

Chapter 51 Operation: Takeover

The sound of manly moans was enough for Elder Yang to guess what was going on inside. He didn't even feel like going inside, preferring to order his men to split the three apart, but as he was leaving, he stopped, his nostrils moving to the sides as he breathed in intensely.

"Is that Aphrodisiac…?" Elder Yang asked in wonder before cursing as he realized something. "Fuck! Give them those pills now else they will never stop!"

He passed three white pills to the closest of his men, forcing the unlucky fellow to enter inside the bedroom. Elder Yang didn't hesitate and left right after, waiting outside while massaging his forehead.

How strong was that Aphrodisiac for him to even smell it in the air? It had to be at least ten times stronger than normal. It would take days before the three used up all the energy from it.

How cruel!

Elder Yang couldn't believe the three would willingly take such strong pills, so someone else had to give it to them. But who?

He didn't speculate and instead waited for his disciples to come out while repeating four words in his mind like a mantra.

'My boys are innocent… My boys are innocent…'

Five minutes later, Blissful Knight and his friends walked out, all three red from shame with their heads lowered. It was definitely a huge blow to their self-esteem and moral conduct that would hunt them forever.

Before Elder Yang said anything, Blissful Knight called out angrily, "It wasn't us! We were scammed!"

It seemed quite hard to swallow but after all, Blissful Knight had no more shame left after what just happened.

"I figured that already," Elder Yang replied sternly as he sat on the sofa while signaling to his men to secure the area.

When they left, making sure that no one was overhearing them, Elder Yang got cold, asking as if he was ready to kill, "What exactly happened and who did this?"

He was naturally mad as it was akin to sabotaging his best disciples. In his mind, some powerful experts traded them Aphrodisiac pills, disguising them as some powerful pills but Blissful Knight's explanation made him speechless.

"It was the two girls, Joy and Sky, but I'm sure those are their fake names. They lured us to the private room and told us we could do anything with them if we ate the pills they gave us. They told us it was Aphrodisiac but they took the pills as well and they looked extremely normal. Who knew they were so potent! We lost consciousness a moment after and they robbed us! All my treasures and fortune is gone!"

Elder Yang's expression quickly evolved into sky-high anger, scolding the main disciple who was supposed to be the smartest.

"Damn you! How old are you to still chase after skirts?! Grow the fuck up! If you need girls then just tell me! I will find you a hundred beauties for you to choose from! Why would you flirt with nameless girls right before the Celebration Party?! You know how important it is!"

No matter what the girls did, it was his disciples' fault for falling for it. He couldn't even blame the female thieves, admitting it was a good stunt in his mind. Unfortunately, if the news of it came under the public eye, Blissful Knight's career would be over. His Dragon Steps ranking would fall drastically if the Sect learned about it.

House of Dragons didn't support losers. Dragons didn't fall from the sky and Dragon Steps represented greatness, the peerless geniuses. Any mistake or failure would be counted to your achievements just like successes but with minus points instead.

Elder Yang couldn't let that happen. He spent too many resources to groom Blissful Knight to such a high spot.

"Can you still feel your Storage Rings?" Elder Yang asked as he calculated the pros and cons.

The priority was to erase the mistake from history.

"Wait…" Blissful Knight muttered as he closed his eyes before snapping them open with excitement. "I can feel it! It's in the south of the city, not far from here. The two girls were not strong enough to break through my seal."

"Good, we will recover your rings later. For now, we will focus on the Celebration Party and President Wu's granddaughter. If you can get her hand in marriage, your future will be unlimited!" Elder Yang ordered. "We can't let this chance flop. Trade Union is too powerful."

"But—" Blissful Knight tried to argue but was cut off right away. "No buts. We are already late. If we don't arrive right now, President Wu will be angered."


Elder Yang snapped his fingers. "Everyone, gather."

When his men came back, he gave them a warning, "Nothing happened here. Forget everything you saw. If the truth comes out to the public, I won't ask who exposed it. I will personally kill all of you."

Gazing at his three disciples, Elder Yang repeated himself.

"You too. Forget everything that happened. Behave as normal as possible."

"What if the two girls expose us? We need to get them before they get the chance," Blissful Knight pointed out, clearly mad that he was put in such an awkward position. There was nothing but revenge in his eyes.

"They won't," Elder Yang assured. "It would be courting death. No thief will openly admit to stealing. If they are smart enough to trick you, they should be also smart enough to know that."

"Well… We approached them first, so it is not like they planned to rob us…" Blissful Knight's friend pointed out as he still massaged his butt. He immediately received glares from the other two.

The pressure inside the hallway increased uncontrollably, making all three unable to breathe but it soon disappeared.

"If not for the Safe Zone, I would beat you all up. Wait for the time we return to the Spirit Land. You are not going out anymore until you master all your Arts," Elder Yang commanded as he left, heading to the exit. "We are leaving!"

His disciples could only follow, clearly scared of the Elder's anger.

After they left, going down the main road, the very same waiter who brought them all to the private room peeked at them from the entrance. He went back inside with a smile and pulled out a Communication Crystal, activating it with a smile.

"Miss Joy, they finally left but they are not going in Trade Union's direction. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to call me."

"Perfect, they are not going after us right away. Even if they did, it would be fruitless anyway."

Just as Nuwa stepped out of the bathtub, she felt a vibration coming from her Storage Ring. It turned out to be a Communication Crystal with a message recorded on it with the exact thing she wanted to hear.

"Ah, I can't wait to see their faces when they realize that we are the very people they want to see at the party," Nuwa added playfully.

"Do you think they will be brave enough to contest us in front of everyone and demand their Storage Rings back?" Wu questioned as she walked out as well, grabbing the towel to wipe her naked body.

Her face was still red from Nuwa's sensual massage. Her breasts gave her a feeling as if Nuwa's palms were still rubbing on them, pinching and pulling excessively. Thankfully, it helped suck away the pent up desires that gathered after consuming the Aphrodisiac, so she wasn't mad at Nuwa's methods.

They didn't really have a choice.

"I doubt they will do anything. They can't kill or silence us. If we expose that we robbed them with such an easy method, I'm sure all three would be completely canceled and their Dragon Steps ranking stripped. They are not going to risk it. The most they can do is try to negotiate with us not to tell anyone," Nuwa replied as she dried herself as well.

With simple Water Qi manipulation, she pushed water droplets out of her body, making her completely dry. There was no need to use towels.

"Do you think they did it after we left?" Wu asked with a hidden smirk, pulling out a set of clean red underwear, one that could match the dress she prepared for later.

As she wore her panties, a strange feeling engulfed her, making her rub her butt. There was something missing.

"You feel it too?" Nuwa questioned as she approached, already wearing her sexy black pattern. "Me too…"

"Yeah… To think I would ever say I miss Xuefeng spanking my butt," Wu muttered with a sigh.

Whenever they stood up from the bed in the morning and wore their clothes, Xuefeng would hug them from behind and embrace their curves. He didn't let them leave the bed without planting a kiss on their lips and smacking their butts.

Anyone would say Xuefeng was just a pervert, but once you love the person, you want to be touched and cherished by them. Being like this for years, it became a habit for them that was hard to change.

"Once I'm done, we need to find him ourselves. I don't trust my grandpa. Knowing him, he will still try to kill him, pretending he is fair. We need to take the matter into our hands," Wu suggested, intriguing Nuwa.

"What plan do you have?" Nuwa asked with a grin.

Wu only shrugged secretly.

"If he is trying to use the power he has against us, I can only take that power away from him and do the same. Without the power of the Trade Union, he can't do anything."

Nuwa brightened at that idea.

"Perfect! I will assist when you need me."

Wu pursed her lips as she began to tidy up her messy black hair.

"Let's prepare and shock them at the party. No mercy. We are going to use the party for the new operation: Takeover!"

Chapter 52 Wives of Liu Xuefeng

"Elder Yang! You came back! Sit, sit!"

The moment Elder Yang walked into the venue once again, President Wu immediately invited him to the table. Three young individuals followed right after him, not stopping on the dance floor to greet their peers aside from a single nod. No one seemed to mind as it was only proper to greet the elders first.

"We were just talking about you. What happened?" President Wu asked before Elder Yang could even speak.

On the right side to President Wu sat a buff man with a clean beard and a black ponytail. He didn't hesitate but speak up with his own theory, "Haha, did your disciples have fun in the bar and forgot the time?"

Blissful Knight and his friends couldn't help but turn red. That was exactly what happened but they for sure didn't have fun at all. It was the most shameful moment in their lives which they wanted to forget as soon as possible.

