
Chapter Seventy Six

As hours passed within the bustling festival, the vibrant energy intensified, and time seemed to slip into a realm of its own. The sun once high in the sky now began its slow descent towards the horizon, the colors of the carnival deepened and grew richer as the day wore on.

Kaminari and Kirishima, determined to try every food stand, broke off from the group.

Inko and All Might went their separate ways to their own attraction, with All Might—feeling guilty for breaking off—kept reassuring you he would be right back; Inko really wanted their hand drawn. picture together.

You stood beside Kai watching Bakugo, Shiro and Midoriya trash talk each other while competing at yet another carnival game.

"You think you can hold anymore?" Kai chuckled, gesturing towards the armful of stuffed animals the three kept winning for you—who was still confused how this contest on who can win you the most prizes began in the first place—your eyes shifted over to him; irritation etches plainly in their gaze causing Kai to laugh harder.

"Ha-ha!" Shiro cheered with a triumphant grin, raising his arms in victory.

"You lucked out this time!" Bakugo retorted; his tone slightly annoyed as his eyes dipped over to you, finding comfort knowing you were just a few short feet away.

"Luck had nothing to do with it!" Shiro teased, a playful glint in his eyes. "You're just salty because I'm leaving you in the dust!"

Bakugo's expression grew more determined. "Fine, let's settle this at that tent over there!" He declared, pointing to another attraction—something to do with live fish.

"Oh no." You breathed, dread fills your chest, what the hell were you going to do with a bunch of fish?

"Wait a second," Kai interjected with a soft chuckle, his camera in hand. "I want to capture this moment first." He motioned for Shiro and you to stand together.

"We'll do it after!" Shiro protested, eyeing the line forming at the tent.

"Come on," Kai urged, directing Shiro to stand beside you. You dumped the pile of stuffed animals on Midoriya, who wore a frown feeling left out of the sibling photo, but hid it, not wanting to dampen the festivities.

Shiro and you posed together, standing side by side.

"I just wish you two weren't in your uniforms." Kai mumbled as he snapped a few pictures from various angles.

"Alright!" Shiro waved his brother aside, his gaze locking onto Bakugo. "First one there-!" With that, Shiro dashed forward with determination.

"You fucker!" Bakugo shouts, a competitive fire igniting in his eyes as he chased after Shiro.

"-eat my dust!" Shiro mockingly laughs.

Midoriya, clutching the pile of stuffed animals, hurriedly followed behind them, a mixture of excitement and amusement in his expression.

"Do you have any idea where the others went?" Kai inquired, his gaze scanning the surroundings. You followed suit, your eyes searching the area as the two of you trailed behind Shiro, Bakugo and Midoriya toward the tent.

"Aizawa said something about feeding Eri-" You recalled, "-and Gray took his kid and Renata to get candy or something." You shook your head, too many people to keep track of—looking around where did Mitsuki wonder off too?

"Hm." Kai hummed in response, studying you in his peripheral vision. "I'm sorry."


"For what happened-" Kai stared ahead, watching Shiro laugh while aiming a water gun into the mouth of a painted clown. "-when you three were first found."

"What does that-?"

"It was me." Kai quickly clarified. "I convinced Shiro it was healthier for you three to be apart." Kai let out a shaky breath, it was clear the ridge drawn between you and Shiro had been weighing on Kai.

"I didn't know you had anything to do with his decision to leave."

"Yeah..." Kai nods, "...I just...I wanted to get my brother away from everything that had to do with him, not caring what that meant, or who he had to leave behind-" Kai finally turned to make eye contact. "-and for that, I am so sorry."

You slowly turned forward, watching the three laugh, playfully shoving one another to throw the other off. "It's not your fault."

"Of course it is!" Kai scoffed, "I-"

"You were a victim too." You looked at him. "I can understand why you wanted to pull Shiro away from anything that had to do with our past."

"He never forgave himself..." Kai lowered his head, "...for leaving Gray and you."

"I know."

"He tried so many times to speak to you, but he just never could...not after how he left..."

"I know." You nod.

"He talked about you all the time." Kai smiled at the memories, "I feel like I know you myself."

