!" Angelica shouted, patting his back.
Lucifer glanced down, blushing, "Very well…"
Lilith stared at both Angelica and Lucifer, squinting her eyes.
"Let's start off by collecting wood to build the campfire. Angelica, you can go with Lucifer, Lilith, you can come with me if you want."
"I rather not follow you anywhere, but I suppose I have no choice. Hmph." Lilith marched towards Emperor, closing her eyes in sass.
"…You sassy little…" Emperor would shut himself up, taking a deep sigh, "Just don't get in the way, Lilith."
Lilith opened her eyes, glancing at Emperor, "What did you say?"
"Oh, nothing, don't worry about it." Emperor turned around and walked towards the forest, seeing slimes hopping around, attacking other mobs, "Let's get a move on before it gets too late."
"So… I guess we just collect wood? Is that really it?" Asked Lucifer.
"Yep, simple as that. Follow me, I can help you out if yah want!" Angelica took the lead as she walked into another section of the forest, waiting for Lucifer to follow her.
(Lucifer's POV)
("I can't believe I'm with Angelica right now, it's almost like a dream. She's so beautiful… she gives off such an amazing aura. I bet any man would kill for her because I know that I would. But it's quite ironic… how can a demon such as myself be falling for an angel?")
"She's lovely…" Lucifer accidentally murmured, causing him to widen his eyes in shock.
"Hm? Did you say something?" Angelica turned around, lifting her brows in question.
"O-Oh… yes! I was just saying that this forest is lovely. The trees and the wildlife here are quite the sight…"
"Pfft, if you spend time grinding the forest biome like me, you get tired of it after a while. But I'm glad you like it here—it's better than spending time in the snow biomes, right?"
"Yeah, much better. It's not cold and we don't get the frostbite status-effect thankfully."
"I know right? Talk about annoying Biomes like that one. It needs to be nerfed, you can barely walk a few feet without getting some status effect."
"Heh… yeah it's pretty harsh."
Lucifer couldn't help but stare at Angelica from behind… slowly trailing his eyes down her back like some pervert.
"S-So… Angelica, I was meaning to ask, but.. well…"
"Hm? What's up?"
"I know this may sound random and all, but… do you have a boyfriend?"
Angelica stopped in her tracks, turning around to face Lucifer, "Woah… that came outta nowhere, but no… I don't have a boyfriend; considering I'm a guy in real life, I don't think I would want to date another guy… even if it was in the game."
"W-Wait, you're a guy in real life?"
"Yeah, I thought you knew?"
"No… that's a big surprise, I would never expect someone like you to be a male in the real world."
"Well, it's true! It's why I turn down a lot of guys who try to ask me out in Isekai Online, It's pretty annoying for the most part, but it's not their fault."
"I-I see." Lucifer looked down, astonished.
("For some reason… my feelings aren't going away, even when she said she's a guy. No… this is wrong! This is totally wrong, I just can't be in love with another dude. But… then again… their Game Avatar is female, so is it really wrong to have a crush on them? Think about it, Lucifer, it's the same as having a crush on a character rather than the author. I-Is that the best way to put it?")
"Hmm… are you okay Lucifer? You look lost in thought."
Lucifer didn't realize he was panicked in his eyes, causing him to lift his head, balling his fists.
"Angelica… I… I think I love you!"
"Eh… Ehhhh?!?"