
Change the Past, Change the Future (Izuku x Nagant & Nana)

All for One chooses a different quirk to implant in Lady Nagant, but it doesn't work as he intends it to. Deku and Nagant are sent decades into the past, and they decide to make the most of it. (Izuku/Nagant, Izuku/Nana Shimura)


Content Warnings/Themes: Time travel, loss of virginity, impregnation, rough sex, hair pulling, spanking, quirk sex

This is one that never actually made it onto either this or my backup HF account, as it was published in the time in between this one getting hacked and the alt being created. So, even though this is from October, it's actually brand-new as far as HF is concerned!

All for One was not bothered when he saw Izuku Midoriya break through the hard, bitter shell Lady Nagant covered herself with. It wasn't like he'd been depending on Nagant carrying out her task and killing Midoriya as his one and only plan. If she'd accomplished it, fine. But getting Midoriya to let his guard down around her was just as good. That he would have to kill Nagant in order to kill him as well did not bother All for One in the least.

That he would implant an additional quirk in her that he could trigger if she failed was immediately clear to him, but it had taken him some time to decide on the most effective quirk he could use. At first he had leaned towards a self-destruct quirk, one that would surely blow up Nagant and hopefully Midoriya as well. But All for One did not like dealing in possibilities or trusting to chance; not if he could help it. He much preferred to make the surest choice, the one that would guarantee his success. There was at least some chance that Midoriya would get away in time, or someone with the speed of Hawks would be quick enough to stop it. Luckily All for One had a different quirk he could plant in Nagant; one that would guarantee her death, but more importantly guarantee the death of All Might's protégé and the wielder of One for All. He activated this quirk with a smile, knowing that with Midoriya and One for All out of the way hero society was finished.

He activated the quirk, watching with satisfaction as a worm hole formed and sucked both Nagant and Midoriya into it. They'd been sucked to their deaths, and his victory had been achieved.

Little did All for One know that the wormhole was not going to suck them to their deaths as he had been led to believe it would, and as his tests had indicated. One for All being involved changed the dynamics entirely, so instead of killing them the wormhole deposited them in the past. Not just minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months in the past, either. Looking at it in terms of years would have been a closer estimate, but it would be more accurate to measure it in decades.


Getting sucked into a wormhole and sent decades into the past had been a huge shock for Izuku and Lady Nagant, but they'd chosen to look at the situation as logically as they could once they realized what had happened. It hadn't taken them long to conclude that there would be no way for them to get back to their old timeline; not unless another wormhole magically appeared seemingly out of nowhere to suck them back. And since they knew that had only happened because All for One implanted it in Nagant and activated it deliberately against them, that would be a foolish thing to sit around hoping for. Even if it did somehow appear there was no guarantee it would send them back where they'd come from. It was equally if not more likely that it would send them to an even earlier period of time, assuming it didn't kill them outright. No, Izuku was forced to agree with Lady Nagant when she calmly declared that they were going to be stuck here for the rest of their lives.

Not so much earlier Deku would have raged against that idea, but now he saw it as an opportunity rather than a tragedy. Obviously he would miss the friends he'd made at UA, but he and Nagant had a unique opportunity to give them a better future by working together in their new 'present.' They hadn't been here long and it would probably take some time for them to learn to fully trust each other, but they were in agreement of what they had to do next.

They were going to create a world where Izuku's old friends would be able to learn to be heroes without the threat of war looming over them and making them grow up too fast. And Nagant had been clear about wanting to prevent the hero association from falling into the corruption that had led to her disillusionment with their society. Both of them were determined to make the most of this situation, deal with All for One as well as the other problems that had plagued hero society in their old time and reshape the future for the better.

They couldn't do it alone though. There was a third person they needed to get on board with their plan. They weren't going to share the details of how they'd gotten here with her, at least not just yet, but they would bring her into the fold and prepare her for what was to come. And maybe even more crucially they would shield her from All for One so he couldn't get to her or her quirk.

