

Alex is a young man who struggles to make a living in the world's biggest game (Ancient world). He works as a mercenary who does every job he can find. It's been five years since his suffering started. Ancient World creation was only possible by the World's greatest invention, "AI ZERO." Ancient World A vast planet Multiple times the size of Earth Ruled by Great empires, Big organizations, and hidden Shadowy associations. A Fantasy world filled with prehistoric animals that have gone extinct on Earth. The creatures humans have only heard of in fairy tales and old stories, Monsters beyond the imagination of humans, roam the vast lands of the "Ancient World." Everything was going well, but it all changed on that day. When the United States told the World "AI ZERO." and "Ancient World." technology was a gift from a very advanced intergalactic civilization. That has surpassed humanity in any way of life by an uncountable margin. Humanity entered a new era, and the Ancient World became humankind's most important part of life. Alex joined the game to make a living and support his family, but things didn't go as he had hoped. After suffering in the Ancient world, Alex returned five years back in time. Alex knows that the Ancient World is not just a VR game. Now with a new chance in life, Alex will get strong and reach the top while finding the truth about the Ancient World. ------------------------------- Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/zYA4xe38 ----------------

Aibek · Du hí
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540 Chs

Chaos Queen

A chimeric creature, his body a blend of various insects, his face that of a fly, stood under the moonlight inside the grand throne room of the Demon King's place, his countless eyes fixed on the man seated atop the Throne.

"My King, why did you throw away the life of Caden even though he was a useful and loyal asset, and when his death served no purpose besides weakening the already slumbering Mammon," Beelzebub said after minutes of staying silent.

"Do you believe if his death did not serve a greater purpose, I will allow him to die?" Ahrimon questioned, and the proud Sin embodiment could only lower his head, knowing he had already crossed the line by raising the question on his King's judgment.

"Once a champion is chosen, everything he had belongs to the master, and that is the price for the gifts they receive,"