Just based on their expressions, the nine guests assumed it was the truth to which they only shook their heads with smiles.

"Young people, ah…" A short fatty muttered as he patted his belly covered by a luxurious coat. "When I recall what we did to avoid attending a boring party when we were young. Nowadays youngsters cannot compare."

He had a Storage Ring on each of his fingers, decorated with polished gems as if he wanted to display his wealth.

"Haha, Fatty Gu, I thought even if you were a kid, you would be the first to arrive at the party to taste all the foods," the buff man teased, taking one of the appetizers from his side of the table to play with the other party. Fatty Gu already ate everything at his arm's reach.

"Tsk, do you think I was always this fat? I was slim and flexible like a fish back in the days, but since I became rich, I decided to enjoy myself. Master Dong, if I want to be as muscular as you, I can do it with my eyes closed," Fatty Gu called out with a snicker.

"Haha, let's bet then." Master Dong immediately tested Fatty Gu's words. "Are you willing to bet a thousand Upgrade Fragments that you will get like me in a month? Naturally, you can't use any pills to assist you."

Fatty Gu just rolled his eyes and muttered, "I said I can do it, not that I want to. Food is Life! Talking about food, when is the party starting?"

"Ehem!" Elder Yang cleared his throat loudly, annoyed at being disturbed and ignored.

All nine people sitting by the main table turned their gazes at him, finally giving him the scene to talk. Although it was called the main table, there weren't many of them. Only the most prominent figures who came solo, without the need of top clan or family to back them were chosen to sit with President Wu. Due to their sizes, other top clans of the Fire Land Capital had their own tables which the host could visit any time.

Having their attention, Elder Yang gazed at his disciples and asked sternly, "What are you waiting for?"

Blissful Knight and his friends bowed to their seniors and apologized as if they trained it beforehand, "We are sorry for the wait. We completely lost track of time which delayed the Celebration Party. President Wu, please forgive us."

"It's alright. You are forgiven," President Wu replied with a smile. "Now that you are here, I can finally order my people to invite my granddaughter to bless us with her presence. I'm sure you all will love her."

"Thank you, President Wu," Blissful Knight acknowledged. "I cannot wait to meet with her."

"Alright, go meet with your peers," Elder Yang ordered, already tired from standing and sat on his designated seat.

It was well known that the youngsters didn't meddle with the seniors, letting them discuss their private stuff freely. Most of such Celebration Parties were just an excuse to meet and talk about various business affairs. It was all a disguise. Together with the Auction planned for later, it was more like a private meeting of elites than a Celebration Party.

President Wu called for one of the Trade Union employees to inform Miss Wu, but he got visually surprised with good news.

"Miss Wu is already on her way to the venue."

Everyone by the table brightened, especially Elder Yang who had his own plans involving Wu.

Getting the confirmation of Miss Wu arrival, President Wu stood up and tapped a knife against his wine glass.

Clank, clank.

With the sound of a toast, everyone quietened down, gazing at the host.

"Everyone, I'm sorry for all the delays. Now that everyone invited came, my granddaughter is on her way to the venue. She should arrive very shortly. Once she arrives, the Celebration Party will officially start," President Wu announced, his voice reaching everyone's ears as if he was talking right next to them.

Clap, clap!

As he clapped, the music in the venue sped up, turning into a more melodic and lively tune. Waiters came out from the kitchen, carrying trays full of bubbly alcohol and began distributing it to everyone. Once Miss Wu arrived, she would make a toast and greet the guests.

Elder Yang searched for Blissful Knight with his gaze only to find him pale, gazing at the doors with clear anxiousness. With him, two other of Elder Yangs' disciples were the same, confusing him. Blissful Knight was generally confident and meeting Miss Wu shouldn't have been an issue. He was supposed to be a candidate to court her then why was he panicking?

'Unless…' Elder Yang thought intensely, trying to figure out the reason when the entrance to the venue opened, distracting him.

A Trade Union Employee entered first, carrying a written note. He seemed to be unwilling but still began reading the note.

"Announcing the arrival of Miss Wu, the sharp and unforgivable, current General Manager of Trade Union, the precious granddaughter of President Wu and a wife of Liu Xuefeng. Next to Miss Wu is her sworn sister, the undefeated Queen Nuwa, the ruler of the Forest Elves Race and—" the announcer paused for a second before continuing.

"She is also the wife of Liu Xuefeng."

Chapter 53 Speech

The venue momentarily exploded with immediate chatter.

Miss Wu had a husband? Why didn't they know about it beforehand?

The Queen of Forest Elves Race? That definitely sounded powerful.

And who was that Liu Xuefeng to claim them both? No one ever heard of him.

As guests discussed the sudden news, even if they only whispered, the connected murmur adding together was still enough to cause disruption. Especially after they saw President Wu's face who was almost similarly confused with visual anger brewing under the cold expression.

Even President Wu didn't know about it? Was it a secret?

Click, click, click.

The sound of high heels coming from the entrance was enough to silence everyone. Who wasn't interested in the two looks and presence?

With the entrance stationed in the middle of the venue, splitting the dancing floor and the tables in half, no one could see them until they actually stepped inside.


There wasn't a different reaction other than open mouths and eyes widened, watching the entrance of two angels. Their clear and dominant walk, claiming all the attention with just their moves alone. Their elegant hand gestures, hips swaying, and gaze that traveled across the room while looking into their souls.

The two walked confidently, two pairs of legs moving in sync as their one of the kind dresses waved on the invisible blow of wind.

They reached the waiter who looked dumbfounded by their beauty but they didn't mind, not bothered by any pressure. Wu reached out for the toasting glass, her delicate arms decorated by long crimson gloves, matching perfectly with her gown.

Only one of her graceful legs was exposed by a deep cut on the right side of her gown while she covered the rest of her body with a tight crimson pattern, all the way to her neck. Her gloves acted like sleeves with just a tiny slip of her arm uncovered.

What couldn't be seen, worked like a charm on the imagination, especially with the curved lines from the bottom to the top. As Wu gazed at everyone, her messy ponytail danced with her while strands of hair that didn't make it gently curled on her face, styling the shape of her face.

Nuwa followed the same style, donning a long black dress reaching all the way to the floor with a bold cut in the middle. Her dress split into two sides with her shiny black heels illuminated like two stars. Compared to Wu, her arms and shoulders were bare, with golden hair falling freely on one side, revealing only one pointy ear that confirmed her identity.

With the way she presented herself, no one could claim she wasn't a natural-born Queen, having the vibe of a ruler.

A certain group of three youngsters stared at their mature beauty but Nuwa and Wu didn't pay them any attention, leaving them with their own messy thoughts.

"Greetings, my guests!" Wu called out as she smiled gently, raising her toast glass. "It's our first time meeting but I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm pleased so many of you came to my Celebration Party even though the notice came just today. Thankfully, everyone was able to arrive on time."

Wu paused and put on an apologetic smile, turning to the Elders.

"The delay from our side was caused by a simple reason. As you already know, we Ascended from the Earth Realm today and we didn't waste time, beginning our cultivation using Trade Union's help. To catch up with all the geniuses produced by all of you respected Seniors, we cannot waste any minute, focusing all of our free time on improving our Cultivation. Thanks to my dear Trade Union, we were able to get our hands on enough Upgrade Fragments to refine all nine Elemental Qi as well as to produce my Nine Elemental Core as soon as possible."


To prove her words, Qi of nine Elements gushed from her palm, spinning above it in a colorful circle. Although Nuwa found it boring, Qi Refining was extremely easy for her. She copied Wu and displayed her own Elements.

"Both have all Elements in the Second Refinement!" Someone couldn't help but comment on what everyone could see clearly. They all knew that Qi Refining wasn't that easy for everyone. To achieve the same feet as Nuwa and Wu, one needed an extremely stable control over their Qi. It could only mean one thing.

Given enough time, both of them could compete with all other geniuses!

President Wu put on a fake smile of celebration, but only he knew how many plans did Nuwa and Wu spoiled. They used the public against him and he couldn't even speak up to counter her speech. Wouldn't that show they had a disagreement?

The two ladies closed their palms at the same time and Wu continued her speech.

"We are living examples of why you should work with the Trade Union in the future. How many experts can we push out in the world if we work together?"

The eyes of all top clans' leaders brightened. Wu brought up the very thing that attracted all top clans the most.


With Trade Union monopolizing a big chunk of Heaven Realm resources, it was only natural to have a good relationship with them.

