
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · Tranh châm biếm
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45 Chs

Time to Practice

Jason wakes up the next morning and he and Lisa go through their routine of bath, breakfast, and then a walk in the park. On the walk in the park, Jason is contemplating on one of two spots he thinks would be the best place to practice his magic and abilities that, he has yet to use. He thinks that out past the Cait Shelter Guild might be a good place but, he is worried about running into Wendy Marvell. He does not think he is ready to treat her as a little sister or a daughter yet when he still does not know the full extent of his powers.

The second place he is heavily leaning to is the East Forest. The only downside to the East Forest is, Porlyusica. He remembers how mean she can be but, there are a lot of creatures out there for him to fight. He asked Friday if she had any places she could recommend and all she said was, "Why don't you go practice on the Phantom Lord Guild or the Tower of Heaven?" Both ideas Jason quickly turned down because he wants to make sure he has full control over his powers before he starts fighting people and guilds.

After much consideration, he decides to chance it with Porlyusica and is planning to head to the East Forest later today. As he is about to tell Lisa about him leaving, she says to him, "Jason, I love spending all day with you but, I have to get back to work at the inn. We can still see each other at night though." Lisa's whole face is red from blushing and she is trying not to look at Jason.

Jason grabs both of her hands and faces her and says, "I understand. I was thinking about trying to do some exploring around town. Of course, I will be back every night, as long as you will still have me." Jason pulls Lisa in and gives her a deep kiss that lasts for several seconds before pulling away. He then walks her back to the inn so that she can get back to work, slapping her on the butt as she walks away. She looks back at him blushing with a smile on her face, as she uses her hands to cover her butt.

Jason turns and walks to the ally where he exploded the man that was trying to kidnap the young girl. Once he gets there, he looks around to make sure nobody is watching and then closes his eyes and says, "Teleport."

When Jason opens his eyes, he finds himself in a thick forest. He quickly scans his surroundings to make sure there is nobody near him, then he says, "Fu Zhang, Apep, show yourselves." and then there is a bright flash of light. When the flash dissipated two Death Youngling Dragons are standing in front of him bowing their heads and Fu Zhang says, "You called for us, my liege?"

"Yes. Fu Zhang, Apep, do a quick flyover and see if there are any humans in the area and report back to me."

Both say at the same time, "Yes, my liege." and then take off into their air. As he waits for them to get back, he thinks 'Stats' and brings up his stats menu to review it. As he is going through his list, he spots several things that he wants to see if he can perform at the same time and starts to make a mental list of them.

After about 15 minutes, he sees his two Death Youngling Dragons returning and he closes his stats menu and waits for them to land.

As they land Fu Zhang says to Jason, "My liege, we have only detected one human female and she is about 5 miles east of us."

"That is good. Thank you. I plan on doing some practice with my magic and abilities, you two keep an eye on that human. Let me know if she starts to head this way."

Both say at the same time, "Yes, my liege." and take off back into the sky. As they leave, Jason says out loud, "I wonder if they practice talking at the same time? Oh well. Michael, Uriel, show yourselves."

As soon as they appear, they both say at the same time, "Yes, my liege." as they take a knee and bow their heads."

{Maybe they do. Hehehe}

"Raise your heads. I am going to practices my magic and abilities. I want to experiment with some of them and I will need you two, to help me with that."

Michael says, "As you wish, my liege."

Then Jason says, "Titanium Dragon's Form." and he feels heavier. Continuing with his experiment, he then says, "Diamond Dragon's Form, Tungsten Dragon's Form." First, his body is covered in a diamond-like armor, and then his body is covered in tungsten like armor."

Then Jason thinks, 'Stats. Defense' and his stats showed his defense at 8,400.

{That's just a broken cheat.}

Jason ignores Friday's comment and turns to Michael and Uriel and says, "I want the two of you to hit me as hard as you can."

Following the order of Jason, both death angels jump at Jason and hit him as hard as they can at the same time. Jason stands there and tanks both hits without it even phasing him. Jason smiles and thinks about canceling the spells, and all three spells dissipate.

Next, Jason wants to see if he even needs to say the spells out loud, and thinks, 'Earth Dragon's Barrier.' Suddenly it gets dark as a 50-foot tall, barrier dome forms over the top of them. "Success" Jason yells out loud. Then he thinks about canceling the barrier and it goes away.

{Mission. Defeat Forest Vulcan.

Forest Vulcan has discovered you. Defeat the Forest Vulcan that will arrive in three minutes.

Reward. 100 SP per Forest Vulcan defeated. Yes/No}


"We are about to have some company. I want to see how the two of you fight. There is a group of Forrest Vulcan approaching, they will be here in less than three minutes. Ready yourselves."

"Yes, my liege" And both death angels get ready to fight.

A couple of minutes later, twelve Forest Vulcan appear out of the woods running at the three of them. Michael and Uriel move to fight them. As soon as they approach them, they use hand to hand combat and start to kill all the Forest Vulcan with ease. It was kind of boring to watch.

{Mission complete. twelve Forest Vulcan defeated, eleven added to the Undead Army. Reward, 1,200 SP.}

"I don't want them they seem we.... Wait! Forest Vulcan, show yourselves." Jason just got another idea that he wants to try.

As soon as the Forest Vulcan appears in front of Jason, he points to one and says, "You. Come here." and the one he pointed at, walks over to him and says, "Me. Here." in a deep voice.

Jason then thinks 'Bestow, Diamond Dragon's form, and Titanium Dragon's Form.'

He then says to the Forest Vulcan, "No matter what, do not move from this spot."

The Forest Vulcan nods. Jason turns to the death angels and says, "Uriel, punch him as hard as you can."

Uriel says, "Yes, my liege." and walks over to the Forest Vulcan and punched him as hard as he could. The Forest Vulcan did not move, he did not even act like anything was happening to him.

Jason said, "This is perfect. Forest Vulcan return to me." and all of the Forest Vulcan, disappear. He then turned to Michael and Uriel and said, "Time to practice."