
MHA: Monarch

Synopsis Along with the summary Izuku Midoriya was a boy cursed to live a life full of misery and dread. Bullied, isolated, and betrayed by people he thought were friends. The world despised him and hated him due to his misfortune of being quirkless. The young man had his dreams crushed by the one person he admired most in life his hero All Might. Although even through his pain and misery he pushed forward as he strived to be a hero. Though this was not a peaceful world not in the slightest. One faithful day Izuku tried to save the one person who bullied him most and who put him through most of his suffering Katsuki Bakugo, The reason not even Izuku knew “It was as if my body was moving on its own” he would say. Although it ended horribly for the young Izuku it was not the end of his life as he awoke to the surprise of a new power. [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku on his journey as he levels himself up to become a better, stronger person one day surpassing All Might himself. A/N: I want to say this before you all hop into the story. The story doesn't immediately jump into Izuku with the system but builds up towards that event. Also, there are changes that were made to the ages of the characters along with the change in the backstory of Izuku and his family. In addition, I want to commemorate and thank Writer Wolfey199 for creating the wonderful story of Solo. Sadly the story was discontinued and abandoned due to the hate gained from some of the readers. I will take it upon myself to create a story that he and all of you can be proud of, This is my first time doing anything like this so tips are acknowledged and appreciated. Lastly, this story will have similar events to the story Solo with some changes as I will be making a new fan fic using the foundation of Solo. Solo Leveling x Boku no Hero Academia. P.S. I will eventually create my own book cover for this fan fic as I don't own the one being used. Canon events will start in chapter two. Enjoy everyone!

Trooper_writer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

A Mother's Secret

As the notifications continuously appeared, Izuku watched in astonishment as everything around him began to fade away, as if being erased from existence. The creature that had been before him just moments before vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind. The walls, floor, and ceiling of the room started to revert to their normal states, undergoing a transformation. Strange blue pixels covered every surface, gradually replacing the eerie atmosphere with a more familiar and mundane scenery.

During this transformation, the lights in the room started to dim and eventually disappeared completely. Izuku found himself standing alone on an empty train platform, still in a combat stance from his previous encounter. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation settle upon him. Sweat dripped from his body, evidence of the intense encounter he had just experienced.

"What the hell was that?!" Izuku exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief and confusion. "I couldn't speak, as if I had no voice." The image of the creature flashed through Izuku's mind once again, causing him to tighten his grip on his blade. It was clear to him that whatever he had encountered was not a typical dungeon monster. This creature had spoken to him, communicating its intentions clearly.

"Be ready, boy... the darkness is looming, and our encounter draws near. The shadows beckon you closer, inviting you to a fate you cannot escape," echoed a mysterious voice in Izuku's head, sending shivers down his spine. He knew that this encounter was far from over.

As Izuku's mind overflowed with questions, he tried to calm himself by closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I need to calm down and think. Think… think…" After a slight pause, he reopened his eyes and looked around his surroundings. To his surprise, he saw a clean and normal scenery instead of the once degraded and bloody one that had been there before.

Looking up at the sky, Izuku noticed the moon shining brightly above him. Its silver glow cast an ethereal light over everything in its path. It was a serene sight that provided a sense of tranquility amidst the chaos Izuku had just experienced.

Realizing that he had been trapped in the dungeon for quite some time, Izuku knew that he needed to make his way back to the hospital. However, he couldn't help but feel apprehensive about explaining his current state. His clothes were torn and dirtied, and his left arm and ribs were broken. It would be challenging to come up with an explanation for his injuries, he thought, wincing a bit from the pain.

With a heavy sigh, Izuku began his journey back towards the entrance of the dungeon. This was where it all began, where he first entered this treacherous place. As he descended the staircase, he was relieved to find that there were no longer any monsters lurking in the shadows. Instead, he encountered only the eerie emptiness of the station.

Rain droplets soon began to fall, and Izuku felt the calm sensation of the cold water as it hit his body. "I should get going; I'll question everything once I make it back and get some sleep along with treating these remaining wounds," Izuku spoke to no one as he stood alone in the slight drizzle.

As Izuku turned around, he heard a voice calling out to him. He saw a middle-aged man in a police uniform approaching him with an air of authority. The officer questioned with a stern tone, "Excuse me, but who are you?"

Izuku felt a lump in his throat but managed to respond, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble. How did you come out from there? Didn't you hear the broadcast earlier?"

Confusion clouded Izuku's mind as he tried to make sense of the situation. He thought to himself, "A police officer? What broadcast is he talking about? It must have happened while I was still trapped in the dungeon." He looked at the officer with a mix of curiosity and concern and asked, "Can you please tell me what happened here?"

The officer's eyes narrowed as he observed Izuku's disheveled appearance. He noticed the dagger still clutched in Izuku's hand and the torn, dirtied clothes. The rain had washed away some of the blood stains, but it was clear that something had transpired. The officer's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, "Are you a hero? Or are you a villain?" His hand instinctively moved towards his gun, ready to defend himself if necessary.