Wu didn't go into detail and instead changed the subject.

"There is also another reason we invited all of you here. You heard it already from the announcer, but I will share some more information. I was a general manager in the Earth Realm, overseeing all the operations of the Trade Union there. I have more than enough knowledge and power to continue my job, allowing Trade Union to flourish in the Heaven Realm as well. I will be taking the role of a General Manager starting from tomorrow, so please take care of me."

She raised her glass before everyone began to discuss this decision and declared apologetically, "If I won't be able to greet you all personally, please accept this toast as my greeting."

Wu gulped the whole glass and placed it back on the waiter's tray. Everyone followed suit, before gazing at Nuwa who still had her glass full.

"Now that my dear sister finished her speech, let me start with mine," Nuwa suddenly voiced out, her voice vibrant and gaze domineering. "I don't know what reason you came here for and I will not ask. If you came to meet us and become friends, sure, we can do that. If you came to talk business and improve our partnership, sure, we can do that too. But if you came here with the intention of partnering your young master with our Wu, then I will be the first to kick you out."

Nuwa swiped the whole venue with her glare and landed on Blissful Knight, intensifying it. He couldn't do anything but turn his eyes away, avoiding contact with her. Just one word from her could end his carrier.

Wu joined Nuwa and commented, "I will not tolerate any marriage proposals. Trade Union will also not work with anyone who proposes anything improper. I have a husband. If you wonder who is the man that could steal both of our hearts, you should pay close attention to the Dragon Steps in the near future. Liu Xuefeng and our names will definitely get to the very top!"

Clap, clap!

"Music, food! Let's get this party started!"

Chapter 54 Battle of the Schemers

At Wu's call, tens of waiters entered the venue, carrying plates full of delicious-looking food. When Wu began her speech, the musicians slowed down, giving her the scene to shine, but now the music was once again in full resonance.

Too bad, no one was willing to be the first one to step out on the dance floor. Instead, all eyes were on two beauties in the middle of the venue, waiting to see what they will do. Youngsters couldn't really start dancing before Nuwa and Wu joined them, right? It was time to entertain them with conversation and befriend them.

Unfortunately, the youngsters were mistaken.

Nuwa and Wu didn't even look at them and instead turned straight to the senior tables, walking towards the main table while greeting others with a nod of her head. The Queen of Forest Elves didn't have such custom, so she simply tagged along on Wu's side.

Being a Queen, it was others who were supposed to bow, not her. Only Xuefeng could make her take a step back and cuddle into his chest, fighting for his favors.

"That was a great speech Little Wu," President Wu praised as the dominant duo neared, standing up to welcome her. "I didn't expect you would make it so explosive though. I doubt anyone here was prepared. Even me."

"Definitely!" Master Dong also stood up, calling out with a big smile on his face. "To think the Trade Union would receive such a beautiful addition to the leadership team. We definitely want to know more about you, knowing we might work closely together in the future."

"Of course, it is only natural, Sir…" Wu replied to the guest, pausing at the end. President Wu was temporarily ignored as a business came first.

"I'm Master Dong, the main supplier of raw ore and refined metals," Master Dong introduced himself with a gentle bow.

"Nice to meet you, Master Dong. We definitely need to talk more about our Partnership at the party. I want to solve all the problems you face and expand our influence in the Heaven Realm," Wu suggested to which Master Dong immediately agreed. "Perfect! Can't wait to know your view."

Turning back to President Wu, she smiled gently and hugged her grandpa as if her love for him was immeasurable.

"Thank you, grandpa. Without your help, I don't think I would be able to accustom myself to the changes so fast. I will make sure to use all my time to improve and help lead Trade Union to the brighter world," Wu promised as she pulled away, acting like a filial granddaughter.

"Of course…" President Wu nodded, gazing into Wu's eyes as if trying to figure out what will be her next move. "You did such a good job in the Earth Realm that it is only natural that I give you a chance in the Heaven Realm as well. You should sit with us and join our conversations."

As he spoke, he called for the staff, instructing them to bring an additional two chairs and sets of cutlery. There was enough space to fit two more people by the table.

It was obvious that Wu didn't plan to move anywhere, intending to stay with the seniors. She already announced to everyone that she has a husband, so President Wu couldn't say she didn't. They would both look bad and that was the last thing he would want. When all the plans of getting Wu a new husband failed, it would be useless to meet with her peers, so President Wu didn't seem to pressure her to do that either.

Too bad, it wasn't that easy to take control back from Wu.

"Yes, I will naturally join you all. As the host of the Celebration Party, I will naturally take care of my most important guests," Nuwa replied before her grandpa could take a seat. "Also, thank you for saving the seat of honor for me."

At that point, it was obvious what Wu was doing, causing the guests by the main table to look even more interested in her. They weren't stupid. The main reason for this party's existence was to introduce potential marriage candidates to Wu, yet in a single speech, she canceled all of those plans. On another note, if there was any change in the leadership of the Trade Union, they would also be informed beforehand. Based on President Wu's reaction, they knew it was all introduced by Wu for the first time and wasn't planned at all.

How could they not look forward to work together with someone so smart and goal minded?

The only woman sitting by the table was already gazing at Wu with an interested look. Her brown locks, coated with a fluffy fur of her scarf gave her a royal vibe, someone of class and money. She didn't speak up but instead quietly observed the situation.

"Will you let me sit? Those high heels are not perfectly comfortable to stand." Wu asked pitifully before the new seats even arrived.

What grandpa would let her granddaughter suffer in front of everyone while he sits down on his own?

"Of course. I can't let my dear granddaughter get hurt," President Wu assured as he patted Wu on the head and stepped to the side. Just as Wu, he was also a master schemer, acting as if everything was planned by him.

Wu and Nuwa didn't hesitate to occupy the seat, Wu sitting in the middle while Nuwa taking the armrest. With the variety of food being placed on the table, she put one leg on the other and extended her hand forward.


Multiple vegetable snacks flew up in the air and landed on Wu's plate which she temporarily used. Everyone gazed at her surprised as no Qi which they could detect was used in that trick.

Nuwa only shrugged as if it was nothing and picked up her plate full of snacks.

"Don't mind me, I didn't eat dinner so I'm hungry. You all can start your business talks. If its something interesting I will chime in," Nuwa called out casually, behaving like she was at home.

She was a Queen indeed!

Wu raised her voice first, continuing to control the flow.

"How about we wait for the two chairs and introduce ourselves? I want my grandpa to join us in discussions as his input is extremely valuable to me. I also wish to know everyone better."

Wu wasn't that cruel to dominate President Wu till he can't even speak.

Give and take!

At least for a short while.

Chapter 55 Card Dealer

Wu thought her grandpa would wait and see when he can interrupt her, but he surprised her with a sudden attack instead.

"Actually, I don't mind if we continue the previous conversation that Master Dong started," President Wu proposed while picking up his wine glass. "I am still healthy, so I can stand for a moment with ease."

Wu couldn't help but praise him for the swift turn. She wanted to meet all the figures first to figure out her plan yet the flow changed.

'Very well, grandpa. Let me play your game for a bit…'

Wu gazed at Master Dong interested, not minding President Wu's idea.

"What was the topic if I can ask, Master Dong?" Wu asked politely. "I can share my insights and fresh ideas."

Although the chairs were brought at that very second, Wu couldn't go back anymore, following the new route.

"That would be perfect, Miss Wu. We were talking about our cooperation and the future. As I said before, I'm Trade Union's main supplier for raw ore and refined metals that I produce in my factories all around the Heaven Realm. I search for mines, exploit it, and then look for another," Master Dong explained. "Unfortunately, although the Earth in Heaven Realm is filled with countless mines, we already discovered at least eighty to ninety percent of them across Eight Lands. In the next one hundred years, we should have covered the remaining ten to twenty percent, so we need to slowly start looking for new sites of exploitation."

"I see. Did anyone point out any solutions so far? What about the last land?" Wu questioned, turning into her business mode of focus.

"The last land is actually one of the solutions for the problem. The first one is exploring different realms in search of resources and another one is investing in Metal Land," Master Dong replied. "What are your thoughts on that?"

Wu raised her eyebrows.

"Why wasn't Metal Land explored already?" Wu questioned, before answering on her own, "Let me guess, the Metal Land is filled with dangers or some powerful race that is dominating the area and claiming the resources for themselves."

