

Chapter 13 Xuanhuangxing, who is recovering from spiritual energy

At this moment, Xuanhuangxing is closing the city, an ordinary residential building in the rose community.


At this time, an ancient bronze door suddenly appeared in the bedroom, and when the ancient bronze door opened, precious light radiated out, and a figure walked out from inside, and this figure was Xia Chuan.

"Finally home."

Xia Chuan took a deep breath. He felt very excited. He traveled to the mysterious miniature world just now and obtained two world props. It can be said that he has gained a lot.

To be honest, he is not a native of Xuanhuang Star, but an ordinary human from Earth.

After he was reborn in this world, he found that this world was not much different from the earth, and the level of technology was also comparable, so he didn't feel too much strangeness, and he quickly got used to it.

Fortunately, he had no friends in this world and was an orphan, so no one knew that Xia Chuan had changed.

"Is this the world of the ancient gods where the master is?"

The Book of Wisdom looked around curiously. It was the first time that it left the original world and came to another world. It was full of endless thirst for knowledge at this moment.

Its first feeling is that it is big, and the surroundings are extremely huge. It seems that the area of ​​a room is more than a hundred times larger than that of Chen Guo and Tang Guo combined, which is really incredible.

"That's right."

Xia Chuan nodded. He didn't mind leaking information about this world to the Book of Wisdom, because he and the Book of Wisdom had long been bound together, and it was impossible for the other party to betray him.

"But the world may become more and more dangerous."

At this time, Xia Chuan's eyes revealed a gleam.

He clicked on the webpage, and saw a series of news popped up on it.

"A huge sea monster is suspected to have appeared in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. More than a dozen ships have sunk in the ocean. Search and rescue personnel are looking for survivors."

"Vampire bats appeared in the deep mountains, and hundreds of farm sheep were sucked dry."

"Hundreds of donkey friends went missing in Shennongjia, suspected to be taken away by savages in Shennongjia."

"The flames were soaring, the army sealed off Laojun Mountain, and tens of thousands of tourists were driven out of Laojun Mountain. It is suspected that a homicide occurred."

"An earthquake with a magnitude of 7 occurred again in Sichuan. Dozens of cities were affected and tens of thousands of people were killed or injured. The army is providing emergency rescue."

Immediately, messages popped up one after another, showing how unsettled the world really is.

"There must be something terrible happening quietly."

Xia Chuan clenched his fists. To be honest, these disasters would not be a big deal if it was an ordinary time, but these disasters happen too frequently, and various natural disasters and man-made disasters follow one after another.

At the same time, the army and the police are frequently mobilized. Anyone who is interested will realize that there must be unknown changes in this world, but ordinary people don't know what happened at all.

"Master, the world you live in is undergoing drastic changes."

At this moment, the voice of the Book of Wisdom came out.

"A drastic change? Did you perceive something?"

Xia Chuan asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, the spiritual energy of the world is recovering."

The Book of Wisdom.

"Aura is recovering? What exactly does it mean? What is aura?"

Xia Chuan was very puzzled.

"The aura of heaven and earth is a special kind of life energy. If a life absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, it will make a leap in the level of life and be promoted to a higher level."

The Book of Wisdom said: "And the richer the aura of heaven and earth is, the more extraordinary people will be born. For example, the world we live in is a world with extremely rich aura of heaven and earth.

The world the master is in now does not have much aura of heaven and earth, and this kind of world is also called a spiritless world, and this kind of world cannot give birth to extraordinary people. "

It means that in the world they are in, there is also a similar spiritless world.

Having said that, it paused for a moment, and then continued: "However, the world where the master lives is not a natural spiritless world. It was originally estimated to be a world with extremely rich spiritual energy, but due to some special reasons, it lost All the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been wiped out, but now for some reason, the whole world has begun to recover the spiritual energy of heaven and earth again."

"For some reason, the spiritual energy recovery started, what is the reason?"

Xia Chuan asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's something the humans in this world have done, or it's the invasion of another world, or the world itself is starting to heal. In short, there are many reasons."

The Book of Wisdom indicates that there is insufficient information to make an accurate judgment.

"What will happen if the aura starts to recover?"

Xia Chuan asked.

"If the whole world starts to recover, the creatures that were originally beasts will gradually transform into extraordinary monsters, and there may also be extraordinary people among humans, and even the entire mountains and rivers will change because of this. In short, the whole world will change. Earth-shaking changes."

The Book of Wisdom explains.

"Could it be that the recent changes in Xuanhuangxing have a great relationship with the recovery of spiritual energy?"

Xia Chuan touched his chin.

Originally, he was still wondering about the recent changes in Xuanhuangxing, but after hearing the explanation from the Book of Wisdom, it seemed that all the changes came from the so-called spiritual recovery.

And if Xuanhuangxing really becomes a planet full of aura in the future, then perhaps countless superhumans will be born, and then the entire structure of Xuanhuangxing will undergo a huge change.

Of course, such a change will also be accompanied by unknown dangers.

"It seems that I still need to become an extraordinary person as soon as possible and master the extraordinary power in order to survive the drastic changes in the future." Xia Chuan clenched his fists.