
Chapter 102

Class C1-A reached the crumbling structure of the Wayward Bridge."Wow!" Kirishima exclaimed, stepping off the bus alongside his other classmates. The spirited hero's crimson gaze swept across the chaotic scene, taking in the dozens of people rushing around in response to the impending disaster.Aizawa turned to face his class, "Listen up-!" His stern tone cuts through the chaos. "-we're splitting into two groups: one group will focus on rescuing civilians, the other will help stabilize the bridge. Move with precision and speed, this is not a training session, these are real lives at stake!""Yes sir!" Class C1-A nods, Aizawa quickly divided the class into two teams. Kaminari, Mineta, Kirishima, and a few others formed the rescue team, while the remaining students took on the task of stabilizing the bridge. The young heroes sprang into action, each knowing their role in the crucial mission."Mineta, Kaminari, you're with me!" Kirishima called breaking away from the rest of the recovery group, Kirishima searched the crowd until his gaze locked with Katsuki. "We're gonna take this side of the bridge, you guys take the other!""Ok!" Midoriya gives a thumbs up, Katsuki—with an eyeroll—grabbed the back of the greenttes jacket, pulling him after Todoroki and Ochaco.Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mineta sprinted onto the bridge, scanning for survivors amidst the groaning structure. As the bridge protested and descended a few more feet, the trio braced themselves for the impact."Help!"Kaminari snapped around, spotting a woman falling to her knees as a car slid towards her. Without hesitation, the blond hero dashed forward, positioning himself between the car and the woman. As the vehicle slid into him, he flexed his arms, taking a deep breath to withstand the weight and prevent it from running over the woman, his muscles burned under the strain."We've got to stabilize these cars!" Kirishima's voice cut through the chaos as he chased after another car sliding down the bridge, aimed at the civilians sprinting towards safety."Leave it to me!" Mineta's eyes gleamed as he flashed a cocky grin, "It's time to show off what my balls can really do!"Kaminari rolled his eyes, glancing over his shoulder as the woman scrambled to her feet before running towards the end of the bridge."A thank you would have been nice-!" Kaminari barked after her, "-or leave your number or at least a kiss on the cheek-!" Kaminari ranted, glancing over the water seeing cars and chunks of debris floating airlessly. "-something!"The rescue teams navigated through the chaotic scene, Mineta randomly threw his sticky spheres on unstable debris and abandoned vehicles to prevent them from moving."Stick those wherever you can, Mineta!" Kirishima shouted. The trio zipped around, as they approached a partially crushed car, they heard muffled cries for help."Someone's in there!" Kaminari exclaimed. Without hesitation, Kirishima rushed to the car, using his hardened fists to clear the debris. Mineta's sticky spheres proved useful in securing the unstable parts of the car, allowing Kirishima to pry open the vehicle. Inside, a terrified teenager and her little brother were trapped. Kaminari and Kirishima worked together, carefully extracting each member and directing them to safety.Meanwhile, the stabilization team worked tirelessly to reinforce the bridge's damaged sections, attempting to prevent any further collapsing. Todoroki had switched teams, creating ice supports as Iida used his speed to deliver materials and grab civilians when he could.Amidst the chaos and frantic rescue efforts, Katsuki and Midoriya heard desperate screams from a nearby location. Without a second thought, they sprinted toward the source, their eyes scanning the scene for anyone in need. As they reached the edge of the bridge, they spotted a family trapped in a car, their panicked cries getting lost in the air.Katsuki and Midoriya rushed to assess the situation, realizing the three cars surrounding the trapped vehicle were blocking any possible escape. "We need to get them out!" Midoriya shouted over the commotion, his eyes wide with urgency. Katsuki nodded, his mind racing to find a solution. The bridge groaned ominously, the structural integrity worsening by the second. They attempted to push the cars out of the way, but Mineta's sticky balls made it nearly impossible to budge the vehicles."Damn it!" Katsuki muttered under his breath; frustration soaking his voice. The family inside the trapped car was in distress, the children's tearful cries added to the cacophony of the crumbling bridge. Midoriya and Katsuki, determined to save the family, exchanged a quick glance, silently understanding with each passing moment, the situation became more dire. Katsuki looked at his boots, large cracks spiderwebbed across the surface, and the distant wail of sirens added to the chaos. The family inside the trapped car cried out in fear as the bridge beneath them gave way.The heroes strained against the increasing instability, their muscles aching as they fought to maintain a precarious balance. "Get down!" Katsuki shouted to the family; his eyes snapped over to Midoriya—fueled by adrenaline