
Mind, Spirit and Soul

A story about a transmigrator. Cultivating his Mind, Spirit and Soul in order to avoid an early death and prevent the loss of his memories. Volume 1 Synopsis: Mordax woke up and found himself hanging by a noose, gasping for air as it tightened around his throat. By chance or destiny, he freed himself from death's sure grip. Without his memories, how will he live in this alien world as an alien himself? Why does it feel strange to be in his own skin? What is wrong with him? His memories seem to be slowly returning. Can he figure out how he got into this situation? There seem to be a couple of mad and/or cute alien girls interested in him. But how is he going to navigate this alien love life while missing a critical piece of himself? With a soon-coming invasion targeting their homeworld by another alien species, Is he someone special, or just another Xeno to be cut down? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This novel contains Mature content. To improve grammar, word choice, and sentence structure, I am using AI assistance. The novel is not AI generated.

ExaltedAI · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 - Attempt

He opened his eyes with a choking gasp, but terror coursed through every fiber of his being. A coarse fiber cinched tight around his throat like a greedy serpent, cutting off his oxygen supply by strangling him. His feet dangled helplessly beneath, unable to touch the ground.

He tried to cry out, but the constricting noose reduced his voice to a weak wheeze. Instinct alone drove his flailing limbs as he clawed at the noose, struggling against the suffocating darkness closing in. With vision blurring at the edges and consciousness wavering, a primeval urge to survive took hold. 

He balled his hands into fists and kicked out with all remaining strength. With all-out struggle, he wrenched his body upward - and suddenly, mercifully, the rope fell away. Gulping in oxygen-rich lungfuls, the panicked haze lifted slightly.

As his heaving breaths began to slow, his hand instinctively raised to his sore neck. Fingertips traced the deep grooves left by the rope. 

In his other hand, he clutched the noose, staring in bewilderment at the pallor of his own skin beneath. Its grayish hue unsettled him, a color no living hand should ever be.

His frantic thoughts screamed, 'Grey skin?' Panic surged as he speak the words aloud: "Whuh inn uh nyyyn 'ells!?"

The unrecognizable vowels rattled around inside his mouth, bursting from twisted vocal cords in an unnatural timbre that chilled him to the core. Panic welled afresh.

"Aaaahhh höhnt zipeeh!" Another cry escaped, its guttural syllables stirring a nameless dread. 'What is happening to me?' With each bizarre utterance, he felt more of himself slipping away. His breath came in ragged gasps and an icy sweat broke out across his skin.

The unfamiliar syllables only fuelled his terror over this inexplicable situation. 

Questions suddenly swarmed his mind like stirred hornets. 'What kind of nightmare is this?'

As panic writhed within him, curiosity began to emerge about this strange situation. As he tentatively explored his mouth. A probing tongue met his fingertips, eliciting a shocked jolt - it was there, yet responded unlike anything familiar.

Emboldened, he tried forming simple syllables once more. "Aaah... eee... ooo." The sounds rumbled awkwardly from his throat, clumsy as an infant's first babbles. Frustration mounted as he struggled to shape familiar words, to no avail.

It seemed this tongue had never learned language before. 'How could this be?' Unease stirred as memories refused to surface, like grasping at shadows.

Still reeling from the strangeness of his physical cries, he knew he needed grounding answers. He spun clumsily on unsteady legs. That's when he spotted it - a tall standing mirror, leaning against the far wall as if awaiting this dreaded moment. 

Pausing to draw a shaky breath, steeling himself for what may stare back, he took trembling steps towards the reflected glass.

At first, only obscured glimpses registered in his periphery - grey skeletal flesh. Then he turned, and his new visage greeted him with a shock that struck to the deepest recesses of his soul.

A ghastly apparition. Its frame was emaciated - flesh stretched taut over jutting bone. Warped shoulders supported an oversized orb of a skull. But its eyes seized his focus - twin black voids like staring into the abyss itself. No life or light shone within their depths, only a consuming nothingness that threatened to devour his very spirit.

In that horrifying instance, an inexpressible nameless dread seized him utterly. A primal, animal terror far beyond anything his mind had ever fathomed. An agonized wail tore itself from his lungs, shredding his throat as it ripped free in a sound too broken to exist in any world.

Then, as sudden as a storm wind, the great metal door behind was rent off its hinges in a screech of tearing metal.

Revealed beyond was a hulking grotesquerie swathed in violet flesh and chitin like armorplate. Where tendons and sinews would be, glossy organic tubes pulsed with eerie rhythms just beneath the surface, hinting at inhuman physique within.

But most unnatural were the eyes - pale pink orbs that pulsed with their own hellish radiance, promising pain and death to all within their lurid glare.

Beneath those sinewy pink orbs that pierced like searchlights into his very soul, twin yawning sockets gaped - suspiciously nostril-like. 

Below even those, its face opened wide like a horrific horizontal gash, revealing lipless maw with serrated teeth from jaws seemingly unhinged. 

Its serrated maw gaped in a hiss, As its hellish eyes, found his eyes, he screamed again, feeling that deep fear that came from deep inside of him again.

A nightmarish beast.

Then a voice echoed within his skull.

"Mordax, what's gotten into you? Why are you screaming like that?" 

Startled, his wide eyes darted around the room, searching for the source of the voice that had called out to him. Confusion clouded his mind, preventing him from realizing that the voice had not come from outside but from within their mind.

