
Chapter 30 - _ _ _ _ _ _ In 4k

Principal-Director's Office

The Director of the Academy was thoroughly going through stacks of documents with ferocity. If the papers had rights, they would have filed a lawsuit already.

For context, he's going through all the background checks of students, double-checking their authenticity. Sure, the Academy has trustworthy and competent workers, but he simply prefers to go over them once more. You know, just checking to make sure. Not because he doesn't trust his staff, pfft.

Into his work, he stumbled upon a report about Leo, a promising Platinum-Ranked student with a quirk that baffles everyone. As he read through the report, he noticed a highlighted paragraph,

[Student has proper documentation. However, the paper trail seems only legitimate once the student has lived in Maine. Before that, the locals of the area where the supposed student lived in [Brooklyn] did not know of anyone named Leo Morningstar and Lucy Morningstar, the student's parent. Further investigation and questioning of the student are advised.]

The paranoid Director immediately eyed the student's documented picture, a stoic 2-by-2 picture of a student with a wild mane of hair reflected from his eyes.

Hundreds of scenarios buzzed through his noggin, and many assumptions were immediately rejected. Those rejected are whether Leo is a villain or affiliated with any ill organization.


It is because of the screening process students went through before the exam. That portion of prevention is a tried and tested method that has worked effectively since the Academy implemented it.

Another thing, he has already been keeping... an eye... on Leo ever since he enrolled, mainly because of his quirk and now the reports he receives from the Academy's in-house quirk specialists on how Leo's body is now adaptable, though minor for now. But that doesn't mean he doesn't observe the rest, just that Leo's a special case.

With what Fury has observed from Leo, he could confidently say that the kid has a good head on his shoulders. All the respect goes to the mom for raising Leo, as statistics show single-parent households are more than likely to have a child that edges along with crimes or illegal activities.

And with everything coming together, Leo's pedigree is starting to shape up. Although, the surest way to finish questions would be to get the mother involved. But from Leo's personality sheet, he seems to be the protective type, especially when the father isn't present; permanently. And to create a bad first impression isn't his style. Fury prefers gaining an advantage through the best means possible, not simply the fastest.

And when everything shapes up, Fury will either get his answers through the mom, the father, knowing Leo's quirk, or something. And considering how potent Leo's quirk cells are, or scientifically known as Plus Alpha elements (Canon information), it can be precise to say that Leo's ancestry came down from a line of Heroes.

It is common knowledge that children of Heroes have stronger and more potent quirk factors, considering how Heroes constantly use their quirks and even awaken it, further empowering the quirk itself. Hence when siring a child, the child's potential is far better than children of civilians.

So, when you look back at Leo's base quirk, you get Energy Manipulation and a strength-enhancing quirk. The mom easily answers the strength part, meaning energy manipulation could come from the missing father.

All these thoughts firing away at Fury's head, he was silent, thinking of possible U.S. heroes with energy manipulation as a quirk. 'Energy quirks, huh? I know my eye needs some energy at this point.'

"It keeps coming to a dead end... or maybe I'm just looking at it wrong? Id only my fucked eye can see the answers." Resting his body on the office chair, he leans back with a sigh. Glancing at Leo's piled records from time to time.

[Known spoken language: English, Japanese, and Greek]

[Hobbies: Seems to like culturally interacting with Raiden Ei and Perseus Jackson in their mother tongue, a valuable hobby to grow into a skill. Further study of different languages is advised for Hero work.]

Now this got Fury raising a brow; something about that kept hitting him in the head as if what he just read was a massive clue. 'Japanese and Greek, huh? The kid is one helluva enthusiast... learning all that.'

'Japanese and Greek...'

'Japanese... and Greek...'

With those two, he was starting to see something, a light instead of a dead end. With a burst of thought, he sprang from his chair and immediately recalled the things happening in Greece.

'Hasn't Greece been rocky as of late?'

Mainly the secret raids All Might has been conducting in the Meditteranean country once every few months. It was something their Number One deterrent, and Hero, Stars and Stripes, wanted to join in. But whenever she moves, it's never in secret. Her presence is just too significant for words to not fly around. Hence she was vehemently denied to give aid.