You cracked a grin. "I guess we should bury the hatchet-" You turned to Kai, "-since we have the same brother and all."

"I suppose you're correct." Kai chuckled, "I look forward to getting to know my new sister-"

In the midst of the tranquil scene, a sudden explosion rocked the surroundings. The deafening blast reverberated through the air, causing the ground to tremble beneath your feet. A plume of smoke and debris billowed into the sky, momentarily obscuring your vision.

Instinctively the crowd sought cover, fear and panic rippled through the crowd like a shockwave. People screamed and scattered in all directions, shoving past one another to seek safety from the unknown threat. The festival, once a place of celebration, transformed into a chaotic scene of terror and confusion before your very eyes.

"(y.n)-!" Kai turned to you, gripping your arm. Instinct had kicked in; you were already scanning the scene—your eyes caught her hair.

"Go find Shiro and the others!" You called.

"What!?" Kai's eyes were wide. "We can't split up-!"

"I have to go get Eri!" You pointed in the direction you saw her. "I don't see Aizawa with her!" You shout over the noise.


"I will find you!" You promised, staring into his terrified eyes. The determination swirling inside your orbs caused Kai to slowly nod and release his grip on your arm.

"Promise me!" Kai shakes his head. "Shiro can't lose any more family!"

"Don't flatter yourself-" You smirk, "-you can't get rid of me that easily!"

With those words you turned on your heel, diving into the sea of petrified people as panic gripped the crowd, turning strangers into competitors. It didn't take long to force your way through, Eri was crying, ice cream spilt in the dirt as she was overcome by the commotion, too frozen in fear to move.

"Eri!" You called out, gripping her little shoulders pulling her stiff form into you.

"(y.n)!" Eri cried, her large doe eyes filling with tears.

"Where's Aizawa?" You questioned.

"We-We were on our way back to you, but I forgot the sprinkles, so he went and-and got them for me!" Eri cried, shoving her head into your chest. You placed a hand on the back of her head as you lifted her up.

"Ok." You breathed, scanning the area—no sign of Aizawa. "Shit." You licked your lips as another explosion went off, you ducked down as Eri screamed out. You took cover behind a nearby frozen yogurt stand.

"Are we going to die?" Eri whispered.

"No." You answer, searching the area for a place to put Eri, she couldn't come with you. "We are all going to go home after this and watch cartoons, ok?"

"Ok." Eri nods and your eyes land on the familiar blond spiky hair.

"Ok." You smile, gently placing Eri on her feet you quickly unzip your jacket, eyes never leaving the hair waiting for her to turn around and catch your gaze. You tugged off your bullet jacket, wrapping it around Eri and zipping it up.

"Inko!" You called, spotting Midoriya's mother beside Mitsuki. The two women turned, instantly feeling relieved to see you.

"(y.n)-!" Inko cried, wiping her tears and she took Mitsuki's hand, the two stayed low as they ran over towards you and Eri.

"What's going on!?" Mitsuki gasped, reaching out and gripping your arm, just to make sure you were real and not a dream this time.

"I don't know." You shook your head, lifting Eri and handing her off to the fiery blond.

"What-?" Mitsuki frowned but took the child.

"You three need to stay low and find better cover." You instruct.

"Wait-" Inko grabbed your arm before you could turn and run off. "-you can't go out there! Toshi told me, you can't be doing any hero work right now."

"Does it look like I can sit back and watch the show?" You gestured towards the pandemonium.

"We-Well..." Inko frowned, finding herself wordless.

"Where is he anyway?" You wondered.

"We lost each other in the crowd." Inko answered.

"Where is Katsuki?" Mitsuki asked, not hearing him nearby.

"I don't know." You repeat Inko's answer, "I lost everyone in the crowd, you three go find cover now!"

"Wait-!" Eri called as you turned, you looked back at her. "-please don't go (y.n)!"

"I will be back-" You brushed her hair out of her face, "-I promise."

"But...you said that last time..." Eri whispered, her voice quivering as tears rolled down her cheeks. "...you said that last time, and you never came back!"