
Minato: Struggles of a Hokage(and a father)

Minato Namikaze, arguably the most talented shinobi ever(we don't talk about Boruto). It's no question that he was nerfed by the plot. But what would have happened if he wasn't? that's the premise of this story. ------------------------- This is a total AU by the way.

I_Like_that_thighs · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Danzo? more like DoneZo


30 September, Year 65

"How is your son Shikaku?" Minato, who was overlooking the village from the balcony in the Hokage tower, asked Shikaku who was standing beside him while smoking.

"He's a quiet kid. My wife takes care of most things so I am free." Shikaku puffed.

Shikaku's son was born on 22nd September, the boy was very quiet. He didn't even cry when he was born.

"Any advice?"

"Just don't be scared when they suddenly poop or vomit suddenly."

"... really?"

"I wish I was joking," Shikaku chuckled.

They remained quiet after it. The atmosphere was turning serious. It was because of the report of one of the Anbu Minato sent who managed to get inside the root's base and made a detailed report on all the inhuman stuff happening inside. The other Anbu was killed by the root ninja who sensed them. Only Bat is alive, Fox was killed.

"I really don't want to waste time and finish Danzo right now," Minato muttered. The iron railing he was gripping bent due to his strength, he was angry, very angry..

"For his crimes he can be stripped of the elder position and be executed, but rumours will spread like it is because of your incompetence."

"It is because of my incompetence!" Minato said with a strained voice, he just met Fox's family a while ago in his graveyard. The sight of Fox's barely 3 year old daughter's confused and scared eyes made him scared.

"It's not your fault Minato. It's only been a year since you've become hokage. If it's anyone's fault it was the third Hokage's"

"And for a year I didn't notice it. Just how many kids died because of my mistake?"

"They were killed by Danzo"

"I was the one who kept funding him"

"You idiot, just leave it to me, as the Anbu Commander I will take full responsibility for this mission. There will be no more Root or Danzo tomorrow morning. You are too emotional now." Shikaku threw his cigarette on the floor and stomped on it.

"Haah… I got a little emotional. Don't worry, I'll take care of him and Orochimaru." Minato leaped on top of the iron railing.

He crouched on the railing and said, "I don't think he deserves to live till tomorrow. Go and gather all the Jonins, Danzo and Orochimaru are declared as betrayers of the Leaf. "

He disappeared while he finished.

"Sometimes I wish you were less competent Minato.."


In a dark room, a small part was revealed. Two men were facing each other. One had a bandage hiding his right eye, and hid his hand inside his dress while the other had long black hair and with a pale white skin.

"Minato found out." Danzo Shimura, the darkness of Konoha said.

"He won't sit still. Unlike Sensei he is an emotional guy who is very empathic. Since you killed one of his Anbus he's probably on his way here." Orochimaru replied while smirking.

"This will be perfect. I have already brainwashed all the ninjas we captured in the war, so all we have to do is kill Minato and put the blame on the prisoners and kill them. Then either you or I will become the Hokage." Danzo said while looking at all the shinobis gathered in the hall below the room.

There were nearly 700 shinobis who were gathered.

"Even he can' handle you and me when fighting 700 shinobis, all of them are Jonins.."

"Me? Hahaha… Hahahaha!" Orochimaru laughed.

"I didn't know transplanting the first hokage's cells could reduce someone's intelligence." Orochimaru laughed while looking at Danzo who just stared at him.

"Did you forget the reason why he became the Hokage? He alone killed nearly 1000 shinobis in the war within a single day, do you think these measly groups will be a hassle for him?"

"So are you going to bail out? Don't forget I have all our meetings recorded."

"I don't care… I am leaving this village, I seek a greater purpose than this after all." Orochimaru dissolved into many small snakes which slithered away in multiple directions.

"Traitor!" Danzo shouted, grabbing one of the snakes and crushing it.

-Minato Namikaze-

The wind is cold today, Kushina doesn't like cold weather.

I can feel the coolness of the breeze while looking at the base I am going to destroy today. I don't plan on killing the brainwashed shinobis but Danzo dies today. 

I look at the base below me, I am currency crouching on top of a tall tree near the root base. Unlike the Anbu base, the root's base is not inside Konoha. It is in the forest near Konoha. 

I am ashamed and guilty. 

I still can't explain how guilty I felt when I saw Fox's wife crying in front of his grave which was empty. We couldn't even retrieve his body since according to Bat, suddenly Fox fell on the floor with his body turning purple. An Aburame.

I summon two of my flying Raijin Kunais and throw them at the watchtowers, precisely so that it doesn't harm anyone inside. 

I used Flying Raijin to teleport directly inside a tower and make the ninjas inside faint by electrocuting them. 

I repeated the process in all the 7 watchtowers.

I focused on entering Sage Mode, so that I can sense that vile bastard's position. 

I can feel him along with nearly 300 other strong presences. But his presence is wider than what I've seen before.

I didn't waste time and entered my God Speed mode.

It is something that I created being inspired from my Lightning Armour. Except God Speed solely focuses on speed. It is a combination Jutsu which Involves precise control of Lightning and Wind chakra, two opposing elements, but with enough control I can overlap them on top of one another, which allows me to fly for a short duration while reducing the air friction, making me even faster.

The whole world went quiet, I could hardly see because my eyes hurt very much in this mode as they can't process images at this speed. So I solely depend on my Sensory skill, but I am in sage mode so it isn't a problem.

I didn't bother going through the normal route as I could sense many Shinobis waiting to ambush me along the way. 

