
Mind, Spirit and Soul

A story about a transmigrator. Cultivating his Mind, Spirit and Soul in order to avoid an early death and prevent the loss of his memories. Volume 1 Synopsis: Mordax woke up and found himself hanging by a noose, gasping for air as it tightened around his throat. By chance or destiny, he freed himself from death's sure grip. Without his memories, how will he live in this alien world as an alien himself? Why does it feel strange to be in his own skin? What is wrong with him? His memories seem to be slowly returning. Can he figure out how he got into this situation? There seem to be a couple of mad and/or cute alien girls interested in him. But how is he going to navigate this alien love life while missing a critical piece of himself? With a soon-coming invasion targeting their homeworld by another alien species, Is he someone special, or just another Xeno to be cut down? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This novel contains Mature content. To improve grammar, word choice, and sentence structure, I am using AI assistance. The novel is not AI generated.

ExaltedAI · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Cultivation, Mind, Spirit and Soul 3

As Violentkiss led Manywolves toward the venue of the Dao Sermon, his heart ached once again. But before he could discern the cause of his pain, he felt an uncanny pull at his soul. Glancing around, his gaze landed on the only person present—Voidcomet. Surprise and fury distorted the man's features into a dark glower.

Under that baleful stare, the sensation in Manywolves' soul spiked acutely, raising questions in his empty mind. 'Venomous hatred? Why?'

Yet the beauty of nature soon lifted his spirits. The sermon was set to take place in a verdant oasis atop one of the mountain peaks. A gentle breeze stirred the sweet mountain grasses.

On a small rise stood a solitary tall pagoda tree, its gnarled branches curling like grasping fingers against the sky. In the sheltering shade of the tree, Senior Nineheavens sat in lotus pose.

Violentkiss and Manywolves found their places on cushions of lush grass near the senior's tree.

Soon, thousands of disciples covered the flat mountaintop, their faces filled with longing as they looked up towards the small rise. From every angle, they had a clear view of him.

There, under the sheltering boughs, he sat in tranquil repose. His mere presence resonated with profound wisdom. All waited quietly, their hearts open to receive immortal instruction from this serene master in his ordinary yet sublime setting.

Nineheavens gazed calmly over the assemblage and began, "All in the cosmos is balanced. Yet through cultivation, we surpass limits. We forcibly increase our lifespans against natural design - thus the heavens send tribulations to restore balance. The saying 'to cultivate is to go against the heavens' stems from this."

"Then why do we persist, if cultivation opposes Fate? The answers are endless. Some seek immortality, desiring to live forever in pursuit of knowledge and experiences. Others cultivate to protect their loved ones, to safeguard the ones they hold dear. And for some, cultivation is a path of self-discovery, a way to understand their place in the vastness of existence."

Nineheavens' eyes sparked with penetrating insight. "How then do we cultivate? How do we defy Heaven's designs? We cultivate by gaining understanding of the Dao. The Dao is all-encompassing, even beyond the heavens themselves. It is the fundamental principle that governs all existence, the underlying fabric of reality."

As Nine Heavens unfurled esoteric truths, disciples gradually slipped into serene inner reflection. His guidance shone light upon their paths.

Upon concluding, he discerned three individuals who grasped deeper understandings - Voidcomet, Violentkiss and Manywolves. Joy lit Nineheavens' eyes.

Yet an abnormality seized Nine Heaven's attention. Manywolves' aura surged chaotically beyond control. Swifter than thought, he blinked beside him, isolating the unstable energy from disturbing others.

A touch to Manywolves' forehead revealed everything. "This..." he intoned gravely.

He sent a mental message to his direct disciple, Daoist Passingdust, and then he teleported Manywolves and himself atop the isle's highest peak.

Nineheavens beckoned his disciple over, concern etched upon his wise brow. "Take a glimpse into Manywolves' mind and tell me what you discern."

The disciple nodded, gently pressing his fingers to Manywolves' forehead in concentration. After a moment, he staggered back in disbelief.

"Master, his mind is fragmented beyond mending!" Then confusion etched his old face. "But Daoist Manywolves appeared advancing well - how did he managed to continue with such a severed mind?"

Nine Heavens sighed somberly. "This is no longer Daoist Manywolves."

"What?!" His disciple blanched in stunned confusion. "Then who inhabits his body? What happened to the true Manywolves?!"

Nine Heavens replied gravely, "From the millions of splintered memories, I've gleaned that the true Manywolves tragically perished from Qi Deviation during secluded cultivation. Now, another soul is occupying his body."

The disciple gasped sharply. "But Master, Manywolves possessed immense resolve and talent - how could he succumb to deviation so early in his journey?"

"That is a matter I shall investigate further. Before we delve deeper, tell me, what do you understand about the mind, spirit and soul are?"

