
Chapter 21 Targon journey through the black blood centuries

Through the 16th and 17th century Targon try to save as many lives as he could who were being unjustly persecution under false accusations, Targon and his only surviving clone in Europe would try to save as many people from being burnt alive as he could trying to reach the people's sense of reason but only managed to reach a few people but would manage to spare the innocent people from the death sentence but they were either cast into the wilds or went to prison, Targon and last European clone would use their connects to make sure those who were cast into the wilds find new homes and the prison guards were of good character. Targon's only surviving clone in Europe try to save as many people as he could during the Massacre of Glencoe and the Jacobite rebellion. During the 16th and 17th century Targon would strongly criticizes the Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of the Witch) state that book is an abomination and the was no better the Heathens who make human sacrifices to their false gods which angered the writer but Targon did not care because to him anyone who creates Monstrous books like that are guilty of numerous sins and deserver to burn in hell in fact Targon was one of the reasons why the book was banned. During the protestant reformation Targon and his only surviving clone in Europe was try to find a peace solution to the protestant reformation managing convince some but not all. During the thirty years war Targon and his only surviving European clone would try to save as many people as they could who were lucky enough to escape the crossfire. During Age of Enlightenment Targon would stand up for the people for believing in Copernicus heretic philosophy to which Targon under the name Matthias De Beacon would preach the god power is infinite and would state that god created many world so no one individual being would alone also explaining that the gates to the other worlds will only open once each world is worth then stating that once humans have stopped fighting amongst themselves and learned to live in peace which will not be an task to complete but that just means it is worth it, after hear Matthias words a large number Catholics were moved by Matthias words and found his thought on creation very interesting, Matthias would then become a member of the Illuminati with him creating a new religious philosophy called divine foundation which officially is only noted less known to the public over the next three hundred years, Targon managed to fake the death of Giordano Bruno and give a new identity for him and helped him become a member of the Illuminati and would never forget what Matthias has done for him.

This chapter follow Targon journey through the 16th and 17th centuries. The reason why this chapters has black blood in the name is because during the 16th and 17th centuries was the period with the most witch persecutions with the hight during the thirty years war.

Warden_Silverheartcreators' thoughts