Izuku felt a pang of frustration. He knew he had to diffuse the tension quickly. With a deep sigh, he looked the officer in the eye and said firmly, "Please, refrain from using your weapon. There's no need to panic. I am indeed a hero." Izuku lied as he waited for the officer's response.

"Understood, my apologies, sir. I never saw your face before. I'm guessing you are a new hero around here. Come with me; I will guide you. This way!" The officer said as he began to walk further down the street past cars that seemed to be crushed, as well as debris and wreckage scattered in the area.

Izuku observing the scenery asked the officer, "Was there a villain that attacked around here?"

"Yes, a mutant villain calling himself 'Shark Tornado' wreaked havoc on this area a few hours ago."

"We had him arrested a few days ago," said the officer solemnly, "but he managed to break free from prison and has been wreaking havoc on innocent civilians."

The officer and Izuku trudged through the rain-soaked streets, their footsteps echoing against the backdrop of damaged cars and crumbling buildings. The city was in chaos, with the aftermath of a devastating event evident at every turn. As they made their way forward, the blaring sirens of police vehicles and the distant clamor of panicked civilians served as a constant reminder of the urgency of their mission.

As they walked past more damaged cars and streets, the officer continued, "We tried reaching out to Mt. Lady for assistance, but she informed us that she is currently halfway across the city and won't be able to make it in time. We desperately need all the help we can get from nearby heroes in this area."

Izuku's grip tightened around his dagger as anger surged through him. He understood that they couldn't be everywhere at once, but it still bothered him that there seemed to be a lack of presence when people were in need. "People are here in danger, yet no pro heroes came. Not even any heroes around the area?" However, despite his doubts about the hero system and its faults, he calmed himself as he calmly asked the officer, "What is the current casualty count?"

The officer took a moment to compose himself before responding to Izuku's question. He cleared his throat and said, "We have accounted for twenty-five casualties so far, but the number might increase as we continue our rescue efforts."Taking a slight pause he continued, "There are thirteen civilians injured, fifteen deceased, ten fallen heroes, and five injured heroes. The situation is dire."

As they approached the scene of destruction, Izuku felt a sudden surge of power. His eyes flashed an icy blue as he turned his gaze toward the epicenter of the power influx. With a quiet breath, he murmured, "I can sense it from here." Just as he spoke, a building crumbled to the ground, as the voices of heroes rang out.

"We need MT Lady over there! This giant won't go down!" a hero shouted, their voice cutting through the commotion. The sense of urgency in their tone reverberated through the air, emphasizing the gravity of the threat they faced.

Amidst the chaos, the battlefield pulsed with energy as heroes and sidekicks tirelessly engaged the colossal threat. A hero in armor and shield stood resolute, holding back a devastating attack from the villain, their determination etched on their face. Nearby, heroes darted in and out, dodging and deflecting blows, while others unleashed long-range quirks or hurled projectiles in an attempt to weaken the colossal villain.

"Incoming attack! Hold the line!" The hero with the shield called out, rallying their comrades against the relentless assault. Their unwavering stance inspired courage among the ranks as heroes fended off the villain's strikes.

A voice crackled through the communicator, cutting through the chaos. "We need a healer! Any quirk user with healing abilities, please respond! Lives are on the line, and time is running out!" The desperation in the plea underscored the severity of the situation, emphasizing the critical need for a healing quirk amid the chaos.

The police officers frantically attempted to push back the civilians, urging them to retreat to a safer distance. Amidst the chaos, some individuals persisted in capturing the unfolding mayhem, snapping photos, and recording videos despite the officers' pleas. The law enforcement's primary goal was to maintain order, ensuring that both the news personnel and citizens stayed out of the danger zone while the heroes valiantly confronted the colossal villain.

The giant quirk user unleashed a devastating kick, sending a truck hurtling through the air before it collided with a nearby building, which promptly crumbled to the ground. The harrowing sounds of crying and anxious civilians filled the air as they witnessed the extensive damage wrought by the malevolent villain.

"I'd rather die than be put in a cell again!" Shark Tornado roared as he looked on at the desperate heroes and scared civilians. "Everyone get back, it's dangerous!" the officers yelled and pushed people further back.

"What are the heroes doing? People are losing their lives out here!" a news reporter yelled. "How long are they going to fight before taking this guy down?"

"This place is in shambles," a man exclaimed as the street cracked open and buildings continued to crumble to the ground. "That's a lot of damage! Who's gonna pay for all this?"

"We need to figure something out soon, or we will lose more people!" a hero yelled, frustration evident in his voice. He threw a dagger at the villain, but it had no effect.

"Excuse me, coming through…!" an officer shouted as he maneuvered through the crowd of people. Izuku stood at the back of the crowd, observing the intense interaction between the heroes and the villains.

The scene was chaotic and filled with despair. The once thriving city now lay in ruins, with debris scattered everywhere. The streets were cracked and broken, revealing the underlying destruction. Buildings that once stood tall and proud were now reduced to rubble.

Amidst the chaos, the man's statement about the damage resonated with everyone present. The cost of rebuilding such devastation would be immense. Who would bear this financial burden? The question hung in the air, unanswered.

