
Minecraft: Reincarnated into the Kaizo Caverns

In a dimly lit cave, a young man stirs and stands up. He looks out from the small grotto into a wider, dark and seemingly forlorn cavern. In the distance, he hears...bones rattling? Samuel Howard looks around dazedly, until he spots a very old, faded sign. He manages to read 'Welcome to the Lonely Lava Cavern' before cursing furiously at this twist of fate. "When I said I wanted to reincarnate into Minecraft, I didn't mean it like this!"

Astralek · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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10 Chs

Ancient Ruins of Dholtirm Part 2

Samuel sat, grinning through his pain as he read the system notification. He began considering how he should assign his attribute points and what build he should use for now. Should he use a generalist despite being very weak now, or should he be a specialist? He then realized he's being too serious over a mere two attribute points and assigned one to Strength and the other to Endurance.

{Attributes: Strength 2, Agility 1, Endurance 3, Intelligence 1}

Unlike what he expected, he did not feel anything in particular when assigning the points such as a warm feeling change in his strength. Instead, it just felt like something clicked into place, making him feel more...complete. He noticed that his stamina and health had both increased by ten to 120.

Sam stood up, looking at the slain Undead. Now that the excitement had left him, he began to feel a slight sadness. What once was a Dwarf with a magnificent beard and masterful skills, now reduced a brittle rotten skeleton forced to fight the living. He eventually put the thought aside as he got to the entrance of the gate, checking from the entrance for more Undead. He noticed a wide open door made of some sort of wood with Iron bands bolted to the frame on the left side in the middle of the Gatehouse's interior. Both portcullis were raised, thankfully as he made his way to the open door.

He first gripped the door, ready to shut it if there was something he couldn't handle inside. He peeked through the dark doorway. He looked around seeing that there was various rotting furniture such as bunk beds, weapon racks, barrels and tables with large benches in the room. He assumed it was a guard post or barracks for those posted around the clock to watch the Gatehouse and wall.

Sam stepped into the room, pulling out a torch from his inventory. He swept his head left and right as he entered to check the corners with the light of his torch. Upon the weapon racks were old shields, spears, axes and a large knotted mace that were coated in a layer of rust. They were in better condition than one might expect, but he would definitely never trust his those shields to block an axe more than a few times or the axe's handle to hold on for many swings for example.

He noticed as he looked around that the bottoms of the bunk beds had two drawers that were marked in what he assumed was Dwarvish runes. He pulled one open, seeing various bits and bobs set on top of a bundled set of armor. On the very top was a Steel Dagger in a leather sheathe. He collected the Steel Dagger and armor in his inventory, as he opened a leather pouch in the drawer to find a few silver and bronze coins in it.

He stuffed it in his inventory, smiling as he checked the other drawers. He found similar sets of armors, another dagger, a few bottles of mead and a ring. Something he noticed that was of the 12 sets of beds and drawers, only 4 had sets of armor still in the drawer while there was only two daggers among them all. He looked to the weapon rack and noticed only six weapons laying upon it. This told him that it's likely that whatever or whoever caused this place to be abandoned likely took the Gatehouse by surprise. The Guards had the time to partially arm themselves, but much of their equipment still remains. A morbid thought passes through his head, as he asks himself why there are so many weapons left as the guards would undoubtedly first reach for them if there was a surprise attack.

'Where are the corpses the guards? It's been at least decades, with the food all being rotten and left sealed away.'

He shook away these thoughts. Asking himself a question with an answer he probably knew wasn't going to do anything. He took stock of what he had collected so far.

In total he got 133 Bronze Coins, 7 Silver Coins, 3 Old Leather Maille, 2 pairs of Old Leather Boots, Three Pairs of Old Leather Gloves, a Rusted Cervelliere Helmet, 2 Steel Daggers, Three Dimpled Dwarf's Aged Ale, and one Urist's Plumphelmet Wine. What really surprised him is that he found a set of enchanted leather maille.

Lazy Captain's Leather Maille(Green | Enchanted to form fit anyone who puts it on and to slowly clean itself | "Foolish son!! To be a Captain you have to at least fit into the armor!")

Samuel looked into his inventory, trying on his new equipment. He wore the Captain's Leather Maille, a pair of old leather boots and gloves, as well as the Rusted Cervelliere he found earlier over a cloth hood. He had his little inventory avatar do some poses, before closing his inventory. He did find a Journal earlier, but it's very old and brittle. He isn't able to read Dwarvish either, so it wouldn't matter. He put it into his inventory, but saw it didn't translate for him so he let it be for now.

