

"Guildbane: Battle for Domination," the virtual MMORPG that has taken the world by storm, players enter a realm where guilds vie for ultimate supremacy. Set four years before Xin awakens from a coma, the game has undergone significant changes and evolved into a battleground for strategic guild warfare. With immersive gameplay, intense player-versus-player combat, and a focus on guild clashes, players must navigate a dynamic world where alliances are forged, rivalries are kindled, and the ultimate goal is to dominate the game's virtual landscape. [CONGRATULATIONS! You’re the LAST player in your generation to enter this game at the exact time of our anniversary date!] You don’t have to rub it on me. Xin muttered. He was keenly aware that his peers left him behind. [You received a GIFT!] Xin was baffled. Maybe because it was his birthday, or it was an anniversary thing? Opening the gift, his avatar glowed, but he didn’t feel like anything had changed. He opened his stat box. ‖ S T A TU S ‖ HP: 40 MP: 20 STR: 2 DEX: 2 CONS: 2 INT: 2 WIS: 2 CHA: ꝏ ‖ E N D ‖ Xin’s head bobbed to the side. “Huh?”

MiuNovels · Du hí
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399 Chs

The Unseen Final Act           

The tension in the air was apparent as Xin and Hilda stood side by side, their gazes fixed upon the countdown in the sky. 


The numbers ticked away, each passing second amplifying the anticipation for the impending arrival of the final boss. 


Unabated attention held them in a state of heightened readiness.


As the countdown approached zero, a hushed silence enveloped the battleground, and the surrounding atmosphere became charged with an air of expectation. 


Xin and Hilda braced themselves for the appearance of the final boss.


However, as the final seconds dwindled away, a sense of bewilderment replaced the expected crescendo of dramatic events. 


The countdown reached zero, yet the sky remained devoid of any supernatural manifestations. No ominous fog descended, no smog enshrouded the area, and the inky darkness that usually heralded the arrival of a formidable boss failed to materialize.