In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.
A week later
Bullet flew towards a villain and threw out his fist covered in a knuckleduster, punching the woman into the ground, knocked out.
Momo made chains from her arms and shot past a guy, wrapping him up before flicking her arm out as spikes nailed the guy to a wall.
Knuckleduster walked out and clapped "Not bad. Bullet you need to tone down on the violence if you want people to accept you. Momo, you're thinking too much. You need to train your brain to operate at a higher speed during crises, if you slow down to much then your rates of victory will dwindle. Remember, as you're planning, the villain is moving."
He tapped his head and added, "Think on the fly. If I attack him with this, what is he going to do and before he does that what if I do this also. You're a smart girl, use your powerful Quirk to empower your thoughts, not the other way around." he patted her head and smiled, "The most powerful thing in the Human body is the brain, not the Quirk. Got it?"
Momo smiled happily and nodded with sparkling eyes, "Thanks, Sensei!" Knuckleduster laughed and turned to Bullet, who was beating the woman senseless with his knuckledusters.
Knuckleduster's lips twitched and he sighed, "This guy on the other hand… Needs to stop killing people in broad daylight…" Momo laughed while wearing a black mask.
She was basically only wearing bandages to cover her chest and hips. The rest was skin, very different from her normal costume.
Bullet didn't care at all and wore his mask with his School Uniform.
Momo knew that if they were seen with Vigilantes it might make everyone look bad so… she put on a disguise. But Bullet's image was already as bad as can be, he wasn't worried.
Currently, this woman was getting a beating. You know, these guys were kidnappers!
Knuckleduster pulled him off and kicked the woman in the teeth, knocking her out before tossing her behind him as Momo waved her arm.
Metal chains with spikes attached to the ends shot out and nailed her to the wall.
Knuckleduster left them there and took the kids to leave. He was very happy with the progress. Mostly for Momo, Bullet just came to him to see him again, but Momo was different.
In just a week she learned too many things.
In the future, she would say that this Work Study was the most important thing for her becoming the 4th Top Hero! But she never said who it was that taught her.
But right now, Knuckleduster helped her tremendously. From using her Quirk more efficiently, to dealing with situations in a quick and easy manner. He told her to drop the huge constructs as they were unnecessary and took too long.
Now her main focus was creating simple things that were quick to create. Like throwing out the spiked chains or creating gauntlets that had tasers on them, or swinging her arms, creating a huge hammer mid-swing.
Momo also used swords, knives, guns, etc.
Knuckleduster told her very simply, "You're limiting yourself because you don't want to kill anybody. But real heroes can control who dies or not. If you don't want someone dead, they won't be."
He demonstrated his vague words, beating the shit out of a guy but leaving him alive. However, that guy would probably never leave a wheelchair. Then Knuckleduster killed him to clean up as he explained that, as a hero, she shouldn't really kill but it wasn't as taboo as she thought.
He pointed out that when he was a Hero he sometimes had no choice. Sometimes it was an accident, etc. It was always cleaned up. Nobody heard about it but that didn't mean it never happened.
He made an example of Endeavor saying that he had killed people before. Not on purpose but some villains caught fire and were roasted, etc. It was just something that happened on the job.
Some villains were too dangerous to hold back against.
Sometimes the heat of the fight was out of control and it was a life and death thing, but these were relatively rare. Of course, Knuckleduster pointed at Bullet, saying that she shouldn't be like this guy.
Bullet smiled happily, not knowing what Knucklduster was saying but he laughed explaining to Momo that this guy kills villains left and right, not that it was a bad thing but it wasn't exactly accepted in the 'Hero Circle'.
Momo laughed and Bullet smiled unknowingly. Knuckleduster rubbed his head happily and laughed too.
Knuckleduster focused more on Momo for this Work Study but that didn't mean that bullet was ignored. No, Bullet was taught too. Knuckleduster shouted at him and beat him up saying that he was hitting the wrong spots and needed to be more precise also saying that his fighting style was too animalistic. He needed to be more human.
Momo looked at the funny picture and sighed. This guy was even more violent than Bullet, one time she saw him kick a window and break it for no reason. Then yell at Bullet because he didn't treat ladies more gently, but beat her up more violently than Bullet!
They ate together and slept under the same roof, although Bullet and KNuckleduster barely slept either fighting each other or training. Momo joined them sometimes but got a black eye frequently.
Luckily Knuckleduster was familiar with a healer…
At any rate, she heard many things, even that Rumi, or Mirko, was once a vigilante.
Knuckleduster laughed as he ate, spewing out Bullet's black history, "HAHAHA! You should've seen him! AHAHA! A stupid little kid, like a wild animal, first time he saw Rumi he was head over heels, staring at her! Ahahaha!"
He slapped the table as Bullet blushed in embarrassment, shouting "Don't say! Stop!" Momo flicked a metal clasp over his mouth as she asked excitedly "And then?!" Knuckleduster laughed happily, "So she looks at him and says 'What are you lookin' at?' the kid looks up at her and says 'I love you!' BAHAHAHAH! HER FACE! AHAHAH! PRICELESS! AHAHAHA!"
He smashed the table in two, laughing so hard he started crying.
Bullet covered his face and he was all red, this… he was just a kid! She was so pretty! She was only 10 years older than them anyway!
He defended himself that it was completely fine! And that the age gap wasn't that big!
Momo and Knuckleduster laughed happily.
All that was a few days ago
Now they were rushing through the street, chasing down a guy who robbed a bank and killed 3 people.
Momo flung her arm out and a long chain with a claw shot out, stabbing into the guy's shoulder. Bullet shot over her shoulder and flipped in the air, punching the guy in the head, smashing him into the ground face first before landing on the hood of a car.
Momo grabbed the chain and pulled, bringing the guy up as the chain circled around him, locking him down.
Bullet crouched on the car and pulled out a gun, blowing him away, splattering his brains along the concrete.
Momo ran over and sighed, "I had him! Why did you kill him?" Bullet looked at her and waved the gun in his hand, gesturing "Killed 3 people, this is justice." Momo rolled her eyes and smacked her palm, saying angrily "Ah! You're not supposed to kill him before we get information!"
Bullet was shocked and slapped his head, "Forgot!" before they both jumped back several times, bouncing to a car hood as a bunch of flames appeared.
Endeavor muttered, "Vigilantes?" Momo was panicked and Bullet said loudly "You tryna take our merit, old man?!" Endeavor frowned and said "You three are up."
Bullet and Momo were stunned as Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto appeared.
Bullet pulled Momo, saying excitedly "We pretend to be vigilantes, okay? This gonna be fun! I take Izuku and Kastuki, you got beat up your boyfriend." Momo was troubled, "But-" Bullet whispered "You show him how much you grow! He very proud!" Momo was convinced, she already had this idea…
Bullet stood on the hood of the car and waved his arms, "Hahahah! Heroes? Just a bunch of stupid kids?! AHAHA!" Katsuki exploded, "I'LL SHOW YOU A STUPID KID, YOU MASKED BASTARD! AHHH!" He shot towards Bullet, who fell back and kicked his legs out, hitting Katsuki in the chin before pushing off and twisting, smashing Katsuki in the jaw with his knuckledustered fists.
Katsuki was dazed and shot into a car.