The hero's urgency was palpable. Lives were at stake, and every second counted. They needed to come up with a plan quickly before more innocent people fell victim to the chaos surrounding them.

"Is it because they were called out on short notice? Their communication and teamwork are horrible. Also, their ranks are low as well; they are not high enough to go against a villain like that, not at their levels," Izuku mumbled to himself, watching the villain attack the heroes and damage the surroundings.

"I'm not sure where I stand in terms of ranking among the heroes yet. Though no matter, I have to do this. If I don't, people will just keep getting killed or injured!" Izuku said in his head as he thought of how to defeat the villain.

"If I were to use my dagger, that guy would get killed, as well as me losing it. I can't stay here for much longer or the hospital workers might get suspicious. Nor can I show my face to any of these people, especially the news reporters."

Thinking of what to do, Izuku looked on the ground and found a broken spear that was missing its blade. He put his dagger back in his inventory and grabbed the spear. Ignoring the status window of the weapon, he rolled back his right sleeve while holding the broken spear by its handle. A rush of energy coursed through his body as he stepped back into a pitching motion, his feet firmly on the ground, preparing to throw the spear toward the mutant's chest.

"Compared to Rasaka… or that thing from before, this guy is nothing," Izuku thought in his final moments in the dungeon. No one's eyes were on him at that moment as he took a deep breath before lunging his hand back, shooting the spear toward the villain. "I should try to minimize the damage as much as possible."

When Izuku threw the spear, a small shockwave was created, resulting in a disturbance in the air. This shockwave had enough force to blow the rain away from Izuku's body. As the spear left his hand, it caused a ripple-like wave of energy to travel through the air. This wave interacted with the raindrops in its path, pushing against them and causing them to disperse. The force of the shockwave also affected Izuku, causing his body to shake and resulting in some pain.

"If we don't get back up soon," yelled the sidekick, desperately blocking fallen debris from hitting his partner, "we'll die!" The group of heroes glared up at the villain, their expressions filled with determination. But before they could make their move, something unexpected happened. With a resounding thud, an object struck the villain's chest, causing him to pause for a second before being flung down the street. The villain's body tumbled uncontrollably until it finally came to a stop after crashing into a nearby bridge.

All the heroes stood in awe, their eyes wide and mouths agape, taking in the destruction left behind by the villain's impact. The ground beneath them trembled, and the air was filled with the acrid smell of smoke and burning metal. The heroes' adrenaline was pumping, and they were ready to take on the villain once again.

Finally, someone broke the silence. "He's down!" they exclaimed, relief and excitement evident in their voice. "We did it! We really did it!" The exclamation burst forth, a shared expression of joy and accomplishment, reverberating through the hearts of the heroes.

The group rushed over to the unconscious villain, their footsteps matching the pouring rain. As they approached, they noticed that his quirk had released its hold on his body, causing him to revert to a smaller form. The heroes surrounded him, their weapons at the ready, prepared for any sudden moves as they waited for the police officers to arrive and take him into custody.

"We beat him! We finally won!" The other heroes cheered as tears fell from their eyes. The hero assigned with tanking the hits from the villain stared at him in surprise and bewilderment, noticing bruises and blood dripping from the center of its chest.

"What?! The attacks didn't work at all until a while ago, but he gets sent two blocks backward… by what?" Confusion filled the air as the hero questioned how their previous attacks had seemingly been ineffective, yet this time it resulted in a significant setback for the villain. The sidekicks scanned the area, trying to figure out what caused the unexpected outcome. Their search led them to discover a broken spear embedded in the street next to the motionless body of their adversary. This finding puzzled them even further.

How could a broken spear, lacking even a blade, bring down a powerful opponent with a gigantification quirk? It seemed inconceivable that such a seemingly insignificant object could overcome the hero's powers.

"A gigantification quirk that we've been trying to handle for hours now was defeated by a broken spear that doesn't even have a blade?" One of the heroes turned towards an officer and urgently called out, "Excuse me, sir!" The hero quickly walked over to the officer in question, seeking answers or assistance.

The hero's disbelief and frustration were evident in their words. They couldn't understand how a powerful quirk like gigantification could be overcome by a seemingly insignificant weapon. The broken spear, lacking a blade, appeared to be a mere tool of destruction rather than something capable of neutralizing a quirk.

"Yes, young man, may I help you," the officer asks with a hint of curiosity and concern in his voice. He takes the broken spear from the hero and examines it carefully, his brow furrowed in thought. "Did you see who threw this spear?" The hero asks, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the perpetrator.

The officer nods vigorously, his eyes wide with determination. "I'm sure it was him," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "Although, why didn't he use his dagger?" he adds, his brow furrowed in confusion.

The officer nods thoughtfully, his mind racing with possibilities. "Uhm, yes, that hero over there..." he trails off, looking around the area where Izuku had been standing a moment ago. But there is no one in sight, only the still wind and the pouring rain. The officer's expression changed to one of confusion and disbelief. "Huh? There was a hero right there a moment ago... I'm sure of it! I brought him here myself!" he exclaimed, his voice rising in pitch.

