
Milady's Fine Gentleman

----- “Alright.” “I better go now. I’ll be fine on my own now.” She grinned again while fixing her hair, tucking it neatly under the cap and turning up the hood to cover half of her face. Her guise was complete. She knew that she would pass as a boy with her current look. So she uncaringly opened the door. With one last smile she thanked him again and left. Just like that. Chen Linyun’s peace and quiet has been perturbed. ‘Take responsibility, somehow.’ He said in his mind, to the girl who just left, eyes glimmering. He gazed darkly at her fading silhouette but did not do anything anyway. ----- Chen Linyun had spent the night together in a dorm room with a drunken girl he had mistaken for a boy when he was still eighteen years old during his sophomore year in the university. Little did he know this short encounter will leave a mark in him, unable to let go of this woman who disappeared after that night. He was head-over-heels and had vowed to search for her in every part of the earth. Five years later, they met again, but the woman he once knew wasn't the same as she was before. Just after a few years, she became a domineering leader of her own empire. With his own charm, his adventure to chase the girl and convince her of his love starts in this story. It's a reverse role that the MC is a bit soft and domesticated but smart, while the FC is the strong-willed one - playful and teasing. Excerpt 2: ----- “Deal.” Chen Linyun stood up. “One more thing.” He grabbed her hand that was resting on the table. He gently guided it for her to stand up. She followed her lead and stood up, confused. The next thing she knew, she was enveloped in his warm embrace. “I missed you.” She blushed. She tried to push him away. His left hand was cradling the back of her head while his right hand secured her lower back. She was held tightly in his embrace. “Just a little longer.” She was helpless. “I’ll sue you for harassment.” “You wouldn’t do that.” He finally released her and stared at her blushing face. “This time I won’t leave your side.” ------ **PLEASE NOTE THE TRAGEDY TAG** Author has discord server and instagram! Follow, connect and share your thoughts. IG : author_midnight_bloom email : authormidnightbloom@gmail.com For kind appreciation efforts to the aspiring writer, please go to the following sites: https://www.patreon.com/midnight_bloom Ko-fi.com/midnight_bloom

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As expected, her brother Xue Guangxi agreed with her prior arrangements. Xue Jinxu discussed her plan with her parents and Grandpa which they fully supported. They had temporarily halted Xue Guangxi's participation in school. In the meantime, he will become her apprentice in running their business. His main responsibility is to follow his sister around and to take in as much as possible.

Xue Jinxu estimated that the training would only take a few months, probably it will last around three months to half a year. Xue Jingxu let her brother live with her in her lush apartment in the city. Every morning they will leave at half past seven. At exactly eight, their work begins. She let her brother leave at five in the afternoon. The chauffer send him home again in her apartment.

At the COO's office.

"Xu-jie, do you honestly think that just by following you around I can become like you? We were born different anyway."

"Of course not. You are you and I am me." Xue Jinxu answered her little brother while pinching him at the cheek.

"But I'm sure that you will learn a lot around here - from me and from the other employees. You can talk to them, ask them about their experiences inside and outside of the company. Be able to learn about their hardships, struggles and achievements. You have the advantage of them not knowing that you're the Second Master."

"Ask away, it's free. As the Chinese proverb went, 'He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.' So it's your responsibility to grow your skills and knowledge. This experience will be good for you."

"En." He was motivated. His hopes were high up.

"Xu-jie, to tell you honestly, I got myself a private tutor. After work, I can still squeeze in some technical learning. I realize that the terms and processes weren't that simple. What are your comments on this?"

"Well, you have my support."

"Thank you Xu-jie! You're really the best! My tutor is amazing. He was exemplary in his academic years. He also made himself known in the trading world while he was still a student in the university. Plus, when he teaches, he explains the concepts really simple! I totally understand it easily! The best part is, he lives in the same apartment complex as ours. His flat was just a floor below us. Isn't that great?"

"I'll go to his place after work."

He was hopping happily all over the place like a kangaroo.

After work, a little past five in the afternoon, Xue Guangxi went straight home to his sister's apartment. He freshened up and changed casual clothes then went down to the flat one floor below.

He clicked the doorbell.

"Good afternoon Teacher."

"Come in."

He came in just as he was told. He lowered his backpack to the living room, then found himself a place to sit.

His teacher was wearing casual home clothes and slippers. He briefly went to the kitchen to prepare two sets of cups, and some biscuits.

"Have some of the biscuits first. I'm brewing some tea."

"Thank you." Guangxi started munching on the snacks. "What are we going to study today?"

"I've prepared a lesson plan for you about basic Accounting principles, Trading and Finance. It has subcategory on Inventory Management, Accounts Payable and Receivables, and Taxation."

Guangxi's jaw dropped open. He panicked. "T-teacher, are we going to tackle all those today?"

His mind was starting to freeze over. They had not even started.

"U-uhmm, no. We could not finish it all in one sitting. I'm just laying out the plan so you'd know. We'll take it one baby step at a time. We will also customize it to your pace. Every student has its unique own pace. Speaking of which have you done your homework? It's a preview of the whole course, more of familiarization."

"En. I did it own my own!" The student beamed proudly. He was motivated with an extremely capable teacher.

After two grueling hours, they closed the books and notes. "You did a good job today. Let's end it here for today." The teacher said.

"I'm going to cook dinner. Come join us eat. My roommate will be arriving soon."

"You can play some video games while waiting."

Guangxi happily obliged. "Wow you are allowing me to play videogames? You're so cool, Teacher! Alright, I'll play for a bit. It's a pleasure to join you for dinner and taste your cooking. You're so talented, Teacher! You also know how to cook!" He buttered up with his Teacher.

While the teacher was cooking, the doorbell rang. "Guangxi could you open the door?"

The teacher's roommate entered and inhaled all the savory aroma in the room. "Hi Wenbin you're back! How's your day?" The teacher asked while holding a mixing bowl. He looked like a housewife welcoming the husband after work. Chen Linyun was also wearing an apron.

"It was okay. Am a bit tired. Who's this kid? Did we take up another roommate?" He pointed at the kid who resumed playing with the console.

"He's my student. Remember I told you I am part-timing. He lives at the same apartment block. It's convenient."

"En." Mo Wenbin grunted as a response. Then joined the kid in playing the video games.

It was around eight in the evening when the Teacher called them to dinner. There were four dishes in total. He cooked braised beef brisket, sweet and sour pork, egg drop soup and stir fried vegetables. It was a feast. The three males in the room all stared at the mouthwatering palatable dishes.

After having a sumptuous dinner, Chen Linyun started cleaning the table. Guangxi and Mo Wenbin returned to their usual seat in the sofa and resumed playing the video game.

Only after he finished washing the dishes did Chen Linyun join them. The two grown men and the kid played cards numerous times. They were having a blast.

They were enjoying themselves too much that Mo Wenbin decided to grab beer bottles in the fridge. He gave one to Chen Linyun. Afterwards he decided to share his beer with the teenage boy.

Not long after the Guangxi was completed knocked out unconscious while the two men continued to drink and chat and play. They let the child sleep for a while.

Please let me know your thoughts. :)

Volume 2 is here!


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