"Hello, Shimura-san!" Izuku said, smiling at the seventh wielder of One for All. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us." It was his first time seeing Nana in person, but she was younger than the vestige of herself that resided within One for All. That was the point. They'd been sent back far enough in time that Nana had not yet met the young man who would become the eighth wielder of One for All, All Might, nor had she met or married her husband. They'd been sent back far enough that they could help reshape Nana's life as well, and with any luck avoid her untimely fate from the original timeline.

"Hello," she said, smiling back quickly. He'd known that the woman believed in positivity and always having a smile on one's face, and now he saw that this trait had been in her for quite some time when she had been alive.

She is still alive, he reminded himself mentally. It was still going to take some time for him to fully adjust to the realities of his situation and rearrange his thinking, but the whole point of this was to make a better future for them all, her included. Nana Shimura was going to live a long and happy life this time around if Deku had anything to say about it.

"Alone, you're not going to be able to handle All for One," Nagant said bluntly, which dimmed the younger woman's smile slightly. "If things continue down their current path he will kill you, and it will fall to your successors to deal with him."

"What makes you say that?" Nana asked. "How can you be so sure about what's going to happen?"

"We can't reveal that," Izuku said, jumping back in quickly. He had a feeling his friendliness was going to work better with Nana than Nagant's hardened statement of facts. "But we came a long way to help you."

"And if I don't accept your help, you're saying that All for One is going to kill me?"

"Yes," Nagant said, nodding shortly. Nana looked back at Izuku, but he couldn't give her any more optimism than the former assassin had.

"If nothing is done, yes, that's what would happen," he said delicately. "But we aren't going to let that happen. We're going to help you prepare, and we're going to be right there fighting by your side when the time comes."

"What makes you think you'd be able to help me in a fight?" Nana said. "You know what my quirk is, somehow, and that means you know what it can do." She'd accepted their knowledge of One for All readily enough. Deku knew he would have been rather suspicious if he'd gotten a letter out of the blue like they'd given to her, but it seemed that Nana was a cheerful and trusting person by nature.

"I can handle myself just fine," Nagant said, and Izuku nodded. He could attest to that. The woman had given him a tough battle, after all. She probably wouldn't play a critical role in fighting All for One directly when the time to deal with him came, but her ranged combat could prove to be very helpful in subduing whatever underlings All for One had at this time so Izuku and Nana could focus on the main target.

"And as for me, well…I don't mean to brag, but I have a feeling that at this point I understand One for All, its strengths and its weaknesses, better than you do," Izuku said. She cocked her head, clearly skeptical, and Izuku shrugged. He could see that a demonstration was going to be necessary, so he chose a harmless target and let the power of One for All surge through him.



Five Years Later

Izuku panted, feeling his breath shorter than it had been in many years. Even the toughest training sessions Nana and especially the ruthless Nagant put him through to keep him sharp couldn't quite compare to the weariness he felt now. It was worth it though. All for One was vanquished. It was over, and they'd ended it well before he'd been able to establish the same foothold he had the first time around. So many people were going to have much brighter futures than they would have in the previous timeline.

There was a roar from their side as they realized that the greatest threat from the underworld had been defeated and victory was theirs, but Izuku found his attention naturally going to the two women he'd spent the vast majority of his time with over the last five years. They'd lain low for all this time, staying off of All for One's radar while they prepared to take the fight to him. The three of them had trained together and lived together, and over that time they'd really had no choice but to grow close.

Nana was a bit behind him, somewhat tired herself despite him having taken the bulk of the responsibility in dealing with All for One onto himself. He'd cautioned her that One for All would drain her life and that she should only use it sparingly and when absolutely necessary and she'd taken that warning to heart.

