
Chapter Thirty Seven

"Crust was a very noble man-" The priest looks outward to the large crowd of family, friends and fellow heroes. "-he gave his life in the line of duty-"

You look forward during the service, when you were told Crust's family was holding the funeral until you could personally attend, you didn't know how to feel at first but coming here today, you were lightly glad you had the chance to pay your respects.

You glanced to your side peeking at who showed up, these past two weeks you had been laid up and unable to aid in recovering the villains who escaped the hotel raid.

You discovered Kaina did not make it out of the hotel alive. It didn't surprise you to find out Bakugo, Midoriya and Shoto were in the middle of the main fight which destroyed most of the hotel's lower floors. You were a little annoyed you weren't going to have the chance to kick her ass yourself, but you chopped it up to less trash on the streets.

The service for the fellow hero was beautiful even through a white and black screen. Once the service ended, you watched all the people shake hands, hug, cry and share heartfelt stories. You wondered if anyone would have done this for you should you have died that night instead of Crust.

"Are you ready?" Aizawa wondered, looking down at you with his hands crammed into his pants pockets after having spoken with the family.

"Yeah." You nod, ready to be out of the blazing sun.

"Come on." He nodded, walking in the opposite direction of where he parked his car. You looked in the direction then back to Aizawa confused, without a word you sorely followed suit.

After what felt like an hour of trudging through the graveyard, you saw a familiar figure staring down at a grave, you looked to Aizawa for answers,

"I'll be in the car." Was all Aizawa said before walking away leaving you and All Might alone. You licked your lips, looking around seeing no one else before joining the skeleton man's side.

The air instantly stirred thick.

"Looks like I haven't even known my last name all these years." You commented looking to your grave. All Might weakly smiled.

"I have contacted the cemetery to remove this." All Might replied, you shrugged.

"Looking at your own grave isn't as weird as you might think."

All Might chuckled, but allowed the conversation to sizzle out, not knowing exactly what to say next.

"I don't know why Aizawa wanted me to be the one to have this conversation with you." All Might broke the ice; you turned waiting for more information to be given to you. "Hawks contacted us..."

"Hm." You hummed, "I wondered where he flapped off to."

"He told us about the mask the HPSC gave you."

"What about it?"

"How it takes away color."

You look back to the grave with your name written on it, wondering who was buried down there.

"The truth is..." All Might sigh, "...originally when I found out, I wanted to find you and rip the thing off your face-" The comment of your mask being removed caused your body to painfully tense, which All Might caught on too. "-but I thought that might not go over well."

"You would have been right."

"What I mean is..." All Might breathed through his nose.

"See ya later Five-!" A voice caught your attention behind you. You use your free arm to say goodbye to the two heroes who were headed home. All Might smiled seeing the ties you have formed within the hero community.

"...I am so proud of you (y/n)."

All Might's words caused you to scoff, if he only knew the things you have done.

"I remember when we first met-" All Might pulled from the blue. "-you were the reason I got my real smile back; you gave me hope and brought life into me. If I have ever done anything right in my entire life, it's when I made you my daughter-"

"Then why do you look at me like I am just something to fix?"

"What?" All Might was made speechless, "N-No!" He moves closer cupping the side of your mask. "I would never try to change who you are, (y/n) when we got you back I-I didn't know why you were so angry and then when we finally found out, I thought that maybe if I stood back a little and gave you space, you would come to me when you were ready." All Might explained, "I-I thought that would be what's best for you."

You didn't feel a need to reply as you stared into his grayed eyes.

"(y/n), I have missed you more than words can express." Tears bead inside his eyes. "I didn't...I thought you were...I-I didn't know you were still-" You watched with a mixture of feelings as the tears spilled down his cheeks.

"St-Stop-" You half ordered; your chest bawled together seeing the tears in his eyes. You hated this pained edged feeling stitching together in your chest.

All Might reached over and took your hand.