Instead, the U.S. gave various forms of information to All Might as an aid rather than sending their precious top heroes for an undercover operation. Considering All Might worked as a Hero in the U.S. for quite a few years, he was held with respect.

But going back to the topic, he searched for a particular Hero's death that made international headlines because of his family's disappearance. A Greek Hero who had a prominent and exceptional energy manipulation quirk... and married to a Japanese woman. Coincidentally, that very woman is the daughter of Japan's once Number One Hero, Nana Shimura. And it just so happens that the two also have a child, minor energy manipulation with bouts of strength enhancement (Documented when Leo was a child).

And here he was, watching a man's last fight, showing masterful usage of golden energy, fighting against numerous villains before fighting to a tired standoff with a notorious villain. Notorious for cannibalism with how the villain's quirk works, eating people gave the villain the person's quirk factor for a period of time. And right before the Man was eaten, the Man made an explosive sacrifice, taking all villains with him and reducing the area into a massive crater.

'Just need another crucial detail,' Fury was in a momentum, suddenly grasping onto a thick rope rather than metaphorical straws. He was one of the few that sent information to All Might on where All For One's close henchmen were, wanting the fossil's influence within the Criminal Underworld to take a hit.

And when he timed the date the family of Pantheon disappeared, it was 'coincidentally' the appearance of the Morningstar family on a port entry, then later moved to Maine shortly after.

With everything dot in place, Fury could only chuckle, "Motherfucker," he smirked, looking around his office, making sure his thoughts were to his own.

'That still doesn't explain the change in appearance, but from CCTV footage, they were escorted by a Ship Captain into the U.S.,' But he left it at that; people that can change the appearance of others is a thing expensively done in the underground.

Yet, he is still assured of his conclusion. Leo Morningstar is Leonidas S. Angelos, the missing family that All For One is after and All Might is seeking to recover.

With that thought, a massive pain in the ass was just waiting to happen if he didn't cover certain holes now. Immediately, he called the person responsible for the report.


Agent: "Good day, Director. How may I be of service? Is this regarding my report of that student?"

Fury: "Right, good day as well. I skimmed through your report, Agent. And you did a proper job during this surprise assessment."

As of this moment, Fury was bullshitting the Agent. He didn't need anyone snooping around. In his mind, if he could solve it, why couldn't others? Though, in reality, only those who have Leo's files and information can connect the dots. And what were Academy students' files to the public? Redacted. Not known to the public. Simply impossible to make a connection, and yet here he was, further covering that.

Fury was making out the setup of the locals, not knowing the Morningstars as a 'surprised setup'; it's simple in nature, but no Agent would snoop further after that. If they did, Fury would be the one to take care of loose ends.

Agent: Confused, he couldn't help but ask, "Surprise assessment, Director? I wasn't aware I was in one."

'Maybe not so competent.'

Fury: On the other end of the line, Fury couldn't help but stare at his phone, "That's what surprise assessment means, Agent," tired disappointment laced in his tone.

Agent: Embarrassed, the Agent immediately tried and ended the call, "R-Right, Director! Will strive to improve! Agent Willy, out!"


"*Sigh*, Let's go meet a missing boy then," he said to no one in particular as he walked out of his office. Even with 90% assurance, there was still that doubt within him. But he would be the worst retired Agent in the world if he didn't act on this. "Getting a kid to talk, walk in the park."


Winter Exams were over, meaning challenges were going out like hotcakes. Positions are being swapped around like a hot potato, jumping from Bronze to Steel, then Gold to Iron.

No one was assured of their position anymore, proving that the entrance exam wasn't everything. Some just capitalized on the opportunities that riddled the Academy with state-of-the-art equipment and staff.

The ones bombarded with challenges were Leo's class; who wouldn't want their rank? It's comfort and status on their future hero resume for free, with no subscription or anything. No one aims for the bottom; everyone aims for the top; there just aren't any benefits.