The hero looked at the officer with a mixture of skepticism and concern. "That strength, that destructiveness... if he's telling the truth then...were they a high-ranking hero? They had to be with that much power, or at the most, a mid-ranked hero?" He asked, his voice filled with wonder.

Izuku looked back as he walked away from the crowd, the rain washing away the grime on his clothes. He couldn't help but think about the villain he had just fought, wondering if he had underestimated him. "I knew I became stronger, but I didn't think he would fall in one hit. Could he have already been worn out? The heroes had been fighting for some time, after all." He shook his head, dismissing the thought. "No need to worry too much about it. All that matters is that I get back to the hospital. There has to be a way to explain this to them without seeming suspicious."

As he walked, the noise of the bustling crowd and heroes faded into the background, replaced by the soothing sound of raindrops falling on the pavement. The moon's silver hue illuminated the scene, casting a peaceful glow over everything.

Izuku's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his own breathing and the rhythmic tapping of his footsteps on the pavement. He quickened his pace, his eyes fixed on the hospital in the distance. The neon lights of the building's sign illuminated the wet pavement, beckoning him towards it.

As he approached the hospital, Izuku couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had made it through the dungeon, and he was now safe and sound. He passed through the doors of the hospital, stepping inside and letting the warm air envelop him.

Izuku's weary gaze swept across the hospital lobby, observing the various individuals navigating through its bustling environment. Patients occupied chairs, completely engrossed in their chosen reading materials. The flickering glow of television screens caught his attention as other visitors gathered around to catch up on current events. Some exhausted souls made their way toward their assigned rooms, seeking respite from a demanding day.

Glancing at a nearby clock, Izuku noted that it was already 9:48 pm. The late hour only heightened his fatigue, evident in his damaged and drenched appearance.

As Izuku approached the desk, he signed his return papers. However, before he could leave, the receptionist quickly stopped him and questioned his late arrival. "What took you so long? You said you were only leaving for a while. You have been gone for almost the whole day," she pressed, her face showing a mix of concern and anger as she looked at Izuku.

"My apologies, I got caught up in a villain incident as I was making it back from my friend's place," Izuku lied as he looked at the receptionist.

"Villain incident?! You don't mean the one that's been going on for hours, do you?" the receptionist asked with widened eyes.

Izuku nodded and replied, "Yes, it actually was stopped by an unknown hero not too long ago. I was told to stay there with the rest of the civilians until the situation was cleared up." His face showed a hint of worry and distress, reflecting the intensity of the recent events.

Concerned for Izuku's well-being, the receptionist asked, "Oh dear, are you hurt? Do you need medical attention? I'll call over a nurse immediately. Please don't move!" She hurriedly dialed for assistance and called over one of the nearby nurses to attend to Izuku's needs.

As Izuku observed the nurse approaching him in haste, he thought to himself, "This is going smoother than I thought. With this, I won't appear suspicious coming in here in my current state."

The nurse carefully examined Izuku's body, searching for any visible scars or wounds. However, she couldn't find any signs of external injuries. She did notice the condition of his left arm and ribs, which appeared to be either broken or fractured. Concerned about his injuries, she inquired, "What happened to your arm and ribs? They seem to be in a critical state." Her gaze met Izuku's emerald green eyes, awaiting an explanation.

As Izuku thought about the situation, he believed that the nurse must have used her quirk to scan his body for any injuries. He was confident that his plan was going perfectly. With a small smirk of appreciation, he looked at the nurse who seemed concerned about his condition.

"I injured my arm when some debris fell on me during the incident," Izuku explained, maintaining his facade. "Fortunately, one of the medical quirk users was able to heal some of the damage, although it only numbed the pain and my arm is still non-functional."

He continued, "As for my ribs, I was caught in the aftermath of an attack. My body was slammed into a wall, resulting in a few broken ribs. The pain was so intense that I blacked out. Multiple healing-type quirk users tried to assist me, but most of them were low-ranked and could only stop some of the bleeding and numb the pain."

The nurse followed Izuku into the room, her concern evident on her face as she observed his broken left arm and ribs. Recognizing the severity of his injuries, she called in two doctors to assess his condition and provide the necessary medical care.

The first doctor approached Izuku with a calm demeanor, introducing himself as he began by carefully examining Izuku's broken left arm, assessing the alignment of the bones, and searching for any signs of additional complications such as nerve damage or dislocation. The doctor's expertise in orthopedics allowed him to accurately diagnose the severity of Izuku's arm fracture and determine the most suitable treatment approach.

Meanwhile, the second doctor focused on evaluating Izuku's rib fractures. He gently palpated Izuku's chest, checking for any abnormalities or misalignments caused by the impact. Due to extensive experience in trauma medicine, the doctor was able to identify potential complications, such as punctured lungs or damaged blood vessels, that could arise from rib fractures. By conducting a thorough assessment, he could ensure that no underlying issues were overlooked during the treatment process.

