
Mission of Gods

Allen Klein, an Antique store keeper, holding a silver mirror he is destined to the world of Yuri what is it? what will he do? what mystery does this mirror hold? follow his journey as he explores the world of yuri

RaphaelThatSleeps · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Inside a lavishing restaurant..

The restaurant had chandeliers dangling with plates of gold and silverware arranged neatly

It was appalling that 3, 18 year olds were seated with casual dress with two of them having great manners another struggling

Allen coughed with his eyes looking down at the table as Ryan laughed

"What are you worrying about?"

He asked as he waved his hands

"You don't know that we Yuri get a huge pay? Or is it that your cult didn't pay you much? Which cult are you from?"

Allen stared at the mirror as the mirror in his hand shone slightly as Hopkins figure was visible

"I forget, lad, you do get ample pay..."

"So it seems like your spirit gaurdian didn't say you much

"No problem! Us Yuri are sponsored by the government... Meh kinda sponsored by them

"Not only them but even more organisations... And so a pay for even a person who didn't join a cult is... Good

"I'm really jealous about you though!"

Ryan said staring at the mirror as Allen tilted his head

"The mirror is... The second kind"

"Second kind?"

He looked at Max as max nodded

"There are varieties of Yuri and your powers... Its the second type... Named the bearer its stronger compared to those in mortal relam"

"To explain a little... Legends are created by human belief and will, it is fuelled with rituals and sacrifices

"But to those in second stages like yourself... You don't need to rely on someone like a legend or a myth of a god to achieve powers... The above mentioned are third catagory... The vagrant

"And the first category called absolute is people who derive power from their own legend... Like the region gods... And their subsidiary.."

"Oh i see"

"Yes... To you there is no boundaries... But for us, vagrant there is a system of upgrades... *Sigh* that is why I hope i die Out soon"


"Oh... You don't know? People like us, who are at the beginning stages of the vagrant are just cannon fodders... And you even fought bloody Mary!

"And a friendly warning! Don't show that mirror so often it might attract attention!"

"Okay... Whats this about payment...?"

Allen asked, he might have an antique shop but that doesn't mean he will deny another income

"Oh based on the myth or legend, you compromised, you, would be awarded, so you compromised bloody Mary... So you would at least get 50 million or atleast a shy amount of 15 million"


Allen stood up as he stared at the mirror, his eyes looking sharp as Hopkins figure appeared with a dry chuckle sounding in his mind

"Yes-yes what they said, it is true... The payment is being processed and will be forwarded to your bank account"


Allen sat down, a smile formed on his face as Ryan coughed

"Yup that's about it!"

"Okay... So can I become a vagrant?"

"You sure can do... But i don't think it is worth the effort"

"And not to mention you are a second type... You even escaped the bloody Mary!!! How lucky you have to be!!"

"Why don't you join our cult! Pray to our god! And you can get more money! More resources, you can even find your legend, myth and lore!"

"Yes join us!!"

Ryan smiled with his eyes cupping as max sighed

"Don't... You will die sooner than you want"

"People from the cult if they know about the mirror, they would not hesitate to give you tougher missions and get you killed

"After that they will search for the remaining family members of yours... If they are lucky, one can become a puppet of the cult or they all die

"But if you are super lucky, they can meet good cults and get saved from disaster..."

"Come on max!"

"No, don't take advantage..."

Allen smiled at Max with a nod as he wiped the thought of cults from his heart

["If these bitches dare touch my brother, i will kill them from the afterlife!! But rather this is interesting and the pay is good!!"]

"Sir your order"

The waiter came by as they calmed down


[ balance amount: 4,570,279]

"It really is true.... 45 million dollars... And Ryan said that if i joined the cult... I would get a member fee of 25,000 dollars a month without even doing anything"

"But rather! Now i can live my life, change the house, city! Do some little work, a private plane! And even a fucking cruise!, A vacation!!"

He squirmed sandwiching a pillow in between his legs

"I can even get some ladies!, I should change my style and buy something for my brother!!"

"Hmm... Isn't there a story about... A king offering a man gold to save him from poverty... But the man just spent it and became poor again??"

"What will i do if all my money is lost? Stolen or what if i spent everything!"



His younger brother peaked inside as Kevin coughed

"Where were you??"

"Huh... I was out for a jog.."

"You? Nooo don't lie! You never go for a jog!"

"It's a new habit!, So yes, now what is the time?"

He looked at his phone and sighed

"You want to take a leave??"

"No! Today it's Mrs. Miller's origami class!!"

"Huhhh i wanted to stay at home.."

"No go to college! Go!"


"No go!! Come on!"

"Yes yes"


"*Sigh* i wanted... To sleep! It's board day light and i need to go to college *sigh* if only Mrs. Miller is not his crush"

("Yea yea don't worry, lad")

"Hmm hmm you forgot i didn't sleep yesterday!!"

("Yes yes, lad... So why are you not talking to your other college mates?")

Hopkins asked which resounded in Allen's mind as Allen sighed with his eyes drooping

"I want Too... But this people... Already kinda dumbed me as a antic nerd... Or an overachiever... I can't help it i just love to study"

"So it's hopeless, even if you are not here, i would've just continued talking with myself

"Rather I'm interested in you! And will it be okay if i left college and kinda just work at my antic shop while fighting them off as Yuri??"

("You could, lad, it's your choice or you could join a college specific for a Yuri!")

"College for yuri?"


"Meh just stop it there I'm not interested... Rather... Can you say more about this mirror and what about my voice power?"

(" Oh them, quite the powerful one, eh!, You have the power to amplify or control some one with your voice, it's a rare ability but it seems like it's still not fully matured yet in your body")

"Hmm... Then the mirror?"

(" Sorry, lad, it's something you should find on your own, but eh don't worry, you will find out!")

"Hmm... It's kinda boring... This life i live... I wanted to be a full on antique shop keeper... And do some writing works... But *sigh*..."

"Hopkins, is bloody Mary really that strong?"

("Absolutely!, Bloody mary has many lores and one of the famous lores of her is she, being the Queen Mary of England, so yes it's quite the luck, she wanted to form a contract but not harm you, lad! But be careful, she is a noble spirit...

(" But she is also a demonic one!")

"Hmm i see... Then why don't i invite her for a cup of tea and kinda ask some questions...? Get to know her?"

("WHAT!! No! You won't! You will never know when she will-")

"Meh i want to try this now! Today at midnight i will!"

("Lad, the powers you hold are beyond comprehension and more scarier than you can think, don't push your luck'")

"Aren't you interested in what she will have to say? Ohh... See see that girl"

Allen pointed the mirror slightly upward as if checking whether it's back surface is polished

But his eyes wandered off to a beautiful black haired woman, she had beautiful black eyes and a choker necklace

wearing jeans and a crop top with white shoes, her hair was down to her chest tied with a single ribbon, her chest was ample looking sweet with a smile

As she laughed along with her friend making Allen blush slightly

("Oh lad you do got a taste but poor heavens you can't even talk to a guy, let alone seeking her legs")

"Come on, Hopkins! You know that hurts!"

(" Haha, init mate, it should!)

"Hmm, you are mean.. but i do hope my professor would be a wingman one day..."

(" Well you can't really perform, even if you get the chance")

"Nope don't talk anymore!"


"Alright class, let's begin the session"

The white haired professor said as his hands held a chalk with his mouth opened as a chorus sung

[" This is boring.... But i will make sure to do more missions! As much as I can do that i can finally go on vacation!"]

[" Now that i think about it... How did those guys know i fought... Bloody mary.. and why didn't Mr Hopkins say nothing regarding this?]