And one of the first notable matches was between Leo Morningstar and Cracius King, a Gold-Ranked student with a rather potent Shark Mutant quirk, considering his entire physiology changed when he got his quirk.


Leonidus' Pov

"GET 'EM, LEO!" From where I'm standing, I easily hear Percy shouting in encouragement. Solid guy, honestly.

But of course, if there is encouragement, there is the opposite. "CRACIUS, TEAR THAT BLOND BASTARD APART!" Yep, when you sit at the top, you'll instantly garner hate, and I don't mind.

Looking ahead in the spacious sparring ring, I see my challenger, fist, and teeth at the ready. Seriously, if you took out a Great White's fins and added beefy limbs, that'd be the guy!

Anyway, I felt this guy's physical power; it was no joke, only lower than Diana's by 20%, give or take? But that's not what I read about sharks that make them terrifying; it's their bite force. So, am I looking to be bitten to test out my defense?

Fuck. No.

Fucking around and finding out? No, thank you.


Oh, it's starting. I got into my stance and slowed my breathing. While I did so, I flared my quirk.


"Phew~" I can feel its activation flaring up and even the flickering feel of my hair. I can already remember the vivid fiery gold my hair takes whenever I ramp my quirk up. It's frankly an intimidating sight for any opponent, but I disagree. My fired-up hair looks incredible.

"YOU'RE SO FUCKED!" I hear Percy even clearer now, and even the soft whispers of the audience that are curious enough to watch me. 'Well, then. I'll put on a show.'


[Start! Beep~!]

As the fight announced the green light to start, my opponent immediately roared and came at me, running with both arms bent into a slight flex and his body slightly leaning forward, trying to charge at me. "GRAHHH!"

How should I go about this? Fly and blast him for a logical advantage, or should I make a statement?


Make a statement it is.

I got into a lower stance, ready to perform a takedown to take control of the situation. While my opponent seems to be hellbent on the charge, I'll capitalize on that, then.

*Thud x5*




In my slightly bent position, I bulleted towards his midriff, cracking the floor below me from the force of my jump. *PACK!* Our bodies collide, muscle on muscle; this guy is huge. He comfortably stood half a foot taller than me.

My strength completely halted his charge when our bodies smacked against each other. If it isn't evidence of me being more robust, then I don't know what is.

"Argh!" I seemed to have surprised him, but I left it at that. Continuing my plan, I brought my body low, near his waist, powered my way up, and planted my arm between his legs and butt, no homo. With my other arm on his snout and his mouth trying to BITE it OFF, I acted quickly.

"Huff!" With a slight grunt, I swiftly twisted my body with him and simultaneously tripped one of his legs off the ground, getting him off-balanced, seeking to slam Sharky with force. But it failed when he grabbed onto my body, not getting off me!

Instead, with my momentum, I dropped myself with him, slamming him harshly onto the ground with my weight added. *BAM!* *CRACK!*

It seems it didn't stun him as much as I thought it would have, seeing as he ferociously bit my forearm with his razor-sharp rows of teeth, trying to sink its way in.

However, it was met with resistance but not for long, and the moment I felt a sting of sharpness, I immediately flared my quirk strengthening my defense even further.

While on the ground, we struggled but not so much. While I could easily stand back up, but his jaws were tightly clamping onto my forearm, not letting go.

Since he didn't want to let go, I'll give him one.

"I'm about to commit animal abuse, and an Aussie ain't about to save ya'!" With my freed hand, I cocked it back and drove it straight for his seemingly non-existent neck. However, I was hoping it was there.


"ARHHHHH!" He wailed but released my forearm from his jaws. With it free, I immediately stood up and glanced at my arm. It was bleeding heavily from the initial puncture; I could even see some chipped teeth in my arm. Apart from that, my arm is still solid.

"You got some sharp teeth there, all nice and white too; sad some got chipped~" I taunted a bit, seeing if this was a hot head, but considering what he did in the cafeteria, it should be one.

"You. Taste. Like. Shit. huff!" He said in a pained huff, his neck heaving heavily. It seems to hit his gills was a low blow for shark people?