and determination—jumped onto the trapped car. With a swift motion, he summoned One for All, tearing the roof off the vehicle with a cry escaping his lips as his hands were sliced by the metal. The two kids inside cried out."Come on, it's okay-!" Midoriya reassured them as he carefully lifted the children out of the car. "-we're heroes, here to help you!"Katsuki stood on the cut-open top of the vehicle, focusing on extracting the parents. With a powerful grip, he pulled the father and mother out of the car. The bridge jolted violently, catching everyone off guard. Katsuki lost his balance as the structure beneath him shifted. His leg slipped into the car, and the roof sliced open his limb. Katsuki clenched his jaw, suppressing a pained shout as he struggled to maintain his composure."Kacchan!" Midoriya's voice rang out, concern etched on his face. Katsuki snapped around, his fiery gaze meeting Midoriya's. The suspension cables of the bridge, already strained, finally gave way. The bridge began to crumble, the heroes were running out of time."Midoriya! Get the family out of here!" Katsuki barked, urgency in his voice. Despite the pain in his leg, he didn't hesitate to act. "Go!" Midoriya nodded, swiftly ushering the family away from the disintegrating bridge. Katsuki, now scrambling to free himself from the compromised car, could feel the instability beneath him. The entire structure was on the verge of collapse. "Run faster Deku!" Katsuki yelled at Midoriya, determination in his eyes. With one final effort, he managed to pull himself out of the car, gritting his teeth against the searing pain in his injured leg. Blood gushed; soaking his pant leg.As the bridge continued its rapid descent, Katsuki sprinted forward, the structure was now a symphony of steel and concrete crashing into the water below. On the edge of his vision, he caught sight of a little girl, crying and huddled against a car trapped by Mineta's sticky balls. Without a moment's hesitation, Katsuki altered his course, heading directly for the frightened child. Midoriya, on the road lowering the two kids, and watching in horror, screamed after Katsuki, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of destruction."Kacchan!" Katsuki reached the girl just as another section of the bridge gave way behind him. He scooped her up into his arms, shielding her from the bits of rusted metal and stone raining from the sky. The little girl clung to him; her sobs muffled against his costume. Midoriya, standing on the road, watched in horror as Katsuki raced against the collapsing bridge. The girl's terrified cries were drowned out by the deafening noise of destruction. Just as Katsuki reached what seemed like a secure section, the part he was on crumbled away, taking him down with the bridge."Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled, desperation in his voice.----The sun dipped below the horizon as a family of three traveled homeward. The little girl—Hana—was tucked in the back seat, her innocent eyes filled with the simplicity of a day well spent at school, she happily sketched away on her lap."How was your day, sweetheart?" Her father asked, casting a quick glance at her through the rearview mirror."It was fine, Daddy." She replied, a radiant smile gracing her face. The scribbles on her notepad captured the joy of childhood.The parents exchanged forced smiles, as the car moved forward through traffic, the atmosphere shifted. Their whispers, once hushed and private, took on a harsh edge as they delved into discussions of separation and their impending divorce. The little girl, engrossed in her drawings, remained oblivious to the turmoil unfolding in the front seat.Suddenly, a jarring noise disrupted the tense atmosphere. The bridge they were crossing, now structurally compromised, began to collapse. The car jolted, and panic enveloped the parents as the world around them descended into chaos.----Hana's eyes fluttered open, her vision blurred with tears. She found herself clutching onto something unfamiliar—Katsuki's hero costume. Confusion clouded her mind as she blinked away the tears, taking in her surroundings.The chilling air and the shimmering surface beneath her brought a sudden realization—she was on a block of ice beside the bridge. Panic surged through her, but then she felt a comforting presence beside her.Turning her head, Hana's tear-filled eyes met Katsuki's scarlet gaze. His arm wrapped protectively around her, offering a sense of security. But it was the expression on his face which puzzled her—a mix of confusion and concern as he glanced at someone nearby.Following his gaze, Hana spotted you who stood a few feet away. Questions swirled in Hana's mind, but before she could voice them, Katsuki's firm yet gentle voice broke the silence."Are you okay, kid?" He asked, his tone soft yet reassuring. Tears still lingering in her eyes, Hana nodded, finding solace in Katsuki's presence.Katsuki's eyes moved instinctively to the side of your face, his expression furrowing at the sight of the bruises and cut across your cheek. He couldn't fathom how you had sustained these injuries; you hadn't been involved in the bridge recovery, what had happened?Ignoring