She accepted the explanation about only someone who had initially been quirkless being able to handle One for All without that drain, and her role in this final fight had primarily been to watch Deku's blind side and prevent any of All for One's cronies from launching a surprise attack on him while he was preoccupied dealing with the big threat. She had done that job well, and as Izuku met her eyes he reflected on how much they'd been able to change the outcome for her. In the original timeline she had passed One for All onto All Might shortly before her untimely death at All for One's hands, but none of that would come to pass now. The fight was over, and she was still standing, healthy and whole. Her smile would brighten many lives that it had not had the time to reach originally. Nana gave him one of those big grins and thumbs up, and his own smile broadened in response. Her cheerfulness and optimism had been a bright spot in his last five years, and Deku felt that he'd grown as close to her as he'd been with any of his classmates in his old time, if not even closer.

He looked up high next, knowing that he would find Lady Nagant still in one of her spots that offered the best vantage point. Even with the main fight having been settled with All for One down she would not take their victory for granted. She would still have her eyes open for the possibility of a defiant rogue delivering one final vengeful shot on Deku. She'd taken his safety as well as Nana's onto herself as her own personal responsibility, and Deku took comfort in that. Knowing that he had a skilled sharpshooter like Nagant scanning his surroundings and taking aim at whomever she deemed to be the biggest threat allowed him to fight far more freely than he might have otherwise. They made a very effective team.

He'd also come to think of her as a genuine friend as well over the last five years. It hadn't happened overnight; even if they'd gone back in time and were working to create a new future that would not require her or anyone else to perform the kind of dirty work that the Commission required of her, it wasn't like her life in the old timeline left her. She was jaded and slow to trust completely despite how his appeal had reached her to begin with and caused All for One to activate his safeguard that sent them back here. But time and effort had allowed them to work through it, and she'd learned to trust both him and Nana. Her old ruthlessness remained, but she used it now in their defense and for their protection.

Their trio had accomplished something great together, and though Deku didn't know exactly what this new future would hold for any of them, he was sure that the bonds they'd forged in working together over the last five years would not simply disappear.


"Good to see you again, Symbol of Peace," Nagant said in a deadpan. The sniper with the two-toned hair could keep her face impressively stoic even while joking around with them.

"Yes, it's very nice to see you, Izuku!" Nana said, far more open in her enthusiasm. "I know you've been busy for the last few weeks, so I'm really glad you agreed to take time to meet with us when I asked."

"You know I could never say no to my two favorite girls in the world," he joked, though it wasn't exactly untrue. He was closer to Nana and Nagant than he was to anyone else in this world, and by a pretty wide margin at that. Leading the way as the top pro hero came with a whole heap of responsibilities that kept him extremely busy, but he had made sure to clear a spot in his schedule as soon as Nana asked him to visit.

"I guess tonight we'll find out if that's actually true," Nagant said. Her voice remained even, but there was a little lifting of her lips that he knew meant this was more important to her than she let on. He looked to Nana, figuring that he was likelier to get a clear answer from her. She was blushing and looking away, and that piqued his curiosity even more. He had rarely ever seen Nana embarrassed about anything.

"Let's eat dinner first!" she said, clearing her throat. "Important conversations like this aren't meant to be had on an empty stomach!" Nagant rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You know you won't even be able to taste the food if you try to eat now," Nagant said. "You'd be too nervous to enjoy it. So would I, if I'm being honest." Now that was really interesting to Deku. Nagant did share more of herself with them these days, whether it was her emotions or even her real name. (Kaina Tsutsumi, though they still tended to call her Nagant most of the time.) But her admitting to being nervous about something was rather out of character for her.

"Oh, fine," Nana said with a sigh. "We'll just come right out and say it then." That's what she said, but she didn't elaborate right away. It seemed like she was trying to formulate her thoughts into words and make sure she got it exactly right, and she didn't want to start speaking until she got everything settled inside of her head. Nagant didn't have that kind of patience though, so while Nana was still thinking she spoke her mind.

"We want to settle down and start a family," Nagant said, looking directly at Izuku. "With you, that is."

"Both of you?" Izuku said, eyes widening. "You mean a romantic family? Like kids and everything?" Nana nodded, blushing but looking at him hopefully.