But to call my flesh shit-tasting, I felt offended by that. "Eating unseasoned food will taste bland; sorry about that, bud!"


"I agree, enough talk, but this has lost its fun," the moment I saw my injury, the fun was over. This... thing actually wanted to rip my arm.

Raising my pointer finger, I stood there and proceeded to finger beam the living hell out of the guy, peppering him with my golden energy. Each beam impacting his skin left a bruise, making him instinctively bring his hand up, "FIGHT LIKE A MAN, COWARD!" He screamed from his spot and started running, dodging my beams.

His strength might have been formidable, his tough skin was another thing, but that did not bode well when he was considerably slow. Maybe in water is a different story(His speed), but land is where we are now.

Having enough of his running around, I blitzed right by him, still running, covering his face to shield his face from my beams. But in doing so, he left his body defenseless.

'Sorry about this; you're simply too slow and a mismatch,' I internally said; by instinct, he moved his head toward the ruffled air created by my movement and tried biting as a hail mary move.

But like I thought, he is too slow now that I ramped my quirk up. With the acceleration of my blitz, my regular movement of a punch drove hard into his stomach, burying it in there. With my mass, fast acceleration, and exceptional power, his robust tank-like body folded as my punch sent him flying.


Crasius' body molded into the facility's wall, making the referees and on-standby medics rush to ensure everything was okay.

"Huff! That was a nice warm-up," I said to no one in particular but rested my hands on my waist. With my concentration fading from ending the fight, the talk of the audience started filtering into my ears.

"Holy sheesh! He folded Crasius like a bent hooker!"


"Soooooo~ You still want to fight the guy?"

"I'd rather fight his shouting friend; he seems easy, you feel me?" If Percy could only control blood without the risk of killing someone being so high, then he'd undoubtedly be the deadliest in the class, in my opinion.

Although, blood being rather polluted with different things and not all liquid would probably be hard to control as well. Deadly nonetheless.

"Sigh," Looking at my arm, it was all bloody; Its scent didn't even make me flinch with Mr. Ban's training. "Medics, then to the showers."


And as of now, Violet Parr and Arlo Fortier are duking it out in a ring. Both with highly similar quirks. Leo and his class were intently watching.

Violet Parr, a Gold-Ranked Student and daughter of Mr. Incredible, is capable of going invisible and manipulating her own made translucent violet force fields into bubble-like bowling balls at high speeds and can serve as a barrier for herself as well!

Arlo Fortier, a Platinum-Ranked Student, the son of an influential family, can create a golden barrier that reflects physical damage and has been seen to trap people in it too!

And these two students were fighting it out in the ring, but it was evident that one was hungrier than the other. With Violet seemingly able to turn invisible and dish out long-range attacks, Arlo was turned into a hiding turtle for the entire duration of the match.

With Arlo's barrier not getting a dent, but it was highly noticeable that keeping it up constantly was taking a massive strain on his mind and body with all the grunts and sweating.

"Dude finally got hit match," the electric spider quirk user commented from the audience with his classmates, watching Arlo slowly lose.

"Do you think Arlo will power up like some cliche anime plotline?" Ned asked to anyone of his classmate, being that his voice was loud enough for them to hear.

"Fortier-san hasn't been training as much, stubbornly believing that any high-tiered quirk, his words, is an assured winner and why he deserves his current position," Ei said from the side, replying to Ned, "Which leads me to believe that he will not power up but instead humiliate himself like a cliche high school prick. Like what the students of the Academy call him from his back, he indeed is an Asslo."

"I guess... Hey! You guys think that'll be his Hero name?" Ned speaks again; he really is quite the chatterbox. "Either the people accept your name, or they give you one. And the people have spoken; Asslo has been born." The one to speak next is Leo, having a chuckling smirk.

But his smirk was cut to a short when a firm voice spoke from behind him, catching his and his classmate's attention. "Mr. Morningstar, let's have a chat, shall we?" Who else but the Principal-Director himself?

'Fuck.' Now he's in a troubled cliche scenario as well.

Fuck, indeed.




