
Chapter Eleven

"Bakugo-" Snipe called, pulling the pair of blaring eyes onto the masked teacher, "-take over for Midoriya."

"Oh?" The greenette looked shockingly towards the teacher.

"But I-" Katsuki went to argue, he wanted to be the one to track down the villain controlling you and blast him to a million tiny pieces that no one could put back together.

"We don't have much time-" Snipe ignored Katsuki, "-let's go."

"Kacchan?" Midoriya heard a string of curse words below his breath, but Katsuki dropped down, placing his large hands on your shoulder.

"Go." Katsuki bit down on his jaw, "Find that damn villain and end this!"

"On it." Midoriya nodded, quickly getting up and joining the oversized group who were already on their way running full force into the forest, leaving only Katsuki, All Might, Aizawa and Gray to guard you.

"You got this Aizawa?" All Might turned to the long-haired teacher who held a lazy expression, who replied with a simple nod. The rim of his eyes felt like he was staring up towards the bright sun while dripping lemon juice into his bare eyes. "We can't let her go-"

"I know." Aizawa grunted, struggling with himself, fighting not to give into such a natural simple urge.

Katsuki pulled his gaze back onto you, his heart hammered inside his chest, he felt his hands dampen with sweat.

Why wasn't Katsuki picked to go with the group charging the forest?

Why did they want Midoriya and not him? Because Snipe was worried, Katsuki would fail at saving you for a third time.

The blond was so wrapped up inside his thoughts he didn't notice the sparks igniting in your hands. Katsuki twirled hearing the familiar crackle, spotting Aizawa who was madly rubbing his closed eyes as flames exploded around him. Katsuki covered his head with an arm, but his spare pressed against your shoulder.

All Might and Aizawa were thrown backwards by the hungry flames.

"(y/n)-!" Gray, who used both arms, shielded himself with his quirk. Katsuki was able to withstand the temperature thanks to his own ability. With a free arm available, you reached into the pocket of your cargo pants, Katsuki opened his eyes in time to watch you reach out to Gray with a new knife in hand.

Katsuki pulled on your injured arm, giving Gray the inches needed to duck backwards, falling onto his ass. Your eyes narrowed, throwing the blade hitting him in the thigh. Gray hissed as Katsuki twisted his body, jumping on top of you, pinning all four limbs.

"Damn it (y/n)-!" Katsuki cursed, "-fight this, I know you can!" He growled, glaring down at you. He got a full view of the unnatural shade swirling around inside the haunted eyes he could never erase from his mind. "You are..." Katsuki realized gazing into your narrowed eyes. "...you have been this whole time."

Katsuki craned his neck watching All Might running over to Aizawa who continued to rub his burning eyes from overuse of his quirk. Gray was gripping his leg trying to stop the flow of fresh blood.

"I'm here." Katsuki whispered, turning around. "It's going to be ok because I am here." He swallowed the lump in his throat, "I won't let you down again-" His voice broke as he felt the tingle behind his eyes. "-I love you (y/n)."

The words escaped Katsuki's mouth before he could stop them as he failed to control the raging emotion swelling up inside his chest from seeing you up close, you may be under a villain quirk right now, but it was still you, and he hasn't stopped missing you since the day you were placed six feet deep.

"K..." A struggled sound bubbled from your throat.

"(y/n)?" Katsuki breathed, a smile forming on his lips,


"Yeah-" He breathed, "-it's me-" He cupped the side of your face. "-Princess...I'm right here."

"Ki...Kill me..." You gurgled out; Katsuki's eyes widened as his heart clinched, slowly he watched helplessly as the orange swirling around your eyes like an oil spill thickened.

"(y/n) ..." Katsuki breathed, releasing your injured shoulder, cupping both sides of your head as his face was pinched together, eyes glossy resisting the urge to feel your lips against his one more time. Katsuki watched as you were lost inside the quirk. "(y/n)?"

A sharp pain exploded on the side of Katsuki's rib cage, he sucked in a deep breath, brows pulled together in confusion breaking eye contact with you looking down. The origin of the affliction was your hand, wrapped inside was another one of your darkly colored blades.

"(y/n)." Katsuki breathed, looking back at you. "It's ok, this isn't your fault."

"Bakugo!" All Might swung his arms under Katsuki's arm pits, yanking him away from you as Aizawa's eyes glowed glaring down onto you. Gray scrambled his way over helping Aizawa pin you down against the cool earth.