his concern expression, you swiftly dropped to your knees, your eyes narrowed on the pool of blood near Katsuki's leg. Without hesitation you applied pressure to the wound."Stay still." You instructed, voice firm, you glanced up at Katsuki. "We need to stop the bleeding."Katsuki gritted his teeth against the pain, his eyes kept falling back to your face."What happened-?" Before Katsuki could finish his sentence, suddenly, a loud crack echoed through the air, followed by the sickening sound of crumbling concrete. You turned in time to watch Aizawa—who had been holding onto an injured teenager nearby—lost his footing as a section of the bridge gave way beneath him."Aizawa?" You called, eyes wide in a heart-stopping moment, he disappears from view, plummeting into the churning waters below. "Dad!" Your voice filled with panic, torn between staying by Katsuki's side and rushing to help your father."Go help-!" Katsuki went to pull his leg away, but you shook your head, knowing Katsuki had the chance of bleeding out if you removed your grip.Gray and Shiro appeared suddenly beside you, you blinked staring up at your brothers as Shiro lifted Aizawa onto the ice with the injured teenager beside him."Did you impale yourself to get out of work?" Gray quipped, his tone laced with sarcasm as he placed a hand on his hip, looking down at Katsuki.Katsuki scowled, his retort sharp and immediate, "Shut it, gravity boy!""Oh-!" Gray belts, throwing his head back. "-is that the best you got!?"Aizawa turned to you, his expression softened. "You called me dad.""We're not going to make a big deal about this." You cleared your throat, avoiding eye contact, Aizawa offered a reassuring smile before turning his attention to Katsuki's wound.Gray's decisive voice cuts through the commotion, with a firm but gentle hand, he guided Hana and the injured teenager. "Come on, kiddos." Gray sang, his tone reassuring as he led them towards the precarious edge of the ice. "We're heading to the medical tent set up on the road. They'll take good care of you there."Hana's small hand gripped Gray's tightly, her eyes wide with fear as they stepped cautiously off the unstable ground onto and stepped over the edge. The surface beneath her feet shifted and wiggled, causing her heart to race with uncertainty. Sensing her apprehension, Gray flashed her a reassuring wink, his confidence providing her with a much-needed sense of security.With each step, Hana's trust in Gray grew, her fear gradually giving way to a newfound sense of determination. The injured teenager, leaning heavily on Gray for support, followed closely behind, grateful for his steadying presence amidst the chaos.Shiro turned to Aizawa as Gray led the kids towards safety, using his gravity quirk as steps, Shiro's expression grew uncharacteristically serious as he outlined their next steps. "Aizawa." He began, "I'll help (y.n) get Bambi here to a medic, you need to go figure out what the hell the support crew is smoking, because this bridge keeps falling apart!"Aizawa glanced at you, questions floated inside his mind, like why you three weren't in your therapy appointment, but with a quick nod, he replied. "Got it.""(y.n)-" Shiro turned to you, "-can you lift your ice up to the bridge?""Yeah." With a nod of agreement, Shiro, you and Aizawa parted ways, each focused on their respective tasks.As hours stretched into the night, the relentless efforts to stabilize the Wayward Bridge persisted. Having left Katsuki in the care of medical professionals, you joined Shiro and Gray in the arduous task of managing the chaotic scene. Glancing skyward, you observed ominous clouds gathering overhead, silently praying to the stars to withhold their downpour for just a little longer.Amidst the flurry of activity, Kaminari's voice broke through the din, drawing your attention. He and Jiro stood nearby, pointing towards the side of the bridge where a car lay crumpled against one of the piers, yellow hazard lights dimly flashed.You followed Kaminari and Jiro down the steep slope, your brothers trailing behind you."There's someone in there!" Kaminari's excited voice cut through the tension, his finger pointing towards the silhouette in the passenger seat."Call the medics down here!" Jiro's urgent command was met with a quick exchange of glances between Gray and you."Wait!" You interjected but failed at halting their impulsive actions as your two classmates moved to pry open the passenger door. Inside, a woman sat slumped forward, unmoving."