The nurse stood poised and ready to assist the doctors, watching intently as they conferred to discuss their findings and develop a comprehensive treatment plan for Izuku. The doctors, with their combined expertise and knowledge, carefully considered various factors such as Izuku's age, overall health, and the specific nature of his injuries to formulate the most effective course of action. The treatment plan aimed to address both the arm fracture and rib fractures simultaneously, while minimizing pain and promoting healing.

The room was filled with the focused conversations of the doctors, creating an atmosphere of intense concentration. Izuku, lying on the hospital bed, observed their every movement with tired eyes. The doctors' expertise and collaboration were evident in the way they carefully discussed and considered each aspect of Izuku's condition, working together to provide the best possible care.

To alleviate his pain, one of the doctors extended his hand, which was enveloped in a soft golden glow, over Izuku's arm. As he passed his hand slowly over the injured area, the broken bones started to mend and realign themselves. Simultaneously, the other doctor placed his hands towards Izuku's ribs and initiated a healing process with a green casing forming around his body.

As Izuku watched the doctors work diligently to heal his wounds, fatigue washed over him. He had been through a harrowing experience and pushing his body to its absolute limits. Now, though, he was in capable hands and feeling the relief of being on the verge of healing. With a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of his reality, Izuku closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

Izuku awoke the next day to find the room empty and quiet. Stretching his arms and yawning, he realized that the medical team must have finished healing him while he slept. With curiosity, he observed his body and was relieved to discover that he could fully use his left arm again. The pain in his ribs had also subsided, allowing him to breathe without discomfort.

Getting up from the bed, Izuku stretched his body as he adjusted to the feeling of freedom once more. With a deep sigh, Izuku turned his gaze to survey the hospital room. The room was adorned with the usual hospital furnishings—a brown wooden chair in the corner, next to a similar wooden table that held a glass of water as well as a few medical necessities.

As Izuku's eyes drifted towards the window, he could see the brilliant blue sky, punctuated by the golden and orange glow of the sun peeking over the horizon. The sound of doctors and nurses moving about outside the room filled the air, providing a comforting background melody to the otherwise quiet space. Turning from the window, Izuku uttered, "Open mailbox." With that, the familiar blue status windows emerged in front of him as he looked on at the multiple messages that he received.


[The host's body has been completely healed due to the effects of the system as well as outside means]


[Daily Quest: Preparations to become powerful]

Push-up, 100 times: incomplete (0/100)

Sit-up, 100 times: incomplete (0/100)

Squats, 100 times: incomplete (0/100)

Running, 10 km: incomplete (0/10)

*Warning: incomplete of Daily Quest will result in appropriate levels of punishment.

"Wait, it says 'due to the effects of the system and outside means." Does that mean this thing helped with my healing process?" Izuku asked himself, scrutinizing the text displayed on the striking blue status window before him. "There's still so much I need to figure out about this system," he muttered, passing his fingers through his hair. Deciding that he already had lots to think about, he resolved to focus on one thing at a time. With that, Izuku started doing his sets of squats, pushing the chair to the center of the room. Each controlled movement showcased his determination, the room echoing with the rhythm of his exercises. Squat after squat, Izuku embraced the burn in his muscles, pushing himself further.

As time passed, four days went by, each marked by Izuku's unwavering dedication to his daily quest routine. Now in his hospital room, he seamlessly transitioned from sit-ups to push-ups. His unruly hair draped over his eyes, adhering to his glistening skin, while his hands rested securely behind his head. Drenched in sweat, his once skinny and frail physique had transformed into a chiseled form, resembling more a sculpture carved from stone than the boy he once was. The soft sunlight cast a warm glow on his body, accentuating the definition of every muscle.

Beads of sweat traversed his abdomen, rolling down his face as he exerted himself. Each breath came in a steady rhythm, marking the cadence of his determination. After completing the sit-ups, Izuku rose, methodically returning the pull-out bed beneath the main hospital bed. As he transitioned to push-ups, a growing puddle of sweat formed beneath him, a testament to the intensity of his efforts.

Gone were the remnants of baby fat that once filled his cheeks, and gone were the "Weak ass noodle arms," as Bakugo and the others used to taunt. Izuku's transformation was evident, not just in his physical prowess but in the sheer determination etched on his face.

As he continued, his mind drifted back to the dungeon from the previous day. Thoughts echoed in his head, "I've grown stronger thanks to this system. That incident Thursday night was proof of this, but there's still much I don't know. After I'm done with this quest, I should go over all the items I gained and my stats. There was also that symbol in the boss room. I need to see if there's anything about similar symbols anywhere. I would have done it earlier If it weren't for these doctors' continually coming into my room every day." Sweat persistently dripped from his body with every push-up, a physical manifestation of the mental exertion.

Lost in his contemplation, Izuku remained oblivious to a nurse entering the room, her voice breaking through his focused workout. "Excuse me, coming in." The nurse, a young woman on the fairer side with short black hair and raven-black eyes, entered. However, Izuku remained engrossed in his push-ups.

"Oh! My apologies!" The nurse almost squeaked as she noticed Izuku working out, a slight blush adorning her cheeks.

