
Minecraft : New Life

Ethan wakes up in the world of Minecraft, confused and alone. Everything feels real, and he must quickly learn how to survive. He builds a small shelter, gathers supplies, and fights off dangerous creatures like zombies and skeletons. Each day is a struggle to find food and materials, while each night brings new dangers. As he explores this strange world, Ethan tries to figure out how he got here and if there’s a way to escape.

KOKA · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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25 Chs

Another day...

Ethan woke to the soft glow of morning sunlight peeking through the cracks of his wooden shelter. His body was sore from yesterday's encounters, but he was alive and for now, that was enough. He stretched, wincing slightly, and looked around at the small house he had built.

"Well, it's not much," he muttered to himself, glancing at the loot he had collected last night—string, bones, and a few arrows. "But it's home."

He knelt down beside the pile of supplies and picked up the string. "This'll come in handy," he said, his voice thoughtful. "Maybe a bow or a fishing rod... definitely need to think long-term." He tossed the string into the chest he had built, storing it with the rest of his materials.

Ethan stood up and looked out the window. The sun was already rising higher in the sky, signaling the start of another day in this strange, blocky world.

"I need to be smarter about this," he said aloud, pacing in the small space. "I need supplies, and I need a way to keep track of where I'm going." He stopped and nodded to himself, as if affirming his thoughts. "A map. First priority."

But to make a map, he needed paper and a compass. He had some iron from last night's mining trip, but no redstone. Redstone was buried deep underground, and the thought of going back into the caves made his stomach churn. Still, it had to be done.

"One thing at a time, Ethan," he told himself. "Let's start with the easy stuff."

Grabbing his iron axe, Ethan stepped out of his house into the fresh morning air. The sun was shining brightly, and the landscape seemed peaceful—a far cry from the dangers of the previous night. He looked out over the nearby river and spotted what he was hoping to see: a small patch of sugarcane growing by the water's edge.

"There you are," Ethan said with a small smile. "That's one thing off the list."

He made his way down to the riverbank and harvested the sugarcane, carefully replanting some so it would continue to grow.

"Alright, paper's done," he said, tucking the sugarcane into his inventory. "Now, the compass. Which means… back into the caves."

He sighed heavily, already dreading the thought of facing more skeletons or worse. But survival depended on it. After all, he couldn't stay in one place forever. He needed a plan for exploring and finding more resources, perhaps even other people, if they existed here.

"I can't be the only one in this world," Ethan murmured, glancing at the horizon. "Right?"


With the sugarcane in hand, Ethan returned to his small home and crafted several pieces of paper. Sitting on the floor, he began sketching out the first part of the map. It was a strange sensation—seeing the grid-like world of Minecraft translated onto paper in such a detailed way.

"Not bad," he muttered, holding the unfinished map up. "But it's just the beginning."

Still, a compass would be key. Ethan spent the next few hours gathering more resources for the journey ahead. Wood, food, and stone were packed away, and by midday, he felt ready. As he stood in front of his house, staring out at the distant mountains, he knew it was time to start his first real exploration of the world.

"Mountains," he said to himself, shielding his eyes against the sun. "There's always something in the mountains. Caves, ores, maybe even a village."

He glanced around, seeing the forest to the west and the river to the east. The mountains were far to the north, their jagged peaks visible even from this distance. It would be a long journey, but it was the best place to start.

"Alright," he said with a deep breath. "Let's do this."

With his iron sword strapped to his side, Ethan set off toward the mountains. The land around him was peaceful for now, but he stayed alert, knowing the dangers that could appear at any moment. As he walked, he talked aloud to keep his spirits up.

"Okay, so," he began, "I've got food, a map, iron tools, and plenty of wood. If I find a cave, I'll grab coal for torches. Maybe I'll get lucky and find some redstone before nightfall."

The journey took longer than expected. The terrain became more rugged the closer he got to the mountains, and the afternoon sun beat down on him, making the trek feel endless.

"Just a little farther," Ethan said, pushing himself forward. "There's bound to be something up there."

After what felt like hours of walking, he finally reached the base of the mountains. The cliffs were steep, and the jagged rocks jutted out like teeth. It was both intimidating and exciting—who knew what treasures lay hidden within the caves?

Ethan found a narrow path that zigzagged up the mountainside, and he started to climb. The higher he went, the more the world below opened up before him. He could see the plains stretching out for miles, the river winding its way through the landscape like a ribbon.

"Wow," he breathed, taking in the view. "This place is huge…"

As he reached a plateau halfway up the mountain, he decided to take a break. He sat down and pulled out his map, marking the terrain he had explored so far. The forest, the river, the mountains—they all came together on the paper, forming a rough sketch of the world.

"Not bad for a day's work," Ethan said with a grin. "But I still need that compass."

After resting for a bit, he continued his climb. The air grew cooler, and the wind picked up, tugging at his clothes as he neared the summit. Eventually, he spotted the dark mouth of a cave nestled in the rocks ahead.

"That's what I'm talking about," he said, pulling out his sword as he approached the cave. "Let's hope there's something good inside."

Ethan hesitated at the entrance, peering into the darkness. His grip tightened on the hilt of his sword.

"Alright," he whispered to himself. "Time to see what's down there."

He stepped into the cave, the darkness swallowing him whole.


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