Nagant nodded as well. "That's right," she said. "It's perfectly logical, don't you think? The three of us have been together for the last five years, depending on each other and getting closer. It only makes sense that we would both want you to be the father of our children. And our dynamic has always been about the three of us, so there shouldn't be any jealousy or anything like that."

She was speaking so formally, so stiffly, but Deku could tell how much this actually meant to her. Her face remained remarkably composed, but her shaking hand gave her away. It was only a slight shake, and he might not have even noticed it if he hadn't known her so well. But knowing her as he now did, he knew that she was speaking so formally and clinically because she was nervous about what his answer might be. She was keeping her emotions in check, but only just.

"And you want this too, Nana?" he asked, looking at the other woman.

"I do," she said, nodding again and smiling at him. "I know this isn't the normal way these things are done. Usually there's dating, first kisses and all of that stuff, but I'd say after the past five years we know each other better than most people who've dated for years, don't you think? Sorry to spring this on you like this, but we just felt like—"

"Yes!" Izuku cried emphatically, cutting off her nervous rambling. He agreed with everything they'd both said. They'd never dated, kissed or admitted any romantic feelings for each other before today, but they still knew each other more than well enough to make this kind of commitment. The things they'd gone through and the experiences they'd shared had allowed them to grow as close as any conventional romantic partners ever could in that same time. There hadn't been time for them to fool around with traditional romance up until now because they'd been too busy focusing on preparing for the showdown with All for One, and now that it was over they were free to live their lives however they wished. And Deku could think of no path his life could take that would be any better than starting a family with the two most important people in the world to him.

"The answer is yes," he said, making his feelings abundantly clear. "Of course it's yes. I would love to start a family with you. Both of you."

Nana's joyous smile lit up her whole face, but he would remember Kaina's smile just as vividly. It wasn't as wide but it was heartfelt all the same, and the relief and delight he saw in her purple eyes would stick with him for as long as he lived.

Nana was the first to move. She flung herself into his arms and he embraced her body tightly. It was far from the first time he'd hugged her, but her pulling back slightly so she could kiss him on the lips was new and most welcome. She was a great kisser too, and she wasn't shy about it.

Neither, as it turned out, was Nagant. She turned her head towards hers once Nana broke their kiss, and she took her turn in kissing him on the lips. Her kiss was different from Nana's, but no less passionate. Nana had been content to move her lips back and forth against his, but Nagant got her tongue far more active in the kiss. Both methods were great as far as he was concerned.

He already knew so much about these two women, but now he was learning something new. He couldn't wait to learn even more about them in this context.


Deku wasn't sure if the girls had planned to take him straight to bed if he said yes, or if that had just been a decision that they made in the heat of the moment. But it felt perfectly natural to him as the kisses deepened and they started to get their hands more involved, and they'd started to pull at his clothing right when the idea had come to him that he should begin to do the same to them. The three of them had been on the same page as they so often seemed to.

Izuku did succeed in getting them both half-naked, but with both women working together to undress him he was the first to have his underwear pulled off. Nana's eyes had widened and she'd stared at his cock open-mouthed, gawking at the erection that had built throughout the kiss. Nagant's eyes were on it too, though she seemed less surprised and more eager. The way she licked her lips would've gotten him hard if he hadn't been there already.

That led them here, to Izuku leaning against the wall behind him for support as Nagant and Nana got down on their knees side by side and sucked his cock. Nana had been both excited and a little bit nervous about it, as she'd admitted that this would be her first time doing any of this and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to do a good enough job to make him happy. He'd laughed and told her how ridiculous that was, but Nagant had still taken it upon herself to teach her how to suck cock just as the two of them had taught her and prepared her before the fight with All for One.

