
Chapter 25 Creation of Dragonic Solutions and the Demonic Imperial Circle

It was the year 2002 a whole year since Targon now using his new created identity Trace Gasher would the fortune he gather over the five thousand years journey and some large amount he stole from the heads of each criminal organization that were taken down which he would to create his new company Dragonic Solutions and the Demonic Imperial Circle a organization with a mission to pacify the criminal underworld. Trace Gasher began corporate empire with simple post offices, repair shops, travel agencies security tech stores and online certified online courses, after some months the whole world wanted his serves Jagged Edge who was one Trace Gasher's employees at the post office informed who informed him that they were low on envelopes and had ran out of stamps which Trace Gasher had already planned ahead, Trace Gasher would give a device that Jagged had never seen before which Trace Gasher explain that a holographic stamp generator which amazed all employees that were near him, the true purpose of the small store was in reality testing ground for testing Trace Gasher's newest inventions. It was now 2007 Trace Gasher employees would soon learn what his plans were and they were amazed because he just open Serpent Shipments, Wyrm Railroad, Wyvern Airline,Fire Drake Repair, Gargoyles Security and Dragonic Technical Collegiate which were the largest facilities and most advanced of there kind while only ten times bigger then any other company they were hundred time more advance then any company in the world. During the same time was when the Demonic Imperial Circle was formed and was now beginning to pacify crime. For the next three years Trace Gasher would creating various franchises from restaurants, game stores, clothing stores, electronic stores, fast food stores, vehicle manufacturing facilities, outdoor gear store, grocery stores and hospitals/clinics. As for Trace Gashers competitor he would buy their individual companies but would dissolve them instead he would make them branch companies of Dragonic Solution and would keep the staff if any were of good character while having useful skills but if they did not meet the criteria they would let go or would join different companies. While at the same time the Demonic Imperial Circle would muscle in on the territories of the surviving criminal organizations in order to pacify them, the way the Demonic Imperial Circle would pacify criminal was to give them a more better way to make a profit while keeping their hand farely clean and would constantly remind the criminal if they break the law the pay the price by being imprisoned in one of the nine circles a prison who's location is unknown to all but the Demon Emperor. The first three circles are for those like who would be sent to Youth detention center or those who committed minor crimes was more like a boarding school. For the second three was for more serious crimes, the forth circle was for those who committed one time murders or theft as the fifth and sixth circles they were for serial killers, trained thieves and assassins. The prisoners of the fifth and sixth circles were given a chance to win their freedom under the condition that they have to kill all the other prisoners in a gladiator cage arena if the prisoner wins they go free but in reality Trace Gashers had no intention of letting those murderers go free. As for the final three it was for the worst of the worst such as those who would stay in prison for a number of years at least for the seventh and eighth circle as for the ninth circle once you enter you never come out. Trace Gashers is the only one who knows where the nine circles are located which in fact are not on earth but on the moon. It was now the 2010 Targon now using his current fake identity Asphalt Tar or his nickname Ash had been attending Canterlot High for a whole year, during week days he would attend CHS while on weekends would check on how his company is doing, Ash find the failed attempt to steal his companies secrets by his rivals amusing because even though they had stolen the blueprints they could never get them to work without the power source which only Ash himself knew where it was and how he was getting it. Ten years earlier Targon had just become a PI a couple were unfortunate enough to get kill in an explosion, as Targon was trying to save it was to late for the couple but not for their son, as Targon removed the large majority of the ruble he learned that he knew the couple from a few years ago from a cased he closed when he was still the police commissioner and remembered that he had gift the couple with his sperm because the husband was infertile but the two wanted to start a family and Targon was giving them a chance which the two were grateful, as Targon removed the ruble and dragged the bodies out he found the mother was still alive but had little time left thus with her dying breath she asked Targon to take care of her child to which Targon promised with her saying thank as she dies, Targon would learn that his second son name is Tidal Mirage. While Targon was building Dragonic Solutions he would raising Tidal as best as he could, one of the first facility Targon create was a facility create for children who could find homes while teaching everything they need to live and Tidal now would be the first left in the care of Targon's employees he trusted never to see Tidal again because he was still grieving Blazer but little did he know that years later he would meet Tidal again at Dragonic Technical Collegiate of all place which Tidal attending as a student. Targon then let Sunset Shimmer tell the rest of the story of the events that would lead Targon to return home.

This is the last chapter of volume 2 which will follow Targon creating Dragonic Solutions and the Demonic Imperial Circle.This part of Targon's journey will be told from the perspective of his employees

Warden_Silverheartcreators' thoughts