
Minato: A different approach

Minato, the fourth Hokage, creator of Rasengan, and honestly a fucking cool guy. I don't know what to say about the synopsis but I will try my best in this fic and after seeing the Minato one-shot boy I was impressed Kishimoto really had to nerf him in the war to make the main cast relevant like the guy fucking tanked a beast boom with a rasengan which was not even completed The fic will be AU, like many things will change stay turned

Fire_Boy_5319 · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs



Year 52, February, Minato's house

[3rd Person's POV]

Minato jumped off the ceiling of his bedroom with the scroll left by Mito in his left hand, he twisted his body in the air and landed on his feet in his bed. He sat down and opened the scroll immediately.

[Hello Minato, If you're reading this letter it means I'm already dead. Don't be sad. It was my choice in the end… It was my plan to send you off on that mission, I knew you were smart enough to figure this out if you had not left, I wish I could tell you about this in person… now don't try to use [Summoning: Reanimation Jutsu] to summon me, let me rest, and yeah I knew you learnt all those jutsus, I just said you not to practice them and try to use [Shadow Clone] to use [Flying Raijin] if you are too scared. Now back to the main topic I wanted to say, Please protect Kushina, you are the only one she opens up to compared to Tsunade, and try to make Kushina as happy as possible, being a jinchuriki is a curse and Nine-tails will easily manipulate her into releasing it, The seal is self repairing, it the case Nine-tails took over her the The hand signs for activating the seal again is Ne, Tora, Ne, Tora, U, Mi, Saru, Tori, I, Inu, Ne, Uma, U, Ushi, Mi, Uma, Hitsuji, Tori, and Ne. And Make her always have a Flying Raijin seal or kunai with her.

Now to the most important part, you know the only remaining Senju alive now is Tsunade right? Have you ever wondered why? The once most powerful clan of Konoha, was utterly destroyed, the cause of Uchiha Madara's betrayal and the death of my husband, the first hokage. The answer to all these questions is still not known to any of us, but all we do know is the killer and the one who manipulated Madara is a black humanoid figure, we don't even know if it was a human or not… but it had a companion… a guy wearing a white Kimono with a long mohawk of black hair tied in a long ponytail reaching his lower-back, there was a black diamond mark on his chin. He was the one who killed the first hokage, I don't even know if both of them are alive but be cautious, and never tell anything about this till you are stronger than Hiruzen.

Be happy and enjoy your life, don't do something you will regret… This is my last advice as a sensei.

Don't drink or gamble till you are 18]

Minato chuckled at her last advice, he had tears rolling from his eyes, he closed his eyes while biting his lower lip to stop from crying, and he laid on his back while covering his eyes with his forearm

'I wish I could have said goodbye to her one last time

His body was shaking and he finally couldn't control it and started crying loudly,


[A few minutes later]

Minato's whole room was destroyed, the bed broken, the walls burnt and the floor cracked. He totally destroyed his room in anger and guilt. Lightning that was crackling around his body slowly died down when he regained his senses and saw his room.

'Sigh… Thank Sage Shido-san is on vacation with his family.. I would have been kicked out for all this ruckus'

I looked at my doing and left the room. I don't feel like sleeping today. I locked my house and left for my usual training spot to be distracted by something else.

I ran towards the forest and sat on my usual spot, a branch of a tall oak tree facing the full moon and the village.

'Life's unpredictable'

Today was a crazy day, from Orochimaru-sensi's advice to use [Shadow Clone] and knowing that Kushina became the jinchuriki of the nine-tails to the cause of the first and the strongest Hokage's death. I looked at my palm and gathered chakra on it. Lightning started flickering on it, it didn't sting or feel draining. Ever since attaining Nature Transformation, it didn't feel that hard to make lightning or use simple lightning-style jutsus, I thought it was natural but Orochimaru-sensei said it was not that with others,

'Achieving Nature Transformation does not allow someone to freely manipulate the said chakra nature as easily as you, only those whose body and mind adapted through a long time using the said nature of chakra can do that… you being able to do that only has two possibilities, 1) You have an unawakened Kekki Genkai related to Lightning or 2) I honestly don't know.'

Hearing that was a surprise and I was excited about the idea of having a Kekki Genkai but when we tested my blood we found that my gene didn't have anything like Kekki Genkai or Tota I was slightly disappointed and sensei told me to wait till the war ended to study about this and ordered me to not a word about this to anyone even Kusina, which I can understand.

Again all the negative emotions I had in the past few hours seemingly disappeared again,

'Am I becoming numb to emotions?'

'No I'm experiencing it but all of them disappear after a while like It never existed.'

I clenched my fist and punched the tree's trunk, the truck just cracked a little as I did not use chakra enhancement.

'Yeah this punch is definitely weaker than the one which caused the whole bed to break and the floor beneath it to crack'

I sighed and looked at the full moon,

'So I have an ability to become stronger by using negative emotions as fuel… sigh well at least it's not positive emotions.'

I didn't feel as happy as I thought I would be at having a unique ability like Kekki Genkai. How does this even work? It is the Yin produced by extreme emotions but I don't feel any mental strain like when using [Shadow Clone] which works primarily focused on Yin. Is it similar to Sharingan's evolution? Like how sensei said that simply Yin can't give two abilities one truly desires in addition to Susanoo. What is this energy and how will it affect me?

I shook my head,

'No! It makes me more powerful, now I should focus on learning [Flying Raijin] and make Kushina cheer up.'

I took the Kunai Kushina gave me as a gift, I marked it with my own version of the Flying Raijin seal, unlike the original which only allows one to teleport 1m around the seal in a 2-Dimensional plane mine allows me to teleport the same distance around it in a 3-Dimensional Plane. I made a clone and told him to,

"You know what to do right?"


He walked a few meters away from me when I placed the Flying Raijin Kunai on the ground and backed off from there. I definitely will not change the name of the Kunai no matter the pressure. I signaled the clone me to use the jutsu which I was scared to use even when I was confident in not failing.


The clone me stood still and closed his eyes, he made a Hitsuji sign in his hands, probably trying to concentrate and sense the seal that acts as a beacon. His body suddenly disappeared and reappeared near the position of the Kunai and my clone had his eyes widen the same expression I had,


We both shouted like a kid who got first without practicing,

"So my work's done, Sayonara real me"

My clone undid itself and sudden memory hit me like an angry Tsunade, from the memories it seemed like quickly changing the position confuses the brain,

'It seems like I should get used to teleporting'

I didn't think of going home and continued practicing [Flying Raijin] that whole night and only stopped when the sun rose.

Sorry for the short chapter

Fire_Boy_5319creators' thoughts