
Merchant's Guild

After receiving the guild crest which represented my enlistment as an adventurer of C grade as that was the max they could give to a newbie for my strength.

They needed to have one of the more powerful branches to send someone acknowledged to be an opponent for me.

Because their supervisors who were supposed to find out my limits and set me at a suitable grade had all been beaten up by unilaterally.

Dead cell Invincibility frames when rolling are crazy.

"Though the grades are quite spread out aren't they?"

Playing with the silver crest of the adventurer's sword in the arrows place in the bow I threw it up and caught it with my inventory, making it disappear from my palm.

Most likely confusing anyone who was watching me do those things at the time.

Rina led the way while sighing, bringing me to the gates where Katrina and Amanda were both waiting for me to enter the gates given that there were no obstructions.

"They are for good reason Y'know?"

"How so?"

Sighing and remembering the poor man--

Who for the sake of the readers won't be explained on how damaged they were and are just reduced to pixels for convenience.

-- Who was used as a weapon of high effectiveness.

Rina coughed and started to explain the grades and rankings that the adventurer's guild had handed out to me.

"So that silver badge you received from the guild? The amount of stars on it tells people what grade you have been given"

Pointing at the badge she took out of her coat and pointing to the two stars as the flat side of the blade she continued "So just like you I am a C tier adventurer"

"The silver crests are a range from D to B grade, A and above being given different crests to signify rank, the ones below D being copper in material"

Touching her lip as she recalled the basic information for the incredibly clueless me she continued.

"I should've started with all the grades first huh? Anyways, There are 8 grades that the adventurer's guild adopt to rank their users"

"Those ranks were G for normal people, F for normal people with combat experience, E for adventurer's who have gained the ability to kill singular monsters, these guys were the lowest copper ranks of the Adventurers and were the most common"

"The rank of silver which me and my friends including you are at is the more elite fighting force, D having the ability to face off a small group of monsters, C with the incredibly skilled warriors who could fight off hordes by themselves and B being the ones who could do the same without becoming tired"

Eyes shining as she started to speak excitedly unlike before I perked up as her words were interesting to me.

"A grades are the ones with the Gold rank and are the elites of the elites being to fight elites easily and with help could end bosses"

"And finally!" grinning widely she continued "The S grade, the cream of the crop, the top of the world, people who have reached the peak of strength and could end bosses by themselves, they who were only a dozen in number, they were the goal of all people in the world and had the platinum Rank"

"Oh! We're here!"

Seeing the duo of Katrina fiddling with a vial of green liquid and Amanda slowly sharpening a knife while eyeing the gates, Rina sped up her steps.

"Katrina! Amanda! Over here!" Shouting with a loud voice that attracted eyes from all around the crowd, the eyes quickly returned when they saw that it was just a common meeting between adventurers, although eyes lingered for a moment or two before retracting.

"Rina? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the guild handing in the results before going to the--"

Interuppting Katrina in the middle of her speech Rina pointed to me "Already finished my work at the Adventurer's Guild and guess who I found"

"Slade? How...?" Katrina blinked a few times as she pointed at the gate before at me.

Amanda now by my side asked me a question completing Katrina's question "How did you get through the gates without us noticing?"

"Well... I entered with a carriage and I thought you guys would be at the adventurer's guild so I just asked the way and went there"

Eyeing Rina questionably with good reason on how did Slade get there before you, Rina shrugged and answered the question.

"Yeah, if I didn't have to deal with our loot first and get the coin than I would've arrived before Slade" 

Pointing at my slightly bloodied appearance which was only present on my arms she continued. "Although I don't know whether that would be a good thing with the way this guy first entered"

Eyeing the arms now with questions visible on their faces Rina sighed and pointed at my back before gesturing at the roads filled with people.

"Well since we are now reunited, why don't we help Slade here get rid of those chests and send the resources in them to the merchants guild? And while we're at it we can register him as a merchant"

"There's a merchants guild?"

Ignoring my question Rina started to walk down a different path than the one where we were just came from.

Glancing back and seeing the immobile trio she gestured at us "Are you guys coming or what?"

"Yeah yeah"

Picking up her weapons and sheathing them in their leather sheath while pulling up her mask Amanda silently walked up to Rina while Katrina put away the strange liquids.

Following the trio quietly my eyes caught the back of a familiar looking child entering a nearby alleyway.

'Seems like I'm being followed'

Being famous even slightly had its disadvantages of the possibility of being stalked by fanatic fans.

Which when you were someone who made a living by traveling all across the globe while doing various heart racing/ stopping acts mixed in with random activities thus broadcasting them across the world.

Which when you have lots of fans that liked you a lot and you gave them the opportunity to find you by going all over the world.

I'm pretty sure that I have developed the ability to find so called stalkers.

Although it was a fluke that I caught the back of a child I just remembered for being the first pick pocket I found and might have been a source of information, and it could've been a stroke of luck that the child was there.

But the general way things go is that people are attracted to money, and with the way that I hadn't been hesitant in showing my generosity will most likely attract mosquitoes.

Although if they saw my way of dealing with those... 'hands' then those flies were long gone.

Pick pocketers might try their luck though.

But for now?

I was just following Rina to the Merchants guild to get rid of the giant chest in my arms and the two double chests on my back.

