
Chapter Forty Four

Mornings inside C1-A dorms were always a little hectic with all twenty something people getting up, dressed and fed before getting pushed out the door. This was a task Momo and Ida held themselves personally responsible for since they were named the class reps once again.

Bakugo stood in the kitchen making the eggs and bacon while Mina oversaw the toast and Kirishima made coffee. Jiro and Ochaco laid their heads on the island groaning, holding a deep hatred for mornings.

"Morning." Midoriya flashed a chipper smile, causing Ochaco to sit up, instantly beaming with joy.

"Morning!" She greeted him as he took a seat beside her.

"That smells amazing Kacchan." Midoriya complimented.

"Of course, it does-!" Bakugo replied, "-I'm the one cooking it!"

"Do you think that's enough-" Mina cut herself off, seeing you had entered the living area, but you didn't walk over or even acknowledged them. You moved straight to the front door, opening it to reveal the ever so happy GunHead who waved.

"Good morning Five!" He greeted, causing the ones in the kitchen to lean outward, trying to get a better peek.

"Isn't that GunHead?" Mina questioned.

"Yeah." Ochaco nodded, "I wonder why he is here?"

They didn't have long to eavesdrop since you stepped out of the building closing the door behind you. But it gave the heroes enough time to spot the two little white boxes in GunHead's hand, the familiar boxes could only be spotted thanks to their shooting practice hosted by you.

"Did that look like ammo to any of you?" Midoriya turned to his classmates.

"Well...." Kirishima frowned. "...yeah but...doesn't she get all her weaponry from GunHead?"

"Yeah!" Mina excitedly agreed, happy to be fed this lie. "He did tell us he makes all her stuff when we were at the hotel!"

"I guess that could explain why he's here." Bakugo muttered, turning the stove off, eyes flickering over to the door every so often. What the hell were you two talking about that was taking so long?

Bakugo placed the food on a paper plate and poured a cup of coffee for himself, sipping it as he waited for you to come back into the building. Your status was still grounded, you couldn't be doing any hero work, which meant you had to come with them to class. Bakugo smirked knowing this, thrilled to have you around him all day, even if it was at school of all places.

As his classmates discussed the cost of repairing the power due to Kaminari again, Bakugo saw you slip through the door, heading back in the direction of the dorms he noticed how you limped and wore the brace on your leg. He picked up the plate he made for you, quietly taking his leave from the kitchen without notice, taking the chance he quickened his pace.

He didn't knock this time, he just walked right in. You turned your head; the two white boxes were neatly stacked on the table beside your gun.

"Why is there even a door if all you people do is ignore it?" You commented, Bakugo smirked.

"Then get rid of it, save me the chore of having to open it."

"I prefer to have the two inches of wood separating me from you." You replied, causing Bakugo to smile even wider.

"I can promise you there's more than two inches-"

"Shut up." You laugh, and for a moment it felt natural between the two of you again. Bakugo placed the plate and coffee on the table as he removed two pill bottles from his pocket, instantly your smile dropped.

"Don't give me that shit." Bakugo pointed, already seeing the fight coming.

"I'm not taking those." You crossed your arms over your chest, Bakugo couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face, seeing the pout under your mask.

"Yes, you are." Bakugo took a warning step forward, which you matched with a backwards step.

"Whose gonna make me?" You challenged.

"Me." Bakugo held a devilish grin, picking up his coffee cup as you rolled your eyes as he sipped it.

"Please-" You turned your back to him, picking up one of the boxes GunHead supplied you with. "-you know damn well I'll put you through that wall-"

Your words were cut off by Bakugo's warm hands turning you around, they felt uncharacteristically gentle. You turned to look at him but was cut off by his fingers wrapping around the medical mask swiftly pulling it off. You didn't have time to react as he cupped both sides of your face slamming his lips against yours.

Your eyes were wide, brain instantly flatlines as you stare at Bakugo, who allowed his eyes to close first. You felt his warm tongue force its way past your lips, Bakugo dropped one hand, snaking it around your waist, pulling you tightly against him.