(y.n), you have more medical training. Get over here!" Kaminari's frantic wave summoned you.Your gaze shifted to the shattered window, stained red, before you took a deliberate step forward. Pushing past your classmates, you removed a glove and pressed your fingers against the woman's neck, searching for any sign of life.With a glance at Shiro and Gray, you turned to Jiro, stepping back and sliding your glove back on."Jiro, head back up and inform the medics we need a bag.""What!?" Kaminari's disbelief was palpable, his hands gesturing towards the woman. "Do—Do CPR or something!""It would be pointless." You stated firmly, the weight of the day heavy on your shoulders."We can't just let her die!" Kaminari's desperation was evident in his voice, his eyes scanning the woman's bloodied attire."She's already gone." You asserted with a solemn shake of your head. "There was no pulse, and no amount of CPR will change that.""I'm sorry, kid." Gray stepped forward, his hand resting comfortingly on Kaminari's back as Jiro ascended the slope. "You found her; her family will have some closure.""At this point—" Shiro crossed his arms, letting out a heavy sigh, "—we're here more for body recovery than—""Shut up!" Kaminari snapped; his frustration evident. "We could—there could still be people here to save!""I'm not saying there won't be." Shiro replied calmly, "I'm just saying the longer we're here, the less likely that will be.""Shiro." You interjected, stepping between them."I'm not saying this to be an asshole." Shiro continued, his tone serious, "This is a part of hero work, a piece I see U.A. doesn't teach their kids, and I don't understand why.""Kid." Gray sighed, "Head up and go help your classmates; we'll take over here."Gray shot Shiro a disapproving look as the electric blond hung his head in defeat, following Jiro's footsteps."What?" Shiro shrugged, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "It's not like she's the first casualty; twenty others were pulled out of the water-"Kaminari winced at the reminder but pressed forward, never looking back. As the Bullets watched Kaminari retreat up to the bridge, Gray sighed, rubbing his stiff neck."Your class is strong; I'll give them that." He remarked. "But this part, seeing the aftermath of the fallout, is going to be something you have to help them through.""That's not her damn job!" Shiro interjected, his frustration evident. "That's her father's responsibility, which, by the way, are we going to address?""Yeah." Gray agreed, turning to you."It's been a long day." You breathed, exhaustion coloring your voice. Just as you spoke, four medics appeared, descending the slope toward you, effectively halting any further discussion. With a sense of relief, the remaining Bullets relinquished control of the situation to the trained professionals and moved on to assist in other areas where heroes were needed.Returning to the bridge, now stabilized, you stepped onto the cracked cement in time to witness a man collapse to the ground, his cheeks streaked with tears."She... she can't be!" He wailed, his voice trembling. "We...we were going through a divorce, and the last thing I said to her was so terrible... she can't be...!"Shiro stepped forward, his concern evident as he approached Jiro and Kaminari, who stood before the distraught man."What-?" Shiro mumbled over to the two heroes, trying to not startles the deshelled man."The woman we found down there-" Jiro explained, her voice somber, "-matches the description of this man's wife.""You..." Shiro blinked, his gaze shifting between you and Gray, disbelief evident on his face. "...you didn't...you can't--" Shiro paused, striding over to the man and extending a hand to help him up. "Sir, I am sorry, but we cannot confirm or deny if that is your wife.""But-But they just said it was!" The man's voice cracked, tears streaming down his cheeks."Yeah-" Shiro shot a reproachful glance at Jiro and Kaminari. "-I have no idea why they would have said that. You need to go to one of the relief tents, where they are taking down all the names.""Do you know where my daughter is at least!?" The man grasped Shiro's jacket, desperation in his eyes. "She-She was wearing a light purple dress, and-and she goes by Hana!""I'm sorry, sir." Shiro replied calmly. "Like I said, you'll need to go to the relief tent.""What good are you heroes!?" The man spat, shoving Shiro backwards. Kaminari's mouth hung open, watching as the father stomped towards one of the nearby tents."I-I can't believe how rude that man was-!""Oh, I can!" Shiro spun on his heel, fixing Kaminari with a stern gaze. "Do you have any idea how many rules you broke by telling that man his wife could have been recovered!?""He had a right to know!""You have no idea if that woman was his wife or not!" Shiro snapped, his frustration evident. "How can someone so incompetent be allowed out in the field!?""(y.n)-!" Kaminari turned to you, seeking support. "-are you gonna say something here!?""When Shiro says something, I don't agree with, I'll let you know." You replied calmly, causing Kaminari's expression to falter as Aizawa approached, noticing your Bullet jacket.Aizawa scanned the small group, his gaze settling on Shiro's retreating figure. "What's going on here?""Get your student before I throw him off what's left of this bridge!" Shiro huffed, storming away. Aizawa's attention snapped back to you, his expression expectant. You sighed, fatigue weighing heavily on your shoulders."It's going to be a long night."