

A world where all myth clash. Three great factions vying for supremacy. A multitude of power eyeing them from the shadow. In this world, à child was born. One so rare that his kind was basically unseen. Bestowed with a name synonymous with death, known as the uncrowned king of the church, what kind of storm will this child bring? Follow our hero as he visits the world and brings change to the society. Disclaimer: The DxD franchise does not belong to me. I am just a fan trying to bring an alternative story to a novel I like. The cover picture doesn't belong to me either. Note: This story will be mainly in the Slashdog part which is part of the DxD universe but set 4 four years prior to the event of DxD. Also, DxD is a light novel with 25 volumes + side volumes and a sequel with already 3 volumes called Shin Highschool DxD. Only the first ten volumes and some side stories have been adapted in Anime. As such many terms and characters, I use may be unknown. But don't worry I will do my best so that everyone can follow. NOTE 2: I AM currently writing another fanfic called THE TRIALS: PATH TOWARD GODHOOD. Try it. The mc is different in personality but I hope you'll like it nonetheless.

RedLaw · Tranh châm biếm
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67 Chs


Himejima Suou fell silent once he heard those words. 

The prince of the church. 

Even though Japan's supernatural community was rather removed from the happenings of the world. They still keep up to date with the most noteworthy news. 

The Prince wasn't particularly known at first. But after the events of Kuoh Town and the subsequent answer from the church. All the people from the supernatural world took notice of this boy that was just 14 years old. 

Still, even though he was surprised he was able to calm himself. 

"I see. Prince Azrael, might I know why you are meddling in the matters of our clans?" 

His voice became more respectful. The god of the Bible was without a doubt the strongest god. What more. The Himejima family alone was vastly inferior to the church in terms of manpower and influence. After all, they only had a fifth of the authority in Japan. The church, on the other hand, had control over 80% of all Europe, 40% in America, and some control in the rest of the world. They simply didn't play at the same level.

Azrael titled his head at this change of tone, before letting out a large and brilliant smile, 

"So the affairs of the Himejima clan consists of killing little girls now?" 

Suou didn't even flinch. He was different from the others. To him, what he did was not wrong, 

"I remember that the church killed way more people during the inquisition and the witch hunt. So please spare me the moral lessons. The sacrifice of one life is nothing in front of the prosperity of the clan. Even recently, didn't you eliminate one of your stains? Masaomi was it?"

Azrael didn't flinch either. He knew that the church was in no way a white and clean entity filled with light as it supported, but it didn't matter. 

The standoff between the two sides was growing when, 

                  "If you would please allow this old man to intervene."


An aged voice sounded as a teleportation matrix formed not far from the two. 

Once it was completed, two people stepped out of it. One was a middle-aged man wearing butler clothing with a refined look, while the other was a little red-haired girl. 

"Agrippa and the heiress of the Gremory clan." murmured Suou. 

Azrael gazed at the newcomers. So they were devils. It was his first time seeing two pure one. Even more so since one was the heiress of one of the 72 clans. 

The little girl though didn't seem to be that interested in them and looked around before letting her gaze fall on Akeno. 

"There are some personal questions I want to ask that girl."

Since the mountain ascetics knew of her identity as a devil, they pointed their staff at her without hesitation.

"Truly pathetic."

Azrael sneered at this reaction from them. Suou, once again showing how thick-skinned leaders were, ignored that Jab and asked,

"Gremory's daughter. I talked to Agrippa regarding this, are you also planning to interfere in our problem."

Even while saying this, he couldn't help but feel surprised and annoyed at the same time. This mission should have been easy, but now the angels and the devils were interfering in their hunting of a fallen. It seemed like the start of a bad joke.

Rias was a little surprised before she began to pay attention to the young man who should be only a little older than herself. 

"Hello, mister, could I ask you why you are, it's dangerous."

Azrael found it rather funny, after all, in this place they were the ones in danger since he could kill all of them. Agrippa might be a high-class devil. But this wouldn't save him. After all, at the same level, a devil could only suffer under the onslaught of an angel. 

"Oh my."

Agrippa, who wasn't as clueless about the situation as Rias, slowly took a step in front of her. He would have never thought that the rumored prince of the church would be present. Still, from the information he received. This boy wasn't as prejudiced as the others, so perhaps there was a way to not end the day with bloodbath. He decided to take the reins of the discussion,

"Hello prince. I am the Bishop of the current head of the Gremory house, and the one that is in charge of this area. You might already know, but my name is Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. Please call me Agrippa."

Akeno, slowly began to hide behind Azrael. If she wasn't worried about hindering his movement, she would have gripped his clothes.

Agrippa, after presenting himself, pointed towards the depth of the forest and said, as he began to address both Azrael and Suou.

"How about we have a little chat over there? Don't you think having children listen to the problems of us adults will only make them learn unnecessary abusive words?"

He naturally considered Azrael as an adult despite his relatively young age. The crown didn't care about how old you were. Either you were ready to wear it with all the advantages and weight that come with it, or you crumbled under it.

From the information he gathered, Azrael was someone worthy of respect both as a person and as an emissary. As such, he will give respect where it's due. Even though he was basically 500 years older than him.