The moment your lips parted he dipped you and you felt a warm liquid pool from his mouth to yours, two little particles could be felt swirling around in the vanilla tasting coffee. Getting a grip on your sanity you pulled your arm, about to send a punch across his jaw but he caught your wrist. He broke the kiss; the mischievous grin caused your blood to boil as you felt the desire to rip it off his face.

Bakugo slapped his hand against your mouth, running his tongue along his bottom lip.

"Swallow for me." His hot breath fanned your face, Bakugo had been smart about this, he had a firm grip on your stronger arm, leaving you to only defend yourself with the shoulder still recovering, giving you little strength to repel him.

Having no other option, you swallowed the warm coffee and two stupid little pills. Bakugo flashed a victory grin.

"Was that so hard?" He questioned, walking the two of you to the bare bed he sat you down. You watched with narrowed eyes as he walked to the table, picking up the plate and your mask off the floor, he handed you both. "Eat-" He ordered. "-or do you need help with that too?"

You didn't respond, you just took the plate, a pout resting on your features. He stood a step back freely drinking in your exposed face.

"God-" He breathed, pulling your eyes to him. "-your still so gorgeous." He reached out, cupping the side of your cheek, his thumb running over your bottom lip. It took a moment, but then you felt the exposure of your face.

Your heart dropped into your stomach at this realization or was it from his sweetened words?

"We leave in twenty-" Bakugo turned, knowing you were going to need a couple minutes to compose yourself. "-if you're not downstairs, I'll come drag you out of this room." With his promise lingering in the air, he left the room, closing the door behind him leaving you shell shocked, your mask resting between your fingers.

"What the fuck just happened?" You questioned your sanity.

Bakugo leaned against the island, playing on his phone waiting for everyone to get their asses together so they could all leave. Bakugo looked up from the screen, a smirk instantly grew spotting you after eighteen minutes.

"Alright-!" Ida directed the traffic, counting everyone as they walked out of the dorms, ensuring he would have his entire class ready for roll call.


Aizawa was shocked to say the least, when he walked into his class to see you lazily leaning against your desk, arms crossed staring out the window. Aizawa glanced at Bakugo who smirked, glancing over his shoulder, taking full credit for being the one who got you in your seat. Aizawa was thrilled to see you among your peers, however he felt concerned seeing you dressed in your updated hero uniform, he didn't understand it, but you were here so baby steps, right?

Camie sat three desks behind you, arms crossed over her chest as she sulked. Mina, Kirishima and Midoriya all hovered around your desk chatting away. Bakugo turned, allowing Camie's eyes to trail over his long muscular legs which hung out in the isle so he could see you.

Camie couldn't understand the appeal. You remain silent, giving no feedback or anything to the conversation, frankly it was rude why was her class trying so hard with you?

Camie huffed, eyes trailing on your back, taking in your bullet uniform. She wasn't allowed to bring her Devotion heart bag with crystal embellishments, yet you could come to class dressed in a full hero costume, where was the fairness in that? What was worse is Aizawa did nothing about it, he never said one word to you as he started class.

The lesson was boring, nothing about it perked your interest once. You had your arm crossed over your sling. The weight of your jacket was killing your arm as you shifted in your seat uncomfortable, you couldn't even fully lean against the back rest due to the long slash running across your back. You breathed, feeling cramped and restless.

You blinked, instantly your sight went blurry. You furrowed your brows as sound drowned out from around you. You felt fire crawl along your skin as you shook your head trying to stay conscious.

What the hell was going on?

The lecture concludes by giving your class time to head to the locker rooms and change into their gym clothes as Aizawa explains how the rest of the period would be outside. The class cheered, quickly gathering their items and rushing out the room before Aizawa had a chance to change his mind. Mina brightly held a smile as she waited for you to get up, you stiffly rose, avoiding your left leg.

Midoriya patiently waited for you to follow Bakugo to the front of the class, another wave of heat flushes over your skin, your eyes blurred. Your hands reached out, reaching for anything as you ran into the front desk, hitting your leg the stinging pain causing you to almost collapse.

To your surprise you didn't fall, you looked up after a few seconds that felt like minutes. Bakugo had steadied you, his hands on your hips keeping you against him.

