
Your mission

My name is Isaac, I live a life of shit, for being very shy I lost many chances in my life and when I realized I was the target of jokes and mockery, I am in love with a girl in whom she dates and who still betrayed her boyfriend with others, like I can like her? Neither do I know, she's my neighbor and we were childhood friends, we danced together and I do not know how she became what she is today.

I was leaving home to go to school, when I saw one of his lovers jumping out the window of his room, a much older man, these scenes were common to see, I turned and went on my way.

It's when something like a fog surrounds me, I can not see anything and when the fog fades I see myself in another place where everything is white, and there's a woman in a red seductive dress looking at me.

Hedonê: My name is Hedonê, the goddess of pleasure, daughter of Eros and Psyche.

Isaac: Goddess?

Hedonê: That's right and my congratulations, you were chosen by me to get me out of my boredom.

Isaac: Take away your boredom?

Is this woman crazy?

Hedonê: That's right, we gods can not do anything, Zeus forbade it, so I stay on that hill all day doing nothing, I watch the world and in fact until it became boring, always the same things, and more and more disasters instead of pleasures.

Isaac: I ...

Hedonê: Well, it does not matter you know that, what matters is that I chose you to be my tool to get me out of boredom.

Isaac: Why me?

Hedonê: Because you're horrible, it's no good and it's going to be interesting and funny HAHA!

Hear it hurts you know ...

Isaac: Are you really the goddess of pleasure?

Hedonê: Are you doubting me?

She makes this world tremble, I feel a shock to my body and I fall to my knees, I begin to feel a pleasure for the whole body and enjoyment without stopping without even touching my penis, I feel increasingly weak.

Hedonê: Believe now?

Isaac: Yes, yes ...

How can I not believe it? I thought I would die of pleasure.

Hedonê: Very well, your mission is simple.

Isaac: You can tell.

I can not even stand, I'm exhausted, covered in sweat, I can hardly breathe, this experience was crazy.

Hedonê: I've played a game to kill my boredom by calling Fap Titans, in it you'll unlock new heroines for your harem, I'll turn them into real women and you'll have to conquer them one by one.

Isaac: Wait, you said yourself that I'm horrible, how am I going to do this?

How do I win women? Without experience? Without confidence?

Hedonê: Of course I'll help you, I'll improve your appearance and I'll give you 10% of my power, when you have sex with them you will understand.

Isaac: Transar? Wait, do not we skip the part they accept?

I'm a virgin!!!

Hedonê: That will depend on you, I'll tell you one thing if you can not I'll torture you for eternity.

Isaac: Wait, I'm a virgin and I've never been able to talk to a woman right, please reconsider.

Hedonê: So it will be fun to watch HAHA!

Isaac: I can not do it.

Why do I have to go through this? I'll lose of course.

Hedonê: Then you will suffer.

Isaac: I have no other choice?

Hedonê: No!

Isaac: Okay.

Let's try it then.

Hedonê: Good boy, I'll send you to the scene of the first one, be well and have fun.

Isaac: Yes, of course.

The fog surrounds me again, I feel wronged, I do not want this for myself ...