
Mind, Spirit and Soul

A story about a transmigrator. Cultivating his Mind, Spirit and Soul in order to avoid an early death and prevent the loss of his memories. Volume 1 Synopsis: Mordax woke up and found himself hanging by a noose, gasping for air as it tightened around his throat. By chance or destiny, he freed himself from death's sure grip. Without his memories, how will he live in this alien world as an alien himself? Why does it feel strange to be in his own skin? What is wrong with him? His memories seem to be slowly returning. Can he figure out how he got into this situation? There seem to be a couple of mad and/or cute alien girls interested in him. But how is he going to navigate this alien love life while missing a critical piece of himself? With a soon-coming invasion targeting their homeworld by another alien species, Is he someone special, or just another Xeno to be cut down? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This novel contains Mature content. To improve grammar, word choice, and sentence structure, I am using AI assistance. The novel is not AI generated.

ExaltedAI · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Cultivation, Mind, Spirit and Soul 2

One month had passed since Manywolves took the second pill, and now sweat began beading on his brow. 'This pill shouldn't be this challenging,' he thought, feeling the chaotic energies within his body battling fiercely in a turmoil he had never experienced before.

Another month saw the disorder intensify, wreaking havoc on his meridians.

What overtook Manywolves held a name in cultivation worlds: Qi deviation. If not promptly treated or corrected, the unbalanced Qi can consume the cultivator from the inside, overwhelming and extinguishing their life force. In some cases, the chaotic energy became so overwhelming that it caused the body to explode, resulting in instant death. However, in this isolated state, no aid was available.

By the end of the third month, Manywolves found himself on the brink of death. In the face of imminent demise, a profound sense of regret washed over him. 'My dreams... The people to whom I am indebted...' He had yearned to prove that one's origins need not define their destiny.

'This must be a tribulation... one last push.' 

A flicker of determination flashed through Manywolves's eyes. With the last shreds of his fading strength, he mustered his Qi and focused it with all his might. He tried to regain control, to stabilize the chaotic energy ravaging his body. However, it was too late—the damage had already been done.

'I am sorry... cousin...'

The chaotic energy within him reached a breaking point, causing his body to explode in a devastating release of power. His life force was extinguished in an instant, leaving only remnants of his existence scattered across the surroundings. It was a tragic end to a cultivator who had fought against all odds to reach the heights of his potential.

The crimson remnants of Manywolves hung heavily in the still air of the cavern. All traces of him was dissolved into a visceral mist, his essence scattered amidst gruesome splatters upon the walls.

Within moments of the tragic event, a mysterious occurrence began to unfold within the cavern. Tiny flecks of golden light emanated from nothingness, coalescing in the air.

Each minuscule mote sought out and found remnants of Manywolves' mortal form—his cells, his Qi, and whatever elements remained from his presence. The heavy scarlet mist dissolved away, and the blood spatter faded from the walls. All evidence of the catastrophic demise vanished.

The particles, having completed some mysterious yet profound purpose, now began reknitting themselves together with awe-inspiring synchronicity. They took on a luminous aureate form, gradually revealing a distinct silhouette.

First, the golden particles circled rapidly, fusing into interlocked rings. Layer by layer they stacked, and variations in hue began to suggest form.

Deeper tones merged into a central core, elongating into limbs that extended from broadening shoulders. Fine lines depicted fingers extending from coalescing hands. A neck rose from the torso into an oval shape.

Ribs and spine curled around the core's midsection into a structure resembling the human form. Details like facial features were absent yet, the body taking on semi-transparency.

As more flecks found their locations, shapes outlined cheeks and chin below an emerging forehead and browline. Dark strands wove together, forming the silhouette of hair falling around Manywolves' still featureless face.

Finally, all the shining fragments converged to create a complete outline where only vapor had existed before. Manywolves' face emerged, no longer featureless but now bearing his familiar countenance.

Gasping for air as if emerging from deep water, Manywolves' consciousness awoke in disorienting agony. Unsteady on his feet, he wavered before finding his balance against the rough-hewn stone wall.

"Where... What is this place?" His voice echoed with confusion through the dim cavern. As he took in his surroundings, a growing sense of panic swelled within him. No memories stirred—only a blank void.

It was then that he realized something else—his nakedness. Frantically patting his body with trembling hands, Manywolves' dread intensified tenfold. Alone, without even a name, survival seemed bleak without any sense of self.

Desperation gripped him as instincts screamed for exploration. However, he felt an unnatural tugging in his soul, drawing his gaze towards a small, fist-sized dent in the stone entryway.

Manywolves gazed upon the fist-sized dent with mounting intrigue and disbelief. Pressing his own fist to it, he gasped faintly - it was a perfect fit!

"Impossible. Did I create this dent!?" Thoughts raced through the void that remained his mind. How could any man punch solid rock so forcefully, leaving behind such notable damage?