"You ok?" Midoriya worriedly questioned, you licked his lips, voice drying up as all your mind can focus on was Bakugo's hands firmly planted on your hips.

"Can we go?" Camie's voice nettled. "We don't have much time, you know Mr. Aizawa gets when we are late." She sweetly masked the vexation in her voice the second Bakugo's eyes flickered onto her.

"(y/n)?" Mina boldly reached out, cupping your masked face. "Are you ok, do you need to lay down?"

"I'm fine." You wave off the concern, standing on your own putting a few inches in between yourself and the crimson eyed hero. You refused to gaze over at him, as you stepped forward your left leg groaned, stirring a sour feeling in your gut, you ignored it swallowing back to the nausea you.

"Don't leave her side." Bakugo muttered to Mina who stood outside the locker room, she nodded understanding you acted fine, but you were in fact, still in recovery and needed help but was to proud too ask for it.

Bakugo, Kirishima and Midoriya changed in record time, standing on the field on this brightly sunny day there were no clouds in the sky. Bakugo irritably tapped his foot on the ground, searching for the pink skin and you. What the hell was taking so long!?

"Hey-!" The voice caused Bakugo to snap around, Mina was weaving towards the group, with you walking beside her Bakugo sighed, the tightness in his chest lessened.

"What took you guys so long?" Midoriya wondered.

"I'm sorry-" Mina sheepishly laughed, scratching her cheek. "-I had to borrow a shirt because I forgot mine-" Bakugo looked you up and down, you hadn't changed, you still wore your bullet uniform.

Your arm rested in its sling; your free hand shoved into your pants pocket you were looking around. It took Bakugo and the others a moment to figure out what you were doing, they smiled watching the amazement fill your eyes as you drink in the color around you.

"Today's exercise is simple-" Aizawa turned the classes attention to the activity, the two-story obstacle course, it wasn't just Class C1-A using it, every college course was here.

"This is gonna be fun!" Sero laughed, Bakugo held his mischievous smirk feeling his competitive nature coming out hearing the fastest time wins.

"I don't see Class B anywhere." Momo searched around.

"Good-" Jiro crossed her arms, "-maybe we will get some peace then."

You sighed, closing your eyes as the drugs began to slowly take effect, the pain lingering along your skin slowly began to evaporate, the cool air blowing in the breeze felt nice.

"Shit-!" A panicked voice rang out.

You opened your eyes, feeling an arm wrap around your waist. You stared up at Bakugo, his other arm reached out, catching the runaway baseball before it could collide with your skull. Your lips parted, dazed, you didn't hear or scene anything. Bakugo turned as well as did Mina and most of your classmates, chewing out the C1-3 students who threw the ball.

You stared up at Bakugo, unable to take in your surroundings, all you felt was him, his arm around you pressing your firmly against his chest. His jaw tense as he spat out insults. He unwrapped himself from you, you couldn't hear the words being exchanged, but he threw the ball back, catching the student in the chest. The force was enough to throw the kid off his feet, your class cheered, praising Bakugo who held a sneer towards the kid.

You turned your attention to the world around you, the open space felt like a void sucking you in. You licked your lips, eyes darting around feeling exposed, you couldn't react, you couldn't scene anything nor feel your body or even your own quirks. Your heart rate spiked; heat rolled over your skin.

"Hey-" Bakugo's hands reeled you in. Your eyes darted to his face carved with worry. "-(y/n) are you ok?"

"I-" You breathed, no you were not. You felt like an exposed wound, every urge in your body screamed at you to cover up, run and hide until you could get a fucking grip!

"Hey-!" Bakugo snapped, cupping the side of your face preventing you from spinning out any further. "-you're safe." He says, "I'm never going to let anything, or anyone ever touch you again." The pure uncut determination filtering through his glowing scarlet eyes gave you no other choice than to believe him, or was that the drugs?

Bakugo then did something you didn't expect, he pulled you into a loose hug, trying to be mindful of your shoulder. By instinct you went ridged, and he felt it but after a moment, your hand moved on its own, wrapping around his waist you hid your face in his neck shocking him to his core.