"Ah, no, no. I'm sorry! I didn't hear you before," Izuku uttered, maintaining his perfect push-up form. His back remained straight, and his elbows did not break the plane. He quickly stood up as sweat rolled down his chest, arms, and back.

"N-no, it's my fault... I-I should have spoken a bit louder…" The nurse said as she tried to look away from the sight of Izuku with a light blush adorning her cheeks. 'Wow… this patient…' The nurse watched as Izuku pulled the hospital shirt over his head. 'Was his body this chiseled when he came in?'

The nurse, still slightly flustered, managed a polite smile. "Well, I'm here for your routine checkup and to ensure everything's healing properly. Looks like you're doing quite well, though." She gestured to the sweat-soaked room as evidence of Izuku's dedication.

Izuku nodded, a small smile breaking across his face. "Thank you. Just trying to stay in shape. I appreciate the checkup, though."

As she held her phone to her chest, the nurse started to mumble a bit under her breath. "Um… are you going to be getting discharged today?" Izuku turned and looked over at the nurse with a small smile.

"I'm actually not sure; I wasn't told anything since I came back that night. Though I was going to be heading to the office to talk about that later today." Looking at Izuku, the nurse said, "I see, given what happened, you might have to stay another day and get checked on, although you seem to be fine now."

"Yeah, I feel much better, although my body did feel sore again this morning. I'm sure I would still be resting in bed if it wasn't for the healing I received that night." Izuku lied a bit, observing what the nurse would say next.

"I'll inform the office that you will be visiting about your release later today. If it's okay with you, could I have your number?" The nurse said as she held out her phone.

"Number?" Izuku took the phone, seeing it was already open to making a new contact.

"Yes… I mean, if you're okay with it…" The nurse looked away, embarrassed. 'Is there a test result they need to send me later or some check-ups they need to run?' Izuku questioned before putting his number and name into the phone.

After the nurse left, Izuku headed back to his assigned room and changed out of the hospital gown into some fresh clothes. Later, he made his way to the office, standing in front of the receptionist's desk. The receptionist, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile, looked up from her computer and greeted him.

"Good morning, Izuku. How are you feeling today? The nurse mentioned you were doing your exercises earlier and that you would be making your way here sooner or later. It's quite a surprise to see you in such good shape considering your previous condition."

Izuku chuckled, "Yeah, I feel a lot better. A bit sore this morning still, but overall, I'm good."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow, "Sore? You were in pretty bad shape when you came in that night. It's remarkable how quickly you've recovered."

"Guess I got lucky," Izuku replied, a modest smile on his face.

The receptionist nodded, "Well, if you need anything or start feeling unwell, don't hesitate to come back. Now, are you here for your release?"

Izuku nodded, "Yes, I'm ready to leave. What do I need to do?"

"Just fill out some paperwork, and you'll be good to go. I'll get the forms for you," she said as she handed Izuku a clipboard.

As Izuku was filling out the paperwork, a male doctor approached him, noticing the paperwork in his hands.

"Ah, you must be Izuku. I'm Dr. Tanaka. How are you feeling today?"

"Much better, thank you," Izuku replied.

Dr. Tanaka glanced at the paperwork, "If you don't mind, after you're done, could you come to my office for a quick talk?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "Sure, is everything okay?"

"Oh, nothing to worry about. Just a routine check," Dr. Tanaka assured him.

As Izuku walked to Dr. Tanaka's office, he couldn't help but wonder why the doctor wanted to talk. Thoughts raced through his mind, "Does he need to give me one last check, or hand me over any medical forms?"

Once in the office, they both took a seat. Dr. Tanaka looked at Izuku and asked, "Izuku, have you ever awakened a quirk? Given your fast recovery speed, it's something we've been considering."

Izuku hesitated for a moment, considering his response carefully. "No, sir. I have not awakened any quirk. If I did, it would likely be more inclined to the quirks of my parents, but neither of them had a quirk related to healing or recovery. However, you are welcome to check to be sure."

Dr. Tanaka reviewed Izuku's records and noted his quirkless status. "I understand, and I appreciate your honesty. We have procedures to verify these things, just to be thorough."

Thinking inwardly, Izuku reassured himself, "There shouldn't be any way for them to find out about this system. It's not a quirk."

After being scanned by an X-ray machine to check for a joint in his pinky toe, the results came in. Dr. Tanaka looked over the findings and said, "Izuku, I apologize for the inconvenience. It seems you still have two joints, meaning you haven't awakened a quirk. You're free to go."

"Understood, thank you, Doctor." With that, Izuku made his way back to his room, grabbing all of his belongings. Looking at the bag of clothes his mom prepared, he smiled, though that smile soon faded to panic as he realized she must be worried sick about him, given he'd been in this hospital for so long and barely even texted or called her. Izuku quickly looked for his phone, found it, and immediately called his mom. However, no one picked up. Trying again, but still no response. Worried, Izuku texted her, asking, "Are you okay? I'm getting discharged today. I'll be home soon. Do you want anything?" Putting his phone in his pocket, Izuku walked to the front office as he waved to the receptionist, getting a wave back in response with a warm smile.