----As the hours stretched late into the night, the weariness settled heavily upon Class C1-A. After a brief visit to the hospital, they returned to their dorms, seeking solace in the familiarity of their own beds. Katsuki reclined on his bed; his recently stitched leg propped up on a pillow. With a book in hand, his eyes drifted from the silent words on the page to you, nestled against his side, peacefully asleep.The room was filled with a quiet solemnity, the events of the day weighing heavily on everyone's minds. He awaited Mina and a few others who had ventured out to fetch some late-night dinner from a nearby eatery, the only establishment still open at this hour was a breakfast joint.Katsuki exhaled heavily, his gaze lingering on you as you breathed steadily in your sleep. He knew that with dawn would come the daunting tasks of cleaning, rebuilding, and reassuring families their children were safe at school.In the living area, Gray lounged on the couches watching TV while Sero and Mineta were planted on the floor beside him, looking at the pictures cluttering the coffee table they took of themselves in their hero costumes during their training session a few days ago.Glancing away from the TV, Gray took a deep breath, a question nagging his mind. "Let me ask you something-" Gray says to Mineta."-you're the sprout that's girl crazed right?""I wouldn't call me girl crazed." Mineta replied defensively."I would." Sero muttered, earning a tight glare of Mineta."You picked these outfits out right-?" Gray wondered; "-they weren't just given to you?""Nope!" Mineta picks up a photo of himself posing, proudly showcasing it to the Bullet. "We deigned every aspect of our hero costumes!""Right..." Gray nods plucking the picture from Mineta's fingers. "If your main reason for hero work is to get girls, then why pick this getup out?" Gray flips the photo around to show Mineta his hero costume, unchanged from his high school years."I-I look good!" Mineta retorts, tears in his eyes."You look like the Pokémon I wouldn't want to catch."As Mineta sobbed and Sero attempted to console him, Gray glanced over his shoulder at the sound of approaching footsteps."Hey!" Gray hailed Mina who entered the kitchen with Jiro trailing behind her, carrying bags. "You're back!" He exclaimed, springing up from the couch."Yeah." Mina flashed a grin. "The workers at the diner knew who we were and was super helpful!""Nice." Gray nodded. "Did we score any freebies?""Gray!" Mina chuckled, nudging his shoulder. "Mr. Aizawa covered it all with his card, so technically all this was free.""Unpaid food always hits the spot." Gray replied, peeking into one of the bags."Where's everyone else?" Jiro asked."Probably crashed out." Gray chuckled as he pulled a stack of pancakes for himself. "Mina, you should wake up (y.n), she needs to eat-" He suggested, but his words were interrupted by a flash of red zipping past him.Kirishima, eager to relive their heroics, grabbed the remote and switched on the TV."You alright, man?" Gray questioned, raising an eyebrow."They're airing our story!" Kirishima exclaimed, his face lighting up with excitement."This late?" Gray frowned skeptically. "I don't think—""It's like six in the morning now." Mina pointed out, gesturing toward the window with the waking sun."Oh-" Gray blinked, "-well fuck me then." Gray shrugged, He shrugged, taking his pancakes over to the couch."We should wake everyone up for this!" Kirishima suggested eagerly. "They'll want to see our class on TV!""Ah, to be young and full of hero spirit." Gray sighed. "Enjoy this, kid.""Were you excited to see your team on the news?" Mina raised an eyebrow, recalling the somber tone whenever the Bullets spoke about their past with Shooter."Well, yeah." Gray grinned. "Every time the Seven Bullets aired on television; we got larger food portions!""That..." Mina sighed, "...I don't know what I was expecting you to say anything else.""What can I say?" Gray grinned, "I'm a family size bucket of joy!""You're a bucket of something." Mineta muttered, pouting on the floor with his pictures in hand.As the room fell silent, the TV screen illuminated with unexpected news. Instead of covering Class C1-A's heroism at the Wayward Bridge, the broadcast showed images of Shooter—bloody and beaten—being escorted by you, Shiro, and Gray.Kirishima's excitement faded into confusion and concern. "What the hell?" He muttered, flipping through the news channels, all showing the same story.The news anchor narrated the unfolding events, detailing Shooter's capture and the circumstances surrounding it. As footage of you, Shiro, and Gray escorting Shooter into the HPSC played, a gasp filled the room.Mina's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide with disbelief. "No way—when-!?" She breathed, turning to the empty seat on the couch where Gray had been sitting. "Gray!" She exclaimed, freezing him in his tracks as he attempted to sneak off to your dorm. Slowly, he turned, cheeks stuffed with pancakes and syrup dripping down his chin."What the hell!?" Mina gestured to the TV."Well..." Gray mumbled through a mouthful of food. "You see...if you're gonna chew me out, you gotta get (y.n) and Shiro too. It's only fair!"----As always more chapters to come 💙⇾Discord—where you can find hand made AI characters inspired by MHA ∘ A Discord link has been added to External Links at the bottom of this chapter.https://discord.gg/yBBq8kV9Don't wanna wait? Head over to my Patreon, for early access to chapters and more!https://www.patreon.com/SMVIUntil next time, you know what to do!Stay Calm and Jommy on!🌸