
Mine |cupid

[THANTOPHOBIA] - the fear of losing someone you love - ### Everybody called her Jasmine but her real name was Diane - who hid behind her loud, enthusiastic character while Jasmine embodied it. Her eyes grew tired every night but nothing stopped her because it was all for her future. Her grip weakened as she fell onto the ground with blood pouring at the back of her head. She was alone. Helpless & weak. Her vision blurred but what she never forgot was the sound of a blade grazing against metal and that was the first time she met him. In a dark alley. She inhaled his scent - golden amber & vanilla whiskey. She knew he was hers when she buried her face into his neck that was warm & welcoming. The complete opposite of him - Isaak Johnson-Rivera. She found comfort in his embrace But it was all short-lived until they met again. She was a retired nurse who was now a wedding planner. And he was set to be a Don. After all of these years he was still hers and she was still his. Even though they burnt each until they were numb, he was still able to sweep her off her feet and leave her guessing. It was both of them against her family - Yulia Golov. The woman Isaak was set to marry. Little did he know the wedding planner was Diane and when he saw her again her gaze was different. Her aura had changed. She was cold, different, altruistic. The opposite of the person he knew from before. The hatred was evident as it poured out her sky blue eyes and he hated himself for it. But their love could overcome everything. Right?

theAkuhle · Thành thị
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61 Chs

48| arm candy


Roseline laughs onto the other line and so do I. "You're crazy," I mutter, shaking my head.

"You never told me what happened with that guy of yours," she says. I look at her over the screen. "Oh don't pretend, you know exactly what I'm talking about,"

"Psh," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Don't act all innocent, you little gossip. You know exactly what happened with that guy." Roseline let out a boisterous laugh, her face brightening up the screen.

"I don't know the details, come on! Spill the tea!" she urged. I couldn't help but smile, her energy contagious.

It used to be so easy, just chatting with Roseline about the guy I was seeing. But after what had happened, it felt almost impossible to talk about him without feeling a twist of pain in my heart.

She had been nothing but supportive, but I knew it was hard for her to watch me go through this. I also knew that no matter how much she cared for me, she couldn't know the truth--

it was even hard to fathom that she loved him for me. and I didn't blame her because I thought that for myself as well.

"There's a lot that happened, a lot I'll tell you once you come over here,"

"Ugh, you're such a tease!" she groaned in frustration. "Fine, I'll wait. But you better make it worth my while!" she joked.

"But seriously, are you okay? You sound different, and I'm a little worried," she said, her voice softening. I paused, taking a deep breath.

"I'm not okay," I admitted. "But I'll be okay. I just need some time." There was a moment of silence, and then she spoke again. "I'm here for you, no matter what. And if you ever need to talk, I'm just a call away,"

After getting off the call with Roseline, I took a deep breath and began to get ready.

I picked out a pretty pink floral dress with a slit up the side and styled my blonde hair. I slipped on some white heels and took one last look in the mirror.

I was ready to explore the city and let my worries fade away.

As soon as I opened the door, I was met with the piercing gaze of a familiar pair of eyes. They were the same eyes that once made me feel warm inside, but now all they did was make me feel uneasy. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Come on, sweetheart. You can't react like that to the father of your child," he said, his voice smooth and unbothered.

I shot him a glare, but it didn't seem to have any effect. He walked right past me, entering the room as if he owned it.

"Get out of my hotel room!" I hissed, my voice shaking with anger. But he just stood there, smug and unapologetic. "You need to calm down," he said, his tone infuriatingly patronizing. "You're acting irrationally, and it's not good for the baby." I felt my blood boil at his words. How dare he come into my hotel room and tell me how to act. I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to contain my rage.

"So where are you going all dressed up without me?" he asked, a smug smile on his face.

"I can go anywhere I want, and it's none of your business," I snapped, my voice sharp. "Well, it's not like I care," he said, trying to play it off. "But just so you know, I'm going to a fancy cruise event tonight, and all the other men are bringing their women to show them off. I thought you'd want to join me."

