Izuku Midoriya just your ordinary run of the mill kid, until that is his life was completely turned upside down. After an accident caused him to suddenly gain powers, how will Izuku use his powers? Follow along as Izuku becomes imbued with the powers of super speed and how he became known as the fastest man alive! Aspects taken from DC's The Flash (Story by RSmallz on fanfiction.net)
Now standing in front of UA's gates once again Izuku, Hatsume, and Bakugo all walked in. Hatsume soon broke off to go pick up her schedule. Izuku and Bakugo did the same and found that they had the exact same schedule and even the same homeroom. They were in class 1A.
Walking down the halls Izuku and Bakugo soon found themselves in front of a massive door with a sign that read Class 1A. "Hey nerd, your smart right. Why are the doors so damn big?" Asked Bakugo.
"Big people, with big quirks? I don't know." Answered Izuku. "Come on, let's go inside."
As they slid the door open they soon came to find that most of the class was already there. "Oh hey I know that green hair, yeah, you're that guy who saved me. From that robot." Said a voice behind Izuku.
Turning around Izuku found that it was Uraraka, "Oh hey, yeah that's me." Said Izuku as he nervously answered.
Bakugo ignored her and went to find his seat, when he did Bakugo kicked his feet up. He relaxed until the start of class. "So you got into UA huh, that's awesome! I hope we become friends." Said Uraraka.
However, before Izuku could answer, a figure appeared from behind them. "If you are just here to socialize then you can leave now."
Turning around, the new students found a sleeping bag on the floor. Flipping over it was revealed that someone was inside said sleeping bag. "Take your seats, now."
Everyone quickly did as they were told. The man got up and hopped over to the podium. "1 minute to quiet down, not bad. Anyway my name is Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher." Aizawa then pulled out a juice box and drank it. "Now that introductions are out of the way, go put on your gym uniforms and meet me on the field in 10 minutes."
The class didn't move, "Did I stutter? You now have 9 minutes."
Seeing that he wasn't messing around the class quickly left the room and went to go get changed.
A few minutes later the entire class was now on the field. "Good you're all here, let's begin shall we." Said Aizawa.
That's when Uraraka raised her hand, "Um excuse me, Mr Aizawa, what about the opening ceremony?"
"If you are serious about being a hero then we don't have time for that. Bakugo, think fast." Aizawa then tossed a ball at Bakugo, to which he caught with ease. "What was your ball throw record in middle school?"
"About 37 meters." Answered Bakugo.
Aizawa nodded, "Good, now stand in that circle and throw it using your quirk."
Bakugo smiled as he walked into the circle. Winding up Bakugo threw his arm forward, as he did a massive explosion erupted from his hands. "DIE!"
The ball went flying and Izuku stood there, shocked, 'Right, I forgot Kachan has that side of him…'
After a few seconds Aizawa turned around, "This way we can keep track of your max." Holding a small device Aizawa showed the distance the ball traveled, 705 meters.
The class was now excited, "Woah this is going to be great!" said a boy with red hair.
"Right! We get to use our quirks as much as we want, this is going to be fun!" said a girl with pink skin.
That's when Aizawa's tone of voice changed, "Fun you say? Alright then how about this, whoever gets last overall in this test will be kicked out of the hero course."
The class fell silent, "Y-You can't do that, can he?" asked Uraraka.
"I can and I will, UA gives us teachers a great deal of liberty when it comes to our classes. Now, let's get started shall we." Izuku clenched his fists, there was no way in hell he would get this far just to get kicked out.
Aizawa's tests were simple and the first thing up was a 50 meter dash, to which Izuku smiled at. Bakugo looked at his long time friend and wondered why he had that smug look on his face, 'Just what are you doing?'
Walking up to the line Izuku got into a sprinter's stance, Bakugo's eyes widened when all of a sudden green lightning began to appear around Izuku's body. "What the hell!?"
With the sound of a gun Izuku took off, the person beside him didn't even have time to move when Izuku was already at the finish line. The other student finally reached the end after 15 seconds, the class was stunned, "W-What was his time?" asked a tall girl with black hair.
Aizawa looked at the machine, "0.5 seconds…"
"0.5 seconds, damn I knew my stance was wrong. Maybe I'm having an off day." said Izuku as he walked back to the group.
That's when Bakugo walked over to Izuku, "What the hell was that you damn nerd!? Since when do you have a quirk?"
"Since I woke up from my coma." explained Izuku.
"And you didn't bother to tell me?" asked Bakugo.
"Uhhh, you never asked?" answered Izuku.
"Why the hell would I ask when I know you didn't have a quirk!?" asked Bakugo as he shook Izuku.
"Alright that's enough you two get back in line and get ready for the next activity." ordered Aizawa.
Bakugo reluctantly let go of Izuku, "You have a lot of explaining to do later."
The rest of the tests consisted of push ups, sit ups, pull ups, standing long jump, side to side jumps, and a strength test. Using his speed Izuku blew past them with ease.
It was now time for the final test, the ball throw. One by one Izuku watched as his classmates got their score. They all scored relatively high, Uraraka got infinity much to Izuku's surprise.
"Alright last but not least, Midoriya, get on over here." Izuku nodded and walked towards the circle.
Gripping the ball hard, Izuku took a deep breath and began to activate his speed, but not throughout his body. 'Alright Izuku focus, if you mess up your arm will get ripped off.'
The class watched as green lightning appeared only around his arm. "What is he doing?" Asked a girl with orange colored hair.
The class had no idea, but watched as his entire arm began to vibrate. It was vibrating so fast that the dust underneath him was being pushed away. Aizawa shielded his eyes but as he did Izuku pulled his arm back.
As he threw his arm forward Aizawa activated his quirk, but to his surprise Izuku didn't lose his speed. 'What!?'
A small shockwave echoed throughout the field as Izuku let go of the ball. Soon the ball was out of sight, a few seconds later Aizawa turned around with his score. "Not bad kid, 1,500 meters. How'd you do it?"
"Simple, I used my speed to vibrate my arm fast enough to where it would build kinetic energy. Once I've built enough I let it go and well you saw the rest." Explained Izuku.
"I see, alright get back in line. I'll display the rankings in a second." Izuku nodded and went back with the others.
A minute later Aizawa turned around and displayed everyone's rank. Izuku placed first, then followed by Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, and Bakugo.
Izuku smiled, "Nice, I got first place."
However not everyone was happy with their scores, a very short boy with purple balls for hair fell to his knees. "My dreams are over. I was going to be a hero to get all the hotties! But now my dreams are ruined!"
The girls in the class looked at the boy with disgust. "Actually that was all a lie." Said Aizawa.
"What!?" Yelled out most of the class.
"Honestly, did you guys really think he would kick us out? It was obviously a ruse meant to make sure we tried our best." Explained a tall girl with black hair, this was Momo.
"Yes, but know that I have kicked out whole classes before. Count yourselfs lucky I see some potential, in all of you. Anyway, go get changed and head to the orientation. You should just make it." The class nodded and quickly went off to change.
As they were walking away Aizawa couldn't help but eye Izuku. 'Why didn't my quirk work on him? Could his speed be affecting my quirk? No, I've fought fast people before and it always worked on them. Just what are you?'