
Adventurer's guild (2)

It was a bloody fight... no it couldn't even be called that.

What was happening right in front of my eyes wasn't a fight between one man and the several bandit like existences plaguing the adventurers guild.

It was a one sided massacre.

And not even the way one would expect.

The one man wasn't being massacred by the several bandits, but in fact that one man was massacring the bandits.

Grabbing the nearby tables that the bandits were using and using them as a weapon was an unconventional way of fighting.

And for some reason unknowable to me, that man was using their table as a weapon with stupidly high proficiency.

Like who uses a whole freaking table as a weapon? And extremely well at that?!

Oh, now he's using a chair now that the table broke in his hands.

Ducking to avoid the flying table leg, I looked back up to only see a man slam into the counter.

'It seems that I must tell the society about this man'


'This is both fun and disappointing'

Using a fuckers body as a weapon to hit another fucker the fat bastard who tried to first scam me then rob me was now nowhere to be found.

I swear, because he's making me do this much work when I find him I'll rip off his arms.


Feeling a chill go through his spine the fat man crawling to the door quietly was stopped by the three women I first met in the caves.

Attracting my attention to the creaky door and by extension, the women and the fat man near them.

"What the hell happened here!?" Rina shouted one of the people here answering her.

"The guy right below you, remember him?"

"The hell!?"

Seeing the fat man covered in bruises slowly crawl forwards like a slug, Rina looked back up and saw the carnage.

It was relatively contained as the only damages were in the main path to the guild counter.

The damages being several smashed tables, chairs, people quite drunkly or physically was to be debated.

But it was surprising nonetheless.

Tossing a copper coin to the man quietly sipping his drink in a wooden cup, he needed no further explanation before explaining what had happened.

"So 'Greasy hands' here was doing his normal business, hanging around in the adventurer's guild splurging his not so hard earned gains on food and booze"

Pocketing the copper coin within his bosom the man with one eye looked back up.

"Bullying some fledgling to earn some money like a bandit, Greasy Hands threw him out of the Guild for not coughing up some money in a drunk rage"

Taking a swig of his drink and slamming the cup down before letting out a breathy sigh he continued.

"And then some guy who claimed to be a newbie entered the Guild house blocking the fledgling from hitting the stone floor and drawing a bad name to Adventurer's, Lord knows we don't want that"

Pointing at the fat bastard named 'greasy hands' the girls intently listened to the mans explanation.

"Then Greasy hands here saw this guy, the guy claimed to be a newbie although he seemed to be a seasoned fighter, not that this idiot here" Kicking the man crawling towards the door in the head and knocking him out the man continued.

"Could tell at all, Which leads to the situation right now where this 'newbie'" you could hear the doubt visible in his voice.

"Is trashing these idiots who had this a long time coming"

Pointing at the man with black hair, right shoulder guard, bandages on their hands and feet, red cloth around their chest, and a tight black shirt with long wide greyish pants.

Rina looked at the man using another man as a weapon with great fervor and widened her eyes before shouting in disbelief "Slade!?!?"

Catching the man's attention.

"Oh hey Rina!"

Waving his hand one of Greasy Hands goons took this opportunity now that Slade was distracted and jumped him.

"Slade! Behind you!"


Getting slammed into a nearby table and breaking it in half by his own comrade the goon fell asleep while foaming at the mouth.

And by asleep I meant Unconscious.

Knocking the small fry unconscious I looked around.

The chest of things I spent accumulating over the course of nearly a month (I think) was still in the same place but now was covered in small bits of blood.

The ground was filled with blood, wooden splinters, sleeping bodies, broken teeth and generally destruction.

'Although I'm surprised that I didn't take a single hit'

'It seems my fights with the zombies and skeletons paid off.'

"So Rina" Walking towards her with a brisk she hesitantly moved forwards to greet me.

"Hey Slade"

"Where were you?"

"I didn't know you would be here, if I knew that I wouldn't have left the others to wait for you at the gates as I went to the guild"

Glancing at the slowly recovering people bleeding from their orifices and missing some teeth she gestured towards them. 

"Although it looks like you found your way in and escaped Katrina's and somehow Amanda's attention and it seems you met with a branch of the 'hands'"

"The what?"

"It's something you won't get into contact with any time soon, but basically they are a bandit group powerful enough for the adventurer's guild to be unable to touch them without sufficient reason"

"So these guys were backed by someone? Noted, I would like to visit them when I have the time"

Slapping her face with her hand she dragged her hand across her head and groaned. 

"Okay then, fine, if you didn't hear my story from before where the adventurer's guild was literally spread around the world and how the hand was powerful enough to need a reason to destroy them go ahead"

Chuckling to myself at how Rina had no idea of my respawning because I had no access to a bed as my previous one was destroyed.

She continued "Anyways, shouldn't you do what you came here to do?"

"... And that was"

"... I'm not going to ask how you forgot but you wanted to enlist as an adventurer?"

"Oh yeah" Perking up I turned around and walked to the counter grinning while leaving the massacre behind.

Placing my left arm on the table with a grin I asked the man who stood behind the counter staring interestedly at me.

"So? Can I become an adventurer sir...?"


"Gladius, can I become an adventurer?" Waving my hand behind me to show the carnage that was being cleaned up by people who were wearing what I now see are uniforms.

The same kind that Gladius was wearing.

"Well... you first need to go through a few processes to see what grade to put you as, but don't you think that you should put that poor man down now?"

"Hmm?" Raising an eyebrow at that question both eyes widened as I realized that I was still holding one man by the leg.

Who had now become so unrecognizable that I wasn't confident whether or not they were alive, granted my skills of checking whether another was alive or not was only honed by undead so it wasn't good.

I could confidently say that this guy was on the brink of death.


Sounds of face slapping could be heard in the background.

