
Chapter Sixty

"Ok-" Shiro exhales, handing off the clipboard to the shivering man. "-here you go-"

"And you read the-?" The member of the school board quivered under Shiro's gaze.

"We have read it three times." Shiro interrupts, annoyance dripping into his tone. The stout man's eyes flicker to the gun strapped to your leg, you could see the beads of sweat forming; the longer he stood beside you and Shiro, the larger they grew.

"I think that's everything?" Mr. Principal questions the member of the board, who swallowed hard before nodding. You glanced over to Shiro, he flashed a smile causing you to roll your eyes.

The moment you stepped into U.A. you and Shiro were pulled off into some conference room, the school board wasn't thrilled to have two ex-heroes who were on probation carrying loaded weapons on their campus.

Three hours with a dozen phone calls later, paperwork was drawn up.

"I still think they should have those collars on-" The council representee went to argue with Mr. Principal.

"Try to put a collar on me-" You seethed, stone eyes glaring down onto the five-foot something man. "-and I'll break your damn neck-"

"See!" The man gestured to you while turning to Mr. Principal.

"Alright." Shiro pulled on you, "Are we good here mouse?"

"Yes." Mr. Principal twitched at the name but waved to Shiro and you to flee while you could, Shiro dragged you down the hall to your fourth class which was already in session.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to." Shiro commented, noticing your stiff frame, after a moment of no reply he smirked. "You want to see that blond-" You reached over, shoving him into the wall, you kept walking. "-ow-!": He whined, jogging to catch up. "-you're so abusive to me!"

Without knocking Shiro slid open the door, Midnight blinked, chalk frozen on the board as he stepped into the room.

"Everything...alright?" Midnight faced Shiro, not expecting to see him.

"Oh, everything-" Shiro looked the teacher up and down. "-is fantastic now-" You strolled past, slapping him in the back of the head. "-ow-!" Shiro complained as you ignored him, "-why!?" You shoved your hand back into your jacket pocket, your tense frame found comfort in doing so while walking towards your seat.

"(y/n) where is your sling?" Midnight questioned as you took your place behind Bakugo. You glanced at the Rated R hero but didn't reply out of habit.

"She doesn't need it anymore." Shiro answered on your behalf, while taking his place beside you, leaning against the window annoyingly blocking your view of the outside world. "She is healing along perfectly."

"That's wonderful-!" Midnight clapped her hands together.

"Don't let her fool you-" Shiro chuckled, patting your shoulder, you shot him a scowl. "-she is still in recovery."

"Of course." Midnight nods, "It's a good thing she's here at U.A. and has a chance to fully recover-"

"It's like I'm not even here." You mutter, leaning back against the chair, a sting from your back shot through into your skull.

Mina giggles beside you, thrilled to have you in class. She had been worried when the principal of the school pulled you and Shiro away the moment she and the rest of Class C1-A stepped into the building.

"There is an open desk behind-" Midnight went to offer Shiro a seat.

"I'm good." Shiro waves her off.

"Oh-!" Kaminari raises his hand. "-I can go get him a chair-!" He offers, searching for any way to slip out of class and miss the upcoming quiz.

"Thanks-" Shiro repeats, "-but I am good where I am."

"Well alright." Midnight shrugs, returning to her lecture but the hero couldn't get far, Camie flipped her fawn-colored hair over her shoulder, darting her hand into the air. "Excuse me!"

"Yes Camie?" Midnight fakes her smile, turning to the transfer student.

"Can you go over the dress code?" You could almost taste her artificial tone. "It seems some people don't understand we have a strict dress code here at U.A.-"

"I am sure anyone who needs a refresher can just look in their student handbook-"


"Enough Camie."

"But it's not fair some people have to follow it and others don't-!"

"You want to say something to us?" Shiro crossed his arms over his broad chest.

"Wh-What!?" Camie's tone pitched, "N-No!"

"It seems like it." Kaminari jumped on the bandwagon, whatever made them run out of time to take this quiz.

"I-I was just saying!"

"Why?" Mina turned around, "Clearly we all know you're talking about (y/n) and Shiro."

"Wait..." Midoriya looked up, staring at the back of your head. "...(y/n)... why are you still wearing your Bullet uniform?" You ignored the greenette, refusing to spin around.

"We need to get back to the lecture-" Midnight tries to get her class back on track.

"The threats not over-!" Midoriya realized, he found himself on his feet moving to see your masked face. "-is it!?" Bakugo spun around in his chair, you slowly inhaled, slowly positioning your sore leg forward.

"Well damn-" Shiro stretched, "-I don't give your class enough credit, even the shamrock figured it out."

"Shamrock?" Midoriya tilted his head.