Not even a moment passed, The purple-skinned monster crouched before him, its thick brow ridges furrowing with concern.

"I am talking to you, look at me. Why are you acting scared like that?" The monster's voice echoed in his mind again, the alien connection chillingly apparent. Mordax struggled to form the words, his vocal cords unfamiliar with the sounds he once knew.

"Aah, you?" he stammered, his attempt to communicate barely recognizable. Frustration gnawed at him, but he persevered, determined to bridge the gap between them.

Mordax's gaze locked with the monster as some images of the past flickered in his mind, but they were fragmented and elusive.

The monster reached out, her hand gently touching his, their fingertips meeting in a delicate connection. A sensation like warmth spreads through his mind. It was a gesture he had seen before, a way for their species to teach telepathy.

"Sshhh, brother, stop trying to speak with your mouth," his sister responded, her voice filled with reassurance. "You can be at ease. I will not harm you. We are family."

Mordax eyes widened, a flicker of understanding breaking through the clouds of confusion. His sister's touch, the energy flowing between them, began to unlock something deep within his mind.

"Now, just try to imagine as if you are speaking to yourself in your mind," she continued, guiding him gently. "Try to answer me, using your thoughts." 

Slowly, haltingly, he tries conversing, but each response comes out strange, fragmented. She calmly repeats the pieces until full meanings emerge.

After what feels like a lifetime, "Grixi... you teach well."

Something akin to a smile graced his sister's face as she sensed his progress. It sent shivers down his spine no matter how much he feels the warmth from her. Making it a strangely balanced feeling.

However, her gaze ventured at the marks on his neck, remnants of the rope that had threatened to end his life. The atmosphere shifted. Her eyes glowed with an intense pink hue, her tone turning serious, reflecting the gravity of the situation. 

"Now tell me, brother," her voice tinged with concern and determination. "What did you do? Why did you attempt such an act?"

Mordax's throat tightened as he swallowed hard, his voice barely a whisper in her mind. "I don't remember anything before awaking, dangling from the noose. By some chance I managed to tear free just in time, yet remember nothing of how I came to that point."

"And then?" she gently pressed, her voice steady but tinged with a sense of urgency. "What happened next?"

"Then I saw myself in the mirror, But the reflection that stared back at me felt unfamiliar, alien even. It was as if I was looking at a different person, someone I couldn't quite recognize. And then... I felt dread and I could only react with an anguished scream."

"My skin, my shape, everything about me feels different somehow. I can't put my finger on it. Could it be because I lost all my memories? Is that why I don't recognize myself?"

"Brother," she began, her voice gentle yet resolute. "Losing your memories has undoubtedly left you in a vulnerable state. It's natural to feel disconnected from yourself, to question your own identity. But remember, you are more than just your memories. You are a being of resilience and strength, capable of rebuilding yourself from the fragments of the past."

"Today, you have gone through a lot," she spoke, her voice dripping with tenderness. "You need sleep right now. Tomorrow, we will sort everything out."

With calculated precision, she gently put her brother to sleep. As he drifted off into slumber, she rose from his side, her mind consumed by something that only she could comprehend.

Stepping outside the room, the sister's demeanor shifted drastically. The mask slipped away, revealing the true nature that lay beneath. Where before her chitinous plates had shifted in what passed for her species' natural pattern, now they rearranged into something far more unnatural.

Her gleaming eyes pulsed brighter, those burning orbs bulged and swirled as if trying to escape their sockets, twin pink suns burning with a madness from beyond any sane mind.

And her lips?! Where before had been a slash suggesting mouth, now they peeled impossibly back, stretching in a rictus that split her face nearly in two. Jagged teeth the size of fingers lined her maw, aimed in a pulsing grin no mortal's expression could mimic.

She possessed a madness that ran deep within her veins.

In her hands, she held the broken metal door. With a chilling determination, she made her way to outside, ready to dispose of the evidence of their isolation. The door, once a symbol of confinement, would now be destroyed, just like the shackles that bound them.

Her eyes fell upon the words that had adorned it before its demise. 'KEEP OUT' and 'I HATE YOU' were etched onto the surface.

Grixi curled her spidery fingers around the cold metal door. With a grimace of past pains, her clawed hands clenched impossibly tight.

Then came a sound like the world breaking - the heavy door collapsed inward on itself, crumpling in her crushing grasp. Veins bulged along her arms as nightmarish power warped sturdy metal into a misshapen sphere.

No sign of strain marred her as she cocked arm back and launched the screaming ball skyward. It sailed on an impossible arc to disappear into the void above, lost from this reality like all evidence of their incarceration.

'Oh, brother,' her voice filled with a twisted delight. 'Finally, my prayers have been answered. THEY have repaid my devotion. THEY have granted me this second chance, this opportunity to rewrite our story. Just as THEY promised.'

Her laughter echoed through the night, a sound that was far from human. It grated against the air, reminiscent of metal grinding on metal. In that moment, it became clear that her love for her brother was tainted by a dark obsession, a desire to possess him completely.

'This time,' she hissed, her voice laced with determination, 'I won't fail. Our bond will be unbreakable, forged in the fires of my devotion.'

As the colossal red star cast its dim light upon her twisted smile, she strode purposefully back to guard her vulnerable brother's dreams.