Katsuki sucked in deep gurgled breaths, turning his head he saw the large circle of burnt grass your flames devoured.

"I'm fine." Katsuki shoved All Might's hands away as he slowly sat up.

"Don't be stupid." All Might lectured, but Katsuki ignored his mentor he just got up and placed himself back at your side. He didn't care what happened to him, he wasn't going to fail you again.

Gray, Aizawa, All Might, and Katsuki breathed a sigh of relief as the orange from your eyes slowly began to dissipate.

"They must have found the villain." All Might smiled seeing your eyes return to their norm. Aizawa, however, frowned, yes, they were the color he remembered but there was something different about them, they were duller than before...broken even.

"Hey-!" Gray shook you, seeing your eyes droop. "-(y/n) stay with us!"

"(y/n)?" All Might reacted over gray's reaction, "(y/n)!? Shit don't-don't lose consciousness!"

"Keep your eyes open damnit!" Gray added, shaking you but against their wishes your eyelids slammed shut, leaving no room for argument as you were thrown into a thick pool of sleep.

"Whoa-" Aizawa turned hearing the voice, "-what fun did we miss?" Shiro looked around the burnt area.

"Nothing too much." Gray sighed, plopping down onto his ass holding his blood-soaked leg.

"She got you guys good." Shiro whistled, checking out the damage dealt to the four. All might peek around Shiro, Midnight and Snipe dragged a man who held a ghostly grin behind them.

"That him?" All Might asked the stupid question.

"Yeah." Snipe nodded, "He was hiding out in a tree about four miles out-" Katsuki scanned over the disheveled man. His loose hanging clothing was untidy, and his unkempt hair was overgrown.

"How is she?" Midnight asked,

"Passed out." Gray replied, "Which in hindsight should be expected-"

"Look out-!" Snipe called, grabbed Midnight while ducking for cover. Katsuki's body instinctually covered you, he watched as an arrow came flying towards his group. The yellow arrow slammed into the side of the villain skull, for a moment he stood there holding eye contact with Katsuki before dropping to the ground in dead weight.

"What the-!?" The teachers turned to see a figure sitting on one of the tree branches, the person wearing a jester's outfit. One side is black and red while the other blue and yellow. Its white mask and wide painted red smile sent chills through the heroes.

"Well, that's just uncomfortable." Shiro muttered, standing in front of Gray and you knowing neither of you could fight.

"Any idea who that is?" Aizawa called, waiting for one of the Bullet members to answer.

"Not a clue." Shiro breathed watching the person jump from tree branch, but before its feet could touch the grass it vanished.

"Whoever it was-" Midnight sighed, turning to the deceased hero. "-they didn't want him talking."

"Everyone needs to get inside." Aizawa ordered, "We need to get Hound Dog out here to survey if anyone else got inside the school grounds."

"Right." The students nodded, Midoriya helped Katsuki stand against his wishes while Shiro picked you up. Katsuki's eyes were locked onto you, he wasn't happy he wasn't the one holding you right now. Once again he felt like he failed at what he was supposed to do.

"Aizawa-!" Mr. Principle came patting his feet towards the group, "-is everything-"

"You shouldn't be out here right now Mr. Principle." Midnight called, helping Gray up. "There could still be another shooter."

"A shooter?" The stout mouse man looked around. "What-?"

"We will fill you in-" Aizawa commented, "-once we are all inside the school."

"Of course." Mr. Principle nodded, he turned to the head of the security team hired to protect the school. "Please call in more back up to increase security."

"I-Increase-!?" The head officer snapped, pointing towards you, "-she took out half my men!"

"Not our fault you got your ass kicked by a little girl." Midnight rolled her eyes.

"We did not-"

"Call for more back up, before we do your job and fire you." Aizawa's deep voice sent shivers through the officer, "We both know how that will look for your company." He quickly nodded his head muffled the words wishing to spill from this mouth as the group moved past him and into the school.

Once handed over to the medical staff brought in from the hospital to aid you and your team, All Might, and Mr. Principle remained around the corner from your room away from the rest of the group.

"Bakugo and Gray are going to be fine." Mr. Principle started seeing the exhausted expression written on the retired hero's face.

"I know."

"Then what seems to be the problem?" Mr. Principle questioned, "We will find out who that masked villain was."

"I know...it just feels like we lost this round."

"Hm." Mr. Principle nodded understanding. "Look on the bright side-"

"What bright side?" All Might turned from the window watching the dying sun.

"-we got her this time." Mr. Principle smiled.