
Mirror's Edge

In the neon-lit abyss of Sin City, where the shadows writhe with secrets and power resides in the hands of the elite, Marcus, a sheltered resident of the privileged echelons, finds his world shattered by a series of devastating losses. Driven by a relentless thirst for justice and power, he steps into the darkness, joining forces with a clandestine group of mercenaries known as Mirror. Together, they navigate a city steeped in corruption and blood-soaked rivalries. As Marcus unravels the sinister web woven by the mega-corporations and criminal syndicates, he discovers shocking truths that threaten to consume him. Mirroring the city's twisted underbelly, he confronts his own inner demons, haunted by the sacrifices he's made and the irreversible transformations he's undergone. Amidst the chaos and carnage, alliances are forged, friendships tested, and romances kindled. With every step forward, Marcus delves deeper into a realm where survival is uncertain, and the line between hero and villain blurs. As bullets dance in the air and limbs scatter like broken dreams, he must confront the darkest facets of his own soul to seize a chance at redemption and try to reshape the destiny of Sin City itself. _______________________________________________________ Hello all! I have returned(somewhat) to the writing space. This will be my main story for now so I hope it is enjoyed as much as I hope. Happy Reading! Daily chapters at 8am EST hopefully. Cover Art painstakingly generated with AI by ME(Astral)! Synopsis touched up by chatgpt. Subject to change!

AstralGodZero · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

The Club House

Running to the end of the street, Marcus, led by Lena, turned the corner and approached a black sports bike, its futuristic design stunning him. "Hop on!" Lena said as she quickly got on the motorcycle, followed quickly by Marcus who wrapped his hands around her waist.

Starting the bike, she turned the bike in a half circle as she saw Kren's men round the corner, burning rubber as she took off, speeding to eighty mph(miles per hour) in a few seconds, one of the features the bike offered. As she did, Marcus heard shots ringing out behind them, glass from car windows they passed breaking from the missing bullets.

Turning the corner, reaching the main road in half a minute, she blew the light, dodging cars with near misses before speeding over a hundred and thirty mph as she got on one of the freeways running throughout the city.



Around an hour later, Lena smoothly exited the freeway, maintaining a steady speed as she turned onto a well-known street. As if in sync with their arrival, dark clouds began rolling in. A light rainfall had beginning minutes later, wetting both them and the streets. Marcus, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity, questioned Lena, "Lacoa? Why did we come all the way over here?"

Lena's voice elevated above the sound of rain. "We're heading somewhere safe, Kren won't be able to find us there," she replied, increasing their speed as the rain gradually transformed into a downpour. Turning onto another street adorned with neon signs and billboards, each one advertising a different establishment from clubs to brothels, Marcus pondered the popularity of such places as they rode by.

As they continued down the street, the rain-soaked road created a mesmerizing reflection of the neon lights, captivating Marcus. He felt an overwhelming urge to capture the scene in a drawing, yet he was saddened by his inability to at the moment so settled with a picture using how NeuroNet.

Turning into a narrow, dimly lit alleyway flanked by multistory buildings, Lena brought the bike to a stop. She swiftly covered it with a black tarp as Marcus assisted, the bike now skillfully blending it with the shadows.

"Follow me," Lena motioned, leading Marcus toward a set of steps that descended into what appeared to be a basement. At the foot of the stairs stood a sturdy brown wooden door, adorned with a simple sign that warned of restricted access. Before they entered. Lena turned around and looked at Marcus, asking if he was alright. The question becoming a catalyst for Marcus to reflect on the events of today.

Amidst the gravity of the day's earlier events, Marcus's voice trembled as he confessed, "I wouldn't say I'm okay... Today has been... just... hard."

As it had already been a challenging day with Damian's funeral in the morning, fate seemed determined to extinguish any glimmer of hope for a brighter future. Marcus's parents had also fallen victim to the same assailant who had taken Damian's life only a week later, leaving Marcus as the sole witness to both.

Sensing his distress, Lena wrapped her arms around Marcus's head, pulling him into a gentle embrace, despite his lack of reciprocation. Her voice, soft and soothing, whispered, "It's been an impossibly difficult day for you... Harder than I can possibly fathom... But you've endured, through that night last week and tonight as well. You're a strong young man and I'm certain your parents would want you to keep on living as one, a testament to someone who endured and overcame such adversity."

Taking a deep breath, Marcus allowed himself to release his emotions, his tears dampening Lena's arm. Yet, with utmost tenderness, she continued, "I won't tell you to cheer up. Simply take your time to process everything and find solace in your heart. You can just relax here and go at your own pace, alright? Leave the decisions for tomorrow"



Nearly ten minutes passed before Marcus's sobs subsided. Lena smiled warmly as he lifted his head, his eyes still slightly red from tears. "Feeling better?" she inquired, gently rubbing his back as additional comfort.

Marcus nodded, a profound gratitude shining through his eyes. "Better than before... thank you."