'Sage Series, Earth Style: SinkHole'

As I touched the ground, the ground 40 metres in radius around me just disappeared, revealing Danzo and some other shinobi directly below me while I was still floating in the air due to my God Speed. I looked directly at him in his single eye, expecting to see his fear and regret. 

But all I found was scorn and Greed.

"You are a mistake of Konoha. I will erase that mistake"

I increased my output to raise my speed. I am sure this is the fastest I have ever moved, As I was able to see even the tiniest of muscle movements, I can feel the air molecules in the air, they are as hard as rock, incredibly hard to move even when a wind armour is covering me. 

I touched each and every root shinobis with the exception of Danzo to paralyse them with lightning, being extra careful not to over do it as even the slightest slip up could cause their whole nervous system to be fried.

-3rd Person's POV-

A bright Blue Flash.

That's all Danzo could see and when the flash disappeared, all his shinobis were on the floor, spasming due to the sudden shock. Before he could be out of the shock, Minato was standing in front of him with lightning and wind covering his body. 

8 seconds, that's all the time it took for Minato to make the 300 shinobis who were with him, paralysed

That's when Danzo noticed the yellow markings around Minato's eye and his toad-like pupils.

"Sage Mode" He muttered unwillingly, starting to feel scared. But he was still confident since thinking Minato wouldn't kill him after seeing him not kill his subordinates.

"Yes, It has been a while since I learned it." Minato said while deactivating his God's Speed.

"No wonder. Are you going to arrest me?" Danzo asked while being ready to pierce Minato with a wooden spike using his right hand.

"No, but before that I want to ask you a question." Minato took a breath in, to calm down his anger, "Why?"

"I don't understand," Danzo said.

"Why do those vile experiments?"

"To keep Konoha safe and prevent war."

"If preventing war comes at the cost of thousands of children, I will rather have war."

"You don't know anything Minato! Hiruzen made a mistake, picking someone as young as you, the Hokage." 

Seeing Danzo shouting rubbish, Minato just muttered, "I see… This wasn't about war or peace. All of this was just for the selfish goal of becoming the Hokage…"

-Minato Namikaze-

"The world will be a better place without you…" I mutter while increasing my killing intent. Ready to take his head off.


I sliced his head off before he could finish his sentence. I don't want to hear his voice ever again.


I looked at his fallen head which had a scared expression.

"It's over sooner than I expected"

Or not. 

I saw his head and body disappear like an illusion. I'm sure I wasn't trapped in some kind of genjutsu. I felt 'him' with sage mode just seconds ago. What did he use?





"Just how far have you fallen DANZO!"

I dove to my side to avoid the wooden spike he threw at me.

Wood Style… So Tenzo wasn't the only one…

'God's Speed.'

Where is he hiding the Sharingan? If he already used it once. It must be behind those bandages.

I didn't stop and arrived before him, he was in the process of summoning his summon. But I didn't give him time and just cut his bandages off and just as I expected, his right arm was fully modified, it was pale in colour with 3 three-tone sharingans, one of which was grey in colour.

So he wanted to eradicate the Uchihas to get more Sharingans for his retarded purpose!? 

If the news of him collecting sharingans gets out, The Uchihas wouldn't be quiet. 

This bastard has made things much more complicated.

For now I should just retrieve the whole hand.

I cut his hand and put it aside.

I then cut off his bandage and sure enough there was a sharingan inside it, but it's not that which surprised me. It was no ordinary sharingan, it was a mangekyo.

I gouged it out, while covering my palm with healing chakra since I don't want to damage it.

"AHHHHH!!" He shouted like a street dog at night.

I created some distance between us and sealed both the arm and eye inside a scroll. 

"Good riddance you cunt."

Then I did what I should have done a long time ago, I cut his head off to at least give him a quick death as a last parting mercy for his contributions to the village. He was a good guy when he was young and I once respected him for that. It is my gift of his young self.

I deactivated my god speed and came out of my sage mode.


I am a little out of breath but nothing serious.

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish*

I turn back to see Shikaku, Jiraiya-sensei and Bat.

"The others are taking the root shinobis for investigation," Shikaku said.

"Danzo's dead huh?" Jiraiya-sensei said, but I can tell he is asking about Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru seems to have already fled, when I arrived only Danzo and his subordinates were here." 

"Sigh… I see, "he replied.

"So how do you plan to cover up that large hole in the middle of the forest?" He asked with a joking tone, to not show his emotions.

"I don't plan to cover it up, look at this." I put the scroll on the floor and unsummoned the hand and the mangekyo.

All of them were shocked as expected. 

"That chakra.."

"Yes it is the first hokage's cell…"

"Tsunade is not going to be happy."

"No she is going to be even more depressed if she comes to know all of Danzo's doings." Shikaku said.

"No Sh-" 


It's been a long time since I saw sensei angry.

"Tsunade-sama's brother, Nawaki Senju's corpse was used for the experiments."

I haven't seen Jiraiya-sensei this shocked in all my time with him.

".... I need some time alone…" Sensei left.

"Now how do you plan to proceed? If the Uchiha family finds out about Danzo's doings…"

"There will be a large outburst"

"Yeah so do you plan to cover this up?" 

Covering this will certainly be the best decision but I should discuss it with Fugaku to proceed further.

"We will directly be going to have a conversation with Fugaku now"

I should have done this a lot sooner.

"Tell Inochi to look through Dnazo's head." 

I informed bat and left with Shikaku to meet Fukaku.