Samuel put on the ring he found earlier just for cool factor, since according to the inventory it was just a well crafted ring with no enchantments.

Samuel walked over to the doorway in the far right corner. He poked his head in, seeing that it seemed to be a small workshop. There were various tools on the wall as well as half the space being taken up by various crates and barrels. Immediately he knew that this was the room the guards used to maintain their equipment as well to store provisions and materials.

Samuel can't recall if back in his world that this was a common layout or design choice, but it made sense to him that the Dwarves would use such a design. Most Dwarves in fantasy books that he had read were skilled craftsmen as they saw mastering a skill as one of the noblest pursuits in life. Now, this small workshop belonged to him! Sam was overcome with excitement, looking over the various hammers, hand drills, clamps, sanding stones and small jars. There was even a foot pedaled Grindstone in the corner!

He checked the crates, finding some filled with rotted food with others having what he believed to be expired medicine. Some had wood planks, sticks, spare axe handles, nails and other miscellaneous materials. There was no metal bars, anvil, or forge but that's a given since doing so in such a small space with no ventilation would be foolish.

Samuel remembered the rusted Axes hanging on the weapon rack. He walked back, picking out one he felt was in the best condition. He opened his system menu, clicking on the little crafting booklet. He saw that even with the tools, he couldn't remove the completely rust from it as it had eaten into the metal a bit too deep without reforging the axehead. He could however remove the surface rust, sharpen it as best he could and replace the axe handle with one of the stored ones.

He looked around the workstation, collecting the tools and materials then stood before the Workbench, as he prepared to repair the axe.




{Name: Samuel Howard}

{Class: None}

{Titles: Novice(★ |2% Faster Skill Gain)}

{Rank: 0}

-Level: 0-

-Experience: 3/10-

-Attribute Points: 0-

{Health: 112/120}

- Bone Deep Laceration(Left Arm - Bandaged! | 10 Days until healed)

{Mana: 10/10}

{Stamina: 120/120}

-Fatigue: 68/100-

-Hunger: 81/100-

-Thirst: 88/100-

{Attributes:} [...]

{Talents:} [...]

{Skills:} [...]


- Knockback II Sign(Green)

- Bread x2(White |Restores 30 Hunger)

- Bottled Water x4 1/2(White |Restores 50 Thirst)

- Bandage x11(White |Shortens or Stops bleeding effects depending on First Aid Skill)

- Leather Pants x3(White)

- Small Fire Striker(White)

- Torch x1(White)

- Old Leather Maille x3(White)

- Lazy Captain's Leather Maille(Green | Enchanted to form fit anyone who puts it on and to slowly clean itself | "Foolish son!! To be a Captain you have to at least fit into the armor!")

- Old Leather Boots x2(White)

- Old Leather Gloves x3(White)

- Rusted Cervelliere(White)

- Steel Dagger x2(White)

- Urist's Plumphelmet Wine(Green | Gains 40 Health and 10 Magicka over one minute)

- Dimpled Dwarf's Aged Ale x3(White | Gains 15 Health over one minute)

- Dholtirm Gatehouse Journal (Unread)

- [Currency & Gems:]

- 7 Silver Coins(Dholtirm Ruins)

- 133 Bronze Coins(Dholtirm Ruins)

- [Equipped Items:]

- Armor: Captain's Leather Maille(Green)

- Right Hand: Knockback II Sign(Green)

- Left Hand: Lit Torch(White)

- Pants: Denim Jeans(Grey)

- Shirt: Plaid Shirt(Grey)

- Socks: Hanes White Socks(Grey)

- Shoes: Old Leather Boots(White)

- Accessories(1/10): Dholtirm Guard Ring(White)

{Hidden Stats: Luck 1, Willpower 3, Charisma 2}


Hey there! Sorry for not writing for quite a while. I haven't abandoned the book, I just was lacking motivation for a while and had some stuff I was busy with. I'll be trying to put out a chapter every day from now on, as I've got everything sorted.

I have made some corrections and changes to the system, as I realized I made some minor mistakes such as his health not increasing with his endurance. I will also be scrapping the defense stats, as I feel it's difficult to quantify it properly. I'm not going to make armor paper, but take a more realistic approach to armor, weapons and combat as a whole.

Don't worry, you won't see the protagonist being injured every fight unnecessarily or just cleaving everything in two.

I've decided to post the current inventory and status at the end of each page from now on rather than displaying it every time he opens it, as it could get annoying otherwise.

Let me know if you have any complaints or if there is grammar/typos somewhere.

Astralekcreators' thoughts