
Chapter Eighty Five

"Why the hell aren't we going right now!?" You stood, Shiro quickly followed.

"They can't meet us until tomorrow night." Shiro reasons, "You know how this life works, timing is everything, they can't safely meet us until then."

"What else did they say?"

"That's it." Shiro defends, "Just that they know where he will be-"

"Where he will be?" You repeated, "So they don't know where he is right now?"

"I'm giving you all I know." Shiro sighed. "There is nothing we can do until tomorrow."

"This is bullshit." You declared.

"I agree." Shiro nods.

"Does Gray know?"

"Yeah." Shiro shakes his head, "He will meet us there."

You run a hand through your hair, looking out over the courtyard.

"So, are you going with Blondie tomorrow?"

"What?" You turned to your brother. "No fucking way am I going now!"

"Why not?" Shiro frowned, "We have twenty-four hours to kill, might as well go enjoy the free rides and food so you're not stuck here going out of your mind from waiting."


"Bring me back food."

"I'm not going." You declared, "They could text back and move up the time."

"If that happens then I will message you." Shiro reasons with you.


"But I want food from there-" Shiro pouts, "-I heard it was really good."


"I wish I could go and take your place, but you see-" Shiro dramatically places a hand on his sling. "-I am injured from the bullet I took for you."

"Oh, fuck off!" You rolled your eyes, "Your stunt wasn't necessary, and you know it."

"Don't downplay my sacrifice!" Shiro stomped his foot.

"I had your jacket on!" You countered, "It would have taken the bullet and we all would have been just fine."

"Don't waste a perfectly good ticket!" Shiro replied, "Plus, Blondie probably went through a fuck ton of trouble to do all of this for you!"

"Why is that on me!?"

"Don't you like him!?"

"I-I-" You cleared your throat, Shiro sighed, reaching out placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Just go, see how it is with him."

"I-" You trail off, avoiding Shiro's gaze. Your brother read through your armor and softly smiled.

"(y.n), I know it's hard to face the truth, that maybe you two aren't compatible anymore, that maybe you're too different and you can't pick up where you left off...but, you can't ignore this forever, you have to face it. If not for you, then do it for him."


"Whatever happens-" Shiro cups the side of your face. "-I'll be here waiting for you when you get back."

"Fine." You sighed, "I'll go..."

"Was that so hard?"

"But if the Cobbler messages you, you better call me the second after."

"I promise." Shiro laughed, gazing down at your annoyed face, he slowly tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "If you need me call, and I'll come running."

"I know." You nod.

"Plus, bring me food home-"

You smiled, shaking your head.

"-and remember no glove, no love!"

"Shut the fuck up!" You laughed, picking up your beer, taking a drink as you and Shiro stayed on the roof, watching the star glimmer.


The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm inviting glow over the bustling J-World Amusement Park.

You stood outside the entrance, the excited chatter and vibrant colors creating an atmosphere of joy. It was the place to be on National Heroes Day, the popular park always went extravagantly all out in honor of the heroes, and the night fireworks was always a beloved sight.

You sucked in a stiff breath, following Bakugo into the park after using the tickets he somehow got to get inside the sold-out event. You licked your lips, eyes drawn to the fabric of his button up black shirt stretched across the expanse of his back, outlining the contours of his muscles with tantalizing precision.

"Any idea what you wanna do first?" Bakugo turned causing you to snap your eyes away.

"Hm?" You pulled your lips together, slowly looking into his scarlet eyes. You swallowed, giving a short shrug as a response, your heart hammering away inside your chest.

Bakugo sighed, quickly glancing around, eyes locking onto its target. "Come on." He nodded, walking off, you furrowed your brows but with nothing else to do, you followed suit.

Bakugo led you to a coffee stand, you glanced at him as he ordered recalling Shiro's words, were you scared you were too different from him now to pick up where you left off?

"Here." Bakugo's voice caused you to break out of your thoughts. You stared at the iced drink he was holding out to you.

"Thanks." You mumbled taking the drink you noticed how his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing his toned forearms.

"Did you eat yet today?" Bakugo questioned; he should probably feed you before anything else.

"Uh..." You licked your lips, "...a while ago, yeah."

"Are you hungry?"

You shrugged, feeling yourself cave in on itself, realizing you didn't want to know the answer to Shiro's words.