"Both are true," Master Dong nodded with a smile. "Metal Land wasn't developed because of those reasons. Too many Celestial Stage Spirit Beasts live there, making it almost impossible to live in. We tried exploring it but we were always beaten up by the beasts and suffered countless losses. It's not easy to venture into Metal Land and it's even harder to mine for resources."

"Aside from the beasts, the land is dominated by the Dwarf Kingdom. They are extremely powerful and their endurance is scary. We don't want to offend them. Although their individual power is nothing scary, once the whole race mobilizes their forces, it's beyond scary," Master Dong added while pretending to shiver.

Gazing at Elder Yang, he commented, "I'm not sure if even the Sect Master Liu, the strongest expert could face them."

Elder Yang shrugged as he replied, "It will never happen, so we can only guess. Our Sect Master is too busy with his own matters to fight with Dwarfs."

As he spoke, Nuwa nudged her with her foot, but Wu already knew. Elder Yang has been staring at her strangely from the very beginning as if something bothered him. With how he looked at Blissful Knight earlier, it wasn't hard to deduct they had some connection with each other.

As they had Blissful Knight's Storage Ring on them, he must have already figured they were the ones who scammed them. For now, he could only sit patiently and hope the duo doesn't reveal anything. Wu appreciated that, not willing to bother herself with the clowns.

"Then isn't the solution simple? To keep the steady inflow of resources, we need to take over Metal Land. Once I improve my strength which shouldn't take me long, we will personally visit the Dwarf Kingdom and negotiate the Peace Treaty. We will also establish a trade route with them and improve our relations, pulling the Dwarf Kingdom to our side," Wu declared. "With those connections, we can invade the Metal Land and start building our own companies and cities."

"Miss Wu, do you think we never tried it?" Master Dong asked back with an awkward smirk before giving others a glance as if checking if they are going to laugh.

Too bad, before anyone could laugh, Wu turned cold and snapped back at him. "If Master Dong doesn't believe in my words then I can always find someone who does. I'm sure there are other suppliers who would like to work with me."

The smile on everyone's faces froze, turning serious. President Wu wasn't different, low-key panicking. All the people by the main table were extremely important to the prosperity of the Trade Union. All of them lived in a symbiotic relationship. The lack of any of them would slow down many production lines.

Wu knew that very well. That's how Trade Union worked in the Earth Realm as well. They couldn't monopolize the whole market else they would become the target of many. Because of that, aside from their own supply chains, Trade Union cooperated with various top clans and independent contractors. This way, everyone was happy in the end.

"Little Wu, you should—" President Wu tried to interfere but was silenced by Wu right after. "I know what I should do, thank you, Grandfather."

Her voice didn't soften one bit when she spoke his family title. Wu didn't even turn to him, her eyes directed at Master Dong.

Nuwa put her plate down at that moment, finishing all of her food, and called out casually, "Just because you were incompetent, doesn't mean everyone is. When we want something, we get it. You don't need to worry about how it will happen. If we say so, it will."

Wu nodded firmly before scolding, "I'm not sure what my Grandfather expected from you, but I expect full loyalty and professionalism. I'm the card dealer and you, Master Dong, are just a player. I have the right to kick any player from the game at my own discretion. Please remember that before you disrespect me."

Chapter 56 Solutions

Everyone was in the same venue and Wu's tone wasn't quiet at all. All top clans turned in the main table direction, interested in the disagreement.


A thin, soundproof barrier surrounded the main table as Wu and Master Dong had a stare-off, not even blinking as if testing who will crack first.

"Miss Wu. You are not our boss. All of us are partners," Master Dong called out sternly. "If you kick one of us, you will have to kick us all. No one is going to cooperate with you if you threaten your partners. Once all of us are gone, the Trade Union will fall with us."

"Oh, really? Are you sure?" Wu questioned while lifting her eyebrow and gazed at the rest of the partners. "Master Dong said you are willing to cancel all your partnership with Trade Union for him. Is that true?"


No one spoke a thing, creating an awkward silence that ended with Master Dong warning.

"Miss Wu, what you are doing right now is pure pressure using your power. This is not healthy for any partnership."

Master Dong turned to President Wu and questioned, "Are you going to let this continue?"

To his obvious surprise, President Wu took a sip of his wine and didn't meddle in the argument. "My granddaughter words are my words. She is the General Manager of Trade Union now. It's you who offended her first and our friendship will not help you."

Even Wu was a bit taken aback by his words but she expected it at some point. Going against her at such a moment would make the case even worse, confusing the power dynamics in their partnership that could let others take advantage of them. It was obvious they were the leaders in the market and they could only keep it by staying strong.

"I don't mind Miss Wu words," the lady with a fur finally commented. "Let's be honest. Trade Union has a great advantage by partnering with us, but if they stopped, they wouldn't fall. Their roots are too strong for that. They would be weakened for a while, but eventually, they would recover while we would lose our business, and thousands of our workers would lose their jobs. This is business. Master Dong, you should put your pride away and simply enjoy the opportunity in front of you."

"Lady Wang is right. If not for President Wu's trust in me, I would still be selling grilled meat in my small restaurant," Fatty Gu agreed. "Look at me now. Thousands of restaurants all around the Heaven Realm."

"Why not give Miss Wu a chance to prove herself?" Lady Wang suggested, giving Wu a smile.

Wu naturally returned it and pointed out, "We are business partners, not friends. No matter what you think of me, I will not tolerate smirking at my words. I don't need to work with someone if I don't want to."

With such a clear stance and no support from the rest, Master Dong didn't have many choices left.

"Miss Wu, I apologize," Master Dong gave in, bowing. "I was being skeptical without even giving you the chance to explain yourself. It was my mistake."

"I hope this won't repeat in the future. My tolerance is limited," Wu said. "Shall we return to the topic?"

"Yes, Miss Wu," Master Dong nodded, calming himself down with a deep breath. "If Miss Wu succeeds with your plan and you actually invade the Metal Land, it would be a huge win for us. In all honesty, I'm not worried about the Dwarf Kingdom but instead the Spirit Beasts roaming the land. How does Miss Wu plan to deal with them?"

His voice was much more polite than before, trying not to offend her once again.

"If you let me finish earlier, you would already know by now," Wu commented while rolling her eyes and gazed at Nuwa. "How about using Yiren's help?"

"Oh, she will definitely be down," Nuwa replied casually. "I'm sure she is roaming somewhere and befriending random beasts."

Before they asked, Nuwa introduced Yiren to the rest.

"She is my daughter and no beast stand a chance against her. She Ascended together with us but was split due to certain circumstances. Once we find her, the issue of any beasts attacking us would be void."

"Oh!" the partners exclaimed with interest. "A Master Beast Tamer?"

Even President Wu looked at Nuwa in surprise.

"Is that so strange? We Royal Forest Elves have extremely close contact with nature. Cultivation for us is a breeze and beasts are our friends. Unfortunately, there weren't many strong beasts in the Realms we visited, so Yiren couldn't really display her talent," Nuwa explained as if it was natural.

"Right," Wu agreed. "The most she could tame was a Celestial Stage Dragon and Celestial Stage Phoenix. The dragon became her personal pet while the Phoenix turned into a beautiful human form and became our big sister instead. I'm sure she will meet stronger beasts in the Heaven Realm."

"True, true. That's why I'm not even worried about her. She will do well," Nuwa replied with a confirmation.

Their short exchange was enough to shock the seniors.

"You have a Celestial Stage Phoenix as a friend?" President Wu asked calmly but Wu knew he was panicking inside. No one knew about that fact aside from them as Bella was always disguised as a human inside the Earth Realm.

Wu smiled amused. "What? You didn't know? Oh, I forgot. You were busy scheming about how to get rid of my husband and introduce new guys to me. I'm sorry for not informing you."

"Oh, by the way," Wu added. "Yiren is also one of us, Liu Xuefeng's wives. Her Spirit Beasts will be really mad if something happens to him."


The Seniors were taken aback, holding back their breaths while President Wu frowned, straight up denying, "Why would I ever scheme against your husband? He is naturally welcome and I'm proud you found yourself a strong partner. Also, the Celebration Party wasn't aimed at finding you a husband. It was meant to help you meet the elites of Heaven Realm and introduce you to the world. I would never do anything to hurt my granddaughter."

"Oh, my bad then. That's really reassuring. Thank you, Grandfather. Everyone will remember what you said," Wu apologized with a gentle smile and turned to Master Dong. "Are there any other doubts about my suggestion?"