Nagant was leading by example, and doing a magnificent job of it at that. She hadn't spoken much about her personal life in the time before she'd become disillusioned with hero society and turned to villainy, but Izuku had the impression that there had been a boyfriend or two in there at some point. She certainly seemed to know what she was doing well enough as she licked, kissed and suckled on the sensitive tip of his cock, and then she passed him over to Nana so she could practice what she'd just seen. Nana's licks and kisses were more tentative and it took her more than one attempt before she applied the proper amount of suction when he was between her lips, but with Nagant's instruction and the chance to practice she seemed to pick it up well enough. By the time she took the tip out of her mouth so Nagant could show her the next thing Deku knew that this hands-on live instruction was going to work out very, very well.

They continued on in this fashion, with Nagant demonstrating a technique, explaining why it worked so well and what she should avoid, and then allowing Nana to try it out for herself. It was incredibly effective, and between Nagant's demonstrations and Nana's practice Izuku enjoyed himself a great deal. Their pupil honed her skills quickly, learning the proper way to hold his cock and stroke the base while she focused on the head, following Nagant's example well. She got very good with her tongue, and she even showed a willingness to kiss and lick his balls, something that Nagant pointed out not everyone would try. She couldn't yet bob her head as quickly or take him quite as far down as Nagant did when she demonstrated a faster sort of approach, but Nagant seemed certain that she would get there with time.

In the meantime the two of them trading off was plenty to keep Izuku happy. Whether he had Nagant's tongue slithering around his cock or Nana pressing her full lips to his balls, he kept moving closer and closer to an orgasm. He didn't expect it to take too much longer if they kept it up.

"We should stop now," Nagant said, giving Nana a pat on the shoulder to pull her back. "He'll cum soon otherwise, and I believe we should make sure he finishes nowhere but inside of us. That's why we're here, after all."

"Yes, you're right," Nana said, smiling up at Izuku before she looked at Nagant. "But who goes first?"


There hadn't been any argument over who would go first. Izuku doubted Nana would have made one, but there hadn't been a need to. Nagant had been quite insistent about Nana going first, saying that both of them should share their first times with each other.

Deku had blushed, wondering how she'd known that he hadn't gotten this far with any girl before, but Nagant hadn't said it to embarrass him. She merely wanted them to lose their virginities to each other, and with her guiding them through it all so it would be as enjoyable as possible for both of them.

He was grateful for her presence and her guidance, because without her whispering to him and reminding him to take it easy he wasn't sure that he would have been able to resist the temptation to thrust wildly when he felt Nana's pussy hugging his cock. It was the most pleasant feeling of his life, and his instinct was to get his hips moving right away so he could feel more of it.

Izuku listened to Nagant's instruction though, and he kept his pushes steady and careful inside of Nana as they both shared in these feelings for the first time. He looked down into her eyes and watched as the shock from the penetration gradually turned into pleasure thanks to him never pushing her too hard or too fast.

"Oh, Izuku!" Nana said as she enjoyed the deliberate back and forth of his cock inside of her. "Oh, it feels so good!"

"You feel good too," he said back. "Amazing, actually." It was true. With how good it felt to be inside of Nana he was somewhat surprised that he hadn't cum within a minute or two of starting to move, but he was glad he'd been able to hold off. Obviously it was good for his own enjoyment, because the longer he could go the longer he would get to slide his cock back and forth inside of her tight, recently virgin pussy. But the bigger reason he was happy to be able to last was that he wanted Nana to enjoy this as much as possible. He felt honored that she had chosen him to be her first, and in all probability her only lover since the three of them were in agreement about settling down and starting a family. If he was going to be the only man lucky enough to ever have sex with Nana, he wanted to give her no cause to regret that decision.

He was sure that he would get better at it as time passed and he had more practice, but it was important to him that he at least held on long enough this first time for her to have an orgasm of her own. It went without saying that he was going to get there, and it would likely be soon at that. He just didn't want it to be too soon. Once he'd gotten an indication that Nana had gotten all that he could give her, then he would allow himself to give in. But not a moment sooner. First time or not, he had a responsibility to please his lover.

It was a struggle to hold back his orgasm; he wouldn't deny that. But he persisted, keeping to his steady back and forth, listening to Nana's moans and willing his own eruption to stay down for at least a little while longer.

