
Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

]Do add my new novel "THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABIES ALL WANT ME " to your library"] .... She wants to seduce him and he wants to seduce her, who will win the war of seduction? ..... Jasmine Avans, a 24 year-old lady lost her contract to a guy popularly known as the Ice Prince. Acquiring the contract was a challenge given to her by her father. If she couldn't acquire the contract she would have to dissolve her company and join the family business. But if she managed to acquire it, she could save her company. Just to get the contract she lost, the renowned great seducer, Jasmine Avans, embarked on a mission to seduce the Ice Prince and get her contract back. In her series of attempts to seduce him she ended up falling into his trap. She would fall deeply in love with him just like he wanted. Jackson Smith, the only heir of Smith's International, was well known for his fine looks and cold attitude. Because of his cold attitude, people of the city gave him the title Ice Prince. The day he set his eyes on her, he had promised himself to make that strange woman his. After waiting for so long, the opportunity to get close to her finally arose, and so he vouched, "People say she is the great seducer, but I will seduce the great seducer and make her mine!" Just to realise his goal, Jackson snatched the important business contract from her. However, in the process of seducing her, he ended up being seduced over and over again. Who would win in the war of seduction? Could Jasmine save her company? Or would Jackson manage to make her his? Has anyone ever stopped to think about why this goddess became the renowned Great Seducer? ..... EXCERPT "No man has ever been able to resist my touch nor my beauty and elegance, do you have a problem with that, Mister?" Jasmine asked as she played with his chest with his hands. Jackson was so unlucky to have slightly unbuttoned his white shirt before her arrival. She seized that opportunity to tease his bare chest. Jackson just let her took liberty with him without rebuking her. If he had known that letting her touch him so intimately will later make him go through severe pains, he would have stopped her. "I am sure any part of his body she touches send thousands of electric charges down his spine. Will he be able to endure it and even though he can endure those electrifying sensations her hand is doing to his system, for how long will he be able to endure it?" Jeff asked. The way he talked showed that he felt bad for the helpless Jackson. "Even though he can endure it, I bet he won't be able to endure it for more than two minutes. Just watch and see," Steve said smiling mischievously. Goddamn it! Why did I have to challenge her when I was just standing so close to her? I am gonna lose control of myself if she doesn't stop now. Jackson who was now very aroused thought gritting his teeth. (WARNING: MATURED CONTENT)

Flabbergasted · Thành thị
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586 Chs

A Plan To Get Back The Stolen Contract

"Boss, like you said their company does not deal in gaming or anything associated with technology so we have never had an opportunity to have a clash in the past and to answer your other question, Mr Jackson was formerly managing their branch in Singapore. He recently just came back so I don't think you have had the opportunity to offend him," Catherine replied calmly.

If he is not doing this for revenge, why the heck is he acting as a stumbling block against me achieving my goal?

Jasmine thought in fury.

"Ok, if that is not the case then I want you to brief me about him. I at least need to know who my opponent is before I draw the battle line," Jasmine said as she stares at Catherine who was still standing.

She did not bother to tell Catherine to sit down since she knows that Catherine likes making report while standing.

Catherine reported the information she had gathered about Jackson Smith. In the end, she even showed her a picture of Jackson.

"So what if he is known for being icy and domineering. I have melted countless Ice Prince in the past. Those icier than him were subdued by me so what is different about him?" Jasmine asked with pride.

"No matter how icy he is, at the end he will have no choice but to bow to the Supreme power. He will be added to my list of all the mighty men that have become my preys," Jasmine said smiling devilishly. The way she was smiling scare Catherine because she knew exactly what was going through her boss mind.

"Boss, I don't think seducing him is a great idea. Since he hasn't resided in the country for a long time we don't know him too well. You might get into trouble if he ends up being a bad person. Your mum and dad are gonna roast me alive if something terrible happens to you," Catherine said, feeling scared for herself.

"Catherine, have I ever failed in seducing my target?" Jasmine asked staring up at Catherine's beautiful face. She elegantly stood up from the couch.

"Never," Catherine said vehemently.

"What about getting hurt?" Jasmine asked walking close to Catherine.

"I don't remember you ever getting hurt...,"

"That is to tell you that there is nothing to worry about. I am just going to steal back my contract in the same way he stole it from me so relax Ok?" Jasmine said as she places her hand right on Catherine's left shoulder.

"All that you should be thinking about now is how to get me an appointment with him. Just one appointment with him is enough to make the famous Ice Prince my prey," Jasmine said smiling triumphantly.

Why do I have this strange feeling that melting this particular Ice Prince will not be easy?

Catherine thought staring at her boss smiling face.


In a very glamorous office whose walls were practically made of glasses, three handsome guys sat on three out of the four silver colour couches discussing. Mere staring at their handsome faces, one could tell how dashing the three of them looked. Their fine looks was something everyone could testify to.

"JK, are you sure of what you are about to do? In my opinion, I don't think it is a great idea for you to provoke her in this manner," Jeffrey Darwin, a tall handsome guy in his late twenties said in a serious tone.

"Yeah, you are right. I agree with you a hundred per cent. Provoking the most dreadful lady among men is a suicidal mission for any man. She is the Almighty great seducer. I am sure she is not gonna let the matter slide after biting her tail. She is popularly known for being aggressive," Steve Crown said staring at Jackson's indifferent expression. Both Steve and Jeffrey were the playful type but they know when to act serious and when to act playful.

"Yeah, she is gonna come for you. She is not only gonna seduce you to get her contract back but she is gonna take half of the Smith family's fortune as compensation for provoking her. I did not give her the title of Seduction Goddess for nothing. She lives up to her title," Jeffrey said smiling. Jeff mood's changes according to his words. If he said something funny even after speaking seriously, he won't resist smiling.

"She is gonna seduce me? Let her bring it on. I am eagerly waiting for her to do that," Jackson said grinning evilly. Out of the three, Jackson's perfectly sculptured face is the most outstanding. Wherever he goes, he always stands out because of his fine looks and perfect figure.

"JK, I have been curious for a while now but I dare not question you for fear that you might get furious...,"

"Since when have you started asking permission before you speak," Jackson asked in his husky tone.

"I will take your reply for a yes then," Jeff said as he took in a deep breath to ease his nervous heart. He steals a secret glance at Steve before he said what was on his mind.

"Can I ask why you are doing this to her? I mean our men clearly told us that Mr Avans gave his second daughter a month to get this contract, failure to get this contract within that specified period will result in her company being dismantled, so why are you doing all this? I have never seen you done anything unreasonable since we became friends that is why I am curious to know what crazy thoughts are running through your mind," the usual playful Jeff said in a very serious tone.

"Haven't I told you about seeing Miss Jasmine painting among his files in his study room? At one glance at the painting, I could tell what was going through his mind while drawing her. Every stroke was drawn with love," Steve said smiling mischievously. His intention in saying this was very obvious.

"JK rarely draws and when he does he only paints those he loves dearly, so how come you found a drawing of Miss Jasmine in his study unless...," Jeff said his mouth dropping open in total bewilderment.

"You now understand why he is putting in a lot of efforts to provoke her?" Steve asked winking naughtily at Jeff.

"You went through my stuff, how..,"

"I now understand why JK could remain unfazed even after provoking a wounded lion. So he has already being seduced by...,"