Bakugo sighed, scanning the area feeling a ping of jealousy towards the others around him. Everyone was enjoying the light atmosphere, laughing and already having a good time.

"Let's get something to eat." Bakugo decided, "Then we can check out the rides."

Bakugo and you sat down for lunch at a quaint little café, the atmosphere around you was comfortable but at your table it held a subtle tension. With plates in front of you, the clinking of cutlery filled the silence. Punctuated by the occasional glance in each other's direction.

"So..." Bakugo began, "...how's your food?"

"It's good." You look up from your plate, meeting his crimson eyes for a fleeting moment before breaking eye contact. A pause settled between the two of you once again, the clatter of dishes in the background somehow loudened the absence of conversation. It felt as if you two were puzzle pieces trying to fit together, yet the edges didn't quite align anymore...

Bakugo dropped his fork onto his plate, appetite gone as he leaned against his chair, finding a topic which didn't feel awkward or forced seemed to be impossible. He glanced around the filled café, only for his eyes landing on a pair staring at his table, phones pointed in your direction.

Anger flared inside his veins; Bakugo slammed his fists against the table standing at his feet. "You got a fucking problem!?" Bakugo stood, stomping over to the table as you got to your feet.

"I-I-!" The two exchanged uneasy glances clearly caught off guard by Bakugo's confrontational approach. The one with the phone stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse.

"We-We were just having a laugh, man!" He replied, attempting to brush off the situation.

Bakugo's fists blenched at the sides; his anger barely containable. "You think berating a fucking hero on Heroes Day is fucking funny!?"

"We-Well she isn't a real hero-"

Bakugo's hand shot out, clutching the front of the boy's shirt, pulling him closer.

"What the fuck did you just say!?"

"It-It's true man!" The boy defends, "She was stripped of her title-"

"She wasn't stripped of shit-!" Bakugo's voice growled, his glare icy and intense. "-Five put her life on the line protecting pieces of shit like you, you have the rare chance of seeing her in person. Instead of trying to make her sacrifice into a joke, you should be thanking her!"

"You-Your right!" The boy cried, sweating through his polo shirt.

"Then fucking do it!" Bakugo sneered, pulling the boy from his spot behind his table and dropped him in front of your feet.

"Th-Thank you Fi-Five!" The boy stammered, visibly shaking.

Bakugo glared down at the piece of human trash, turning to the other boy who shrunk under the blond hero's gaze, Bakugo ripped the phone from the boy's hand, quickly slamming it against the side of the table. The crack of the shattered device echoed in the air, leaving the two in stunned silence.

"If I see either of you again-" Bakugo's voice was dipped in venom. "-it won't be your phone I break next."

"R-Right!" The two quickly scuttered away, you glanced around at the full café who all had paused to watch the scene unfold.

"Anyone else?" Bakugo raised his hands, finally feeling the gazes. Quickly everyone returned to their own business, avoiding his glare.

Bakugo turned back to you, he gestured to the table.

"Finish your lunch." He retook his seat, picking up his fork. You licked your lips, taking one last look around the café before slowly taking your seat.

"You didn't..." You started, words quickly getting caught in your throat. "...you didn't have to do that."

Bakugo eyes flickered to yours, his frustration still summering on the surface. "You don't deserve to be treated that way."

"It's normal-"

"It shouldn't be!" Bakugo exclaimed, "You are a damn good hero, despite everything you had to deal with! The fact you and the other Bullets are dealing with any of this bullshit is fucking ridiculous!"

You tilt your head to the side, "You didn't follow the Bullets before we were revealed."

"Who the hell told you that?" Bakugo frowned.

"Mina." You smirked, "So, you did homework on me?"

"I-I-" Bakugo cleared his throat, "-so the fucking what?!"

Your smirk grew into a smile, your gaze fell to your plate in front of you.

"I think I saw a shooting range-" You say without looking up, "-that might be cool to check out."

Bakugo stared stunned for a moment, but quickly smiled.

"You want to see who has the better shot?"

"I think I know who will win." You challenged.

"Yeah-" Bakugo nods, "-me!"

"Maybe if I had matching bullet holes in my shoulders." Your laugh was music to Bakugo's ears, he couldn't stop the full-blown smile from spreading across his face as his heart skipped to that familiar beat.