
Misthic Dragon Vimpire system

Yan Was 5 Year old when his father died in a Battle. the Battles was to protect the people from demon in the end qin family personal army got annihilated and After his Father Dead Yan Family members Start to Bully Yan And His Mother, Sister. Yan Born without a Bloodline,in this cultivation world every Person Need a Bloodline to cultivate. One day yan Mother Fall ill and he was Finding A Herb That Can Cure Her Mother, He found them But when he was About go some of his clansman beat him like a dog and make him unable to walk or stand, They Broke yan Leg,hand, They Let Yan Die In that Forest. But Seddenly he heard a voice after that when he woke the system give yan The Power to Walk on cultivation path. He swear on his life he will kill evey single Demon and find out who was the culprit that kill his Father. Check My Other novel. 1.my apocalypse Vampire Wives. 2. Reincarnation as Heaven. 3. Hell dragon and the chaos World I don't own this Pic you can tell me if you're the real Owner

Darkchoco · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Qin Yan Introduction And His Mother ill

Qin Yan Born In a Kingdom Where Caltivataion And Bloodline is Everything.

In Beining City every family had Bloodline And Caltivataion.

Qin Yan is a Trash Who Had No Caltivataion Because He born without a Bloodline.

He Was a Trash who could not do anything in right way This Wy He get Beat by Other childs who was his same ages because They Could Caltivataion Some Them Was Martial Art Middle stage.

Yan Had a Sister And a mother That his simple Family they Live Happyliy About his Father when Yan was seven year Old His father Gone out with many Havean stage Masters To deal with Moster In that Battle Yan father Died.

[Athor Note: you all would feel boring this wy i finished the Introduction]

The Main Character Was Going in the Forest To Found Some herb Because His Mother was ill And in Middle of Forest He Found The herb He Want.

He was Returning In The middle of No Where some Of The Bully From His Family Take The Herb Bag From His Hand And Give The Bag To The Family Head son He Was The one Who bully yan The Most Because Yan Father Was The head In The Battlefield Yan Father Qin Xio Lead Qin Family Army

And Died In the war.

Other Family Didn't lose Much But Qin family Get Demoted to Third Rate Family Because Of This In Qin family Yan , his Mother And sister Get The Blame

Qin xigao: Hey Trash What Are you Doing Are you here To eat the shit Of The monster To Caltivataion.

everyone laugh Yan was Standing There and listening to them.He was Angry But What Can He Do.He know That He was Born to be a Trash.

Then yan said Qin xigao Give The Please Qin Said Yan said in cry voice what if i don't

Qin xigao Wy should I give the bag is this bag was your

Yan Get angry And rush toward Qin xigao and hit him with his head. because seddenly Yan hit Him With his head Qin xigao couldn't balance his body and he hit the tree and yan take the herbs from ground and ran toward his house but he couldn't ran very far,

Qin xigao friend catch him and beat him like dog and Qin xigao Take his bag And open Yan Bag and see There was Common hreb that can cure some minor injury or fever..pain

Qin xigao take out the and fell them in groun and squash Them in his feet And left Yan To Die There Because Yan Geted beat By Caltivator his Leg and Arms got Broken and his Head get a Crack. Yan Was dieing And he Remembering his Mother And Sis what what will happen when he die

He didn't worry about his sister because she was a good Caltivator but yan was worry about his mother what will happen when she know that yan die. when yan die ing he was thoughing that he don't want to die yet .

he Don't even see the world.

he couldn't even give anything to his mother and sister He want to Give his mother and sis everything they Want yet he was dieing about That He couldn't not do anything. yan was crying And saddely yan Heard A vioce.

[Found The Host....]


[0.2 Error....]




[Host do you want the system.....]


[Author note : in the next chapter we will meet again i am new in writings hope you will like it . i am not to good in English writing and if there is any mistake forgive me ]

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