Something stirred in his blood then, some underlying power coursing through his veins. That mysterious energy swelled, seeking release.

His body began to quake uncontrollably as the raw power surged within. And so with clumsy form born of confusion and lack of training, he threw a simple punch at the stone door before him.

When flesh struck stone the results defied comprehension. His fist sank deep within the solid rock, lodged wrist-deep without encountering any noticeable resistance.

Manywolves gaped in disbelief and awe. Shaking his stunned head, 'Now is not the time,' he thought, feeling the harsh whisper of thirst. On unsteady legs, he began exploring what little remained within the small cavern. 

Hope diminished further upon finding neither food nor drink—only strange arrays adorning the walls.

Approaching one array at random, uncanny curiosity compelled him to lay a questioning palm upon its smooth stone face. A gasp escaped him as the etchings pulsed luminously at his touch.

In a flash, all hunger and thirst vanished—as if they had never existed.

Then, he felt it again—the strange tugging in his soul, now intensified tenfold. An invisible force seemed to beckon him toward the very center of the cavern.

Upon reaching the center, the tugging in his soul stilled, and he felt at ease. 'Let's sit and contemplate the situation, finding a way to escape this cave,' he thought. Lowering himself smoothly onto the ground beneath the ominously glowing mystic carvings on all sides.

No sooner had his breathing slowed than the arrays flared luminously once more. Energy swirled and concentrated around Manywolves' motionless form as his body responded to long-dormant instincts. Through every pore and channel, his essence thirstily absorbed the rich qi.

In that instant, clarity dawned upon him. 'This energy. It's the same as what I felt before I punched the door... This place must be a training ground, and the goal must be to punch my way out of that stone door.'

Now, he comprehended the trial set before him.

A year had passed within the cave. Throughout that time, Manywolves observed a blossoming alteration within his being. An ineffable energy densified, pooling ever more intensely in his dantian, just below the navel.

Yet as each moon waned, an unforeseen predicament emerged. At first barely perceptible, a tight vice now gripped Manywolves' heart. His soul bore weight as if carrying the world aloft. 'The power must be seeking release,' he thought.

Then, that familiar sensation tugged at his essence once more. Emerging from his trance, Manywolves strode toward the stone door with renewed focus. Eyeing its surface, he settled into a balanced martial stance, fists raised and steady.

'Last time, I was hindered by confusion. This time, I will punch properly.'

Fist reared back, channeling throbbing energy down arm and fist. With resounding crack, The blow struck like a clap of thunder. Golden shockwaves burst the entrance wide, dust and rubble pelting where once had stood immovable barrier.


The sudden sunlight blinded Manywolves as he emerged, unused to the piercing rays after years spent in dim seclusion.

Before his vision could adjust, a cheerful voice chirped nearby. "I knew you could do it, cousin!"

"Wait!!! Why are you naked you maniac!" The voice screamed as she turned around. Then, she threw him some robes. "Quickly, put these on."

Manywolves hastily dressed in the robes, expressing his gratitude.

Then without pause, her slender hand grasped his arm in an iron grip, dragging him forward. "As the first ones to emerge through our own strength, come we can sit close to Senior Nineheavens."

Manywolves yanked himself free, mind reeling. "Wait - who are you? Cousin? I don't remember anything... can you help me?"

The girl's smile abruptly vanished as she searched Manywolves' face in stunned silence. His words clearly shook her. "You... you truly don't remember?" Her voice wavered, eyes wide with distress.

She took an alarmed step back.

A battle of care and concern warred within her gaze. "The meditation caves... what happened in there? Are you injured?"

Manywolves nodded solemnly. "I truly do not recall anything from my past."

Violentkiss paused in thought before responding. "The Dao sermon will commence shortly. Let us attend, and afterward, we can seek counsel from Senior Nine Heavens. His wisdom will shine light on your condition."

Manywolves smiled kindly at her earnest care. "Thank you for your concern for my well-being and for believing in me. It warms my heart to know I have such caring family to support me."

She had to force a smile when she heard him say 'caring family.'

Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, she spoke gently. "You need not thank me, dear cousin. I will always be here to aid you." Violentkiss continued, "Your name given at birth was Mo Yuan. The others refer to you by your title—Manywolves. Do either of these names evoke any memories for you?"

He quietly considered, but no familiarity or recollection stirred within him at the mention of the names. Memory remained lost to him for now.

As Violentkiss and Manywolves began walking towards the sermon gathering, Her heart was troubled. 'I pray Senior Nineheavens can remedy this.'

She maintained a serene outward expression, not wishing to add to Manywolves' distress. Their lives had been deeply intertwined from youth, akin to siblings.

Pushing down her worries, Violentkiss resolved to maintain optimism. The Senior's counsel was their best hope. For now, she would steadfastly support her cousin through his present struggles, just as he had supported her through countless challenges before.