
Mirror Sister

In a post-apocalyptic world, 17-year-old Aria is struggling to survive. The apocalypse has gifted her with a unique ability: she now has two bodies, each with its own personality. Aria and her alternate self, Mia, must work together to gather food, water, and other resources necessary for survival. However, this is easier said than done, as each body requires its own sustenance, and the system is rigged against them. As Aria and Mia navigate the harsh and unforgiving world, they face challenges and overcome obstacles in their quest for survival. They must also come to terms with their new reality and the fact that they share one soul. Through it all, they learn the importance of teamwork and perseverance and the true meaning of strength and resilience. The novel explores themes of duality, survival, and the human spirit, as Aria and Mia fight to make their way in a world that is anything but kind. Aditional tags: Post-Apocalyptic, Young Adult, Duality, Survival, Adventure, Fantasy. This novel is just a hobby. I'm making this story just for fun. The cover is made by using ai generation and edited by me.

Anne_99 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: Legacy of Heroes

As Aria, Mia, and Sarah continued on their journey, they often encountered people who remembered their deeds and offered them thanks. Their legend had spread far and wide, and they were recognized as heroes wherever they went. But the three of them remained humble and always put the needs of others before their own.

One day, they came across a small village that was being terrorized by a group of bandits. The villagers were afraid and had no one to turn to for help. But Aria, Mia, and Sarah were not ones to back down from a challenge, and they quickly sprang into action.

The bandits were no match for the three skilled warriors, and they were quickly defeated. The villagers were overjoyed and offered the heroes a place to stay for the night. As they sat around a warm fire, Aria, Mia, and Sarah talked about their journey and all that they had accomplished.

"Do you ever think about what our legacy will be?" asked Mia. "Do you think that people will still remember us long after we're gone?"

Aria smiled. "I think that as long as there are people who remember us and tell our story, our legacy will live on. That's all that really matters."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "And we've made such a difference in the world already. We've saved countless lives and helped so many people. That's something to be proud of."

The three of them sat in silence for a moment, reflecting on all that they had accomplished. And then, as they drifted off to sleep, they were at peace, knowing that their legacy was secure and that their journey would continue for as long as they lived.