"(y/n)?" Bakugo's voice caught your attention, he was staring intently, causing you to internally cringe.

"We don't know." You answered, surprising Shiro by giving a response.

"What the hell does that mean!?" Bakugo straightened up, scowl taking over his once relaxed face.

"It means what it means." Shiro replied, sharpening his glare on the blond, not pleased by his tone.

"But-" Midoriya frowned.

"It's better to be safe rather than sorry." Shiro leaned against the window. "So, that's why we have to wear our uniforms-" His smoldering glare flickered over to Camie, causing her to blush. "-just in case the tag isn't off our heads."

"That's why your standing here." Midoriya's wide eyed expression turned to Shiro, "Your shielding her."

"You're kinda cute when you're smart." Shiro smirked as Midoriya flushed red.

"Alright-!" Midnight snapped her whip against her desk, "-let's get back on track-!"

"This just became my favorite class." Shiro noted happily.

After a half hour Midnight glanced to the clock.

"Looks like we have just enough time to get the quiz done."

"Ugh!" Kaminari threw himself over his desk as Midnight began handing out the papers, you observed Shiro with lynx-eyes, letting your annoyance leak into your expression as he leaned forward when Midnight walked past.

Shiro cleared his throat, quickly adverting his gaze when Midnight stepped beside you.

"U-Um..." Midnight frowned as you looked up at her, watching her hesitating, unsure if she should hand you the sheet or not. After a moment you sighed, pulling your hand from your jacket pocket, you held it out, waiting. Midnight's lips parted in surprise, "...oh...!" She quickly handed you the sheet before continuing her way.

She was unsuccessful in masking her goofy grin, glancing over her shoulder you sat upright beginning to read the first question. For the first time since you were discovered, it felt like you were finally here, finally a regular student and not here because of some probationary period.

Bakugo casually reached down, eyes never leaving his paper, his fingertips brushed over your pant leg. Instantly you froze feeling him wrap his hand around your ankle, every muscle tensed in your torso.

Shiro's eye twitched, glaring down at Bakugo's hand, the blond continued his quiz without flaw. Pulling your lips into a thin line, the warmth radiating from Bakugo's hand eased your rigid posture.

"Just watching a movie my ass." Shiro growled under his breath, feeling the urge to cut the Blond's hand clean off his wrist.

"Hm?" Midnight looked up from grading papers, "Did you need something Shiro?"

"Of course, not beautiful." Shiro cleared his throat, catching the sly smirk on Bakugo's face as he turned back to the task before him. "Cocky bastard."


Shiro yawned, mask agitating his skin looking around the quiet room, all the kids around him were hyper focused on the quiz in front of them, it left him little to do.

He narrowed his gaze watching how you struggle to keep your eyes open. What was Aizawa and All Might thinking, you should be in a hotel or one of their houses right now resting, not sitting in some stuffy classroom. His gaze flickered to your quiz, quickly doing a double take, you leaned on your arm, quiz completed.

It didn't surprise him.

After the Seven Bullets were established, Shooter forced the team to be legally licensed, which meant you had to learn a lot in very little time and if anyone failed, the team was punished. Shiro glared at Bakugo's hand, still comfortably wrapped around your ankle, being your personal heater, feeling him beside you made it harder to stay awake.


You snapped your eyes open, stomach instantly soured.


You and Shiro both looked at your pagers clipped to your belts.


It was just a room number, as the students of Class C1-A continued their quiz, you furrowed your brows, turning to Shiro who could only shrug, unsure of that the page meant, the two of you weren't even sure if this was a room number in U.A.

Hearing another beep, you sat upright, pulling your leg from Bakugo who instantly frowned, craning his neck. You narrowed your gaze onto the pager, with masked eyes you turned to Shiro whose eyes flickered up to meet your vigorous stare.

'Code 77'

Without another second wasted you bolted from your seat, the desk being shoved into Mina, she screams in surprise as you followed Shiro out the room, leaving the door open you could hear your class protesting, Midnight scrambled up from her desk, following Bakugo out the room. The blond darted right then left, only to be met with an empty hallway.

"Where the hell did they go?" Bakugo growled, scanning the empty hallways as if you would appear.

"I-I don't know." Midnight shakes her head, pulling her phone out. "She-They aren't supposed to be doing hero work!"

"Are you calling All Might?" Midoriya questioned, Midnight nodded.

"Nerd-" Bakugo pulled the greenettes attention. "-what does Code 77 mean?"

"Code 77?"

"Yeah." Bakugo nods, "I saw that message on (y/n)'s pager before they jumped up."

"That means..." Midoriya muttered, eyes dropping to the floor in thought. "...ambush..."