"Bakugo your up!" Kirishima called, turning around he could only see Bakugo's back. Kirishima frowned, leaning sideways trying to spot you. But after a moment the blond turned, revealing you as he guided you by the small of your back to rejoin the class.

You were the only one from your class who didn't participate in the obstacle course, which you were fine with. Bakugo and Midoriya had the same time causing the two to bicker as the class was excused to change and head to the last class of the day.

Sitting inside Midnights class and staying awake was proving to be too difficult, against your will your head slowly leaned forward as your sight began to darken, you moved without thinking, reaching forward you felt his warmth even through his school jacket.

Your eyes slammed shut on their own, ignoring the strict echo of orders to remain awake. Bakugo turned, quickly noticing you were drifting off, he turned around allowing your hand to rest against his back, his chest filling with a warmth he hadn't felt in years. He licked his lips taking one last glance at your sleeping form before turning back into the lecture.

The next time you opened your eyes, you weren't in class, or even back on the couch in the living area of the dorms. You blinked away the blurry sights, feeling closer to your sanity as you looked around, where the hell were you?

Taking long stable breaths you then noticed him, he laid against a pillow, arm behind his head as his eyes rotated back and forth, glued to the book in his hand. Your nose brushed Bakugo's shoulder, head resting on his spare pillow, legs tangled in his sheets you studied his room, something you couldn't do last time you were in here due to not having power.

Quickly you were bored with the room, your eyes trailed over the sheets of paper in the book. You had to narrow your eyes, forcing them to focus on the letters.

"He lowered himself to her neck, and started kissing, her mind filling with haze she felt so relaxed she—"

"What the fuck-!?" Bakugo jumped, startled by your voice, quickly slamming the book closed. "-what are you reading over my shoulder for!?" Bakugo lectured, hiding the blush on his face and the tent quickly growing in his pants.

"Technically I'm not reading over your shoulder." You pointed out, not noticing his frazzledness.

"Why are you still such a smartass!?"

"Why are you reading porn next to me?" You countered.

"I-It's not porn!" Bakugo bit, placing the romance book, cover first on the in table, hiding his guilty pleasure. You tilted your head, your muscles relaxed, you didn't feel anything as you turned to your side.

"Hey-" You hummed, sleep poking at you. "-your pervy books, when we were in that challenge with the second years, is that why you bit my-"

"We are rewatching the first episode-!" Katsuki quickly got up, cutting you off as he cleared his throat. "-since you fell asleep, we have to rewatch it!"

"In my defense I was drugged." You hummed; the warmth wrapped around you was foreign, but you happily invited it in as you snuggled your face against Bakugo's pillow, the familiar scent of caramel and melted sugar brewed a cocktail of pain and comfort.

Flashes of puzzle sting your heart, you opened your eyes, staring at the way Bakugo's muscles flexed under the gray shirt as he fiddled with the television.

The realization hit you hard, like a cold bucket of water was injected directly into your lungs. Your sister was alive...your brother was alive, and they sold you to Shooter, just like your father had done...

Your head was still muddled with questions, you felt confused about how to feel with the U.A. students. If it was puzzle, then...shouldn't you not harbor these negative feelings towards them?

How do you begin to pull the knives they didn't place out of your back?

"Alright-" Bakugo's voice graciously pulled you out of your head, he rejoined you in the bed after turning the lights off.

"Not gonna continue to read your book-?"

"Shut up." Bakugo quickly instructs causing you to chuckle, the motion brings on a coughing fit burning your lungs making you curl inward which set fire to the slash on your back.

"(y/n)!?" Bakugo pulled you in without thinking, once the coughing seized you looked up and froze.

Your injured leg was propped over his lap, you had been tucked into his side, his arm wrapped around you, hand resting on your hip, you locked eyes with him, after a second he smirked, enjoying the position he found himself in with you. He laid against his pillow, using his free arm he tucked it behind his head.

After a wordless moment, you lowered your head, placing it against his shoulder, your heart hammered against your ribcage as warm bubbles filled your stomach. You chopped this up as it was too much work to get up, might as well stay...right?


As always there are more chapters to come! 💙 Check back around 1/27/2023

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Until next time,

Stay Calm and Jommy on!

Sarah 🌸