
Chapter Thirty Four

You snapped your eyes open, quickly noting the skyline twisting in your vision as you free fell from the hotel. Your brain didn't have the time to process what was occurring as you felt the faceted chain wrap around your left ankle. Radiating pain shot through your left leg up into your skull as you were whipped from the air through another glass window, rolling onto your side you landed inside an empty conference room two floors below GunHead and the others.

Your brain spun inside your skull struggling to keep up with your tired body, you almost didn't hear the heavy thud of boots creaking the wooden floor of the conference room.

"I was nervous when those little trolls discovered a Bullet was lurking somewhere inside the building-" The Herculean villain caused chills to slide over your arms. "-I thought for sure it was Seven or even Three. Imagine my surprise when it was just you-" He kicked your shoulder forcing you to roll onto your back, you grunted in discomfort. "-the broken Fifth Bullet...I'm going to kill you Five."

"Isn't your little leader the one who doesn't like needless bloodshed?"

"He will forgive me." Herculean confidently replied, "There will always be casualties in war, you better than anyone should understand that." He crouched down hovering over you.

"I know-" You coughed, "-and I can't wait to add you to that list." Herculean let out a hearty laugh.

"You really think you're in a position to make threats Five?" Herculean questioned leaning closer, a whiff of thick musty cigarette smoke burned your nostrils. "Normally I would just kill you and move on-" Herculean lifted his hench arms, you heard him cackle and then with a flash of pain you were staring at the wall, bewildered. Herculean held his hands curled in a fist glaring down at you. "-but after what you did to my cousin, you're going to wish I would have just killed you."


You furrowed your brows as the confusion was short lived as Herculean punched your mask again, the metal bent and protested, this felt all too familiar.

"Necro?" You coughed out, tasting blood on your tongue.

"I'm surprised you remembered his name!" Herculean bit, slamming his fist against your mask, dead set on crushing the damn thing into your skull!

With each hit, white filled your vision.

"We won you owe us a treat-!" Mina's giggling voice echoed through your head.

"Why the hell would I owe you a damn thing!?"

"We all made a deal that the losers would buy the winners dessert. You would know that if the two of you didn't sneak off for a make out session!"

"We didn't sneak off-!" Katsuki barking voice faded until the next punch sent your head flying sideways, sending another wave of whiteness over your eyes.

"Shut the hell up starburst!" Bakugo snapped, "She isn't going anywhere until one of us drops!"

"Oh, you didn't like it when I served up your cousin frozen?" You smiled, "You should have told me that...I would have flambeed him instead-"

Herculean screamed slamming his fists down onto your head, again and again until a darkened object slams against his skull, throwing him onto his side.

Your head was swimming, blood dripping down your chin you processed the green cape and then a sinister smile resting on Herculean's face.

"Crust-!" You choked out, "-get outta here-!"

"Don't be ridiculous Five-" Crust shook his head walking into the room, your eyes widened as you watched the mask resting against his face instantly cave in against his skull. Blood flooded down his torso as he dropped to the floor unmoving.

"No!" You cried out.

"You probably figured out my quirk by now-" Herculean stood touching the bleeding slash against his forehead from Crust's shield he had thrown as his attempt to save you. "-I can manipulate some metal, but not all types. The moment I walked into the room I tried to crush your skull but luck for you, you and your friends have the few I cannot control."

Herculean raised his hefty foot, a sickening smile which turned your stomach crossed his face as he slammed it down onto your left leg, causing you to arch your back as your body screamed against the tight pressure.

You realized in this moment this was a fight you didn't want to win, you wanted to lose this time.

"I noticed how you avoided shifting to this leg-" Herculean grinned, "-is it because my dear old Necro crushed it?" He stepped down harder, lancinating pain takes over as you felt the anklet around your ankle crush, puncturing your flesh. "I want to see your face while you die-" Herculean reached down for your mask as your fingers slipped around the gun on your thigh.

Tears pricked against your eyes as you realize Crust died for a life you didn't want. Your right hand stretched downward, trying to reach your weapon resting in its holster.

Without hesitation you pulled it from its home and released three rounds into Herculean's chest. The force pushed him off your leg allowing you to sit up and scramble backwards. You lifted your gun, pointed and emptied the clip.

A quiet moment threaded through you, watching Herculean lie on his back. Your heart painfully pounded in your chest as you looked at your leg, the anklet was a mangled mess while blood freely soaked your clothes.

Your eyes snapped forward, watching the Herculean villain stiffly stands on his feet. You had no idea how he was still conscious let alone moving. With a cold wrenching pain coursing through your body, you stood on your right leg, not daring to place pressure on your left knowing full well it was broken.

"What now Hero?" Herculean spat, scanning the room for the weapon he threw when he charged you. You swallowed the lump in your throat, for years you wondered how you would die...was this finally it?

"Well-" You felt breathless, "-first I'm going to add you to that list-" You licked your lips feeling the lower one had been busted open. "-then I am going to hunt down your little Stain friend-" You smiled looking into his round beady eyes, "-and slice his throat open."

"You're not leaving this room alive Five-!" Herculean belted, running full force towards you. Before you could calculate how to dodge or if you even wanted to—a gray scarf wrapped around Herculean's head quickly pulling him onto his back. Thin pink mist filled the room you saw with furrowed brows it wrapped around Herculean; the fragrant smell slowly caused his eyes to flutter close.