"All my doubts were cleared. If everything Miss Wu said is true then it is really possible. I'm impressed," Master Dong praised. "I'm once again sorry for my actions from earlier. I got carried away."

"All good. Everyone makes mistakes," Wu assured while looking in the distance. "As long as they realize they did, apologize, and work on redeeming themselves, everyone can be forgiven. Some people just need to realize they can't win, and each time they go against me, they dig their graves deeper. It would be best if everyone was as fast as Master Dong and give in before it is too late. Sometimes it is just too late and in the end, they might end up losing me forever."

Master Dong scratched his head, gazing awkwardly at her as if he didn't know what to say. The message wasn't for him though but a certain someone Wu once admired but he disappointed her times and times again.

President Wu didn't show anything on his face, nor did he comment on anything but Wu already expected it.

"Anyway, Trade Union will invest in exploring the Metal Land. If Master Dong wants to continue our partnership, we will use your manpower and connections to slowly set up bases. We are not in a hurry and Trade Union has enough funds to burn if there is a need," Wu proposed.

"Sound perfect to me," Master Dong replied with a satisfied smile.

Wu wanted to continue right away but was suddenly disturbed by her grandpa who stood up from the table. He looked absent as he called out, "Elder Yang, can I ask you to talk privately? I want you to ask something unrelated to the current discussion."

Elder Yang raised his eyebrows but also stood up. "Sure."

"Excuse us for a minute. I will exchange a word with Elder Yang and return. You can continue discussing with Little Wu. She is more than competent to handle everything," President Wu expressed before leaving the main table, heading to the main exit with Elder Yang.

Wu couldn't actually figure what he schemed once again but before she could decode it, Lady Wang raised her voice.

"Miss Wu, there is an issue I have. Would you mind advising me as well?" Lady Wang questioned as she winked at Wu.

"Of course."

"I have troubles with bandits groups who are targeting my herbs plantations and stealing my Spirit Herbs. I have so many of them in multiple places that it is impossible to protect them all with most of my high ranked experts," Lady Wang explained. "What does Miss Wu suggest I can do? Maybe increase the number of experts?"

"That would work temporarily but it's costly and in the end, doesn't solve the issue. What we can do is announce a contest to the Dragon Steps cultivators. Anyone who can destroy the bandits troubling you would be handsomely rewarded by the Trade Union. A year worth of Cultivation Resources should suffice as a reward," Wu proposed. "If we wanted to hire people to settle the problem, the price would be much higher. Why not let others deal with it for us?"

"Naturally, we expect some discounts for future batches of herbs," Wu added, taking a sip of wine.

Lady Wang didn't hesitate and agreed, "Deal, works for me."

"Anyone else?"

"President Wu, what is it? The conversations are quite important to miss them."

Elder Yang called out as they left the venue, stopping in the hallway. He wanted to talk with President Wu from the start about his disciples' problem, but seeing how Miss Wu acted, even President Wu couldn't help them. They could only hope Miss Wu will leave them alone. Treasures could be easily earned back but the respect was extremely hard to recover.

"What we will talk about is even more interesting," President Wu assured, setting a similar soundproof barrier around them.

"I'm all ears."

President Wu looked unsure himself what he wanted to say but eventually, he asked, "Do you know if Sect Master Liu accepted any new disciples lately? Today for example?"

"Huh?" Elder Yang has never been more confused. "No, there is no way. He has been preparing for a breakthrough for quite a while already. He wouldn't simply stop and just leave the Sect to recruit some disciples. Why do you ask?"

"Because I received information about two new disciples of Sect Master Liu earlier today. That's why I called you here to confirm it," President Wu explained. "So Sect Master Liu didn't leave the Spirit Land?"

"No, it's impossible," Elder Yang shook his head firmly. "Whenever Sect Master Liu steps down from his mountain, the whole House of Dragons knows about it. His mountain is right in the middle of the Sect, so even if he wanted to sneak out, he can't. Someone would for sure notice him and all the elders would be notified. Also, Sect Master Liu would inform us by himself as he has the habit of doing. It's just not possible…"

Master Yang paused, trying to think of ways Sect Master Liu could use to slip away, but he couldn't think of anything. He knew nothing was impossible for their Sect Master Liu but he would have to break all the habits and traditions to make it possible.

"He could always master some Invisibility Art to stealthily leave and use his daughter as a cover-up but would Sect Master Liu trouble himself so much just to leave unnoticed? Especially if he was in the middle of a breakthrough preparations? Right now he only has one goal and that is raising his Cultivation Stage. He even told us a year ago that he will call us once he is ready, so we can assist him," Elder Yang thought out loud. "No, this can't be possible. Where did you get the news? Where are those impostors?"

"To tell you the truth, it was Liu Xuefeng, my granddaughter's husband that claimed he got recruited by Sect Master Liu. He is currently in the Water Land with his other wife, displaying two Sect Master Liu's personal disciple tokens. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it too," President Wu revealed, confusing Elder Yang even more.

"But how…? Quick, show me the video! Those tokens must be fake!" Elder Yang called out with a frown. "Doesn't matter if he is your son-in-law or not, if they are pretending to be Sect Master Liu's personal disciples, only death awaits them. House of Dragons will use all of our powers to hunt them down."

President Wu didn't seem that hurt about Elder Yang's words and simply pulled out a portable projector that was small enough to fit in his palm.

"Maybe you should watch the video first before you say anything."

President Wu passed him the projector and Elder Yang didn't hesitate, channeling his Spirit Qi into it. Light immediately came out and displayed two figures, a young man of white hair and a beautiful brown-haired woman. The scene came to life as the two pulled out two round tokens and the golden dragon burst out from them.

"Impossible…" Elder Yang muttered with his eyes widened. "Sect Master Liu tokens… How?! Maybe it was his daughter who passed the tokens to them?"

"Do you think those are the real tokens?" President Wu questioned suspiciously.

"Yes! Only Sect Master Liu can produce them! They are infused with the Qi of his Golden Dragon, so no one can forge them. It seems like Sect Master Liu really has two more disciples, no matter if he left the Sect or not." Elder Yang spoke in disbelief only to freeze.

"Oh no. I need to report this to my Sect! If Sect Master Liu left the Sect, this would be huge!" Elder Yang called out in panic. "Who else knows about this?!"

"I think everyone by now. At least in the Water Land, but the news should spread fast. From what I know, Liu Xuefeng shouted Sect Master Liu's name in front of a huge crowd," President Wu informed, observing Elder Yang's reaction closely.

"I need to go and inform the Sect right away. The news has immense implications!" Elder Yang said hurriedly and broke the sound barrier, rushing to the venue. "I will take that projector as proof and show it to the Sect."

"Sure, do as you wish," President Wu replied, smiling gently. "Just send me a message once you confirm everything with your Sect. It involves my granddaughter's husband, so I want to know all details."

"Alright! I will," Elder Yang promised with his hand on the entrance door and finally re-entered inside. He rushed to his disciples and snapped his finger in a stern manner.

"We are leaving. There is something important. I need to report back to the Sect."

Blissful Knight was in the middle of the talk with Lady Song but hearing his Elder, he didn't argue aside from showing a slight worry.

"Is it something serious?"

It was a rhetorical question as if it wasn't, they wouldn't need to hurry and leave in the middle of the party.

Elder Yang gazed at the youngsters around them which mostly consisted of Dragon Steps cultivators and shook his head, "Don't worry, it doesn't involve you guys. It's more serious to me than you as it is an internal matter of the Sect. It seems like Sect Master Liu recruited two new personal disciples. If you want to stay, I don't mind, but you will have to come back on your own."

The news would be leaked any time soon anyway, so he didn't mind sharing it.


The youngsters exclaimed, especially Blissful Knight and Lady Song for whom it was especially important news. It meant two more competitors for the top ranks of Dragons Steps. Being a personal disciple of Sect Master Liu gave you more privileges and resources than any spot on Dragon Steps did.

"Elder Yang, can we know who is it?" Lady Song asked with her eyes shining. "Do we know them?"

"Actually, you heard about him not long ago, at the start of the party," Elder Yang began, replying as he was withdrawing, clearly in hurry. "It's Liu—"

Clink, clink!

Just as he was about to say the name, President Wu reached the main table and gently knocked against his glass, announcing another toast.

"Everyone, I would like to ask for a moment of attention." President Wu called out in the already quiet venue. Everyone seemed curious why did the two suddenly leave.

Elder Yang guessed it would be about Liu Xuefeng, so he didn't continue, heading to the main table to bid everyone farewell.

