
Mister Monster

Follow Cecil and Mister Monster in their adventure in the world of Gaia, A World of untamed lands and buried secrets. Together no sword or magic can stop them. Will they uncover the hidden truth of the world?

Moronoxy · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Prologue - Fortunate meetings

"A baby born from nothingness drifting through constant limbo, neither dead nor alive.it is believed that once the sun shines brightest through a heavy storm the sky will open dropping the monster through our world. The monster hideous in feature, eats those on its domain be it other monsters, animals or even us huma-"

The little girl Shrieks in terror, shaking in terror.

"Tha- that's a funny story dad"

"Oh? But it's real"

"Real?.. " the little girl says trembling even harder

"Yes! The beast of myths will come falling from the sky once more"

"They say it already landed near the village"

"St- Stop Lying"

"That's why if you don't behave you'll be eaten by the beast"

The little girl on her utmost limit burst in scream and tears

"Look what you did"

"Aw, cheer up Cecil. Don't worry your dad will fight that big scary monster and protect us" the mom says caressing and comforting the little girl

The dad coughs and chokes on his words "I.. I what?"

"Your dad is strong and brave isn't he?"

"He can do anything for us" Cecil's mom says mockingly

Cecil's dad wanted to refute it but her mom's glare says otherwise

He chuckles "I'll show you what else I can do then" Cecil's dad says raising both his arms

"Ah!" her mother screamed joyfully as her father tries and catch them both

As the sounds of love and happiness fills the house, howls and chirps are slowly overtaken by silence. the night grows ever so colder and the moon shines down on everything. A faint heart beat can be heard on the forest. There's something else out there

"Cecil, Wake up!"

"The sun is almost down and your still lying on the bed" Cecil's mom says

"Don't wannaaa"

"Come on Cecil, "

"If you don't wake up the pie's going to go bad"

The sweet aroma feels the room, a tempting offer for a hungry child. Cecil's eyes open

"PIE?!" she says lunging out of her bed drooling

"Calm down now Cecil"

"Grab me some hydrangeas before you go eat that pie" Cecil's mom says


"It'll be quick just a few will do"

"Ok then" Cecil says as her arms drags across the room grabbing a small basket along the way.

"Be careful now" Her mom says before she kisses Cecil's forehead

"Tell you what I'll make sure your dad won't eat all the pie"

A weak sound of disapproval can be heard from the other room

"You will?" she says grinning

With the nod of her mother she sprinted towards the forest

"I'll be back soon!" Cecil says as her voice fades

Cecil followed the mossy path that leads to the forest. Tall dark oak trees fill the view with pines and flowers none of which is what she's looking for. The forest is relatively safe as there's usually nothing that can harm her there but mushrooms, poison ivies and pesky little insects. However, she knows not to go far too deep within the forest alone.

"Ah! Here they are" Cecil says

Cecil found her small patch of hydrangeas hidden away like an oasis. From whites to blues and reds to pinks, she plucked quite a few but left some hydrangeas of each colour.

"This should be enough" Cecil says before seeing one little hydrangeas illuminated by the light

"I guess one more wouldn't hurt"

as she was about to pluck the last hydrangea, she heard a terrible beating, from the depts. Of the trees something emerged Some thing…..

Its one eye as red as the sun and just as fiery rooted deep within its horse like head opened. The huge monster crouched over her on its two legs still menacingly huge. A bush like robe covers everything on its upper body except for the gaping mouth-like hole in its chest. Its broken horns on its head filled with flowers and roots glows. It rests its elongated arms so long it reaches the floor along with its 6 claws. Cecil feels the massive pressure from its eye as if it's studying her, curios on what she is. The terrible beating that she kept hearing was coming from is chest

Thid Thud did it go

Clash did it went again

And thud once more in quick succession

Stood frozen, Cecil wanted to move, run, scream, cry, anything yet she can't. Her body shakes all over her so much so that she drops the basket of hydrangeas

Cecil's heart beats faster as she tries to step back only to lose her balance and fall on her bottom

The monster's hands slowly came creeping closer and closer towards her

Cecil's heart races even faster, her gasp for air only leaves her breathless with even her sweat trying to escape her own body. She felt dizzier as the huge claws of the monster inch towards her


The claw stops in front of her, grabbing the basket which is now nearly empty.

Stunned from what's happening in front of her Cecil couldn't utter a word. Her sweating lessen along with the pacing of her heartbeat

The monster looked left and right looking for the fallen hydrangeas too small for its hands. Yet, it still tries to carefully and slowly grab the flowers it can see, trying not to damage them, and putting each one on the basket near Cecil. Whenever it would hurt one the hydrangeas it would make a weird noise before coy fully putting it on the basket. Cecil notices how both of them we're surrounded by a lot of insects ranging from caterpillars to butterflies but the monster doesn't sway them off. The terrible sound she heard started to soften

Cecil grabbed all her might to try and get closer. She was still afraid but steadily she attempted to walk towards the monster. She grabbed a stray hydrangea too far for the monster to see and put it in the basket

"tha- thank you" Cecil says looking down shaking

The beast lowers its head trying to look at her directly almost reaching the ground until, their eyes lock. Cecil grabs one of the claws near her still keeping her eye on the monster. Her eyes gleaming she smiles right in front of the monster. The monster decided to stay and sit near Cecil not letting go of her small hands.

"Wait!" Cecil said before searching her basket

"Here, Have this" Cecil says as she places a white hydrangeas on the monster's massive palm

The monster tilts its head, confused on what the girl is trying to do.

"Don't look at me like that" Cecil says giggling

"It's a thank you gift for helping me, mom always said to thank those who helped us"

The monster looked at the flower, still confused on what the girl is trying to do, tries to put it back on the basket

"No Mr Monster!" Cecil says grabbing the basket away from the monster

"You shouldn't return gifts given to you it's rude!"

The monster looked at it for a good amount of time before placing it on its mouth like abdomen. The flower went deeper inside of the monster's mouth almost consuming the whole arm until a beautiful flower surfaced.

A bright dazzling white core spiralled by clusters of what looks like the night sky. The flower almost half of her size was constantly moving clockwise in a fixed speed, never faster never slower. The flower didn't have any roots or leaves but rather it had petals that passed through your touch

" I- I don't think you should give me this Mr monster" Cecil says

The monster decided to push the flower onto her

"Alright, alright"

"I'll take it" Cecil says grabbing the stem of the flower

The monster let go of the flower on her hand, almost making her tumble forwards in the process. Luckily, the monster caught her before she fell on the ground. Cecil twirled, twist, danced and played with the flower while the monster quietly watches over her though sometimes she would fall but the monster would always catch her.

"This have been really fun Mr Monster"


"I have to go now" Cecil says as she cleans herself up

The monster sits motionless continuing to only look at her

"I promise I'll come back so stay there in the meantime"

"ba- bye" says Cecil waving her hand towards the monster

The girl eagerly waiting for a response sees the monster mimicking her wave in a stiff manner

Cecil joyfully skips her way back, humming a sweet tune. After all the day will only get more interesting