"Let me help you," Nagant said. She took one of Izuku's hands between hers, pulled it between Nana's legs and guided it into position so his fingers could reach her clit. Her hand moved his, guiding his fingers in rubbing across Nana's clit. Together they discovered that she really enjoyed it when his fingers moved in circles around the clit, and when Nagant pulled her hand off of Izuku's he kept to the pattern she'd just helped him discover. He heard how Nana's moans got much louder when this clit rubbing was added along to his thrusts, so he knew that keeping up with both was going to be important if he wanted to get her off.

After no more than a couple of minutes of his cock and his fingers working in tandem to give Nana even more pleasure, she gasped, her eyes went wide and she grabbed the back of his head to pull his lips down to hers. Nana kissed him desperately and hooked her legs over his waist, and he kissed her back with equal passion and desperation.

"She's having an orgasm," Nagant declared. Izuku hadn't needed her to notify him of that though, because he could feel her body shaking and her grip on him tightening as she came. He smiled against her lips, pleased that he'd been able to get her there. There had been help from Nagant, obviously, but this didn't bother him in the slightest. The three of them were in this together, after all.

Now that he'd done what he set out to do Izuku relaxed and let go. It had already been clearly established that they both wanted him to cum inside of them, so there wasn't any need for him to break their kiss to warn her or stop thrusting into her so he could pull out. He just kept his cock as deep inside of her pussy as he could get it and let go, firing his seed into Nana.

She moaned into his mouth and kissed him even harder when he came, and her legs seemed to lock around him a little tighter. Clearly she relished having him cum inside of her. He doubted she could possibly enjoy it half as much as he did though, because filling Nana up until his balls finally stopped pulsing was almost too exciting to be believed.

Part of him wanted nothing more than to stay wrapped up in Nana's embrace for the rest of the night, but all it took was a turn of his head to remind him that he still had another lover to be with tonight. Nagant wanted to be with him too. She wanted to have sex with him and start a family of her own with him, and she was ready for him now. She'd voluntarily stepped aside and had Nana go first so she could coach them both through it, but now it was her turn to receive his full attention.

Izuku gave Nana one last kiss on the lips, pulled his cock out of her slowly and then turned to Nagant, intent on giving her something special as well.


"That's it, Izuku," Lady Nagant said. "That's it; keep it up. Keep thrusting it just like that. Don't worry about me; I can take it."

His first time with Nagant was off to a very different start than with Nana, but that was to be expected he supposed. That had been Nana's first time with anyone, and it had been important to not be too rough with her. Lady Nagant had at least some degree of previous experience though, and she was capable of taking much more than Nana. More than that, she wanted more. She hadn't gotten down on her back for him to assume the classic missionary position, and she didn't want him to move slowly and carefully inside of her.

Nagant had gotten on all fours on the bed for him, and no sooner had he slid his cock inside of her than she'd encouraged him to start thrusting. He'd gone at the same pace he'd settled into while thrusting inside of Nana, but that had only lasted for less than a minute before Nagant encouraged him to pick up the pace and give it to her harder. He'd responded to the call, but it still hadn't been enough for her. She kept urging him to do more, to fuck her harder, and bit by bit Izuku started to figure out that he really didn't need to hold back at all with her. He didn't need to think about the strength that his body was capable of building, because Nagant could not only take rough thrusts from him, she wanted them.

It was a very different experience compared to his first time with Nana, and it was just as special to him in its own way. Moving slowly and sharing in the closeness with Nana had been great, but so was putting his hands on Nagant's hips, slamming his hips forward and enjoying her round butt cheeks clapping from the impact. Making love was great, and so was aggressive fucking.

It continued to get more aggressive as they went on too, because Nagant was constantly urging him to do more. She'd gotten him to squeeze her hips hard, and eventually he'd figured out that it worked even better for them both when he physically pulled her back into his thrusts as well to generate even more impact.

"Grab my hair," she said eventually. Izuku brought one of his hands off of her hip and grabbed a handful of her blue and pink hair, pulling on it lightly. "Harder," she said. "Pull on it. Yank my head back."