"I have a little announcement. I received some shocking news today and I wasn't sure about it being true, so I had to ask Elder Yang about it. The news involves my dear granddaughter, so I had to be extremely cautious about it," President Wu explained, gazing into Miss Wu's eyes with a smile. "The news are about Liu Xuefeng, my granddaughter's husband."

Wu frowned at those words but President Wu assured her, "Don't worry, nothing bad happened with him. He couldn't be better actually."

He patted Wu on the head and finally revealed.

"Liu Xuefeng, my granddaughter's husband, has been recruited by Sect Master Liu to be his personal disciple. I would like to congratulate my granddaughter in his stead."


"Ming, you are a genius. So far, it is working perfectly."

The person mentioned by President Wu was currently in another city, this time much bigger, after sneaking inside with their new ID Cards. As they didn't want to travel at night, they decided to rush decoding of their ID Cards and stay in the closest biggest city. Thankfully, Ming was too good at her forging craft.

"How did you do it?" Xuefeng questioned as he pulled Ming into his arms right when her body appeared outside.

They were staying inside the first inn they found while the Almighty Spirit had no idea it was them.

"Hehe, it's quite complicated," Ming replied with a giggle, enjoying his affection. "Basically, I'm changing the signal that Almighty Spirit asks from the card when it scanned it. Almighty Spirit doesn't scan for appearance if a person has an ID Card on them to save its energy, so all I had to do is change the return signal, making you appear like a non-criminal. Trade Union should hold back with chasing you until they can confirm if you two are actually Sect Leader Liu's personal disciples."

"Ah, Ming is really smart," Tianshi praised from the side, leaning on Xuefeng's shoulder. "But can we actually use the Teleportation Station to reach the capital with them?"

As they visited the inn, they asked about the Tournament in the Capital and learned it would take place in two days. If they traveled normally, it would take them more than a week so they could only use the Teleportation Station.

"I guess we will find out tomorrow," Ming only shrugged, more interested in the man in front of her. "Will I get a reward for my hard work?"

Xuefeng already expected it, leaning over to kiss her and pulled all three of his wives to bed.

"You all worked well. Let me reward you."

Chapter 58 You didn't fall for me, right?"

It was the first time Wu was this confused, having tens of questions troubling her mind.

Was her grandpa lying to create trouble for Xuefeng? Elder Yang's reaction and his quick departure clearly showed something was up. Sect Master Liu getting new disciples could definitely bring such a reaction from him.

But would Xuefeng even get a master like that? Especially on the first day after their Ascension? She believed he had the capabilities to be recruited, but he already had Ming and Ling who were more than enough knowledgeable to lead him. He didn't need that Sect Master Liu even if he was the most powerful expert in the Heaven Realm.

Maybe he did it for resources? Or maybe he was forced? She didn't have much information, not able to guess properly.

"Congratulations, Miss Wu. Not only having Trade Union's support but also Sect Master Liu decided to take your husband under his wing. I'm sure you will get to the top quite quickly," Lady Wang called out happily, raising her glass of wine. "I can't wait to meet the man that could fall under Sect Master Liu's radar."

"Thank you, Lady Wang," Wu replied before questioning her grandpa. "Are you sure? Is this confirmed?"

"I wasn't sure myself, thinking that your husband forged the Disciple Token but Elder Yang confirmed that it is impossible. It can only mean that Liu Xuefeng was recruited by Sect Master Liu for real. His other wife, Tianshi, seemed to be recruited as well," President Wu mentioned, smiling at her proudly.

Wu and Nuwa knitted their brows. President Wu was definitely telling all that on purpose. They knew it very well that Xuefeng and Ming were more than capable of forging some token. By bringing the case to everyone's attention, President Wu made the situation even bigger, winning in both scenarios.

If Xuefeng forged it, he would be hunted down by the House of Dragons which would be exactly what President Wu wanted. On the other hand, if Xuefeng actually became Sect Master Liu's personal disciple, he could proudly use his name for benefits as well.

"Though, it is indeed quite confusing," President Wu added. "I know for a fact that Sect Master Liu locked himself in his mountain and is currently preparing for his breakthrough. As Elder Yang said, would Sect Master Liu sneak out at that important moment just to recruit some new disciples? Something seems off."

'I knew it…' Wu muttered in her mind. Her grandpa showed his true plans.

"Does it matter?" Nuwa replied first, rolling her eyes at President Wu. "Elder Yang already said it's impossible to forge it so Xuefeng had to get it somehow. If not from Sect Master Liu himself then maybe from one of his other disciples. Either way, Xuefeng is bound to have a bright future."

"That's true," Master Dong agreed with her. "Pretending to be a Personal Disciple of Sect Master Liu would be a huge offense and House of Dragons would definitely hunt him down if it turned out true. I doubt anyone would be this crazy to do it, so we don't need to worry."

"Maybe it was Sect Master Liu's daughter who met them today and gave them the tokens? I'm sure she has a few excess tokens passed on from her father. She is strong enough to manage the disciples on his stead while he is in closed-door cultivation. It's not like there are many of them," Lady Wang suggested to which other nodded.

Being a disciple of Sect Master Liu was an extremely high profile position so everyone knew about them.

"Let's hope that is true indeed. I don't want to see my granddaughter in heartbreak once something bad happens to her husband. We can only wait for the confirmation from Elder Yang," President Wu muttered with a sigh, reaching out to pat Wu on the head but she dodged his hand, standing up.

"Please inform me when that happens. For now, we will return back and rest for tonight. It's already pretty late," Wu announced, pulling on Nuwa's hand. "You can continue the Celebration Party according to schedule."

"Wait, Little Wu, what about the Auction? It is going to start soon," President Wu called out after her.

"I'm tired after cultivation, so I will sleep early. I will have a busy time tomorrow handling Trade Union matters," Wu replied, gazing at main table guests without bothering with him anymore. "If any of you have any matters with me, please visit my office from tomorrow."

"Don't worry, Miss Wu. Your husband will be alright," Lady Wang assured to which Wu smiled back. "I'm not worried. My husband can handle anything."

In truth, her mind was now occupied with Xuefeng and thoughts around him. Nuwa was for sure similar, so it was best to leave and find a place to handle the matter. On another note, she didn't want to reveal anything more about Xuefeng. The topic would definitely shift to Xuefeng and give her grandpa more opportunity to gain an edge over her. She couldn't let that happen.

Leaving the main table, Wu didn't forget about others.

"Everyone, we will be leaving to rest early," Wu announced to the whole venue in an apologetic tone. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to talk with everyone but don't worry. I'm not leaving anywhere, so there will be more occasions for sure. Thank you for coming to the party and please, enjoy the auction."


"What do you think?"

Right as the two left the Trade Union's escort and entered their mansion, Wu couldn't help but ask, dropping all the acts.

"Knowing Xuefeng and Ming? Yeah, they probably forged the tokens but we can't be hundred percent sure. It does seem like it's very unlikely he was recruited by the Sect Master Liu," Nuwa replied, deep in thought. "No matter if they did or not, they must have known the consequences so they must have a plan as well. We shouldn't worry too much."

"That's true too… Ah, if only he stayed low key for a little longer, I would be able to take control of Trade Union and bring everyone together," Wu lamented.

"But if he did that…" They spoke at the same time. "He wouldn't be Xuefeng we love."


"Hey, Bella… It's morning now. You can wake up."

With the first beam of sunlight that entered through the cavern's entrance, Drakos reached out gently with his claws and rubbed Bella on her back, trying to wake her up.

At the first try, Bella still didn't move, stuck in deep sleep. Drakos couldn't help but look at her, staring at the sleeping beauty for some more time. He didn't sleep at all that night, protecting her in case any beasts sensed them.

"Hey… Wake up…" Drakos whispered as he caressed her cheek, his claw bigger than her face. He tried to split her hair, wanting to get a glimpse of her face yet she suddenly jerked, scaring him.

"Mhmm…" She moaned unwillingly, reaching out to cover herself with a part of his wing. "More…"

"What did you say?" Drakos asked, her voice so cute he couldn't resist himself.

"Sleep more… Five minutes…" Bella repeated.

"We can't. It is time to act. The Dwarfs will be leaving soon," Drakos rejected, but she didn't move, rubbing her cheek against his scales. "It's so warm and soft. I want to sleep more…"

How could he reject her when she behaved like this? He ended up waiting more than half an hour, just watching her move around and stretch. The way her chest moved up and down on his body made him curse he wasn't in human form yet.