"Don't thank me. I was still late today," Lena responded with a tinge of sadness in her expression. But she quickly shook off the negative sentiment and smiled at Marcus. "I saved you, though. That counts for something." With those words, she let go of Marcus and turned towards the door.

Her hand finding a hidden fingerprint scanner on the wall that unlocked the door before them. As she opened the door, revealing a space with a gleaming, pristine wooden floor. She looked back before tugging gently at Marcus's suit , urging him inside as he was so surprised he hadn't moved. The door closed automatically, locking securely behind them.

"Welcome to my little sanctuary, a sort of clubhouse," Lena declared as Marcus took in the surroundings. The walls boasted a beautiful brick surface, while to the left, a cozy seating area with a sofa, table, and an expansive hundred-inch TV screen beckoned. On the right, a bar area displayed an impressive array of expensive-looking liquor bottles.

A voice rang out from the far end of the room, breaking the silence. A young woman with tan skin stepped into view, her eyes instantly locking onto Lena and Marcus. "Who's the new guy?" she asked, her body leaning against the doorway. Her attire consisted of a black and pink bandeau top, revealing ample cleavage, paired with pink and tan high-waisted vinyl leggings that accentuated her figure.

"This is Marcus, the boy I mentioned to you guys, the one who last saw Mari before she died," Lena explained, Marcus and the girl studying each other with curiosity and interest. Marcus found himself captivated by her light blue hair, which cascaded gracefully around her adorable face. It didn't help matters that her revealing outfit left little to the imagination.

"He looks like a deer caught in headlights," Lena commented, placing her hand on Marcus's head. The touch jolted him out of his trance, and he resumed scanning the room, as if his previous state had been an illusion. Noticing bags of chips, beer bottles, and soda cans on the table in front of the sofa, Marcus turned to Lena and inquired, "How many people come here?"

Lena sighed, her thoughts briefly drifting back to the past. "Including me, there used to be six of us who either stay or visit. Without Mari, that number is down to five."

Lena, suddenly turning her attention to the girl, asked, "Have you made progress on what I asked?"

The girl nodded enthusiastically. "Yep, I cleared out Mari's room completely. It's empty now. Keith took everything to the orphanage."

"That's good. I know Mari would have wanted her belongings to go to those in need," Lena remarked softly. Then, with a playful undertone, she glanced at the girl's attire and teased, "Why are you dressed like that? I told you to look presentable by the time we arrived..."

The girl smirked, her smile growing wider as she sauntered into the room, her hips swaying seductively as she stated, "I am presentable, or did you want me to come out here naked?". Stopping just a few steps away from Marcus, remarking with a mischievous glint in her eyes, mentally remarking, "he's handsome. Definitely my type, Though he could have a bit more muscle to him."

"I'm Vivi, the resident hacker of this illustrious clubhouse," she introduced herself, extending her hand as she did. Her playful smile invited Marcus to reciprocate the gesture.

As he shook her hand, he was unable to hide his intrigue as he asked, "Nice to meet—wait, did you say hacker?"

"I'll explain soon enough. Can you be patient while I gather everyone else?" Lena asked, making her way to the bar area, leaving Marcus and Vivi near the entrance.

"Sure..." Marcus replied, his wry smile revealing his confusion. Despite his uncertainty, he decided to trust in Lena, who had saved his life. He would remain patient and see what she had in store for him.

"Are you hungry? Lena's culinary skills are unparalleled when she's in a good mood," Vivi offered, gesturing towards Lena, who had moved behind the counter and pressed a button. Miraculously, the hardwood shields that were covering the appliances and seamlessly blending in with the bar area descended into the floor and walls, unveiling a partially concealed kitchen equipped with a stove, oven, and microwave.

"Yeah, I could use something to eat if it's not too much trouble," Marcus admitted, his stomach growling audibly, signaling his hunger during the ride and now once again as they stood outside. He was certain Lena had noticed it the second time, that being the reason for the question.

"Make yourself at home while I prepare something for us. Or perhaps Vivi can show you around, if you'd like, " Lena proposed, her tone carrying a hint of motherly tone.

Marcus glanced at Vivi, who had a mischievous smile on her face. "I'll gladly show you around, Marcus. It'll be fun," she offered, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

Marcus hesitated for a moment, but then nodded and smiled. "Alright, Vivi. Lead the way."

With that, Vivi took Marcus's hand and pulled him gently towards the far end of the room, her infectious enthusiasm bringing a sense of lightness to the heavy atmosphere that had followed him since the funeral.

As they walked away, Lena watched them, her heart filled with a mix of relief and hope. Her thoughts stayed with Marcus as she hoped Vivi would warm him up enough to the idea of staying there, as she didn't want Marcus departing into the city alone.

While in the kitchen, Lena prepared a meal with a skilled grace. She chopped vegetables, seasoned the chicken, and cooked a fragrant sauce, allowing the aromas to fill the air. She hummed softly to herself, enjoying the familiar routine and the comforting sounds of sizzling and simmering.