"(y/n), whether you decided to presume your hero license or not, wither it be at U.A. or someplace else, if you choose to be (h/n) or Five, I will support whatever you want to do-" All Might weakly smile as the tears free flowed, he was so overwhelmed with finally getting you alone. "-but please-" He pleased, "-allow me to have a mask made for you, one that can see in color, because you deserve every color in the rainbow plus more...please..."

"Think about it from our side." Bakugo's voice filled your head, "I buried my girlfriend, Starburst lost her best friend, All Might lost his daughter-"

After a still moment of silence, All Might reaches his hands slowly to the sides of your mask and ever so slowly, as if he was reaching out to pet a black mamba, he unclipped the mask removing it.

The moment the mask was removed, and light invaded your sight you were blinded, you had to close your eyes to stop the stinging pain.

"Are you alright!?" All Might wraps an arm around you, panic setting in.

"It's bright." You mutter, adjusting the cloth mask on your face.

"Your eyes will adjust-" All Might breathes, "-give it a moment."

Slowly, you reopened your tired eyes and blinked a few times looking around taking in the vibrant colors of the trees. All Might couldn't wipe the smile from his face watching you look around.

"Just give me a few days-" All Might looks to the mask in his hand. "-to have one made for you, ok?"

You nod in response, still looking at the tree branches lightly blowing in the wind and the clear blue sky above.

"Oh-!" All Might remembers, reaching for something in his back pocket. "-I almost forgot about this." He hands out a sleek new phone. "Hawks also told us about how you weren't going to be able to get your old phone back so I thought I would get you this one." Slowly you took it from him, looking at the black screen. "I had everything from your old phone transferred so everything should be on there, it's also under your old phone number." All Might grinned, "I haven't turned it on, so if it doesn't work let me know, ok?"

"Ok." You nod, putting the phone in your pants pocket.

"Also-" All Might's voice drops, he looks at the mask resting in his hand. "-if you're uncomfortable, I can have your name changed back. The adoption paper went through after you were...well-" All Might clears his throat, "-there is no pressure, just let me know what you want me to do, I will make sure it gets done."

You only stare at him for a few moments before turning back to the vibrant trees.

All Might's heart ached at the thought of changing the adoption paperwork, for years you were his daughter, and to him...you were (y/n) Yagi, but if you no longer wanted that...he would respect your wishes.

"Come on!" All Might grinned from ear to ear eating his emotions wrapping an arm around you pulling you close, trying to be mindful of your shoulder and leg. "Aizawa is waiting for us, we probably shouldn't make him wait too long, he might leave us!"

All Might was patient walking back to the car with you at your slowed pace due to your leg, he wouldn't admit it, but he enjoyed the extra time he got with you. Finally, once you reached Aizawa's car, you were placed in the passenger seat.

"Took you two long enough." He muttered, putting his phone down and starting up his car.

"Where too?" All Might leaned forward from the backseat.

"I figured we could go grab some food." Aizawa shrugged.

"Fantastic-!" All Might's loud voice caused Aizawa to groan feeling a headache coming on. "-I am starving!"

Aizawa was about to put the car in park when:

"Five!" An excited voice turned the three in the car to see Hawks land a few feet from the car.

"Hawks?" All Might muttered, you unclipped your seatbelt and exited the car. All Might was just about to follow you when he felt Aizawa's hand.


"What?" All Might turned to the lazed teacher.

"This is something she needs to choose on her own." Aizawa swallowed his nerves down, letting All Might go he leaned back in his seat.

"I think (y/n) should be transferred to another guardian and taken to a different city." Dr. Aimi's voice caused Aizawa to cringe, knowing she was right.

Aizawa and All Might turned gazing out the window watching you walk over to Hawks out of earshot.

"Hey Five." Hawks brightly smiled seeing you standing after hearing how hard of a hit you took at the hotel.

"Where you been?"

"Oh, you know-" Hawks rubbed the back of his neck, "-around-"

"Right-" You nod, "-your super important assignment."

"Yeah." Hawks nodded, glancing past your neck to see the two figures scramble away from the car window. "About that assignment..."

"What about it?"

"I got permission-"

"What-?" You snorted about to crack a joke.

"-for you to come!"

"What now?" You blinked, furrowing your brows.