Daoist Passingdust took a steadying breath, centered himself. "The mind refers to our rational thinking faculties - our thoughts, memories, logic and reasoning abilities. It develops based on life experiences and is housed within the physical brain."

"The spirit encompasses our personality, passions, dreams and motivations. While non-physical, it gives us purpose and inspiration. Our earliest memories and experiences shape the characteristics of each person's unique spirit over time."

"The soul represents our innermost essence and eternal consciousness. It is the source of our untapped talents and abilities. Though intangible, the soul endows us with gifts that, when joined with spirit and mind, allow us to access our fullest capabilities."

"Mind, spirit and soul are interwoven aspects of our whole selves. Only when these three components work as one integrated system can we thrive."

Senior Nineheavens smiled at his disciple. "Come, delve deeper into his fractured sea of consciousness. Let wisdom guide your sight. Tell me how his fractured mind caused his current state."

After a careful examination, Passingdust spoke calmly: "Mind is the anchor that connects our souls to the physical plane of existence. It accomplishes this by using our spirit as a bridge between the mind and soul. However, due to Manywolves' fractured mind, the anchor it created was weak. Consequently, his spirit couldn't properly contain his soul. He owes his current state of being to your intervention, Master." 

He, respectfully inquired, "Revered Master, how did this soul escape from the cycle of rebirth?"

"From what my visions reveal, this soul came close to entering the great river as always. Yet just before, an enigmatic force reached forth to redirect their passage, guiding their essence beyond to a new vessel freshly emptied by death. This may be their fourth life."

"Master, if one's soul is not fully cleansed in the River of Souls, do they retain all of their memories?"

"Without a complete soul cleansing, only some recollections from previous existences could remain." Nineheavens replied knowingly.

Passingdust spoke softly, "Is there a method to save this soul?"

Senior Nine Heavens pondered gravely, "True salvation can only be attained through one's own efforts. During my sermon, his spirit and soul unknowingly merged when he gained enlightenment on the Dao, which proved fatal. However hope remains - I shall impart to him The Heavenly Way cultivation method."

"Master, given his unique situation, surely there are better cultivation methods, Why have you chosen one of the most fundamental technique for him?"

"It is precisely because of his unique circumstances that he requires the most comprehensive approach."

"He needs to slowly forge his own character by gaining life experiences, shaping a resilient spirit that can withstand the weight his soul will impose, despite the weak link in his shattered mind. This will grant him the time needed to heal."

"The Heavenly Way cultivates not only power over the body but power over one's inner state through a comprehensive understanding of life from all angles. By freely adapting this foundation to his unique steps, we offer him the best hope for sustained progress on his arduous journey of healing."

"Master, a person like this surely would be extraordinary in the future. Why help him? What if their power ends up being used to harm others?"

Nineheavens chuckled softly: "You have much to learn, young one. This person enlightened on the Dao during my sermon - There is karma between us now."

Passingdust averted his eyes, muttering "Please don't call me 'young one'."

"Both paths hold risk, yet one offers more hope." Senior Nineheavens explained.

"If we show him kindness now, in the future we may regret our actions if he turns to malevolent ways."

"On the other hand, if we withhold kindness, the constant agony he will endure throughout his lives increases the likelihood of evil taking root in his soul. In that scenario, we would regret our inaction even more, knowing that we had the opportunity to show kindness but chose not to."

Daoist Nine Heavens smiled at his disciple and raised his hand, releasing the force that had suspended Manywolves' body. Fragment by fragment, his form began to disintegrate, while the winds atop the mountain scattered his remnants into the starry cosmos above. Only the simple robes remained in their hands, fluttering in the cold winds as a poignant memento.

Meanwhile, after some time in a meditative trance, Daoist Violentkiss awoke feeling uneasy to find her cousin absent. Before she could begin her search, a compelling beckoning from Senior Nineheavens summoned her presence.

As Senior Nineheavens recounted the recent events with empathy, he omitted no details. Violentkiss received his words in silence, her stoic features betraying no emotion as she accepted Manywolves' robe. Without uttering a word, she took her leave, hastening to her residence.

Alone behind sealed doors, her stoic guise finally cracked. Grief poured forth in torrential tears as Violentkiss crumbled to the floor, too overwhelmed with sorrow to feel anger or denial.

Since losing her dear mother, she had seldom shed tears. Now, another void yawned in her heart where her cousin's support had anchored her.

'Cousin... how am I going to face them without your support now...' she mourned, her words dissolving into the unanswering skies.

Before the serene island became a mote of light that faded into star-bound destiny, a final fleeting vision emerged.

At the edge of a secluded grotto, a young woman with flowing white hair stood, her fair features carried a deep sorrow, illuminated by the moon's soft luminance. With blood-red nails, she sliced open her pale palms, allowing scarlet tears to freely spill upon the soil.