
Chapter Four

When Aizawa pulled up to Firearms agency, Naomasa Tsukauchi was already in front of the building waiting for them.

"All Might." Naomasa greeted as the group of four exited the car. All Might hugged his long time friend. "So good to see you."

"Yes, I just wish it was under better circumstances." All Might sighed, his heart was in tangles. To many questions to filter was overfeeding his brain, he didn't have a clue at which one to tackle first.

"I don't." Naomasa replied, "We are here because your daughter could be alive-"

"She is alive." Katsuki butted in.

"We don't know that."

"We all saw the broadcast-!"

"Bakugo-" Aizawa interrupted. "-he is not the enemy."

"It's alright." Naomasa waved, "I understand, come, let's go."

"Do they know we are coming?"

"No." Naomasa smirked, "I didn't want them to have time to cover anything up."

"Good." Aizawa nodded as they entered a modern styled building.

The heroes glanced around the busy office lobby, for a moment no one noticed them. Naomasa and All Might stepped forward to the front desk, Aizawa glared down at the unsuspecting intern.

While the experienced heroes gave the poor girl the third degree on where her boss was, Midoriya was busy studying the lobby.

Was this where you have been all these years? Did you look at this place as your home? Midoriya looked to the front doors, how many times did you walk through those doors after a mission completed?

Midoriya's large doe eyes scanned each person as they passed the loud group, he awkwardly laughed rubbing the back of his neck.

Katsuki's scarlet eyes lazed over to Midoriya then the people watching them like a live reality TV show. On the long car ride over, Katsuki was glued to his phone reading every article on the Seven Bullets and studied every picture taken of Five.

He noticed how most of the staff watching the cursing heroes all wore the growingly familiar collars around their neck, similar to the one you wore. Maybe it was a style trademark thing Katsuki didn't understand fashion.

"Mr. All Might-?" A deep voice turned the heads of everyone next to Katsuki. "-Shooter will see you now."

"Oh." All Might blinked, looking to Aizawa then Naomasa. "Ok then."

"Follow me please." The man nodded, Katsuki watched his stiff movement closely, and noted he didn't wear the collar like the other staff members. Maybe it wasn't a fashion trend after all.

The group was led to a wide door on the top floor of the large building. The man acting like a proper butler opened the door, allowing the group to pass through the thread hold before closing the door not following the group into the office.

"Ah-!" A man spun around in his chair facing the group, "-All Might, Eraser head, and you three I don't know but welcome." The man stood, towering almost seven feet with his thick quarter back stance he walked around to lean against the front of the expensive wooden desk.

"Shooter." All Might stepped in the lead.

"What brings you to my neck of the woods?" Shooter questions.

"You're not answering anyone's calls." Aizawa answered, moving beside All Might.

"If you haven't noticed-" Shooter answered, "-I am a very busy man. I am missing three of my heroes and-"

"That's why we are here!" All Might could not contain his emotions, "You have had my daughter this entire time!?"

"I mean no offence-" Shooter stood, "-but I am busy, wasn't your daughter killed?"

"That's how someone wanted it to appear." Aizawa answered, knowing All Might wasn't thinking clearly.

"We all saw Five's face-!" All Might shook his head, half believing his words were a fabricated lie. Katsuki narrows his eyes, locking onto the flash of grimness across Shooter's face. "-I know without a doubt Five is in fact (y/n)."

"We pushed out bolos about her, sent reports to every agency including yours about her disappearance." Aizawa included in the conversation. "Why didn't you come to us? Why did you allow us to believe (y/n) is dead?"

"They came to me-" Shooter crossed his arms, "-I didn't see their faces, hell I don't even know their real names. They wanted their privacy and I respected that. They did great work and were even better heroes, so I didn't push their secrecy."

"But-" All Might still held so many questions.

"I get a lot of people who come here looking to vanish. I don't ask why, when the Bullets came here, they seemed to be running from something. I didn't ask questions, maybe I should have but I just gave them the job. If Five is really your daughter, then I'll give you a call when I find them. But that's only if she is ok with it."

"We want in on the investigation." Aizawa spoke up, All Might frozen.

"Of course." Shooter nodded, "My assistant can help you with that." Shooter walked around the desk, pressing a button and instructed his assistant to get to his office.

"Thank you, Shooter." Naomasa bowed.

"I wish I could be more help." Shooter replied. "We are going to find them."

Katsuki boredly watches a short haired girl come running into the room, folders in her hands regarding the abduction of the Seven Bullets. Shooter instructed her to give them his personal contact information and to walk them out.

Aizawa glanced over his shoulder, Shooter took a seat in his throne of a chair quickly pulling his phone to his ear. Katsuki's blood was boiling, this trip felt useless! They were wasting time, he needed to find you!

"Please come back any time!" The assistant fakes a smile as she leads them down the building to the front door.

"We will-" Naomasa grins back, "-thank you-"

"Oh!" The assistant trips, Midoriya reacted, quickly wrapping his arms around her bringing the small girls frame into him.

"Are you ok!?" Midoriya breathes, looking into her eyes, his face hovers inches from hers.

"Ahem." Aizawa cleared his throat causing the two to blush.

"Th-Thank you!" The assistant scrambled to her feet quickly bowing and scurrying off.

"Who knew you had moves kid." Aizawa commented, causing Midoriya to madly blush, pulling his eyes to the floor quickly putting his hands in his pockets walking passed the men.

"Hey-" Katsuki broke the silence as the group piled into the car after saying goodbye to Naomasa. "-maybe you should go back and get that girls number."

"She wasn't flirting with me." Midoriya muttered, quickly pulling his hand from his pocket.

"You really think she just fell on accident?" Katsuki added.

"No." Midoriya shook his head, "She tripped on purpose."


"She wanted to bump into me." Midoriya opened the folded note in his hand. "She wanted to slip me this."

"What is it?" Aizawa wondered seeing the crumbled-up paper.

"Her number?" Katsuki guessed. Midoriya's eyes scanned over the written words before slowly turning the paper around revealing the contents.

'Shooter = Villain'

"You need to call back Naomasa." Aizawa was the first to speak.

"Yep." All Might nodded already dialing the number.