She'd let her hair grow out longer than it had been when he first met her and they battled in the past. She often wore it in a ponytail these days, but had let it hang down today. Izuku grabbed a bigger handful of it and pulled, following Nagant's directive and pulling her head back hard. She grunted as he did so, but Deku knew that it was not a displeased sound. On the contrary, she was getting exactly what she wanted from him.

He continued to give her more of what she wanted, because the longer he indulged her the more comfortable he became with fucking her hard. He kept his hold on her hair while his hips continued to pound her from behind, and Nagant's little grunts and groans of approval were enough for him to know that it would be silly for him to second-guess anything that he was doing. He was being given the chance to explore a completely different side of sex with Nagant, and he loved it.

Izuku got so into what he was doing that he started doing things without her actually suggesting them beforehand. He let go of her hair and pushed on the back of her head instead, pressing her face into the pillow while he fucked her. This caused her back to arch up higher and her ass to stick up in the air more, both of which were definite pluses in Izuku's opinion.

She didn't seem to mind this change at all, so his other hand which had been running along her back and spine started to spank her ass instead. They weren't little love taps either. Izuku was a strong man, and he put a great deal of that strength into his arm as he swung it through the air and struck her butt cheeks. With how much she'd encouraged him to push the boundaries, fuck her harder and get rougher with her, he was confident that this was just the kind of thing she would appreciate.

That his assumption was correct was quite obvious when he heard Lady Nagant squeal into the pillow. Yes, she loved being spanked just like she'd loved his hips smacking against her ass and his dick plunging into her with far greater force than he'd dared to use with Nana. The rougher the better seemed to be Nagant's philosophy when it came to sex, and that was a philosophy that Deku could get behind.

He felt the urge to cum bubbling up in him once again, which was little surprise with how hard he was going. He didn't even consider trying to slow down and forestall anything though. Stopping or pulling back would not have been appreciated by Lady Nagant unless he was quite mistaken, and even if he was it wasn't what he wanted to do. He'd settled into fucking her hard, and he was bound and determined to keep it up until the very end. He was similarly determined to make her cum along with him, and he had a feeling that the best way for him to do that was to keep on doing what he was doing and trust that it would be enough to bring Lady Nagant over the edge with him.

The thrusts kept coming, and so did the spanks. He was smacking Nagant's butt so hard that he was sure it was going to be sore later, but he doubted she would complain at all about that. She wasn't in any position to vocally complain anyway with her face pressed into the pillow like this, but even without the pillow there to muffle her noises he didn't think she would have anything negative to say about the way he was fucking her.

Far from being negative, he heard her scream into the pillow right as the pleasure overtook her. Even if there hadn't been the muffled scream to alert him as to what was happening, Nagant squirting all over him would have done the trick. He'd never experienced it before but he still knew what it meant. It meant that she'd gotten what she needed. His forceful thrusts deep inside of her, his hair-pulling and spanking and everything else had led to her hitting her climax, and from what he could tell it had been quite a powerful one at that.

Izuku responded to this by kicking everything into yet another gear. His hand continued to push down on the small of her back and press her face into the pillow, and his other hand delivered spanks at an even faster rate than it had been before. But he didn't stop there. Without deliberate thought, he followed an instinct and activated a tiny portion of the power of One for All as he fucked her. It was a very small amount; somewhere between two and three percent of it he was pretty sure. But even that tiny bit of One for All fueling his thrusts gave him more power than any other man in the world would be able to put into fucking his partner.

Lady Nagant squealed louder, and the quirk-powered intensity of Izuku's already forceful thrusts apparently was enough to either prolong her orgasm or trigger another, smaller one on the heels of the end of the first one. As for Izuku, it was as memorable an end as he could have asked for. He grunted, put both of his hands on Nagant's shoulder blades and pressed her upper body against the bed as he came inside of her. He pumped her just as full as he had Nana earlier, and that was only fitting. There was just as pressing a need to impregnate her as there was with Nana, and whether it happened in this very first attempt or it would take repeat performances, he wouldn't stop trying until he'd succeeded. It certainly seemed like his body was doing its best to hit the target right away though, because the semen rushing up from his balls seemed to be in no danger of drying up any time soon.