"What the-?" You look over, "-Aizawa...Midnight?" You saw the two pro-heroes from U.A. High School standing in the doorway, police flooded in behind them quickly restraining the herculean villain.

"(y/n)-" Aizawa darted over, "-are you-!?" He was cut off, watching gravity tackle you like a linebacker on a mission to save the game, your legs gave out. Aizawa and Midnight flocked to your side helping you remain standing.

"What are you doing here?" You were breathless, blood mixed with sweat dripped into your right eye causing a stinging sensation.

"We were patrolling." Midnight answers. "Since most of the heroes were here, we were asked to patrol the streets when we got an alert saying you had removed your anklet. We knew something was wrong and got here as soon as we could."

"Come on-" Aizawa guided you through the exit, you limped avoiding placing pressure on your left leg. "-let's get you downstairs."

"Paramedics aren't allowed in until the building is cleared." Midnight explained as the three of you passed dozens of officers flooding the floors searching for fleeing villains.

You glanced over your shoulder to see an officer gently placing a sheet over Crusts body.

Once outside the sultry air hit you like a minivan, your sore lungs struggled as you gazed around at the hundreds of first responders and vehicles hazardly parked all over. There were dozens of media and bystanders trying to peek through the police line.

Your chest eased upon seeing Mina and Kirishima along with others from their class getting checked out by paramedics. Just how you saw them, they saw you as two medics rushed over taking your weight from Aizawa and Midnight.

"(y/n)!" Mina frantically jumped up, the blanket flying off her shoulders as she swatted away the woman helping her. Aizawa waved to the medic holding you to go, you needed treatment and motioned for Midnight to follow.

Hearing your name, Bakugo and the others from Class C1-A all jogged into view.

"No." Was all Aizawa said, stopping Bakugo with a bear hug from running over as you were being placed on a stretcher.


"She needs medical attention." Aizawa sternly replied, "No one is to go over there until she is cleared."

"But-" Mina stood beside Bakugo who held a few cuts and bruises but nothing serious. "-she-"

"I know." Aizawa nodded, "I won't lie, she is in rough shape and needs to be left alone so those medical personnel can do their job."

"Mr. Aizawa-" Kirishima's eyes were locked to the pavement. "-she saved our lives...we have to-"

"You can talk to her when she can respond."

"She can't-!?" Kirishima's head whipped up; eyes wide with terror.

"I don't know everything that happened-" Aizawa heavily sighed.

"She put up one hell of a fight." Midnight walked up.

"-where is-?" Aizawa went to question why she wasn't with you.

"They can't have us in their way." Midnight crossed her arms. "They needed the room to work."

"What happened to (y/n)?" Mina stepped closer.

"We don't know." Midnight honestly replied, "We got there in time to stop one of those villains from killing her-" The class gasps, "-we know she watched a fellow hero lose their life-"


"-so, it's safe to say she needs a minute before she has all of down her throat." Midnight flashed a smile. "The medics said they will come get us when they are finished with her."

Aizawa and Midnight turned from the class, muttering low enough for only them to hear about the dozens of low-level villains who slipped away and what they were going to do about it.

"Hey." Jiro waved walking over to Mina who held her grazed arm. "You, ok?"

"Yeah." Mina nodded, looking at the fresh bandage. "(y/n) saved me."

"Sounds like her." Jiro muttered, looking around at the scene. "This is all insane...where did you go with her?"

"What?" Mina blinked.

"Hawks grabbed me, and Mineta-" Jiro muttered, "-I looked over and you like...melted into the floor or something. What happened?"

Mina sucked in a struggled breath; the questions finally hit her about what she had seen when you escaped Kaina.

"I-I have no idea..." Mina licked her lips, "...I... all I know is (y/n) got us away from all those villains."

"Hey-!" Kirishima shoved his way into the conversation with Bakugo by his side. "-what are you guys talking about!?"

"They still won't let us see her?" Mina asked Bakugo who replies with an annoyed nod of his head.

"Bastards won't let me anywhere near the ambulance they have her by."

"Why won't they take her to a hospital?" Mina worriedly questions.

"They don't want to move her." Bakugo grunts, "From what I heard they got her on a stretcher on the ground but it's not safe to move her yet."

"What the hell happened when you guys got separated from us?" Jiro directs Mina.

"Hey-" Kirishima bites "-don't talk to her like that! We all went through a lot tonight and the last thing we all need to be doing is picking fights."

"I-I wasn't-" Jiro shakes her head.

"You don't think she is going to die..." Mina looks past Bakugo's shoulder, at her two teachers guarding the students from running past them to you. "...right?"

"No-" Bakugo scoffs with an eyeroll. "-no way something like this will take her down."

"You're right." Mina smiles, the anxiety in her chest easing a bit after hearing how confident Bakugo's words were. "When do you think they will let us-" Mina's words were cut off by a mixture of screams with Aizawa and Midnight bolting away from the class.

"What the hell-!?" Kaminari follows his friends and the flooding people to the origin of the commotion.

"Oh-!" Mina gasps covering her mouth with her hands as she stood in front of the crowd seeing you lying on your stomach as your hands were being roughly handcuffed behind your back by Eizo Tanuma with Officer Maeda standing behind him with a smug grin plastered on his face.

"(y/n), the former Pro-Hero known as 'Five'-" Eizo held a victory face, "-you're under arrest!"