
Miraculous: Wolf Hero Rise [PROGRESS TEMPORALY STOPED]

Stephen Le-Cerf, just a normal boy with a pretty normal life who moves with his grandfather and two brothers to Paris. When he finds a weird wristwatch at his home, the new hero is born. Will he be able to help Ladybug and Cat Noir, or will he be a CATastroph? And will he find a girl who will love him with all plus and minus? Read to find out!

Just_Steve · Ti vi
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"Stephen! Wake up, already! Today we are moving your things to my old apartment, remember?" says Stephen's grandfather with his friendly tone.

This is Stephen Le- Cerf, just a boaring teenager with a boaring life. Today, his dream will come true - He is going to live all alone in his grandfather's old apartment. Stephen stratches and yawns,

"Yeah... I'm on my way, grandpa!"

He goes to the kitchen, and he sees that his litlle brothers are already awake.

"Are you alright, my boy?" asks his aunt (it's not his real aunt - it's his granfather's wife)

"Yeah... It's just... That I'm really nervous about new school, you know?"

"I am sure that you will find new friends pretty fast. You had a lot of friends, remember?" says aunt.

"Yeah... I had tons of 'em." he lies in the moment.

He never had much of real friends. He had only dudes and dudettess. His only friends he ever had were: David, Dominik And Sarah from his classmates. Then, there was his cousin Mark. He was his best friend since he could remember.

"I miss Mark." says Steve while he eats.

"I know you do, Stephen. But, remember... He said that he'll come to see you soon, okay?"

"Alright..." Stephen sighs As he finishes to eat.


When they put Steve's things in the car, he hugs his brothers and gets in the car. Those two are crying. As Steve and his grandfather are on their way, Steve says,

"Umm... Grandpa?"

"Yes, Stephen?"

"A-Are you sure that you're gonna make it? I mean... Pay everything for me?"

"Of course we will! You'll work at my friend' pizza place - that way, you will buy food and things for yourself. Me and May are going to pay Wi-Fi, Electricity and Water."

"And... What about gas?"

"You'll use electricity for cooking and warming."

"Oh... Is that why you gave me the litlle warming machine?"

"Exactly! You see? I always told you that you're not stupid."

Stephen chuckles, "Okay, you win."

They finally arrive to the building.

"Okay, here we are." says Stephen's grandfather.

"This is where the fun begins!" says Steve as he grabs the first box.


When he puts down the last box, he looks around the place. The living room is in the same room as kitchen and dining room. Then, there is a balcony with view on Eifelfel's Tower, he also sees a bakery at the corner.

"Wow. I love this place, already!"

"I knew that you're gonna like it here. Hey, I gotta go now, I'll call you at the evening."

Stephen hugs him and says,

" You are the best grandpa I could ever ask for!"

„And you are the best grandson." He says as he hugs stephen back.

When his grandfather lefts, he realises that he's going to live in the number of 66.

"Heh... 'Excecute Order 66!' " he says and remembers Star Wars episode "Revenge of the Sith".

Then, he starts to put everything at it's place. He has made his mind that he'll sleep on the sofa which was there already. That means that he doesn't needs a bed for himself.

"Phew... I've got a feeling, that this is gonna be fun."

For the rest of the day, he stays in his new apartment.