Going past the front office, Izuku made his way through the automatic sliding doors, the soft whooshing sound accompanied by a rush of fresh air. The gentle breeze, carrying a hint of warmth from the midday sun, caressed his face, offering a comforting contrast to the conditioned air inside the hospital. The sunlight, filtered through a scattering of fluffy clouds, created a dance of shadows and light on the pavement ahead. As Izuku stepped into the outside world, he took a deep breath, savoring the mix of city scents and the distant aroma of blooming flowers.

The surroundings seemed to come alive with vibrant colors and sounds. Trees rustled their leaves in response to the breeze, and distant chatter of people enjoying the outdoors filled the air. The sun, at its zenith, cast long shadows that stretched across the pavement, creating a mosaic of light and shade. Izuku took a moment to absorb the sensory richness of the world outside the hospital, feeling a sense of liberation after being confined within sterile walls.

With the rhythmic sounds of his footsteps echoing against the pavement, Izuku began his 10 km run, the familiar route taking him through tree-lined paths and bustling streets. The cityscape unfolded before him, a dynamic backdrop to his physical exertion. As he ran, he thought about what he was going to do once he was done. 'I'll head to the store and grab some things for Mom before making it home. I should get a call or text by then.' With that, Izuku continued his run, the steady cadence of his steps propelling him forward through the city's energy.

After finishing his run, Izuku walked over to a secluded area, sat on a bench, and looked up. Familiar system windows appeared before him, displaying the results of his completed daily quest:


[Daily Quest: Preparations to become powerful]

Push-up, 100 times: complete (100/100)

Sit-up, 100 times: complete (100/100)

Squats, 100 times: complete (100/100)

Running, 10 km: complete (10/10)

*Warning: incomplete of Daily Quest will result in appropriate levels of punishment.

[Quest Rewards]

[Choose your reward]

[The Player may choose one of the provided rewards below.]

Reward 1: Status Recovery

Reward 2: +3 Status Points

Reward 3: +1 Random Loot Box

[Would the host like to accept?]

Looking at the information window, Izuku said, "Yes, accept Random Loot Box." The windows vanished as a blue box appeared in Izuku's hand. Wasting no time, he crushed the box, and a blue light emanated, revealing a bouquet in his hand. Observing the flowers, Izuku sighed, "Well, it is random after all, though I didn't expect flowers." 

[The Random Loot Box is a reward provided to the Player upon completion of certain quests, containing a random item that will be useful for the Player throughout their day.] 

"Given that I received these flowers, it must mean I'll need them sometime today. I've got a feeling I know what they're for." With that, Izuku put the flowers in his inventory and checked his phone, still seeing no news from his mom. Deciding not to go to the store but straight home, he headed in that direction, contemplating the events of the day and the mysteries surrounding the system.

After some time, Izuku made it to his apartment, standing in front of the door. Retrieving his key, he opened the door, taking off his shoes, and placing his belongings. "I'm home," he announced, but there was no answer. Trying again, he called out, yet silence lingered. Confused, he checked the time, realizing it wasn't too late, especially on a Sunday when his mom had no work.

Texting his mom, he asked, "Where are you? Are you okay?" As he waited, he roamed around the house. Everything seemed normal, as his mom liked to keep it clean. In the kitchen, he noticed, besides the kids' drawings and the one or two family photos, there was a sticky note on the refrigerator with only one thing written on it: Goal: 723,175 yen circled in what looked like a red pen. Puzzled by the amount, Izuku wondered why his mom needed so much money.

After finding the note on the refrigerator, Izuku moved to the living area, a sense of unease lingering in the air. He glanced around, hoping to find some clue about his mother's whereabouts. The silence in the apartment was deafening, only intensified by the weight of the note he discovered. As he made his way to his mother's room, worry began to settle in.

Entering her room, there was still no sign of her, but on her dresser, he found a stack of papers. Flipping through them, he discovered apartment bills and, to his surprise, his medical bills, totaling 723,175 yen. Connecting the dots, Izuku realized his mother was working hard not just to cover the apartment bills but also his medical expenses.

Overwhelmed by guilt, he wished he could do more to help her. Still pondering her absence, he received a text from his mom: "I'm sorry, honey. I'm fine I've just been busy. I'll be home soon. If you're hungry, there's some food in the fridge. I'll talk to you once I'm home. Love you." Reading the message, Izuku replied, "Ok, Mom. Love you too. See you then," but as he put his phone away, a tear escaped, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of responsibility for his mother's busy life.

Heading to the kitchen, he grabbed the food his mom had prepared, but the taste was bittersweet. The realization of the financial burden hit him hard, making each bite a reminder of his mother's sacrifices.

Once he finished, his mother finally entered, dropping her bags, rushing to him, and embracing him tightly. Tears streamed down her face as she showered him with kisses, expressing how worried she had been.

"Izuku, I can't believe you scared me like that," she whispered between kisses, her voice a mix of relief and frustration. "You have no idea how much I've been through in my head, imagining the worst scenarios."

Izuku reciprocated the hug, feeling the warmth of her presence, but a knot of guilt tightened in his stomach. "I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to worry you."

