


This Story is written by E. Senuri Shehara Jayasundara. I am 12 years old.

The fight with the Microorganisms

As we all know, we cannot see microorganisms through our naked eyes but did you know that there is a kingdom of microorganisms?

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom. In this kingdom there lived two types of microorganisms called virus and goodies. Both types of microorganisms lived happily together until one day a virus named Corona started a fight in the kingdom. Corona said, " No one like us viruses. The people in the world, like only the goodies, we should not live with these goodies anymore, they are only taking advantage of us, viruses". Then the viruses began to get angry and they separated themselves from the goodies and created their kingdom. The goodies were very sad and worried. The viruses started to plan to attack the world. They then started to produce worse viruses to get people ill. The virus also created a very dangerous virus called coronavirus after their leader's name. Goodies were very sad and upset about the virus's bad behaviour and they tried to stop the viruses, but they were getting more and more powerful than them. Then, sometime later, scientists started to make vaccines to get rid of these viruses. Later the viruses began to decrease and everything was getting normal again. The goodies were very happy. Sometime later virus realised their big mistake and was very sad. They apologized to the goodies and started to live happily together again. But for the Corona, he was no longer a microorganism. Corona was kicked out of the kingdom for his bad behaviour.