Finally it stopped, and with the end of his orgasm Izuku felt the lust and desire to dominate that Lady Nagant had stirred up in him die down. He let the power of One for All fade, and he breathed deeply as he pulled his cock out of her slowly. He winced when he saw how red her butt cheeks were thanks to his spanks. He doubted that she would regret it at all, but it still made him feel somewhat guilty to imagine how sore she was likely going to be thanks to him.

She rolled over onto her back as he was settling down, and whatever tiny little doubts might have existed within him about anything he'd just done were extinguished when he saw the satisfied smile on Nagant's face as her chest rose and fell and she tried to catch her breath. She was exhausted and she would likely be sore, but clearly she deemed any fatigue or pain she'd endured as more than worth the pleasure she'd just experienced.

Izuku felt privileged to have been able to give it to her, just as he felt privileged to be the one these two amazing women had chosen to start a family with. Was it going to be a conventional sort of family? No. But why should it be? He and Lady Nagant had been sent here from decades in the future when All for One's scheme did not work as he'd intended it to, and together with Nana they had changed the future timeline forever. Why should life be 'normal' for any of them?

He would never have what would be considered a normal life, and that was more than okay with Izuku. He had these two women in his life, and as long as that was the case he would have nothing to complain about while living his life in the past and creating a better future for those who would follow, including his children.


"That's good, Toshinori. You're getting the hang of it."

Both Deku and Nana watched with proud smiles on their faces as the blond-haired man wiped the sweat off of his forehead. He really was coming along well.

So much had changed from the timeline as Izuku had known it growing up, but some things stayed the same too. The future All Might had still been the one that Nana chose to pass One for All down to, and he was going to make a great Symbol of Peace. He just wouldn't have to do so after taking up the mantle from his deceased mentor. Nana hadn't had to deal with All for One alone this time around, and she'd been able to pass the quirk onto her chosen successor and settle into a happy life. It was no secret to Deku that she was thrilled he'd been the one to be at the forefront of hero society while she enjoyed a more relaxing life. Motherhood suited her, and knowing how things had gone for her and her family in the original future, he was thrilled she got to enjoy spending time with their children.

Kaina (he thought of her as Nagant less and less often these days, at least in private) was similarly content with her home life. She smiled much more easily these days, settling into a contented happiness that Izuku loved to see. It was the birth of her first child that saw her once again become the cheerful woman she had apparently been before her work with the commission beat down her spirit and her optimism.

She remained active in keeping an eye on the hero association to ensure that it never went down the dark path that it had originally so that no hopeful young hero would ever be put into the position she had been. Their world would be protected by heroes, not assassins; Kaina would accept nothing less.

As for Izuku, his own time as the Symbol of Peace and Japan's greatest hero was nearing its end. It would probably still be at least another year or two before All Might was ready to take up the mantle and assume the responsibility of being his successor, and it could perhaps even be three years. Izuku would teach him everything he needed to know about One for All and how to use it, with some help from Nana, and he would work with him to ensure that Japan would be in good hands. It was a weirdly circular process, with Izuku taking all that he had learned from All Might in the original timeline and using it to help this younger version of his former mentor prepare to succeed him. But Izuku was perfectly comfortable with all of the changes by now, and with his place in this world. He no longer thought of this as the past. This was his place now, and he was happy here.

That wormhole he'd been sucked into had been the best thing that could have ever happened to him. He would always miss his old friends and his mother of course, but he was happy to know that they would live in a different, better world than the one he'd come from originally. And he wouldn't trade the family he'd formed with Kaina and Nana for anything. The three of them had worked to create a better world, and they'd succeeded. He was going to spend the rest of his life enjoying that world alongside them.