Bella breathed out loudly with her mouth wide open and finally sat down on his belly.

"I'm hungry. Cook for me," Bella demanded, yawning from time to time.

Normally Drakos would reject her but this time he didn't, knowing he needs her later.

"What do you want?"

"I want meat. Grilled meat," Bella replied casually, staring at him.

"Are you going to jump off me? I can't cook on my back," Drakos questioned confused as she didn't seem like she planned on leaving his stomach.

Only then did she raise up her arms and ordered, "Carry me. The floor is dirty. I don't want to dirty my dress."


Drakos was slowly getting irritated by her demands but he still didn't complain, picking her up gently. Flipping onto his legs, he placed her on his neck and reached out forward. A big chunk of meat appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and he caught it in his claws.

Just as Bella requested, he slowly began to roast it under the flame bursting from his mouth. He tried to moderate it so he wouldn't burn the meat.

"Nope, grill it some more," Bella said as he passed it to her for testing.

"No, some more please."

"Just a little bit more."

After her last order, Drakos was about to blow up but he stopped himself. For him, the meat was already perfectly ready.

"Is it good now?" Drakos asked after another round of roasting. There were already some signs of being burnt but Bella seemed satisfied.

"Yes, thank you," Bella said casually and cut off a small chunk, slowly eating it. "You can eat the rest."

"You sure you don't want more?" Drakos asked just to be sure and she nodded. With that said, he didn't hesitate but start eating it himself.

He was about to swallow when Bella started a sudden conversation.

"You seem very nice lately. No matter what I do, you don't shout nor argue with me. You didn't fall for me, right?"

Chapter 59 Answers


Drakos almost choked on the meat that was about to enter his throat, swallowing it whole and gulping it with struggle. He jerked his head away, looking at her while rapidly blinking.

Was he that obvious?! He has been trying to hide it, behaving like normal for almost three years, but the more time he spent with her, the further he fell into the hole.

"Ehem, what do you mean? Can't I be nice?" Drakos questioned while low-key panicking inside. "Also, I need your help now so it's only natural that I will not cause trouble."

He couldn't just admit it, knowing very well Bella would not return his feelings and he could only cause them to worsen their relationship. Phoenixes and Dragons didn't fit well together. She also said she is not really interested as Phoenixes lived a lonely life with no need to find a partner.

Bella narrowed her eyes, gazing deeply into his big golden orbs as if trying to see through his lies. Drakos wanted to look away but he persisted as if nothing happened.

"What is it? You can tell me anything," Drakos added, acting cool. Being in his Dragon body made it much easier to keep the poker face.

"I noticed it for quite a while…" Bella began. "Since the moment you saw this human body of me, you started behaving differently… Don't tell me you prefer humans over other female Dragons?"

As Bella asked, she skimmed her slim body with her arms, checking it out as if to find out what was so special about it. She squeezed on her plump chest, rubbing and caressing them while observing him.

"You like those? I saw you staring at them."


The guilty Dragon swallowed hard, not knowing know to defend himself.

Bella didn't stop at that and began jumping on his back while squishing her butt into his scales. She didn't realize how amazingly soft and nice that was, giving Drakos the time of his life.

"Is it those two fat lumps on my butt? I caught you staring at them too. It must be true, right? You like human women," Bella stated, sounding more sure with each second.

"Wait! I like them but that doesn't change anything, right?" Drakos argued, trying to cover his himself. "I used to live within humans for a long time, so I slowly became accustomed to human women. You are beautiful, so I will of course admire you. Is that a problem?"

'Oof, that was smooth. I'm so good,' Drakos praised himself internally but to his surprise, Bella squinted her eyes and puffed her cheeks, looking away abruptly.

"Humph, I talked with the girls and they told me that if someone is staring at your body, it means they are perverts who want to assault me. When that happens, they said I should punch them unless they are someone I want to stare. They also said that if someone is overly nice to me, it means they either want something from me or they like me," Bella explained before gazing back at him with flushed cheeks. "You have been like this for three years so it must be the latter."

"You fell for me, right?" Bella added. "Just like Xuefeng and his wives, right?"


Drakos opened his maw to speak and closed it several times, thinking hard what to reply and she quickly took his silence as a yes.

"I knew it."

"Wait!" Drakos exclaimed, annoyed by her questioning. "I'm not saying that I did, but even if I did fall for you, it would be completely normal. Why are you saying it like I committed a crime or something?!"

"Huh? I'm not. I was just asking to know," Bella replied, narrowing her brow at his outburst.

Drakos snapped right back.

"And what would you do if I did fall for you?"

Just as he said it, he regretted it, wanting to bang his head against the wall. Relationship and love weren't something that could be rushed and he pushed it on her.

Bella, on the other hand, replied calmly as if it was obvious, "What I would do? Nothing. Aren't we temporary partners? Why are you suddenly falling for me?"

The two words 'temporary partners' echoed in his mind like a clap of thunder during a stormy night. He knew that very well but it still struck him hard. Too bad, Bella wasn't done.

"We are staying together only because we have a deal and I promised Yiren not to kill you. Did you forget we were enemies just three years ago? At most, we could be considered friends because I trust you enough to sleep on you. We are a Dragon and a Phoenix, two species that shouldn't meddle together and I told you already, I'm not interested in any relationships. This is all business and—"

Drakos mind blanked out and Bella's words mixed together. He was unable to comprehend her any longer.

He wanted it to stop. Each time she spoke was like another nail that pierced into his heart.

Anger brewed inside of him but he wasn't angry at Bella but at himself.

'Why did I fall for her? I knew this would happen…'

He tried to look at her once again but he experienced a headache for the first time ever.

They were Phoenix and a Dragon. They couldn't be together, and yet his stupid brain had to become attracted to her.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Bella called out with eyes widening as he picked her up and placed on the ground. "Hey! Where are you going?"

"I need some fresh air," Drakos replied, his voice quiet and dull, carrying no emotion.

Without looking back, he walked out of the cavern, and his wings spread out. With a powerful swing and a bounce of his legs, he launched himself in the sky, a place he could feel at home.

As he breathed in deeply, he felt something was lacking. It was the soft body of a woman who laid on his back for such a long time. He got used to her touch, her weight, and her annoying remarks yet now it was all gone.

'It's just business… It's just a deal, huh…' Drakos repeated Bella's words as he gazed at the Dwarf Kingdom in the distance and then at the Cavern behind him.

He saw her going out and his heart squeezed once again, hurting his chest.

"I'm such an idiot…" Drakos muttered, speeding up in Dwarf Kingdom's direction.

"I don't need her. I don't need anyone…"


"Damn, did I say anything bad? I only spoke the truth…" Bella cursed as she saw Drakos clearly fly away cause of her. He wouldn't just randomly leave.


She planned to wait for him to come back first and continue their talk when she saw him dash away, heading straight towards the Dwarf Kingdom.

"What is he doing…?" Bella questioned out loud, knitting her brows but when she saw he wasn't stopping, she finally figured his plan.


She didn't hesitate and jumped in the sky, flying after him but her speed was nowhere close to an adult dragon.

"Drakos! Don't do anything stupid!" Bella cried out after him but he was too far to hear her voice.

'Why?!' Bella cried out in her mind, unable to comprehend. They were meant to sneak in together and get as many Fate Stones as they could before dipping away. Why was he suddenly diving into a battle solo?

She thought back to the words she told him before he left, but she couldn't find anything improper. Wasn't it all truth? Why was he so sensitive?

"Wait…" Bella suddenly recalled something.

She once had a chat with Xuefeng about relationships. Being new to anything human-related, she was interested in the concept of love. Bella never felt it so she didn't know what it was.

'When you love someone, you want to be with that person all the time. You shower them with affection because you want them to have the very best. You want to give them the world and even your life if that meant to save them. If you wouldn't give your life to the second person, you don't love them enough.'

Bella repeated Xuefeng's words in her mind. She has been using it as the explanation of love this whole time and based on that, Bella knew she didn't love anyone yet. To give her own life for others? Who would do that?

When she thought of Drakos, she didn't feel like dying for him at all. She trusted him enough that he won't hurt her, considering him a friend but it wasn't love. His Dragon body wasn't even attractive enough to her to move her.

'Wait… Xuefeng said something about Drakos…'

Bella recalled another conversation.

'Drakos is a dummy and sometimes selfish but when you see he is nice to someone, it means that he really cares for them. He can't hide his feelings well. He is not even nice to me yet he treats you well. Don't hurt his feelings, okay? Who knows what he will do. Love can really mess with someone's mind.'