"What, do I look like your arm candy or something?" I snapped, my anger rising. "No, I just thought it would be nice to have you there," he said, his tone softer. "But I get it, if you don't want to. I won't push you."

I bit the inside if my cheek, unfazed. It was not like I actually has any plans but at the same it time it was him- of all people. "I won't bother you as much,"

"Just this once, "

"Fine," I said, surprising even myself. "Really?" he asked, a spark of hope in his eyes. "Yes, I'll go to your stupid cruise event but only this once. I'm not your personal trophy, understand?" I said, my voice firm.

He smiled, a smug look on his face. "Please course my love, I  promise I won't get too carried away," I rolled my eyes.

I could tolerate him for one night. After all, it was just a cruise event, how bad could it be?


I was at the cruise event and it wasn't even about how bad it could've been but how boring it was.

I could've went out dancing and partying but I was stuck here with men talking about 'business'. It made me so sick to my stomach, I actually thought I could vomit.

I slumped back in my seat, resigned to my fate. But then I felt a presence next to me, and I turned to see a woman take a seat beside me. She smiled.

Her dark skin was smooth and radiant, her face framed by a mass of curly hair that was a beautiful mixture of brown and black. Her eyes were small but they  twinkled with mischief and mirth.

She was dressed in a simple black dress that accentuated her curves, with a large diamond necklace that caught the light as she moved. Her left hand bore a diamond ring, sparkling on her finger like a beacon.

"Tired of aren't you?" I furrowed my brows as I looked at her. "Sorry?"

"Oh pardon me," She shook her head with a smile. "What I meant was I assume you don't want to be here,"

"I'm only here because my husband had to come for a business trip. Not quite how I envisioned my first time in Italy either."

"This is the last thing I pictured doing on my first day in Italy," I admitted, staring at the ocean.I couldn't help but smile at her understanding tone, feeling a little less alone.

As I stood there, watching the waves,I was struck by the beauty of it all. The sun had set ages ago, but the moon's reflection cast a glow on the water that was almost magical. The waves ebbed and flowed, the sound like a lullaby in my ears. I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

"How long have you been married?" I asked, curious to know more about her life. She smiled, a little shyly, and said, "Four years this August. Time has really flown by." I was amazed by how happy she seemed, and I couldn't help but wonder what it was like to be married for so long.

She seemed to sense my curiosity, and she continued, "What about you? Are you married?" I was a bit taken aback by the question.

"And don't tell me you're single. No women are allowed here without a man," she says, shocking me. "Really?"

"Well that's how it is around here," she says. I turn my lips into an upside down smile. "Well believe it or not, I am single. It's just that- he's the father of my child," Her brows furrowed deeply.

She studied me carefully, as if trying to figure out whether or not I was telling the truth. "I just don't understand how you're allowed to be here if you're not married," she said, her brows still furrowed. "I'm not trying to be rude, it's just not how it works around here." I could tell she was genuinely confused, and I wanted to know why.

"I just never imagined that would be allowed," she said, her eyes darting towards Luka. "It's... strange," she said, searching for the right word. "I mean, I'm not judging or anything, it's just unusual,"

"Well, who's the lucky guy?" She asks, her brown eyes boring into mine. "Luka." Her eyes widened slightly and she shifts in her seat. Her eyes landing on a group of men who were having their own conversation and Luka happened to be there.

"You mean Luka Delphine?" and I nod. "Luka, a father? That's impossible."

"Why is that not possible?" I asked, my brow furrowed in confusion. She took a deep breath, seeking to find the best way to explain. But before she could get a word out, I heard a deep voice behind me. "My love, there you are." I turned to see a man, a few inches shorter than me, his hand landing on her shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was looking for my wife, Teresa." he said, his eyes on her.

So that was her name.

She smiles. "Yes well this is my husband, Ezekiel Zwane."