
Mission of Gods

Allen Klein, an Antique store keeper, holding a silver mirror he is destined to the world of Yuri what is it? what will he do? what mystery does this mirror hold? follow his journey as he explores the world of yuri

RaphaelThatSleeps · Thành thị
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5 Chs

chapter 2

The vibrant house was busy and cosy with warmth

The noises of the children playing, their parents laughing with the noise of the TV resounded through his ears as he looked at Hopkins

"What's wrong with this place, Mr Hopkins?"

"Oh dear don't judge a book by its cover will you?, Now now"

He said as he hit the mirror Allen held with his cane three times

The mirror glowed an eeire white as a barrier formed around the house

A place where there was no light

But still he could hear the sound

"The mirror world still carries the silly sounds mortals make, it's a miracle, since it still is the main reason for lost yuri's to keep their sanity"

Mr Hopkins said as he hit the door with his cane

The door opened automatically with the cane lighting up like a torch

"Come on in lad"

"Should... Be really go inside"

"What come on!"

Hopkins came behind Allen as he pushed Allen in

The torch cane was the only source of light as Allen took out his phone and onned torch

His legs creaked abnormally as they both walked to the living room

The tv were off, lights off everything was silent except for the noises of the kids and the laughter of the parents

"Now now"

Hopkins tapped his cane as a chain appeared in his hand

The chain had a coin which rotated faster as Hopkins pointed up


The steps, they walked with each step the floor sinked as they walked up

To be cornered by different doors not one but 4 doors at right and left

Looking at the doors he saw the chain which pointed at the last door at right side

He immediately went towards it to open the door


"Don't always follow things straight! Open the opposite door!"

As said by Hopkins he opened the opposite door

It's a bathroom with a mirror

There was nothing wrong in that room as Hopkins hit his cane three times


"Yes an Ouija board and a candle"

"We will be contracting the household god for his help"

"And don't be surprised, it is a useful to contact the death well somr mortals miss use them sad"

He said as Hopkins bend down holding the pointer

"Are you here, the household god of the residence of Samuel"

He said as the pointed moved to yes

"Good, please say us which devil is haunting you?"

"B-l-O-O-D-Y M-A-R-Y"

"Now this is harsh"

"What do you mean..."

"We can't defeat her, she is one of the strongest legend, If we can't defeat her... We can't help but use the old law"


The Ouija board split half

It was done by a skeleton knight emerging from the mirror

He stomped down with his bony legs covered by bloody coloured armour

He pressed his sword down holding it he knelt towards Hopkins and Allen

"What law?"

"It says... That we should give what the spirit is after and appease them and make them leave the mortals... It justifies our act... And keeps your life

"Since you can't defeat her, help her isn't that right, my lady"

Hopkins bowed with his hat down behind him

To the figure of a beautiful woman covered in black veil her body was pale like sheet of ice

Her hair was bloody but her gown was beautiful and striking black

To this woman, a woman held a parasol

She was also beautiful but not so much compared to her

The parasol had blood oozing from its sides as Allen turned back

They both looked at him as he bowed a little

To his bow she curticised as Hopkins smiled

"My lady, you aim this household god, which shall be given... In exchange please leave"

"The life of this god is worthless"

A voice spoke as Allen stood erect

A hand warped around his hands as he looked back slightly to find the woman holding parasol hold him

But looking straight he still saw the woman holding a parasol

Suddenly he felt no grip

He shuddered as he unconsciously tried to go near Hopkins who waved his hands making him stand still

"It is not if given to you in intentions to peace"


The voice asked as Allen felt a firm grip around his waist

It held him tight as it vanished

"Yes, my lady, you don't want to anger the god in charge of this place"


The voice asked as he felt her hands both dangerously close to his nether regions but only caressing his naval region

"Yes, my lady you don't want to anger him, why not i give the life of this household god and a soul in exchange for peace"

"A soul? I have many souls under my rein"

Said the voice directly from the beautiful woman

"Yes, my lady i know"

"My legend, the Queen Mary of England, if i want soul, i will be offered many"

The voice said from the beautiful woman as Allen stared at her

"I see then you want to go against the God of this region?"

Hopkins asked as Allen shuddered

He felt arms around his neck firmly holding him with a woman's body, a woman with ample breast, pressed behind his shoulder

"You think I'm scared?"

The lady asked from behind Allen

"Of course you should be"

Hopkins said


Allen frowned as he felt her hands grabbing his butt firmly

"I am not interested in that old man but this child"

Her voice said as her face touched chin to chin with Allen with her hands wrapped around his stomach

"A child with the power to form contract with mirror creatures"

"Yes... Don't do anything to this child, he is new"

"Don't worry"

The voice directly came from the beautiful woman as her face had a smile under the veil

"I shall leave under a

condition, form a pact"

"My lady that is-"

"Not you, say child, will you form a pact with me?"

Allen looked at the woman who was infront of him, his breathing was ragged since her lips was so close to his

Their eyes were so close as they stared eachothers soul

"Huff.... What is the condition?"

He asked taking deep breaths as the figure vanished As he sighed still seeing the woman carting parasol not move

He doesn't understand who is the one who is grabbing him and he didn't want to know

"I will take anyone think from you, anything i want, it maybe your hair, blood, clothes, sex anything from you"

"My brother and this mirror are off limits!"

He shuddered as he saw the woman appear infront of him normally


Her body vanished

"Come forward"

He walked past Hopkins as he looked at the woman under parasol directly who extended her hand

He held her hand as he felt a drop of his blood flow out from his skin

It was not painful same way the a blood drop from her went inside him through his hand

"The pact is formed, i shall leave"

She said removing her hand as she curtised to them

Her body along with the knights vanished as Hopkins sighed

"This really is dangerous, to think she really came just because lord Confucius mentioned her name in passing"

"What do you mean?"

"Of course she didn't come for the household god's treasure but she came here attracted by you and lord Confucius, chanting her name"


"Yes, you will not call her unless it's a big problem! Remember she is strong and dangerous! The Mary who killed countless!"

"I will remember!"

"You will! Now come!"

They exited the house as Allen asked

"How to call her?"

"It's quite simple... Just chant her name three times looking at the mirror"

"Yes... Isn't it quite normal?"

"Yes, but she is the one who will choose whom to answer, she has enough strength to destroy some gods so be careful"

"Yes, i will"

"Oh! What are you doing here!"

A boy asked them as Allen looked at the blonde haired red eyes boy who came along with black haired boy

They wore the same dress but the black haired boy wore full black as Hopkins smiled

"Fellow yuris! This is Allen and I am Hopkins the gaurdian spirit of his"

Hopkins smiled with his hat making a bow

As the two boys smiled with two fairies flying out from them

The black haired boy had a small devil as his gaurdian while the other has a owl

"We are here on mission"

"Regarding this old House i and my friend completed it!"

"Yes... Sorry about that"

"a pity"

The blonde haired boy sighed as the black haired said

"No problem why not join us for a drink you are 18 right?"


"Then come along its on me! And for mr Hopkins you can just give him through the mirror"

"Oh by the way my name is Ryan and this owl is will and he is Max and his partner is Asmodeus"

The blonde hair, Ryan introduced themselves