
Miaw Miaw

Mia and Jake have been detectives at the same agency for 3 years. Stemming from 4 years in high school together, it's a well-known fact that she dispises him, although he doesn't feel the same, especially not after everything that happened with them back in high school. Although he tries everything in his power to try to get her to love him, all his attempts seem to fail, especially when they meet four handsome brothers who are all somehow involved in the murder of their billionaire father. Will Mia change her views on Jake when they are forced to work together on the murder case as partners? What danger lurks around the corner, and what secrets will they find?

Talishma_Louw · Thanh xuân
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21 Chs

Chapter 13

The mansion was cold. Dark. Almost depressing.

The male sighed as he tried to get comfortable in his bed, but no, it seemed like another sleepless night was going to haunt him.

The guilt of everything was eating away at him, he couldn't sleep, he was paranoid and he felt like he couldn't trust anyone. Not even his brothers. Not even the people he loved to death...

He needed to talk to her. She probably didn't want to see him, never mind talk to him.

He sighed for the tenth time that night.

Why did his life turn out like this, like one big messed-up disaster?

He was happy, so very happy before his father came and ruined his life. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

But even though Chris hated his father for making him give up so much, there was still some part of him that wished everything could be different...that everything could be better.

But what did he expect? His life had only been filled with disappointment so far, so why did he allow himself to expect more?

Guess he was just clinging to that last bit of hope that, now that his father was no longer in the picture, he could regain everything he lost. That he could finally have a normal life.

But nothing was ever that easy.

You would think that having money and power solves most of your problems, and in some aspects, it was helpful but it didn't help that those two things were the main demons he had to cope with every day. His crosses to bear

Even more so since his father had bullied him into doing the one thing he never wanted to do. The thing he never imagined would happen to him. Guess you should be careful what you wish for, it might just be your undoing...

And for Chris, it was his inevitable fate.

The thing that his father destined to happen from the very beginning since Chris was just a teenager.

As another sigh ghosted over his soft, pink lips, he heard the shrill sound of his phone ringing on his bedside table, the caller ID photo serving as the only source of light in the dark room.

He sat upright with a groan and picked up his phone to see who would call at such a time.

Great, it was her. Again.

He swiped right, declining the call, not having the energy nor the will to converse with the infuriating woman on the other side of the line.

But it looked like fate was just out to get him.

The phone lit up again, and the same caller ID photo was displayed on the phone screen.

Just answer her. It'll get her off your back! His mind screamed at him. He swiped left, answering the dreaded call, not even needing to put his phone to his face as in only a few moments, the phone blasted out her voice.

"Why are you ignoring me, Christopher? Why haven't you come home yet!" The female shouted from the other line, making Chris groan in frustration, as a headache pulsed behind his eyelids.

"I told you I'm still on business," Chris said bluntly, all the minimal happiness and playfulness he had in him instantly drained from his mind as if it were being sucked away slowly by a parasite.

Well, that statement wasn't completely false.

She was a parasite. A terrible one.

"So, being at the mansion with your brothers is your definition of "being on business"? Why that sounds like a job I want to have!" The female sarcastically snapped at the tired male.

"You know my brothers also have shares in the company, Jade! I am here because of terms stated in one of the company's contracts," The male replied, his voice cold.

He hated raising his voice, especially towards a woman. He was a gentleman and a very good one at that, but that woman was no woman. Not to him. She was anything but a woman.

She was a lot of things, none of them good.

She was coldhearted, bossy, an egomaniac and a financial leech, and those were her good qualities.

"Well, I'm sorry if I want my husband at home enough to keep me company! How do you expect us to raise children like this?" She said as her toxic venomous voice filled the male's room.

"Hopefully it'll never have to come to that," He simply said, his voice laced with venom. He didn't lie. He would do everything in his power if it doesn't that he didn't have to procreate with this snake of a woman.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to?

I am your wife and as your wife and I demand you come home! I have my needs too Chris!" She screamed at him. He stared blankly at the wall in front of him as she went on and on.

"Well, find someone to satisfy you then, because there's no way in hell I'm touching you," He said firmly, before he hung up, not giving her a chance to reply.

He clutched his head in pain.

Why did she have to be the origin of all of his pain? Why couldn't he have ended up with his love instead?

She was his best friend, his soulmate, his everything. But now she was someone else's love, soulmate and everything else.

He let her slip through his fingers, well to him, it was more like she was dragged through his fingers.

Dragged away from him like daylight slowly drowning into darkness. Now, all he was faced with was darkness. No stars, no moon, just blackness.

Everything was black. He was all alone. He had no one to confide his emotions in, no one that knew how he felt.

He threw his phone to the other side of his bed, in anger and frustration, his head throbbing and his stomach uneasy.

So, he was subjected to just rolling around in his bed, as he tried to get comfortable until his eyelids fell and he drifted off into sleep.

His mind filled with dreams of her, and how their life would have turned out if Chris had taken control of the situation then when he had the slim chance to.

And in his sleep, a small, dimpled smile rested on his face as he recalled their treasured memories together.