
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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36 Chs

The End King's Warning PT1

Days had already passed in the End since Glosys came to power as the End King,He has not left the ornate throne that had become his.

In front of him was a misty cloud displaying the eye view of Grayson.

"Glosys,you know the Boy's location. Why aren't you hunting him down?" Gladya asked,concern lacing her tone.

"You cannot fight an enemy you do not understand. Do you understand the boy and what he is able to do?" Glosys asked,turning his attention to the queen.

"I know that he is a threat." Gladya stated.

"Do you know what he is?" Glosys asked.

"A human..?" Gladya said with uncertainty.

"Worse. He is this world's Administrator. Effectively this world's god. If he comes to realize he can control the fabrics of this fragile world,we will both suffer gravely. I am waiting for him to make a move first. By withdrawing our forces we boost the poor fellow into a cocky demeanor,and thus by gathering the resistance troops,including himself,we can effectively take out the entire resistance you have fought out in one fell swoop of the Titan's hand. Though before we do,I must fight him,to test the water and hope his overconfidence is his downfall." Glosys explains.

"Diabolical...you really are as smart as you look." Gladya purrs as she settles more into the lap of the king,and watching the mist with him.

"Expect no less of me. Expect better,more cunning intelligence from my clone." The king rumbles.

Ah yes,Gladya remembered all too well how trivial it was for Grayson to escape the brig in the first place,much less a second time in spiritual form.

"What of his helpers? The Miner and that Greencoat? They're unlikely to leave his side anytime soon." Gladya said,as she moved off the throne to prepare to attend to the pressing matters of her kingdom.

"I will deal with them as I see fit." The male rumbled.

Gladya dismissed herself,as a guard passed to escort her through the palace. "My queen,why do you lend your trust to that....thing?" The guard asked.

"That Thing is your king. For all time. You will treat him with the respect he is due." Gladya responds,lies lacing her tone of voice.

"Your demeanor says otherwise, My liege. Why trust a clone to the workings of YOUR revenge?" They asked.

"I will answer this once,and no more. Your king is doing the hard work of finding and gathering my enemies. I never said I'd let him fight them on his own. He wishes to fight the boy,so I'll let the boys fight. The rest of that Notch-forsaken resistance is mine."

The guard nods,and turns straight into the towering king.

"Insubordination?" He questioned,aimed at both the Queen and her guard.

"No,My king." The guard said.

She was grabbed by the head in the king's large hand,"Telling lies,are we? I am not deaf. You both question m-"

He suddenly drops the guard and begins to shout in immeasurable pain,grasping his head.

Gladya's hand was glowing purple,as she approached the male..

He falls to his knees,and his pain eased some. Gladya's hand grabs the Glosys' chin. "The only insubordination I've seen and heard for the last 3 days have been your own selfish views. I am done being nice to a whelp of a clone who cannot conceive the path of what i am going to bring into existence. If you so much as lay another finger on ANY of my guards,I will start with a new king using the same arm you possess from the boy himself." Gladya growls,her eyes giving off a misty glow.

"I...I...Will comply..." Glosys said,his gaze having locked to the floor...

"Good boy." Gladya said,as she returns to her duties,Glosys shooting a look after her...

Not all was what it seemed.

Glosys looked to his enchanted arm,and how different it was from his body. He gets up before long,and returns to his throne to resume watching Grayson. In fact,he had a better plan to establish his dominance.

Gladya walks into a darkened room,with a single shrine in the center. A golden statuette of some god or goddess stood tall on an obsidian pedastal,and behind it,a variety of offerings,such as gold and diamonds.

She comes to kneel at the shrine,gently whispering prayers to it,as she did,the statue emitted a purple energy that began to surround her. As thanks,she leaves something new,a dark metal ingot that seemed to be infused with gold.

She leaves the shrine room as quickly as she arrived.

As she entered the throne room,Glosys had vacated for some reason. Gladya used a spell to locate Glosys,to find he was about to enter the Portal.

She was too late in intercepting the king...


An End Portal tore open in front of Grayson's home,and Glosys steps through,armored and armed with a Diamond sword on his back.

He kicks in the front door with force unmatched,sending them free of their hinges. Alex was the first to intercept the king,armed with an iron sword. She took a swing,to be stopped short,having been grabbed by her wrist,stopping her blade mere inches from his face.

He begins twisting,until crunches emitted,and Alex was forced to drop the sword. "Tell me,and I will spare your life. Where is the Boy?" Glosys asked,anger lacing his tone. Alex,being mute remained unresponsive...

"HEY!!" Kupa barks,expanding her size some and tearing Glosys away from Alex with surprising strength,only to be punched in the gut.

Kupa bent over in pain slightly,opening her to being grabbed by the neck,and being slammed into the counter. Glosys pressed his weight down on Kupa,"How about you tell me,since you're so bold to protect. Where is the Boy?" He questioned.

"Aww...Did that..hughhh..Bitch finally send her dog to do the dirty work? You aren't getting jack outta me-"

Glosys' grip tightened,stopping Kupa's chatter short. "I won't ask a second time. Where. Is. The Boy?"

"Not...Here. He ...Is..Assembling...Army....to defeat...you.." Alex said,garnering the King's attention. Her voice was low,rough and broken..

Kupa was disposed off to the side,at which she quickly began gasping for air.

"Where is he?" Glosys asked with a boom as he returned to looming over Alex.

"Villa...Umbris.." Alex said.

The king dismissed himself without any more violence,disappearing as quickly as he arrived.

"That was....Kinky..." Kupa pants gently,as she got up to attend to a very much injured Alex.

'Of course Kupa would be into that shit..' Alex thought

"Must...Warn....Grayson...grave danger..." Alex managed to squeak out,holding her wrist in place while Kupa began scouring the house for a health potion.

"Damn it Grayson,cant ya keep a cabinet organized..?" Kupa asked as she searched what she assumed to be the potion cabinet,to find spices instead.

Finally,she found a potion,though it required Kupa climbing up onto the counter to get it.

She climbs back down,and quickly takes it to Alex.

"I hope you have a travel plan,because we cannot teleport." Kupa said softly,as she opens the bottle and hands it to Alex.

Alex takes it,and her wrist straightened out again.

"Not....Normally.." Alex said,as she opens her bag and pulls a fishnet sack of ender pearls. Yes,an efficient way to travel,but would it be fast enough to prevent an attack on Grayson?