Suddenly, she pulled away, and before he could react, a sharp slap stung his cheek. Stunned and still teary-eyed, he looked at her as she scolded him, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and concern.

"What were you thinking, Izuku? You could've been seriously hurt, and I... I can't bear the thought of losing you." Her voice wavered, and Izuku could sense the fear in her words.

Then, in an instant, she hugged him again, burying her face in his chest, urging him never to do anything reckless again. "I thought I lost you," she whispered, tightening her hold, and Izuku could feel the weight of her concern and love. 

Izuku welcomed her warm embrace, and after a bit of time, his mother pulled away, concern etching her features. "How are you feeling, sweetheart? Does anything hurt? Are you okay?" she asked, her eyes searching his for any signs of discomfort.

Managing a small smile, Izuku reassured her, "I'm fine, Mom. The healing process worked wonders. Nothing hurts, really." He hesitated before continuing, "But, Mom, I found something while you were out."

Curiosity and a hint of worry flashed in her eyes. "What is it, Izuku? Did you find something in the apartment?"

Izuku nodded, and with a somber tone, he explained, "I found the bills, Mom—the apartment bills and my medical bills. It's a lot of money, and I know how hard you're working to pay it off. I can't just stand by and do nothing. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Inko gave him a warm smile, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. "Oh, sweetheart, you don't have to worry. I'll handle it. You just focus on getting better."

"But, Mom, I want to help. Can't I do anything?" Izuku insisted, a sense of responsibility driving his words.

With another kiss on his forehead, Inko said, "You're helping just by being here and getting stronger. That's all I need from you. Now, it's getting late, and I'm tired. We can talk more about this tomorrow. Just promise me you won't do anything reckless again, okay?"

Izuku nodded, understanding the worry in her eyes. "I promise, Mom. I won't do anything reckless. You should rest; I'll be okay."

She squeezed his hand affectionately, whispering, "Be safe, Izuku. That's how you can help me."

As Inko headed for the shower, Izuku left to his thoughts clenched his fists, a resolute determination forming within him. "I need to get stronger, not just for myself or to just prove myself, but for her."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Izuku retrieved his belongings from the door and headed to his room. The familiar All Might posters adorned the walls, and action figures and collectibles were scattered on his desk. With a sigh, tinged with sadness and anger, he decided, "I need to take them all down. but It's getting late; I'll do it after school tomorrow." With that Izuku went and laid down on his bed, he whispered, "Inventory," summoning the all-too-familiar blue window before him.

[10,038 Raikan's Fangs, 38,720 Raikan's Bones, 4,302 Raikan's Claws, 5,378 Raikan's Hide, 352 Briga's Fangs, 2,266 Briga's Bones, 110 Briga's Claws, 165 Briga's Hide, 112 Razan's Fangs, 1,750 Razan's Bones, 126 Razan's Claws 77 Razan's Hide 257 Low-tier Beast shards, Hearthstone, x1 Random Loot Box, Rasaka's Venom, Swamp Ruler Rasaka's essence, Rasaka's Fang, x1 Boket of Roses.]

Looking on at the Items held within the inventory Izuku smirked as he was proud of his hall of goods. Looking at the rewards he received from the Boss fight with Rasaka Izuku said "I should look further into those two skills before absorbing them. And I still need to look into that symbol from before It has to mean something it wouldn't have been in the dungeon if it served no purpose." 

As Izuku's eyes landed on the bouquet of roses in his inventory, he quickly seized them, feeling the cool petals under his touch. A determined smile graced his face as he thought, "I'm sure of it, I got these for her." Clutching the flowers carefully, he made his way to his mother's room, the scent of the roses wafting around him.

Standing in the doorway, Izuku glanced at the still-empty room, the soft hum of the shower audible in the background. With a tender gesture, he placed the bouquet on her dresser, envisioning the surprise on her face when she saw them.

Heading back to his room, Izuku lay down on his bed, the events of the day swirling in his mind. The glow from the city outside painted his room in a serene ambiance. As he closed his eyes, he let out a quiet sigh, the weight of the day gradually lifting.

In the quiet solitude of his room, Izuku engaged in a brief dialogue with himself. "Mom's been through a lot," he thought, reflecting on the struggles and sacrifices she endured for his sake. He couldn't shake off the sense of responsibility that now fueled his determination.

With a deep breath, he whispered, "One more thing," a phrase that echoed in the quiet room. Closing his eyes, Izuku embraced the warmth of his bed, letting the exhaustion of the day pull him into a restful slumber, his thoughts gradually fading into the dreamscape of the night.

It's been a while, dear readers. I trust you all had a wonderful Christmas or enjoyed your respective holidays, relishing the winter break. As we step into the new year, I'm immensely grateful for each one of you. May we embark on more achievements and soar even higher together. This marks the return of the first chapter, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it! I'll try my best to post next chapter later today or tomorrow morning if not then I'll see you all next week. See you all soon, Trooper out.

P.S. Did you catch Solo Leveling's anime yesterday? It was phenomenal. Bow down to our shadow lord entering the anime world.

Trooper_writercreators' thoughts