"Did I hurt his feelings…?" Bella wondered as she stared at the distant figure of a giant dark-blue Dragon. "Could he actually be in love with me? But why?"

So many questions troubled her mind.

All she did was use and abuse him on daily basis. How did he fall in love with her? It sounded so impossible to her that she didn't even consider it.

Unfortunately, she couldn't contemplate it more, seeing Drakos getting closer and closer to the Dwarf Kingdom and he wasn't stopping.

It was the opposite.

He accelerated, his body coated with Golden Qi and he dove head-on against the barrier surrounding the city.


It popped like a bubble, without even slowing him down and he finally spread his wings, braking his charge. The giant entrance inside the mountain was open wide with hundreds of Dwarfs working in the processing of ore.

He didn't pay them any attention as he slipped through the gate, disappearing inside. He was naturally spotted by all Dwarfs and they all dropped what they were doing, chasing after him.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two colorful fireballs burst from Bella's hands as she flew through the hole in the barrier, stopping the Dwarfs from advancing and she followed Drakos inside.

"Idiot! Come and talk to me! I need answers!"

Chapter 60 No Exit

Drakos already pushed so far forward that he didn't hear her shout but Bella was determined, chasing after him.

She was shocked seeing a hollow space inside the mountain, filled with tens of thousands of houses and bridges filling the airspace. It was an enormous city filled with giant Dwarfs as well as production lines and tracks that extended in all directions. Chunks of ore were transported to different parts of the city and everything worked so smoothly like an oiled machine.

Naturally, when a large Dragon broke into the city, a loud alarm alerted the Dwarfs. Drakos didn't mind the commotion, flying in between houses as if he already knew this place very well.

'Where is he going…?' Bella wondered, bursting flames from her feet to accelerate. If she turned back into her Phoenix form, she would naturally be much faster but the struggle of recreating the body was too troublesome for her. She also didn't think she could maneuver as well as Drakos in such a small space. Her beast's body was much bigger than the current size of Drakos. She would only leave it as the last resort.

Dwarfs spat angry words in a language she couldn't understand as they chased them with gigantic hammers in their palms. Too bad, both Drakos and Bella were too fast for them to catch.

Bella began to notice a pattern of Drakos' movements, seeing he traveled along the certain tracks with large wagons carrying big chunks of ore. It led straight to the outside processing factory and came from the depths of the city.

She wondered what the end would look like and she found out soon after, gazing at the last straight of the tracks.

It was a gigantic golden temple with engraved doors, triple of Drakos size, that was already half-closed. She was blinded by the brightness coming from the inside but she could eventually see the source of it.

Fate Stones ore, pilled into small mountains.


Bella exclaimed as her eyes shone with desire. It seemed like it was some kind of storage for the ore and the Dwarfs opened it to transport the Fate Stones Ore for the final processing. Unfortunately, they didn't expect to be directly attacked at the only moment of the day when the storage was open.

Drakos didn't hesitate and slipped through the opening in the doors, getting inside. He completely disregarded her, acting alone as if the deal they made previously was nothing to him.

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" Bella scolded, her gaze ready to kill. She has never been this angry before.

How dare he ignore her? She valued the words given and he simply broke his, leaving her alone.


Her body exploded with flames of anger, turning her into a living torch and she stormed through the heavy door in the last second, right before they closed.


They locked with a bang, cutting them from the outside world but the inside was still bright, illuminated by the Fate Stones ore. It wasn't Bella's target though, but rather the dark blue dragon that landed on one of the mountains.

"DRAKOS!" Bella yelled, causing him to jump in fright.

"Bella?! What are you doing h—" Drakos questioned but couldn't finish the sentence as Bella was already by his side, her fist smashing into his belly.


His body was blasted like a cannon, piercing through the mountain of ore while sending hundreds of chunks in the air. She didn't think much, wanting to vent her anger at him, but when she saw Drakos smash at the floor while covered in her flames, she didn't feel any better.

Her flames we still burning with the same intensity.

"Why did you break your word?! We were supposed to work together!" Bella shouted while coming after him once again, hovering on top of his body. "We had a deal!"


Drakos suddenly bellowed, sending a cloud of flames at her but Bella took them face on. They blended with her own, giving no damage whatsoever.

"What deal?!" Drakos snapped back. "There was never a deal with us in the first place! You forced it on me and I agreed to save my life! You treated me like a slave the whole time and I bore with it because I liked you! Now I know what you really think of me. It was just a 'business' for you."

Drakos glared at her before looking away, slowly lifting himself up.

"I don't need you... I don't need anyone… I was fine by myself before I met all of you…" Drakos muttered, extinguishing Bella's flames with his wings. "I don't care anymore. If you want to kill me, go ahead. I'm done with this. I'm never helping anyone ever aga—"


Bella kicked his side, breaking his monologue while sending his body into the pile of Fate Stones Ore. She had to admit that Drakos had a special talent of knowing how to piss her off.

"Hahahaha," Drakos laughed, no longer moving as if he knew there was no way he could avoid a beating. "Come, hit me more! Just a bit more and you will get what you always wanted! You wanted to kill me this whole time, right? Why don't you finish me now? You got a perfect opportunity to take me down."

Bella's facial expressions have never been this cold. Killing instinct brewed in her mind as a giant fireball rotated on top of her palm, ready to be thrown at Drakos to burn his body into ash. He was already all burned from her flames. The difference between a Celestial and God Stage Beast was just too big for him to resist.

"Good, good! Haha! Throw it at me! Do it! Be over it! You wanted it for so long!" Drakos hurried her while laughing maniacally. "Get rid of this pain in the butt that was only disturbing you for the last three years!"


At Drakos's words, Bella's arm froze. She was about to end him when he mentioned the last three years. Multiple pictures flooded her mind, displaying tens of memories she made with him. His teasing as she ate clumsily, his scolding when she sneaked out to hunt alone or their yesterday night. She recalled his gentleness, his warmth, and his cheek rubs that made her feel like she wasn't alone anymore.

She could finally depend on someone, sleeping soundly without worry.

Was he a bother and a pain in the ass the past three years? Definitely. But looking back at the hundreds of years she spent alone, the last three years was the best time of her life.


The flames covering her body vanished as if a single puff of wind blew them away.

She couldn't kill someone who singlehandedly made her life exciting.

"I changed my mind. I will spare your life. You are free to do whatever you want. You are I are no longer bound by anything," Bella called out coldly, glaring at Drakos from above. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it right after, turning her back to him as she flew away towards the doors.

Just ten meters away, she stopped.

"I'm disappointed in you. I thought you are better than this. You promised to help me yet you broke it at the first possible occasion," Bella spoke without turning around. "You claimed you fell for me yet the next moment you leave me alone, running away. Is this how a person in love behaves? I know you didn't love me. If you did, you wouldn't leave no matter what happened."


Bella snickered, leaving before she got annoyed once again. She flew towards the golden doors, frowning deeper with each meter. She expected Drakos would reply, but his silence confirmed everything she said.

"You rejected me!"

She stopped an arms reach from the entrance as Drakos' voice finally resounded in the storage hall.

"You know how much it hurt to hear that I mean nothing to you and that we are just partners? Even though I knew that I thought we are at least friends yet we were not even that close," Drakos continued only to stop, changing his mind. "Whatever. Nothing I say will change it. As you said, we are a Dragon and a Phoenix. We shouldn't meddle together anyway."


Bella wanted to reply and even apologize for her words, but hearing the second part, she stopped herself, not wasting any more time on him. Even though she made mistakes, she was willing to change but he didn't give her a chance.

She placed her palm on the golden door and frowned, realizing how thick and heavy they were. It would take her a while to melt through them.

"Even you won't open them in time," Drakos called out, eating Fate Stones Ore as if they were crackers. "The Dwarfs are already calling back all forces, together with the King of Dwarfs. Once they are ready, they will burst inside and capture us. They are no other exit from here."

Bella completely ignored him, continuing to study the entrance but Drakos didn't shut up.

"You are really stupid following me inside. Once they capture you, they will force you to transform into your Phoenix form and use your flames for their smelting. You will be their slave forever for breaking inside the Dwarf Kingdom."

"Then how will you escape?" Bella finally broke the silence. The situation wasn't really good for her.

"Oh, so you finally talk? Too bad, I'm not telling you. Why should I? I will advance to the Celestial Stage now. If I can escape, that's great. If I can't, I will commit suicide and escape with my soul. I can find other ways to rebuild my body."